925 resultados para damping dynamic mechanical analysis DMA CFRP electrospinning tan(delta)


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Engineers often face the challenge of reducing the level of vibrations experienced by a given payload or those transmitted to the support structure to which a vibrating source is attached. In order to increase the range over which vibrations are isolated, soft mounts are often used in practice. The drawback of this approach is the static displacement may be too large for reasons of available space for example. Ideally, a vibration isolator should have a high-static stiffness, to withstand static loads without too large a displacement, and at the same time, a low dynamic stiffness so that the natural frequency of the system is as low as possible which will result in an increased isolation region. These two effects are mutually exclusive in linear isolators but can be overcome if properly configured nonlinear isolators are used. This paper is concerned with the characterisation of such a nonlinear isolator comprising three springs, two of which are configured to reduce the dynamic stiffness of the isolator. The dynamic behaviour of the isolator supporting a lumped mass is investigated using force and displacement transmissibility, which are derived by modelling the dynamic system as a single-degree-of-freedom system. This results in the system dynamics being approximately described by the Duffing equation. For a linear isolator, the dynamics of the system are the same regardless if the source of the excitation is a harmonic force acting on the payload (force transmissibility) or a harmonic motion of the base (displacement transmissibility) on which the payload is mounted. In this paper these two expressions are compared for the nonlinear isolator and it is shown that they differ. A particular feature of the displacement transmissibility is that the response is unbounded at the nonlinear resonance frequency unless the damping in the isolator is greater than some threshold value, which is not the case for force transmissibility. An explanation for this is offered in the paper. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo da presente investigação experimental foi avaliar o perfil mecânico de três tipos de técnicas de sutura entre tendões de dimensões diferentes. Foram utilizados 21 cães sem raça definida (11machos/10 fêmeas), dos quais foram obtidos os tendões flexor comum dos dedos - t.c. (maior dimensão) e tibial cranial - t.cr. (menor dimensão), de ambos os membros pélvicos. Logo após a obtenção das peças foi realizada sutura, segundo cada tipo de técnica, porém sempre com o mesmo número de pontos. Os tendões utilizados para sutura foram sempre do lado direito e o controle do lado esquerdo (t.cr.). Após a sutura, os corpos de prova foram fixados em garras especialmente desenvolvidas e submetidos a ensaio de tração axial à velocidade de 30mm/minuto. Após o ensaio o programa da máquina forneceu os valores da carga máxima ( na ruptura) e deformação absoluta (mm) e relativa (%), além do diagrama carga-deformação. Os resultados foram submetidos a estudo estatístico pela análise de medidas repetidas no nível de 5% de significância. Não foi constatada diferença estatisticamente significativa nos parâmetros mecânicos avaliados nos três grupos de técnicas de suturas. em relação ao controle (tendão de menos diâmetro contra-lateral), observou-se que a sutura apresenta resistência máxima a tração significativamente menor que o controle e maior deformação.


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One of the important factors accounting for successful delayed replantation of avulsed teeth is seemingly the type of root surface treatment. Removal of necrotic cemental periodontal ligament remnants may prevent the occurrence of external root resorption, which is the major cause of loss of teeth replanted in such conditions. The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of two mechanical techniques for removal of root-adhered periodontal ligament. Preservation or removal of the cementum layer concomitantly with these procedures was also assessed. Forty-five roots of healthy premolars extracted for orthodontic purposes were selected. After extraction, the teeth were kept dry at room temperature for 1 h and then immersed in saline for rehydration for an additional 10 min. Thereafter, the roots were assigned to three groups, as follows: group 1 (control) - the cemental periodontal ligament was preserved; group 2 - removal of the periodontal ligament by scraping root surface with a scalpel blade (SBS); group 3 - periodontal ligament remnants were removed using a Robinson bristle brush at low-speed with pumice/water slurry (RBP). The specimens were analysed histomorphometrically and examined by scanning electron microscopy. The quantitative and qualitative analyses of the results showed that the RBP technique was significantly more effective than the SBS technique for removal of the periodontal ligament remnants adhered to root surface. Both techniques preserved the cementum layer.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The use of implants to rehabilitation of total edentulous, partial edentulous or single tooth is increasing, it is due to the high rate of success that this type of treatment present. The objective of this study was to analyze the mechanical behavior of different positions of two dental implants in a rehabilitation of 4 teeth in the region of maxilla anterior. The groups studied were divided according the positioning of the implants. The Group 1: Internal Hexagonal implant in position of lateral incisors and pontic in region of central incisors; Group 2: Internal Hexagonal implant in position of central incisors and cantilever of the lateral incisors and Group3 - : Internal Hexagonal implants alternate with suspended elements. The Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry (ESPI) technique was selected for the mechanical evaluation of the 3 groups performance. The results are shown in interferometric phase maps representing the displacement field of the prosthetic structure.


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This study compared the tensile strength and fracture mechanism of tungsten inert gas (TIG) welds in cylindrical rods of commercially pure titanium (cp Ti) with those of laser welds and intact samples. Thirty dumbbell-shaped samples were developed by using brass rods as patterns. The samples were invested in casings, subjected to thermal cycles, and positioned in a plasma arc welding machine under argon atmosphere and vacuum, and titanium was injected under vacuum/pressure. The samples were X-rayed to detect possible welding flaws and randomly assigned to three groups to test the tensile strength and the fracture mechanism: intact, laser welding, and TIG welding. The tensile test results were investigated using ANOVA, which indicated that the samples were statistically similar. The fracture analysis showed that the cpTi samples subjected to laser welding exhibited brittle fracture and those subjected to TIG welding exhibited mixed brittle/ductile fracture with a predominance of ductile fracture with the presence of microcavities and cleavage areas. Intact samples presented the characteristic straightening in the fracture areas, indicating the ductility of the material.


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The aim of the present study was to assess the spectral behavior of the erector spinae muscle during isometric contractions performed before and after a dynamic manual load-lifting test carried out by the trunk in order to determine the capacity of muscle to perform this task. Nine healthy female students participated in the experiment. Their average age, height, and body mass (± SD) were 20 ± 1 years, 1.6 ± 0.03 m, and 53 ± 4 kg, respectively. The development of muscle fatigue was assessed by spectral analysis (median frequency) and root mean square with time. The test consisted of repeated bending movements from the trunk, starting from a 45º angle of flexion, with the application of approximately 15, 25 and 50% of maximum individual load, to the stand up position. The protocol used proved to be more reliable with loads exceeding 50% of the maximum for the identification of muscle fatigue by electromyography as a function of time. Most of the volunteers showed an increase in root mean square versus time on both the right (N = 7) and the left (N = 6) side, indicating a tendency to become fatigued. With respect to the changes in median frequency of the electromyographic signal, the loads used in this study had no significant effect on either the right or the left side of the erector spinae muscle at this frequency, suggesting that a higher amount and percentage of loads would produce more substantial results in the study of isotonic contractions.


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It is of major importance to consider non-ideal energy sources in engineering problems. They act on an oscillating system and at the same time experience a reciprocal action from the system. Here, a non-ideal system is studied. In this system, the interaction between source energy and motion is accomplished through a special kind of friction. Results about the stability and instability of the equilibrium point of this system are obtained. Moreover, its bifurcation curves are determined. Hopf bifurcations are found in the set of parameters of the oscillating system.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O trato olivococlear medial realiza o controle eferente das células ciliadas externas, regulando as contrações lentas e atenuando as rápidas. Com a pesquisa da amplitude das emissões otoacústicas sem e com estimulação acústica contra, ipsi ou bilateralmente, é possível estimar as condições desse trato, uma vez que o efeito resultante de redução/supressão das emissões indica seu funcionamento. O envelhecimento implica em diminuição da atividade do sistema auditivo central, em função da degeneração das estruturas envolvidas nas habilidades auditivas. OBJETIVO: O objetivo foi investigar o efeito da idade na atividade do trato sobre a cóclea, com a análise da amplitude das emissões com estimulação acústica contralateral. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: A casuística foi composta por 75 indivíduos agrupados conforme a idade. A metodologia foi o modo convencional, com clique linear e o ruído branco. ESTUDO DE CASO: A análise considerou a resposta das orelhas e a comparação entre os grupos. RESULTADOS: Os resultados revelam diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre o response das emissões sem e com estimulação acústica contralateral, nos indivíduos (20 a 39 anos). O efeito redução/supressão das emissões diminui com a idade (quarta década). CONCLUSÃO: O envelhecimento prejudica a efetividade da atividade do trato.


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A dispersão da amostra de solo é uma etapa fundamental da análise granulométrica, sendo realizada mediante o uso de dispersantes químicos e agitação mecânica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de mesa agitadora reciprocante de baixa rotação na dispersão mecânica de amostras de solos de diferentes classes texturais. Foram realizadas análises granulométricas em 61 amostras com quatro repetições, empregando o método da pipeta para determinação da fração argila e tamisagem para determinação das frações areia grossa, areia fina e areia total, sendo o silte determinado por diferença. Na avaliação de desempenho, os resultados obtidos com uso da mesa agitadora reciprocante (MAR) foram comparados com dados disponíveis para as mesmas amostras oriundos de relatórios do Ensaio de Proficiência IAC para Laboratórios de Análises de Solos - Prolab/IAC. Análises de acurácia foram realizadas com base nos valores dos intervalos de confiança definidos para cada fração granulométrica componente de cada amostra ensaiada. Indicadores gráficos também foram utilizados na comparação de dados, por meio de dispersão e ajuste linear. A estatística descritiva indicou preponderância de baixa variabilidade em mais de 90 % dos resultados obtidos para as amostras de texturas arenosa, média e argilosa e em 68 % dos obtidos para as amostras de textura muito argilosa, indicando boa repetibilidade dos resultados obtidos com a MAR. Média variabilidade foi mais frequentemente associada à fração silte, seguida da fração areia fina. Os resultados das análises de sensibilidade indicam acurácia de 100 % nas três frações granulométricas - areia total, silte e argila - para todas as amostras analisadas pertencentes às classes texturais muito argilosa, argilosa e média. Para as nove amostras de textura arenosa, a acurácia média foi de 85,2 %, e os maiores desvios ocorreram em relação à fração silte. Nas aproximações lineares, coeficientes de correlação igual (silte) ou superiores (areia total e argila) a 0,93, bem como diferenças menores do que 0,16 entre os coeficientes angulares das retas e o valor unitário, indicam alta correlação entre os resultados de referência (Prolab/IAC) e os obtidos nos ensaios com a MAR. Conclui-se pelo desempenho satisfatório da mesa agitadora reciprocante de baixa rotação para dispersão mecânica de amostras de solo de diferentes classes texturais para fins de análise granulométrica, permitindo recomendar o uso alternativo do equipamento quando se emprega agitação lenta. As vantagens do uso do equipamento nacional incluem o baixo custo, a possibilidade de análise simultânea de grande número de amostras e o uso de frascos comuns, de vidro ou de plástico, baratos e de fácil reposição.


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The Precambrian crystalline basement of southeast Brazil is affected by many Phanerozoic reactivations of shear zones that developed during the end of the Neoproterozoic in the Brasiliano orogeny. These reactivations with specific tectonic events, a multidisciplinary study was done, involving geology, paleostress, and structural analysis of faults, associated with apatite fission track methods along the northeastern border of the Parana basin in southeast Brazil.The results show that the study area consists of three main tectonic domains, which record different episodes of uplift and reactivation of faults. These faults were brittle in character and resulted in multiple generations of fault products as pseudotachylytes and ultracataclasites, foliated cataclasites and fault gouges.Based on geological evidence and fission track data, an uplift of basement rocks and related tectonic subsidence with consequent deposition in the Parana basin were modeled.The reactivations of the basement record successive uplift events during the Phanerozoic dated via corrected fission track ages, at 387 +/- 50 Ma (Ordovician); 193 +/- 19 Ma (Triassic); 142 +/- 18 Ma (Jurassic), 126 +/- 11 Ma (Early Cretaceous); 89 +/- 10 Ma (Late Cretaceous) and 69 +/- 10 Ma (Late Cretaceous). These results indicate differential uplift of tectonic domains of basement units, probably related to Parana basin subsidence. Six major sedimentary units (supersequences) that have been deposited with their bounding unconformities, seem to have a close relationship with the orogenic events during the evolution of southwestern Gondwana. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)