931 resultados para electric network design
Optimised placement of control and protective devices in distribution networks allows for a better operation and improvement of the reliability indices of the system. Control devices (used to reconfigure the feeders) are placed in distribution networks to obtain an optimal operation strategy to facilitate power supply restoration in the case of a contingency. Protective devices (used to isolate faults) are placed in distribution systems to improve the reliability and continuity of the power supply, significantly reducing the impacts that a fault can have in terms of customer outages, and the time needed for fault location and system restoration. This paper presents a novel technique to optimally place both control and protective devices in the same optimisation process on radial distribution feeders. The problem is modelled through mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) with real and binary variables. The reactive tabu search algorithm (RTS) is proposed to solve this problem. Results and optimised strategies for placing control and protective devices considering a practical feeder are presented. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A combinatorial mathematical model in tandem with a metaheuristic technique for solving transmission network expansion planning (TNEP) using an AC model associated with reactive power planning (RPP) is presented in this paper. AC-TNEP is handled through a prior DC model while additional lines as well as VAr-plants are used as reinforcements to cope with real network requirements. The solution of the reinforcement stage can be obtained by assuming all reactive demands are supplied locally to achieve a solution for AC-TNEP and by neglecting the local reactive sources, a reactive power planning (RPP) will be managed to find the minimum required reactive power sources. Binary GA as well as a real genetic algorithm (RCA) are employed as metaheuristic optimization techniques for solving this combinatorial TNEP as well as the RPP problem. High quality results related with lower investment costs through case studies on test systems show the usefulness of the proposal when working directly with the AC model in transmission network expansion planning, instead of relaxed models. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Continuing development of new materials makes systems lighter and stronger permitting more complex systems to provide more functionality and flexibility that demands a more effective evaluation of their structural health. Smart material technology has become an area of increasing interest in this field. The combination of smart materials and artificial neural networks can be used as an excellent tool for pattern recognition, turning their application adequate for monitoring and fault classification of equipment and structures. In order to identify the fault, the neural network must be trained using a set of solutions to its corresponding forward Variational problem. After the training process, the net can successfully solve the inverse variational problem in the context of monitoring and fault detection because of their pattern recognition and interpolation capabilities. The use of structural frequency response function is a fundamental portion of structural dynamic analysis, and it can be extracted from measured electric impedance through the electromechanical interaction of a piezoceramic and a structure. In this paper we use the FRF obtained by a mathematical model (FEM) in order to generate the training data for the neural networks, and the identification of damage can be done by measuring electric impedance, since suitable data normalization correlates FRF and electrical impedance.
The identification of genes essential for survival is important for the understanding of the minimal requirements for cellular life and for drug design. As experimental studies with the purpose of building a catalog of essential genes for a given organism are time-consuming and laborious, a computational approach which could predict gene essentiality with high accuracy would be of great value. We present here a novel computational approach, called NTPGE (Network Topology-based Prediction of Gene Essentiality), that relies on the network topology features of a gene to estimate its essentiality. The first step of NTPGE is to construct the integrated molecular network for a given organism comprising protein physical, metabolic and transcriptional regulation interactions. The second step consists in training a decision-tree-based machine-learning algorithm on known essential and non-essential genes of the organism of interest, considering as learning attributes the network topology information for each of these genes. Finally, the decision-tree classifier generated is applied to the set of genes of this organism to estimate essentiality for each gene. We applied the NTPGE approach for discovering the essential genes in Escherichia coli and then assessed its performance. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper deals with the design of a network-on-chip reconfigurable pseudorandom number generation unit that can map and execute meta-heuristic algorithms in hardware. The unit can be configured to implement one of the following five linear generator algorithms: a multiplicative congruential, a mixed congruential, a standard multiple recursive, a mixed multiple recursive, and a multiply-with-carry. The generation unit can be used both as a pseudorandom and a message passing-based server, which is able to produce pseudorandom numbers on demand, sending them to the network-on-chip blocks that originate the service request. The generator architecture has been mapped to a field programmable gate array, and showed that millions of numbers in 32-, 64-, 96-, or 128-bit formats can be produced in tens of milliseconds. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work presents the design of a fuzzy controller with simplified architecture that use an artificial neural network working as the aggregation operator for several active fuzzy rules. The simplified architecture of the fuzzy controller is used to minimize the time processing used in the closed loop system operation, the basic procedures of fuzzification are simplified to maximum while all the inference procedures are computed in a private way. As consequence, this simplified architecture allows a fast and easy configuration of the simplified fuzzy controller. The structuring of the fuzzy rules that define the control actions is previously computed using an artificial neural network based on CMAC Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller. The operational limits are standardized and all the control actions are previously calculated and stored in memory. For applications, results and conclusions several configurations of this fuzzy controller are considered.
The accurate determination of thermophysical properties of milk is very important for design, simulation, optimization, and control of food processing such as evaporation, heat exchanging, spray drying, and so forth. Generally, polynomial methods are used for prediction of these properties based on empirical correlation to experimental data. Artificial neural networks are better Suited for processing noisy and extensive knowledge indexing. This article proposed the application of neural networks for prediction of specific heat, thermal conductivity, and density of milk with temperature ranged from 2.0 to 71.0degreesC, 72.0 to 92.0% of water content (w/w), and 1.350 to 7.822% of fat content (w/w). Artificial neural networks presented a better prediction capability of specific heat, thermal conductivity, and density of milk than polynomial modeling. It showed a reasonable alternative to empirical modeling for thermophysical properties of foods.
The transmission network planning problem is a non-linear integer mixed programming problem (NLIMP). Most of the algorithms used to solve this problem use a linear programming subroutine (LP) to solve LP problems resulting from planning algorithms. Sometimes the resolution of these LPs represents a major computational effort. The particularity of these LPs in the optimal solution is that only some inequality constraints are binding. This task transforms the LP into an equivalent problem with only one equality constraint (the power flow equation) and many inequality constraints, and uses a dual simplex algorithm and a relaxation strategy to solve the LPs. The optimisation process is started with only one equality constraint and, in each step, the most unfeasible constraint is added. The logic used is similar to a proposal for electric systems operation planning. The results show a higher performance of the algorithm when compared to primal simplex methods.
This paper explains the conceptual design of instrumentation that measures electric quantities defined in the Std. 1459-2000. It is shown how the instantaneous-space-phasor approach, based on alpha, beta, 0 components, can be used to monitor electric energy flow, evaluate the utilization of transmission line, and quantify the level of harmonic pollution injected by nonlinear loads.
When an area to be irrigated has a high slope gradient in the manifold line direction, an option is to use a tapered pipeline to economize on pipe costs and to keep pressure head variations within desired limits. The objective of this paper is to develop a linear optimization model to design a microirrigation system with tapered, downhill manifold lines, minimizing the equivalent annual cost of the hydraulic network and the annual pumping cost, and maximizing the emission uniformity previously established to the subunit. The input data are irrigation system layout, cost of all hydraulic network components, and electricity price. The output data are equivalent annual cost, pipeline diameter in each line of the system, pressure head in each node, and total operating pressure head. To illustrate its capability, the model is applied in a citrus orchard in Sao, Paulo State, Brazil, considering slopes of 3, 6, and 9%. The model proved to be efficient in the design of the irrigation system in terms of the emission uniformity desired.
This work is devoted to Study and discuss the main methods to solve the network cost allocation problem both for generators and demands. From the presented, compared and discussed methods, the first one is based on power injections, the second deals with proportional sharing factors, the third is based upon Equivalent Bilateral Exchanges, the fourth analyzes the power How sensitivity in relation to the power injected, and the last one is based on Z(bus) network matrix. All the methods are initially illustrated using a 4-bus system. In addition, the IEEE 24-bus RTS system is presented for further comparisons and analysis. Appropriate conclusions are finally drawn. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.