561 resultados para drag coe±cient


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Cover has imprint: Stockholm, A. Bonnier.


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"Research supported by the McDonnell Aircraft Corporation under Contract no. 6140-20 P.O. 7S4899-R and by the Purdue Research Foundation."


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I denna uppsats analyserar jag några av texterna på Sollentuna kommuns webbplats. Syftet är att undersöka begripligheten i texterna. Jag har låtit en fokusgrupp läsa och diskutera hur de upplever fyra webbtexter. Utifrån gruppens synpunkter har jag gjort en textanalys. Analysen bygger på den systemisk-funktionella lingvistikens tre metafunktioner: den ideationella, den interpersonella och den textuella. Jag har kopplat metafunktionerna till det pragmatiska synsättet, som menar att en begriplig text leder till att mottagarnas läsmål uppfylls, till exempel att mottagarna med hjälp av texten kan utföa handlingar av olika slag. Undersökningens resultat visar att alla fyra webbtexterna innehåller drag som kan försämra begripligheten. De brister som var lättast att koppla till direkta begriplighetsproblem hos fokusgruppen låg på det ideationella planet, som huvudsakligen avser textens innehåll. Framför allt gällde det avsaknad av viktig information men också att huvudämnet inte framgick tillräckligt tydligt. Brister på det textuella planet, som främst avser den språkliga formen, var något svårare att knyta till direkta begriplighetsproblem. I ett par fall gjorde dock texternas komplexa och abstrakta form att fokusgruppen blev osäker på innehållet. Brister på det interpersonella planet, som avser relationen mellan sändaren och mottagaren i texten, var svårast att koppla till fokusgruppens förståelse. Det gällde avsaknad av du-tilltal och direkta uppmaningar. 


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Yazghulami is a South-East Iranian language spoken in the Pamir area of Tajikistan by about 9000 people. This study gives an account of the phonology of the language by describing contrastive segments and their distribution and realizations, as well as describing suprasegmental features such as syllable structure and stress patterns. Field research was carried out in a community of Yazghulami speakers in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, by recording, transcribing and annotating spoken language. Yazghulami is analyzed as having 8 vowel phonemes of which one pair contrasts in length, and 36 consonant phonemes with a considerable display of palatal, velar and uvular phonemes, of which a set of three labialized plosives and three labialized fricatives is found. The syllable structure of Yazghulami allows for clusters of no more than two consonants in the onset and two in the coda; clusters in both positions do not occur in one and the same syllable. The stress generally falls on the last syllable of a word, although when nouns are inflected with suffixes, the stress instead falls on the last syllable of the stem. With these results, a foundation for further efforts to develop and increase the status of this endangered language is laid.


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For the Western-Pacific region spread-F has been found to occur with delays after geomagnetic activity (GA) ranging from 5 to 10 days as station groups are considered from low midlatitudes to equatorial regions. The statistical (superposed-epoch) analyses also indicate that at the equator the spread-F, and therefore associated medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MS-TIDs) occur with additional delays around 16, 22 and 28 days representing a 6-day modulation of the delay period. These results are compared with similar delays, including the modulation, for D-region enhanced hydroxyl emission (Shefov, 1969). It is proposed that this similarity may be explained by MS-TIDs influencing both the F and D regions as they travel. Long delays of over 20 days are also found near the equator for airglow-measured MS-TIDs (Sobral et al., 1997). These are recorded infrequently and have equatorward motions, while normally eastward motions are measured at the equator. Also in midlatitudes D-region absorption events have been shown (statistically) to have similar long delays after GA. It is suggested that atmospheric gravity waves and associated MS-TIDs may be generated by some of the precipitations responsible for the absorption. The recording of the delayed spread-F events depends on the GA being well below the average levels around sunset on the nights of recording. This implies that lower upper-atmosphere neutral particle densities are necessary.


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A stress-wave force balance for measurement of thrust, lift, and pitching moment on a large scramjet model (40 kg in mass, 1.165 in in length) in a reflected shock tunnel has been designed, calibrated, and tested. Transient finite element analysis was used to model the performance of the balance. This modeling indicates that good decoupling of signals and low sensitivity of the balance to the distribution of. the load can be achieved with a three-bar balance. The balance was constructed and calibrated by applying a series of point loads to the model. A good comparison between finite element analysis and experimental results was obtained with finite element analysis aiding in the interpretation of some experimental results. Force measurements were made in a shock tunnel both with and without fuel injection, and measurements were compared with predictions using simple models of the scramjet and combustion. Results indicate that the balance is capable of resolving lift, thrust, and pitching moments with and without combustion. However vibrations associated with tunnel operation interfered with the signals indicating the importance of vibration isolation for accurate measurements.


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An experimental investigation of high-enthalpy flow over a toroidal ballute (balloon/parachute) was conducted in an expansion tube facility. The ballute, proposed for use in a number of future aerocapture missions, involves the deployment of a large toroidal-shaped inflatable parachute behind a space vehicle to generate drag on passing through a planetary atmosphere, thus, placing the spacecraft in orbit. A configuration consisting of a spherical spacecraft, followed by a toroid, was tested in a superorbital facility. Measurements at moderate-enthalpy conditions (15-20 MJ/kg) in nitrogen and carbon dioxide showed peak heat transfer rates of around 20 MW/m(2) on the toroid. At higher enthalpies (>50 MJ/kg) in nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and a hydrogen-neon mixture, heat transfer rates above 100 MW/m(2) were observed. Imaging using near-resonant holographic interferometry showed that the flows were steady except when the opening of the toroid was blocked.


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Two force balance techniques for use in hypersonic impulse facilities are compared by measuring the drag force on a 30° semi-apex-angle blunt cone model in a hypersonic shock tunnel at a free stream Mach number of 5.75. An accelerometer-based balance and a stress-wave force balance were tested simultaneously on the same model to measure the drag force. It was found that drag force measurements could be made using both techniques in a flow with a 450-μ s test period. The measured drag forces compared well with the theoretical values estimated using Newtonian theory.


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Shvab-Zeldovich coupling of flow variables has been used to extend Van Driest's theory of turbulent boundary-layer skin friction to include injection and combustion of hydrogen in the boundary layer. The resulting theory is used to make predictions of skin friction and heat transfer that are found to be consistent with experimental and numerical results. Using the theory to extrapolate to larger downstream distances at the same experimental conditions, it is found that the reduction in skin-friction drag with hydrogen mixing and combustion is three times that with mixing alone. In application to flow on a flat plate at mainstream velocities of 2, 4, and 6 knits, and Reynolds numbers from 3 X 10(6) to 1 x 10(8), injection and combustion of hydrogen yielded values of skin-friction drag that were less than one-half of the no-injection skin-friction drag, together with a net reduction in heat transfer when the combustion heat release in air was less than the stagnation enthalpy. The mass efficiency of hydrogen injection, as measured by effective specific impulse values, was approximately 2000 s.


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The effect of acceleration skewness on sheet flow sediment transport rates (q) over bar (s) is analysed using new data which have acceleration skewness and superimposed currents but no boundary layer streaming. Sediment mobilizing forces due to drag and to acceleration (similar to pressure gradients) are weighted by cosine and sine, respectively, of the angle phi(.)(tau)phi(tau) = 0 thus corresponds to drag dominated sediment transport, (q) over bar (s)similar to vertical bar u(infinity)vertical bar u(infinity), while phi(tau) = 90 degrees corresponds to total domination by the pressure gradients, (q) over bar similar to du(infinity)/dt. Using the optimal angle, phi = 51 degrees based on that data, good agreement is subsequently found with data that have strong influence from boundary layer streaming. Good agreement is also maintained with the large body of U-tube data simulating sine waves with superimposed currents and second-order Stokes waves, all of which have zero acceleration skewness. The recommended model can be applied to irregular waves with arbitrary shape as long as the assumption negligible time lag between forcing and sediment transport rate is valid. With respect to irregular waves, the model is much easier to apply than the competing wave-by-wave models. Issues for further model developments are identified through a comprehensive data review.


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Modern stepped spillways are typically designed for large discharge capacities corresponding to a skimming flow regime for which flow resistance is predominantly form drag. The writer demonstrates that the inflow conditions have some effect on the skimming flow properties. Boundary layer calculations show that the flow properties at inception of free-surface aeration are substantially different with pressurized intake. The re-analysis of experimental results highlights that the equivalent Darcy friction factor is f similar to 0.2 in average on uncontrolled stepped Chute and f similar to 0.1 on stepped chute with pressurized intake. A simple design chart is presented to estimate the residual flow velocity, and the agreement of the calculations with experimental results is deemed satisfactory for preliminary design.


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Lift, pitching moment, and thrust/drag on a supersonic combustion ramjet were measured in the T4 free-piston shock tunnel using a three-component stress-wave force balance. The scramjet model was 0.567 m long and weighed approximately 6 kg. Combustion occurred at a nozzle-supply enthalpy of 3.3 MJ/kg and nozzle-supply pressure of 32 MPa at Mach 6.6 for equivalence ratios up to 1.4. The force coefficients varied approximately linearly with equivalence ratio. The location of the center of pressure changed by 10% of the chord of the model over the range of equivalence ratios tested. Lift and pitching-moment coefficients remained constant when the nozzle-supply enthalpy was increased to 4.9 MJ/kg at an equivalence ratio of 0.8, but the thrust coefficient decreased rapidly. When the nozzle-supply pressure was reduced at a nozzle-supply enthalpy of 3.3 MJ/kg and an equivalence ratio of 0.8, the combustion-generated increment of lift and thrust was maintained at 26 MPa, but disappeared at 16 MPa. Measured lift and thrust forces agreed well with calculations made using a simplified force prediction model, but the measured pitching moment substantially exceeded predictions. Choking occurred at nozzle-supply enthalpies of less than 3.0 MJ/kg with an equivalence ratio of 0.8. The tests failed to yield a positive thrust because of the skin-friction drag that accounted for up to 50% of the fuel-off drag.


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The performance of a scramjet combustor with combined normal and tangential injection was experimentally investigated. Experiments were performed on a 500-mm cylindrical scramjet combustor at a freestream Mach number of 4.5, a nozzle supply pressure of 35.8 MPa, and a nozzle supply enthalpy of 5.8 MJ/kg. Hydrogen fuel was injected normally through portholes to promote combustion and tangentially through a slot to reduce viscous drag. A series of fuel injectors were used to vary the proportion of tangential to normal fuel between 45 and 100%. Reductions in the viscous drag of up to 25% were observed with the greatest reductions occurring at the lowest total equivalence ratio tested for each injector. However, the average pressure produced by combustion with combined normal and tangential injection was approximately 50% less than that produced by normal injection alone. An analysis of the change in specific impulse of the scramjet combustor indicated that the best overall performance was produced by 100% normal injection.