996 resultados para dose optimization
FUNDAMENTO: A arginina-vasopressina (AVP) tem sido amplamente utilizada no tratamento do choque vasodilatador. Entretanto, há muitas questões relativas ao seu uso clínico, especialmente em altas doses, pois sua utilização pode estar associada a efeitos cardíacos adversos. OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos cardiovasculares da AVP em infusão IV contínua nos parâmetros hemodinâmicos em cães. MÉTODOS: Dezesseis cães saudáveis sem raça definida, anestesiados com pentobarbital, receberam um cateter intravascular e foram aleatoriamente designados para dois grupos: controle (solução salina - placebo; n=8) e AVP (n=8). O grupo do estudo recebeu infusão de AVP por três períodos consecutivos de 10 minutos a doses logaritmicamente progressivas (0,01; 0,1 e 1,0 U/kg/min), a intervalos de 20 minutos. A frequência cardíaca (HR) e as pressões intravasculares foram continuamente registradas. O debito cardíaco foi medido através do método de termodiluição. RESULTADOS: Nenhum efeito hemodinâmico significante foi observado durante a infusão de 0,01 U/kg/min de AVP, mas com as doses mais altas, de 0,1 e 1,0U/kg/min, houve um aumento progressivo na pressão arterial média (PAM) e índice de resistência vascular sistêmica (IRVS), com significante diminuição na frequência cardíaca (FC) e índice cardíaco (IC). Com a dose de 1,0 U/kg/min, também foi observado um aumento significante no índice de resistência vascular pulmonar (IRVP), principalmente devido à diminuição no IC. CONCLUSÃO: A AVP em doses entre 0,1 e 1,0 U/kg/min resultou em significantes aumentos na PAM e no IRVS, com efeitos inotrópicos e cronotrópicos negativos em animais saudáveis. Embora essas doses sejam de 10 a 1.000 vezes maiores do que as rotineiramente utilizadas no tratamento do choque vasodilatador, nossos dados confirmam que a AVP deveria ser usada cuidadosamente e sob rígida monitoração hemodinâmica na prática clínica, especialmente se doses maiores do que 0,01 U/kg/min forem necessárias.
FUNDAMENTO: A ecocardiografia de estresse com dobutamina de baixa dose é um teste específico para predizer disfunção de contratilidade reversível, mas mesmo assim, sua sensibilidade é menor do que ideal. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os preditores de recuperação miocárdica contrátil após a revascularização, em pacientes sem viabilidade na ecocardiografia de estresse com dobutamina de baixa dose. MÉTODOS: Trinta pacientes consecutivos foram selecionados consecutivamente, que apresentavam estenose coronária/oclusão significantes, tratáveis através de revascularização, anormalidade de motilidade de parede regional na distribuição da artéria afetada e ausência de viabilidade na ecocardiografia de estresse com dobutamina de baixa dose. Os pacientes foram submetidos a estudo de imagem com 99mTc-sestamibi em repouso e então submetidos à revascularização coronária bem sucedida. A ecocardiografia de seguimento foi realizada três meses depois. Os pacientes foram classificados em 2 grupos: grupo 1: com evidência de recuperação miocárdica contrátil após a revascularização na ecocardiografia de seguimento e grupo 2: sem evidência de recuperação miocárdica. Os dois grupos foram comparados em relação aos dados clínicos, ecocardiográficos e cintilográficos. RESULTADOS: A média da idade era 52,3 ± 5,9 anos e 97% eram do sexo masculino. A porcentagem de captação total de 99mTc-sestamibi foi significantemente mais alta no grupo 1 quando comparado ao grupo 2 (p < 0,01) e foi o preditor independente mais forte de recuperação miocárdica contrátil no seguimento de 3 meses na análise de regressão multivariada. A curva ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) mostrou que um valor de corte da porcentagem de captação total do 99mTc-sestamibi uptake de 72%, foi o melhor preditor da recuperação miocárdica contrátil, com uma sensibilidade de 100% e especificidade de 95.7%. CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes sem evidência de viabilidade na ecocardiografia de estresse com dobutamina de baixa dose, a porcentagem de captação total do 99mTc-sestamibi prediz, de forma independente, a recuperação miocárdica contrátil após a revascularização coronária.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diss., 2012
Background: The use of three-dimensional rotational angiography (3D-RA) to assess patients with congenital heart diseases appears to be a promising technique despite the scarce literature available. Objectives: The objective of this study was to describe our initial experience with 3D-RA and to compare its radiation dose to that of standard two-dimensional angiography (2D-SA). Methods: Between September 2011 and April 2012, 18 patients underwent simultaneous 3D-RA and 2D-SA during diagnostic cardiac catheterization. Radiation dose was assessed using the dose-area-product (DAP). Results: The median patient age and weight were 12.5 years and 47.5 Kg, respectively. The median DAP of each 3D-RA acquisition was 1093µGy.m2 and 190µGy.m2 for each 2D-SA acquisition (p<0.01). In patients weighing more than 45Kg (n=7), this difference was attenuated but still significant (1525 µGy.m2 vs.413µGy.m2, p=0.01). No difference was found between one 3D-RA and three 2D-SA (1525µGy.m2 vs.1238 µGy.m2, p = 0.575) in this population. This difference was significantly higher in patients weighing less than 45Kg (n=9) (713µGy.m2 vs.81µGy.m2, P = 0.008), even when comparing one 3D-RA with three 2D-SA (242µGy.m2, respectively, p<0.008). 3D-RA was extremely useful for the assessment of conduits of univentricular hearts, tortuous branches of the pulmonary artery, and aorta relative to 2D-SA acquisitions. Conclusions: The radiation dose of 3D-RA used in our institution was higher than those previously reported in the literature and this difference was more evident in children. This type of assessment is of paramount importance when starting to perform 3D-RA.
Background:Statins have proven efficacy in the reduction of cardiovascular events, but the financial impact of its widespread use can be substantial.Objective:To conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis of three statin dosing schemes in the Brazilian Unified National Health System (SUS) perspective.Methods:We developed a Markov model to evaluate the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) of low, intermediate and high intensity dose regimens in secondary and four primary scenarios (5%, 10%, 15% and 20% ten-year risk) of prevention of cardiovascular events. Regimens with expected low-density lipoprotein cholesterol reduction below 30% (e.g. simvastatin 10mg) were considered as low dose; between 30-40%, (atorvastatin 10mg, simvastatin 40mg), intermediate dose; and above 40% (atorvastatin 20-80mg, rosuvastatin 20mg), high-dose statins. Effectiveness data were obtained from a systematic review with 136,000 patients. National data were used to estimate utilities and costs (expressed as International Dollars - Int$). A willingness-to-pay (WTP) threshold equal to the Brazilian gross domestic product per capita (circa Int$11,770) was applied.Results:Low dose was dominated by extension in the primary prevention scenarios. In the five scenarios, the ICER of intermediate dose was below Int$10,000 per QALY. The ICER of the high versus intermediate dose comparison was above Int$27,000 per QALY in all scenarios. In the cost-effectiveness acceptability curves, intermediate dose had a probability above 50% of being cost-effective with ICERs between Int$ 9,000-20,000 per QALY in all scenarios.Conclusions:Considering a reasonable WTP threshold, intermediate dose statin therapy is economically attractive, and should be a priority intervention in prevention of cardiovascular events in Brazil.
Coupled Electromechanical Analysis, MEMS Modeling, MEMS, RF MEMS Switches, Defected Ground Structures, Reconfigurable Resonator
Cross-Flow, Radial Jets Mixing, Temperature Homogenization, Optimization, Combustion Chamber, CFD
Passive trip system, reactor trip, runaway reaction, batch reactor
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2009
Abstract Background: The effect of statins on the endothelial function in humans remains under discussion. Particularly, it is still unclear if the improvement in endothelial function is due to a reduction in LDL-cholesterol or to an arterial pleiotropic effect. Objective: To test the hypothesis that modulation of the endothelial function promoted by statins is primarily mediated by the degree of reduction in LDL-cholesterol, independent of the dose of statin administered. Methods: Randomized clinical trial with two groups of lipid-lowering treatment (16 patients/each) and one placebo group (14 patients). The two active groups were designed to promote a similar degree of reduction in LDL-cholesterol: the first used statin at a high dose (80 mg, simvastatin 80 group) and the second used statin at a low dose (10 mg) associated with ezetimibe (10 mg, simvastatin 10/ezetimibe group) to optimize the hypolipidemic effect. The endothelial function was assessed by flow-mediated vasodilation (FMV) before and 8 weeks after treatment. Results: The decrease in LDL-cholesterol was similar between the groups simvastatin 80 and simvastatin 10/ezetimibe (27% ± 31% and 30% ± 29%, respectively, p = 0.75). The simvastatin 80 group presented an increase in FMV from 8.4% ± 4.3% at baseline to 11% ± 4.2% after 8 weeks (p = 0.02). Similarly, the group simvastatin 10/ezetimibe showed improvement in FMV from 7.3% ± 3.9% to 12% ± 4.4% (p = 0.001). The placebo group showed no variation in LDL-cholesterol level or endothelial function. Conclusion: The improvement in endothelial function with statin seems to depend more on a reduction in LDL-cholesterol levels, independent of the dose of statin administered, than on pleiotropic mechanisms.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diss., 2010
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2011
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Habil.-Schr., 2012
The authors discuss a formula for the determination of the most profitable level of fertilization (x*). This formula, presented by CAREY and ROBINSON (1953), can be written as: x*= (1/c) log cx u L10 + (1/c) log wu _______ ___ 1-10 x u t being c the growth factor in Mitscherlich's equation, x u a standard dressing of the nutrient, L 10 the Naeperian logarithm of 10, u the response to the standard dressing, w the unit price of the crop product, and i the unit price of the nutrient. This formula is a modification of one of the formulas of PIMENTEL GOMES (1953). One of its advantages is that is does not depend on A, the theoretical maximum harvest, which is not directly given by experimental data. But another advantage, proved in this. paper, is that the first term on the right hand side K= 1(/c) log cx u L 10 ____________ 1 - 10-cx u is practically independent of c, and approximately equivalent to (1/2) x u. So, we have approximately x* = (1/2) x u + (1/c) log wu . ____ x u t With experimental data we compute z = wu ____ x u t then using tables 1, 2 and 3, we may obtain Y - (1/c) log z and finally x* = (1/2) x u + Y. This is an easy way to determine the most profitable level of fertilization when experimental data on the response u to a dressing x u are available. Tables for the calculation of Y are included, for nitrogen, phosphorus, potash, and manure.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diss., 2012