915 resultados para diallel crossing


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the transgenic soybean BR-16-AHAS genetic constitution on the tolerance to the herbicide imazapyr. BR-16-AHAS was crossed with ten other genotypes. The experimental design was a complete randomized block, in a 2x12x3 factorial arrangement, with two sowing periods (winter and summer), twelve crossing groups and three plant positions (upper, mid and lower), with three replicates. The plants were treated with 100 g ha-1 a.i. of imazapyr at the V3/V4 stage. For each position of the plant (upper, mid and lower), the following variables were assessed: number of pods, number of seeds, seed weight, number of seeds per pod and the 100 seeds weight. The effect of the herbicide varied according to the more affected plant position (upper, mid and lower) of each genotype. The use of the same gene ahas of BR-16-AHAS, in various genotypes, results in materials with good tolerance to imazapyr; tolerance levels depend not only on the ahas gene, but also on the presence of other genes.


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Background and Purpose-Ever since the seminal description of ataxic hemiparesis contralateral to a pontine lesion by Miller-Fisher, the question of why contralesional crossing pontocerebellar fibers do not more frequently produce ipsilesional hemiataxia was raised. The few cases of "quadrataxic hemiparesis" or bilateral leg ataxia remain exceptions.Summary of Case-We report an even more unusual variant, namely "crossed ataxia" of the contralesional arm and the ipsilesional leg subsequent to an anteromedial pontine ischemic stroke.Conclusions-MRI diffusion tensor imaging tractography shows that caudal contralesional crossing pontocerebellar fibers (those for the leg) travel trough the lesion, whereas more rostral fibers (those for the arm) are spared. (Stroke. 2011; 42:e571-e573.)


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The objective of this work was to determine the combining ability and heterosis, for productivity and yield components, in diallel hybrids derived from crossings between BRSMG-Talismã, IPR Uirapuru, FT Soberano, BRS Campeiro, IAC Tybatã, and IPR Juriti parent cultivars. Fifteen hybrids were generated from diallel crosses, excluding reciprocals. The general and specific combining abilities were significant for plant height, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per plant, number of seeds per pod, 50-seed weight, and grain yield, indicating the occurrence of both additive and nonadditive genetic effects. The best strategy to be adopted is the use of BRS Campeiro, FT Soberano and BRSMG-Talismã cultivars in common bean breeding programs involving selection. The most promising combinations were 'IPR Uirapuru' x 'IAC Tybatã', 'IPR Uirapuru' x 'FT Soberano', 'BRS Campeiro' x 'IPR Juriti', and 'BRS Campeiro' x 'IAC Tybatã'. The parents of these hybrids presented high estimates of specific combining abilities. Hybridization of cultivars belonging to distinguished commercial groups propitiates higher heterosis values in the segregant population.


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The Feller process is an one-dimensional diffusion process with linear drift and state-dependent diffusion coefficient vanishing at the origin. The process is positive definite and it is this property along with its linear character that have made Feller process a convenient candidate for the modeling of a number of phenomena ranging from single-neuron firing to volatility of financial assets. While general properties of the process have long been well known, less known are properties related to level crossing such as the first-passage and the escape problems. In this work we thoroughly address these questions.


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The objectives of this work were to estimate the genetic distance among wheat genotypes using morphological, pedigree, molecular, and combined morphological and molecular measures, to determine the correlations between these measures, and to evaluate the combining ability of the genotypes. Three generations and two planting designs were studied. Six wheat genotypes were crossed using a diallel design. The F1, F2 and F3generations were evaluated in the field, in the crop seasons of 2003, 2004 and 2005, under spaced plant and full-row planting designs. The estimated general and specific combining abilities of tested hybrids were influenced both by the generation and the planting design. The correlation coefficients among the distance measures and between these measures and genotype performances of different generations for the two planting designs were low to moderate. In order to obtain a more precise estimate of the genetic distance among cultivars and its association with the hybrid performance, more than one generation, planting design, and genetic distance estimation technique should be employed.


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Rad51 and its meiotic homolog Dmc1 are key proteins of homologous recombination in eukaryotes. These proteins form nucleoprotein complexes on single-stranded DNA that promote a search for homology and that perform DNA strand exchange, the two essential steps of genetic recombination. Previously, we demonstrated that Ca2+ greatly stimulates the DNA strand exchange activity of human (h) Rad51 protein (Bugreev, D. V., and Mazin, A. V. (2004) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 101, 9988-9993). Here, we show that the DNA strand exchange activity of hDmc1 protein is also stimulated by Ca2+. However, the mechanism of stimulation of hDmc1 protein appears to be different from that of hRad51 protein. In the case of hRad51 protein, Ca2+ acts primarily by inhibiting its ATPase activity, thereby preventing self-conversion into an inactive ADP-bound complex. In contrast, we demonstrate that hDmc1 protein does not self-convert into a stable ADP-bound complex. The results indicate that activation of hDmc1 is mediated through conformational changes induced by free Ca2+ ion binding to a protein site that is distinct from the Mg2+.ATP-binding center. These conformational changes are manifested by formation of more stable filamentous hDmc1.single-stranded DNA complexes. Our results demonstrate a universal role of Ca2+ in stimulation of mammalian DNA strand exchange proteins and reveal diversity in the mechanisms of this stimulation.


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Numerous strategies have been experimented with nationwide in an attempt to reduce the overall number of pedestrian-vehicle crashes, especially in instances where improper crossing or failure to yield was the proximate cause of the crash. Some of these measures include overhead signs, flashing warning beacons, advanced crossing signs, more visible pavement markings, in-street “Yield to Pedestrian” signs, and more recently, in-pavement flashing lights. Pedestrian safety has been a key issue for the City of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in particular at non-controlled intersections and mid-block crossings. In 2002, the city council gave preliminary approval to implement a pedestrian-actuated overhead flasher system in conjunction with an in-pavement flasher system at the intersection of 1st Avenue NE and 4th Street NE in the downtown central business district. This location is uncontrolled and has several elements that can create conflicts between pedestrians, vehicles, and trains that service local industry. This report summarizes the results from a small-scale study completed by CTRE to evaluate the effectiveness of the in-pavement flasher system installed in downtown Cedar Rapids. The installation of in-pavement flashing warning lights at the pedestrian crosswalk at this site has had a net positive effect on the safety characteristics of the location. The results of this study show a marked improvement in motorist compliance with the state law requiring that motorists yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk. The pedestrian and motorist surveys show that both groups felt the in-pavement flashing lights have increased motorist awareness, especially at night. The data indicate the in-pavement flashing warning lights improved the motorists' response to pedestrians in the area, and that the system could be operational throughout summer and winter conditions.


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The structure of the brain as a product of morphogenesis is difficult to reconcile with the observed complexity of cerebral connectivity. We therefore analyzed relationships of adjacency and crossing between cerebral fiber pathways in four nonhuman primate species and in humans by using diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. The cerebral fiber pathways formed a rectilinear three-dimensional grid continuous with the three principal axes of development. Cortico-cortical pathways formed parallel sheets of interwoven paths in the longitudinal and medio-lateral axes, in which major pathways were local condensations. Cross-species homology was strong and showed emergence of complex gyral connectivity by continuous elaboration of this grid structure. This architecture naturally supports functional spatio-temporal coherence, developmental path-finding, and incremental rewiring with correlated adaptation of structure and function in cerebral plasticity and evolution.


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On the October 7 and 8, 2008, a road safety audit was conducted for the intersection of US 61/Harrison Street and West Locust Street in Davenport, Iowa. US 61/Harrison Street is a one-way street and a principal arterial route through Davenport, with three southbound lanes. Locust Street is a four-lane, two-way minor arterial running across the city from west to east. The last major improvement at this intersection was implemented approximately 20 years ago. The Iowa Department of Transportation requested a safety audit of this intersection in response to a high incidence of crashes at the location over the past several years, in view of the fact that no major improvements are anticipated for this intersection in the immediate future. The road safety audit team discussed current conditions at the intersection and reviewed the last seven years of crash data. The team also made daytime and nighttime field visits to the intersection to examine field conditions and observe traffic flow and crossing guard operations with younger pedestrians. After discussing key issues, the road safety audit team drew conclusions and suggested possible enforcement, engineering, public information, and educational strategies for mitigation.


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The objectives of this work were to identify parents resistant to Asian soybean rust using diallel crosses, obtain information on the genetic control of soybean resistance to the pathogen and verify whether the combining ability estimates interact with the environment (year or time of assessment). The F1 generation was obtained in a greenhouse from crosses between five contrasting parents for the trait resistance to soybean rust, in a complete diallel without reciprocals. Two rust-severity assessments were carried out on individual soybean plants of 25 treatments (parents and F2 and F3 populations) in 2006/2007 and 2007/2008, in an experimental field at Embrapa Soja, Londrina, PR, Brazil. Additive effects predominated in the genetic control of soybean resistance to Asian rust, and the interaction of the segregant populations with the environment, although significant, did not alter the genetic parameter's general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability estimates, indicating that estimates obtained in one year and one assessment can be extrapolated to others. BR01-18437 inbred line is resistant to Asian rust and showed high GCA effects. This line should be used as parent if the objective is the resistance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi.


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Vehicle-pedestrian crashes are a major concern for highway safety analysts. Research reported by Hunter in 1996 indicated that one-third of the 5,000 vehicle-pedestrian crashes investigated occurred at intersections, and 40 percent of those were at non-controlled intersections (Hunter et al. 1996). Numerous strategies have been implemented in an effort to reduce these accidents, including overhead signs, flashing warning beacons, wider and brighter markings on the street, and advanced crossing signs. More recently, pedestrian-activated, in-street flashing lights at the crosswalk and pedestrian crossing signs in the traffic lane have been investigated. Not all of these strategies are recognized as accepted practices and included in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), but the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is supportive of experimental applications that may lead to effective technology that helps reduce crashes.


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The objectives of this work were to caracterize the tropical maize germplasm and to compare the combining abilities of maize grain yield under different levels of environmental stress. A diallel was performed among tropical maize cultivars with wide adaptability, whose hybrid combinations were evaluated in two sowing dates, in two years. The significance of the environmental effect emphasized the environmental contrasts. Based on grain yield, the environments were classified as favorable (8,331 kg ha-1), low stress (6,637 kg ha-1), high stress (5,495 kg ha-1), and intense stress (2,443 kg ha-1). None of the genetic effects were significant in favorable and intense stress environments, indicating that there was low germplasm variability under these conditions. In low and high stresses, the specific combining ability effects (SCA) were significant, showing that the nonadditive genetic effects were the most important, and that it is possible to select parent pairs with breeding potential. SCA and grain yield showed significant correlations only between the closer environment pairs like favorable/low stress and high/intense stress. The genetic control of grain yield differed under contrasting stress environments for which maize cultivars with wide adaptability are not adequate.


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Big Bear Creek is the upper portion of Bear Creek which drains 26,734 acres and ends at the Highway 136 crossing of Bear Creek. Bear Creek flows into the section of the Maquoketa River, which is on the EPA’s 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. Monitoring by the Iowa DNR indicates that Bear Creek is contributing significant amounts of sediment and nutrients to the Maquoketa River. The primary use of land in the Big Bear Creek Watershed is row crop production. A roadside survey completed by Anamosa Field Office Staff indicated that 123,747 tons/yr. of sediment was being lost due to sheet and rill erosion only. The sediment delivered to Big Bear Creek is 24,447 tons/yr. Based on this data, 34,226 lbs. of Phosphorus is reaching the stream per year. With the added amount of sediment and phosphorus delivery through gully and streambank erosion, one can clearly see that the water quality in Bear Creek is severely impaired. The Big Bear Watershed Project will work to reduce the sediment and phosphorus delivered to the stream by 30% through the installation of practices that trap sediment and reduce erosion.


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Background: Little is known on the relative importance of growth at different periods between birth and adolescence on blood pressure (BP). Objective: To assess the association between birth weight, change in body weight (growth) and BP across the entire span of childhood and adolescence. Methods: School-based surveys were conducted annually between 1998 and 2006 among all children in four school grades (kindergarten, 4th, 7th, and 10th year of compulsory school) in the Seychelles, Indian Ocean. Height and weight and BP were measured. Three cohorts of children examined twice were analyzed: 1606 children surveyed at age 5.5 and 9.1, 2557 at age 9.2 and 12.5, and 2065 at age 12.5 and 15.5, respectively. Weights at birth and at one year were extracted from medical files. Weights were expressed as Z-scores and growth was defined as a change in weight Z-scores (corresponding to weight centile crossing). The association between BP (at age 5.5, 9.2, 12.5, and 15.5) and weight at different times was assessed by linear regression. Using results of regression models of BP on all successive weights, life course plots were drawn by plotting regression coefficients against age at which weight was measured. The figure shows a life course plot of systolic BP in boys aged 15.5. Results: Without adjustment for current weight (at the time of BP measurement), birth weight was not associated with current BP, irrespective of age, excepted for girls at age 15.5 for whom a modest positive association was found. When adjusted for current weight, birth weight was negatively and modestly associated with current BP. BP was strongly associated with current weight, irrespective of age. Life course plots showed that BP was strongly associated with growth during the few preceding years but not with growth during earlier years, except for growth during the first year of life which tended to be associated with systolic BP. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that BP during childhood and adolescence is mainly determined by current body weight and recent growth.


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In this paper we de. ne a partial ordering of knots and links using a special property derived from their minimal diagrams. A link K' is called a predecessor of a link K if Cr(K') < Cr(K) and a diagram of K' can be obtained from a minimal diagram D of K by a single crossing change. In such a case, we say that K' < K. We investigate the sets of links that can be obtained by single crossing changes over all minimal diagrams of a given link. We show that these sets are specific for different links and permit partial ordering of all links. Some interesting results are presented and many questions are raised.