722 resultados para e-exams
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a primary myocardial abnormality characterized by diastolic dysfunction and congestive heart failure of unknown etiology. It is a cardiac disorder most common in cats (Felis catus), and is reported as a rare condition in dogs. There are racial, sex and age predisposition in cats. Clinical signs commonly found are anorexia, nausea, vomiting, acute dyspnea, paresis or paralysis of hind limbs. Radiographic and electrocardiographic exams are critical to understanding the disease, but Doppler echocardiographic imaging is the definitive method for diagnosis. Our objective is to report the appearance and Doppler ultrasonography in a case of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in a 3-year-old Persian cat.
Anatomical studies of the anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla) are scarce and the articles that describe the vertebral column of this species have variations in the number of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. This study had the objective of adding data to the existing literature about the anatomical composition of an anteater's vertebral column using radiographic and tomographic exams. Based on the cadaver of a young female anteater, we observed a total of 7 cervical, 16 thoracic, 3 lumbar and 5 sacral vertebrae, which differed from the cited literature, especially with respect to the thoracic vertebrae. This demonstrates the need for studies with a larger number of individuals in order to standardize possible anatomic variations for the species.
The distal sesamoid bone, also known as navicular bone, is located inside the hoof, palmar (thoracic limbs) or plantar (pelvic limbs) to distal interphalangeal joint. Its extremities are fixed by collateral medial and lateral sesamoidean ligament and distal impar sesamoidean ligament. Navicular disease diagnostic is made through a thorough clinical exam, nerve blocks and imaging exams. Even though imaging exams are not conclusive, they are essential to evaluate the extension of soft tissue lesions. Radiographic projections used to evaluate navicular bone are lateromedial (LM); dorsoproximal-palmaro/plantarodistal oblíqua (D30Pr-PaDiO); dorsoproximal-palmaro/plantarodistal oblíqua (D60Pr-PaDiO) e a palmaro/plantaroproximal-palmaro/plantarodistal oblíqua (PaPr-PaDiO). This exam allows to identify number and shape alterations of synovial invaginations on the distal (foramem nutricio) in the distal margin of distal sesamoid, osteophytes, enthesophytes and periarticular lesions. There are four ultrasonographic accesses described in literature to evaluate podotroclear apparatus, they are: palmar or plantar distal do the pastern, through the heel bulbs, through coronary band and transcuneal. These images allow a beeter the evaluation of soft tissue next to the distal sesamoid, because it is more sensitive than radiographic exam to evaluate acute lesions in soft tissues and perioesteum
The modernization of image equipaments associate to the veterinary professionals qualification allowed an advance in diagnosis veterinary medicine, and, consequently, in premature pregnancy diagnosis in bitches. Currently, owners and creators search for information related to pregnancy detection, fetal development and viability and litter size determination. Through diagnosis methods as radiology and ultrasonography, associated to clinics aspects, the diagnosis of early pregnancy become more acurated and precise, allowing more quality in the accompaniment of prenatal of these bitches. Ultrasonographic exams help the accompaniment of these pregnancies through of visuals recourses, which can supply information related to pregnancy detection, embrionary and fetal development, fetal viability e litter size determination through fetals mensurations. The radiographic study has as principal indication the fetal counting, and has been the most acurated for this analyses. It may be done after the da s after the luteini ing hormone surge, when occurs the fetal mineralization. Due to its importance in the present time and in small animals clinic, the objective of this study is to discuss the main radiographics and ultrassonographics aspects of the diagnosis of pregnancy in bitches
This research analyzes the 53 best university entrance exams essays of 2010 of FUVEST - University Foundation for University Entrance Exams, which were published on the institution website, indicating that they were considered the best in the exam. The objective of the analysis was to identify similarities and differences between the essays, based on dialogic approach. We analyzed aspects such as: the way students addressed the subject, the language and organization of writing; the different ways of argumentation; the most used quotes; dissertation structure and the way the students considered the discourse genre writing. The study also compared the essays based on the way in which the genre is addressed in schools and pre-university preparatory courses, which gave us parameters to evaluate the extent to which this teaching can help students or otherwise confuse them. Through the analysis, we can deduce what the institution values, which helps to demystify some of the so-called known “recipes” for good writing
Cholangiohepatitis is a common hepatic disorder in cats that is second only to hepatic lipidosis in frequency. The cholangitis-cholangiohepatitis complex is known as the diseases that involve the biliar tract inflammation and may extend to the liver. The classification of the cholangiohepatitis is still controversial, in this present study the following classification was used: Acute Cholangiohepatitis, Chronic Cholangiohepatitis, Lymphocitic Cholangitis. The cholangiohepatitis may be associated with pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel disease, this association is known as feline triaditis. The diagnosis is based on the clinical signs, alterations in laboratory exams and ultrasonography alterations, but the definitive diagnosis is only possible through liver biopsy. The treatment for each type of cholangiohepatitis differs, hence the importance of the right diagnosis. This study aimed to do a review over the ethiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment for this disease
Tumoral masses can cause several direct problems in the organism, such as invading organs and altering their functions, leading to other problems such as the Paraneoplastic syndrome. The paraneoplastic syndrome is an alteration in the structure and function of the body due to the non-invasive actions of the tumor, for example, liberating hormones, peptides, cytokines and leading to cross reactions between normal tissues. The syndrome can affect different locations in the body, being that some are indicative of specific tumors, however the interpretation of the clinical and pathological findings referring to this syndrome should be utilized in the diagnostic and treatment. In the hematological paraneoplastic syndrome, there are alterations that occur due to indirect actions of the tumor on the blood cellular elements and the coagulation system, and that are generally detected in routine clinical and laboratorial exams. This study objective is to aboard some hematological paraneoplastic syndromes in dogs such as: anemia, thrombocytopenia, neutrophilic leukocytosis, hypergammaglobulinemia and erythrocytosis, emphasizing the different etiologies that may assist in differential diagnosis and the principal neoplasm related to this syndrome. Besides this, the early discovery and treatment of the paraneoplatic syndrome is important as the tumor itself, as it improves the prognostic and quality of life of the patient
Radiography is currently an important method of diagnosis, both medical, dental and veterinary. The image in this type of survey is obtained using an X-ray beam, where the radiologist can possibly view structures of interest. It isn't always possible to get the desired images due to various factors, such as equipment limitations. The Administrative Law 453/98, the State Resolution SS 625/94, and other standards require testing and quality control acceptance limits that guarantee a good performance of the equipment for the security and quality of care, giving service users greater effectiveness in exams. This study were performed in the accompaniment of testing procedures for quality control established by Administrative Law 453/98 in several X-ray equipment to make a comparison and optimization in the descriptions of the procedures used by the Institute for Electrical Energy and the University of São Paulo (IEE / USP / SP).The optimization of the procedures were performed with the aid of a current literature, the Resolution 453/98, State Resolution SS 625/94 and other international standards. On this basis it was possible to observe the importance of regular monitoring of tests for an update, following the technological development of instruments used in the service
This project aims the verification of doses in canines and felines to chest and coxal exams due to the transition from screen-film to computed radiography system. It also seeks a possible optimization of the new techniques employed in this new system. The study was carried out in Diagnostic Imaging service in Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo using a conventional x-ray equipment. Initially, data about the physical characteristics of animals and the technique currently used in computed radiography was collected for each of 80 chest and 16 coxal X-ray examinations. The animals were divided into different groups according to the body weight. For each group, were calculated the averages of each item: thickness of the region to be imaged, voltage, current, exposure time, current-time product, size of film used, presence or absence of bucky and focus (small or large). The techniques have been reproduced in phantoms (representative of the thickness of the animal) in order to collect the air kerma entrance. Based on the average of intermediate size M group (weights less than 5 kg for cats and from 10.1 kg and 20 kg for dogs) analysis of image quality using three devices test patterns were made consisting of the evaluation of spatial resolution, low-contrast resolution and contrast-detail. In general, the results showed the dose animals decreased with the use of computed radiography and was possible to preliminary optimization of some techniques used currently in CR
Nuclear medicine uses non-sealed sources for exams and treatments, because the movement of these sources, source of patients injected or not, involve a wide range of environmental radiometric levels. To better control of these levels this study was aimed at monitoring points strategically distributed in all environments Sector Technical Nuclear Medicine, Hospital of the Botucatu Medical School, performing two measurements at random times daily for a period of three months, sampling the normal routine of the sector. The detector Geiger-Muller was used for the acquisition of exposure rates of the points, efficiency and reprodutibility test have shown good performance of this equipment for this purpose. The results allowed to make a projection of annual dose for each environment indicating higher risks for Occupationally Exposed Individuals as well as Public Individuals compared with the limits established by the National Commission of Nuclear Energy. Was developed a spatial map of dose that can be used as a visual warning to the regions with the highest exposure to ionizing radiation, enabling reduced risk of a potential exposure
The goal of this study is to characterize the clinical outline of patients in postoperative of bariatric surgery attended in an Intensive Care Unit and identify the nursing diagnosis presented by these patients in accordance to Taxonomy II of North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA). This is a transversal, descriptive and prospective study that was desenvolved at the Intensive Care Unit of the Clinical Hospital of Botucatu Medical School – UNESP. The population was composed by all the patients who were submitted to the bariatric surgery and were attended at the Intensive Care Unit in the period between June and August of 2010, totalizing 13 patients. The data were collected based on the Nursing History that is composed by the Anamnesis, Physical Examination and Complementary Exams. The results were worked out: a) among the 13 patients studied, 10 are women (76,9%) and 3 men (23,1%); the majority is between 30 and 40 years old; 11 people of 13 are morbid obese, which means that they have Body Mass Index higher than 40 kg/m2; b) It was identified 22 nursing diagnosis and 14 of these were found in 100% of the patients. They belong to the dominions of Activity/Rest, Comfort, Elimination and Changing, Security and Protection, Functions and Relationships. Therefore, in relation to the factors, it was conclude that nursing diagnosis help nurses to understand the unsettled human answers or the risks to disturbance in an individual way, which contributes to plan specific interventions to these patients. It was possible to verify that the stage of the nursing diagnosis that is part of the nursing process should be executed by the nurses systematically, because it has been realized by the nurses’ clinical idea, but not in a systematical way
There are considerations of that the education of Physics of the way as comes being driven us textbooks and consequently in classroom, is distant and distorted of their real purpose. We notice that the education of this science through the Physical school discipline, has I assume a character of preparation for university entrance exams exercises resolution, exceling for the memorization of formulae and by the mathematical solutions, fact that looks to cause to it is lacking of motivation and to the disinterest of the students regarding his contents. Since we are surrounded by phenomena, events, elements of the nature, new technologies, objects and so many others that can be explained and many times until applied and/or reproduced by means of physical concepts, there is no reason for treat to Physical as somewhat academic and remote of the reality. The little interest of high school students by the discipline of Physics and their poor performance in the learning of his contents has led to the search of new paths, resources and strategies that promote a more meaningful learning. Taking into account these facts, we seek in this course conclusion work, observe, analyze and apply concepts of the Physical one in multiple elements of ours routine, doing use of the interdisciplinary nature as a possible mechanism. The animals exert a fascination on most people. Much of what we see in their way of being and behaving can be explained by the laws of Physics and its models. Their physique, behavior and activities involve diverse movements, communication and sensing as physical limitations varied. Zoologists and physicists build models in an attempt to explain or understand animal behavior using well-established physical principles. The creation of physical models is going to approach a problem, identifies the fundamental information and removing all of the irrelevant details. An example... (Complete abstract click electrnic access below)
Pyometra occurs when bacteria colonize the uterus that is under the progesterone dominance. The diagnosis can be carried out based on anamnesis, clinical signals, physical examination and laboratory findings. The prognostic of this desease is relative when the medical therapy is used as an option. The best prevention is the surgery. The present report has an objective accomplishes a literature revision it informs on the pathology in subject gathering the available information regarding the several etiologies of that desease, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complemental exams and treatment
Osteosarcoma is the primary osseous neoplasia frequently diagnosed in dogs and it’s the main answerable for more than 85% of the neoplasias origened from the skeleton. The average age of onset of the lesion is 7 years, especially in large breeds and giant, with males being more affected than females. In general, 75% of osteosarcomas develop in the appendicular skeleton and 25% in the axial. The forelimbs are more affected than the hindlimbs, since support 60% of body weight. The osteosarcoma diagnosis is made by the analys of the animal’s clinic historic, detailed physique exams, blood exams alkaline phosphatase, xray exams, cytology, biopsy. The treatment of choice is the amputation associated to the chemotherapy. However, in some cases the member is preserved by the allograft technic. The chemotherapy associated to the surgery reduces the total load of the tumor, lengthens the interval of the life and improves the quality of pacient’s life. The most used medicines are cisplatin and doxorubicin. They can be used in separated or associated ways. The prognostic of dogs with osteosarcoma is reserved
Along with the advance of technology, in terms of the expansion of medical exams that uses the ionizing radiation for diagnosis, there is also the concern about quality control for maintaining quality in radiographic imaging and for delivering low dose to the patient. Based on the Federal Order 453 of the Secretariat of Health Surveillance, which takes account of the practical and justification of individual medical exposures, the optimization of radiological protection, limitation of individual dose, and the prevention of accidents, were done through this paper radiodiagnostic tests on medical equipment in order to accept it or not, according to SVS-453. Along with the help and support of P&R Consulting and Medical Physics Marilia, SP, were made Quality Control and Radiometric Control in equipment from various cities across the state of São Paulo. The equipment discussed in this work is classified as conventional X-ray. According to the Federal Order SVS-453, the quality control in the program of quality assurance should include the following minimum set of constancy tests, with following minimum frequency: biennial tests for representative values of dose given to the patients of radiography and CT performed in the service; annual tests for accuracy of the indicator tube voltage (kVp), accuracy of exposure time, half-value layer, aligning the central axis of the beam of x-ray tube, performance (mGy / mA.min.m²), linearity of the rate of kerma on air with the mAs, reproducibility of the kerma on air rates, reproducibility of the automatic exposure, focal spot size, integrity of accessories and clothing for individual protection; semiannually for collimation system accuracy; weekly for temperature processing system and sensitometry processing system. For the room Radiometric Survey it was done a sketch...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)