912 resultados para cutting stock problem with setups


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When allocating a resource, geographical and infrastructural constraints have to be taken into account. We study the problem of distributing a resource through a network from sources endowed with the resource to citizens with claims. A link between a source and an agent depicts the possibility of a transfer from the source to the agent. Given the supplies at each source, the claims of citizens, and the network, the question is how to allocate the available resources among the citizens. We consider a simple allocation problem that is free of network constraints, where the total amount can be freely distributed. The simple allocation problem is a claims problem where the total amount of claims is greater than what is available. We focus on consistent and resource monotonic rules in claims problems that satisfy equal treatment of equals. We call these rules fairness principles and we extend fairness principles to allocation rules on networks. We require that for each pair of citizens in the network, the extension is robust with respect to the fairness principle. We call this condition pairwise robustness with respect to the fairness principle. We provide an algorithm and show that each fairness principle has a unique extension which is pairwise robust with respect to the fairness principle. We give applications of the algorithm for three fairness principles: egalitarianism, proportionality and equal sacrifice.


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El objetivo de este trabajo monográfico es analizar la evolución del problema de las drogas dentro del marco de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) durante el periodo comprendido entre los años 2003 y 2013. Se desarrolla un estudio sobre los dos grupos de países que más han participado en lo concerniente a este tema. Por un lado Estados Unidos, Canadá y México; y por otro lado Colombia, Perú y Bolivia son lo países que por sus lógicas y tendencias han impulsado este problema y su evolución, y por tanto también desde los cuales se han impulsado las diferentes tendencias y/o soluciones que en cuanto a este problema oscilan dentro de la OEA. Iniciando con la tendencia prohibicionista en 1978, en los últimos años se han desarrollado otras dos: la despenalización y la legalización. El análisis sobre la incidencia que han tenido los países nombrados anteriormente en el problema de las drogas se desarrollará a partir de la comprensión aportada por la teoría de los Complejos Regionales de Seguridad.


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Pantoea agglomerans strains are among the most promising biocontrol agents for a variety of bacterial and fungal plant diseases, particularly fire blight of apple and pear. However, commercial registration of P. agglomerans biocontrol products is hampered because this species is currently listed as a biosafety level 2 (BL2) organism due to clinical reports as an opportunistic human pathogen. This study compares plant-origin and clinical strains in a search for discriminating genotypic/phenotypic markers using multi-locus phylogenetic analysis and fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphisms (fAFLP) fingerprinting. Results: Majority of the clinical isolates from culture collections were found to be improperly designated as P. agglomerans after sequence analysis. The frequent taxonomic rearrangements underwent by the Enterobacter agglomerans/Erwinia herbicola complex may be a major problem in assessing clinical associations within P. agglomerans. In the P. agglomerans sensu stricto (in the stricter sense) group, there was no discrete clustering of clinical/biocontrol strains and no marker was identified that was uniquely associated to clinical strains. A putative biocontrol-specific fAFLP marker was identified only in biocontrol strains. The partial ORF located in this band corresponded to an ABC transporter that was found in all P. agglomerans strains. Conclusion: Taxonomic mischaracterization was identified as a major problem with P. agglomerans, and current techniques removed a majority of clinical strains from this species. Although clear discrimination between P. agglomerans plant and clinical strains was not obtained with phylogenetic analysis, a single marker characteristic of biocontrol strains was identified which may be of use in strain biosafety determinations. In addition, the lack of Koch's postulate fulfilment, rare retention of clinical strains for subsequent confirmation, and the polymicrobial nature of P. agglomerans clinical reports should be considered in biosafety assessment of beneficial strains in this species


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The chemical contamination of natural waters is a global problem with a worldwide impact. Considering the relevance of this problem, this thesis is intended, on one hand, to develop different separation/preconcentration techniques based on membranes ability to permeate anions for the transport of toxic oxyanions of chromium(VI) and arsenic contained in aqueous matrices. In particular, we have investigated supported liquid membranes and polymer inclusion membranes, both of which contain the commercial quaternary ammonium salt Aliquat 336 as a carrier, as well as commercial anion exchange membranes. On the other hand, we have focused on the development of chemical sensors to facilitate the monitoring of several metals from different aqueous matrices. Thus, a selective optical sensor for Cr(VI) based on polymeric membranes containing Aliquat 336 as an ionophore has been designed. Additionally, mercury-based screen-printed electrodes have been evaluated for for cadmium, lead, copper and zinc detection.


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O trabalho presente é uma investigação sobre a Universidade sua génese e diversidade, caminhada e desenvolvimento, prosperidade em crescimento, papel cultural e fonte de conhecimento seus momentos de glória, seu de impasse e de crise e tentativas para devolver a glória e prestigio de outrora. Nasceu na Europa Meridional com o título de “Studium Generale”. Não nasceu nem “ex abrupto” nem “ex nihilo”, a sua génese remonta às escolas religiosas dos conventos e catedrais onde se conservavam os documentos da cultura greco – latina que mais tarde imperará na Europa sob o antropocentrismo, em oposição ao Teocentrismo. O “Studium General” nasce sobre o patrocínio da Igreja que mantinha como disciplinas principais nestes centros a Teologia e Filosofia, cuja leccionação é circunscrita a poucas Escolas e professores escolhidos. Acorriam à Universidade alunos de todos os cantos da Europa, evidentemente com meios e frades alunos pobres e para os frades criaram-se colégios que os acolhiam e protegiam. A reunião de estudantes devido a disturbios gerou ambiente controverso e obrigou as autoridades governamentais a medidas quer de contenção quer de protecção a residentes e forasteiros. O estudante era um estrangeiro que se deslocava no espaço europeu consoante a fama dos professores. A língua latina foi o veiculo de ligação e comunicação. Pouco a pouco os estados foram-se dando conta do valor da universidade e dos seus ensinamentos e disputavam com a Igreja o seu patrocínio. A Universidade contribui para o desenvolvimento dos Estados a nível administrativo, do direito, da criação de leis dando aos Estados uma maior e melhor organização no seu desenvolvimento. As Universidades concediam graus académicos, sendo o maior o de doutor. Todos esperavam o apoio do saber académico e científico para vencer a luta pela existência. O sistema escolático criticado pelo humanismo deu origem a novos modelos de universidade que surgiram com a supervisão dos Estados. Os modelos a partir do século XIX, são: ingês, alemão, americano, francês e russo. A universidade passa a ser o lugar do ensino superior, com o repúdio ao tradicinal e a investigação passa a fazer parte do papel da universidade. Em Portugal criou-se estruturas de apoio à formação de professores especialmente o sector de ciência e educação. Tardiamente a União Europeia dá atenção à educação criando programas como o Sócrates cujas acções são Comenios, Erasmus, Grundvig, Língua e Minerva. A mobilidade estudantil torna-se realidade na Europa e a flexibilidade na educação. A função da universidade actual ocupa-se do sector industrial e pós industrial da sociedade de informação, economia e empresa. Universidade como serviço público e mercado. Foi pena que a União Europeia, não reconhecesse ao Homem a centralidade de que tem direito, e esquecesse que sem o homem não há desenvolvimento nem criatividade. Estruturou-se a economia e a política obliterou a educação, a cultura, a formação, isto é um castelo construído sobre areia. Relembrando Antero cabe dizer: “Abrem-se as portas de ouro com fragor Mas dentro encontro só cheiro de dor Silêncio e escuridão nada mais”. Hoje a nossa Universidade é um problema. O seu caminho terá de ser o da cultura e a da educação. Tem de ser vista como poder em época de crise e o permanente primeiro que o transitório. Donde a necessidade de uma gestão de qualidade e de uma educação permanente.


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Este artículo convoca a adoptar una posición equilibrada en el análisis de las dimensiones e implicaciones que las crisis individuales de los países andinos tienen para la seguridad subregional. El autor parte de la premisa de que EE.UU. carece de una política clara frente a los problemas de la subregión y sostiene que en este país existe una sensación de pérdida de control, que hace que el tema del narcotráfico se convierta en el único con resonancia política. El autor plantea la necesidad de desarrollar un enfoque multilateral que garantice la seguridad subregional, y coloca a la crisis colombiana como la más grave y preocupante.


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A nivel internacional existe consenso respecto a la importancia que tiene el marco institucional para el funcionamiento eficiente del sistema financiero y para la generación de incentivos correctos para mantener la disciplina de mercado. Por eso mismo, durante los últimos diez años, se ha estado discutiendo, especialmente a nivel técnico, respecto de las condiciones de una nueva arquitectura financiera internacional que se ajuste a la realidad de un sistema financiero globalizado, y se han generado políticas, lineamientos y mínimos estándares para los sistemas financieros que han sido recogidos fundamentalmente por normas informales conocidas como softlaw y por órganos igualmente informales. La Declaración de la Cumbre del G20 en Washington de noviembre de 2008 estableció cinco principios comunes para reforma del sistema financiero que deben ser considerados en esta nueva arquitectura, a la que se puede definir como ""el establecimiento e implementación, a nivel nacional e internacional, de reglas, principios y arreglos institucionales que aseguren la estabilidad del sistema financiero internacional, previniendo las crisis y estableciendo los mecanismos institucionales para enfrentarlas o mitigarlas"". Sin embargo de esto, no existe una conciencia clara de que el problema de la nueva arquitectura financiera internacional es un problema ante todo jurídico: los órganos informales creados y el softlaw son insuficientes para crear las condiciones necesarias para asegurar el obligatorio cumplimiento y la aplicación general de este marco de regulación financiera global. Además, el principio de la soberanía de los Estados, base de los ordenamientos y sistemas jurídicos actuales, de naturaleza fundamentalmente nacional, y norma fundamental para las relaciones entre Estados, en el Derecho público internacional, vuelve complejay demorada la creación de un nuevo sistema de gobernanza global que viabilice esta nueva arquitectura financiera internacional y permita devolver rápidamente la confianza perdida y la estabilidad de este nuevo sistema financiero global.


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Competency management is a very important part of a well-functioning organisation. Unfortunately competency descriptions are not uniformly specified nor defined across borders: National, sectorial or organisational, leading to an opaque competency description market with a multitude of competency frameworks and competency benchmarks. An ontology is a formalised description of a domain, which enables automated reasoning engines to be built which by utilising the interrelations between entities can make “intelligent” choices in different situations within the domain. Introducing formalised competency ontologies automated tools, such as skill gap analysis, training suggestion generation, job search and recruitment, can be developed, which compare and contrast different competency descriptions on the semantic level. The major problem with defining a common formalised ontology for competencies is that there are so many viewpoints of competencies and competency frameworks. Work within the TRACE project has focused on finding common trends within different competency frameworks in order to allow an intermediate competency description to be made, which other frameworks can reference. This research has shown that competencies can be divided up into “knowledge”, “skills” and what we call “others”. An ontology has been created based on this with a simple structure of different “kinds” of “knowledges” and “skills” using semantic interrelations to define the basic semantic structure of the ontology. A prototype tool for analysing a skill gap analysis has been developed. Personal profiles can be produced using the tool and a skill gap analysis is performed on a desired competency profile by using an ontologically based inference engine, which is able to list closest fit and possible proficiency gaps


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We consider the imposition of Dirichlet boundary conditions in the finite element modelling of moving boundary problems in one and two dimensions for which the total mass is prescribed. A modification of the standard linear finite element test space allows the boundary conditions to be imposed strongly whilst simultaneously conserving a discrete mass. The validity of the technique is assessed for a specific moving mesh finite element method, although the approach is more general. Numerical comparisons are carried out for mass-conserving solutions of the porous medium equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions and for a moving boundary problem with a source term and time-varying mass.


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A scale-invariant moving finite element method is proposed for the adaptive solution of nonlinear partial differential equations. The mesh movement is based on a finite element discretisation of a scale-invariant conservation principle incorporating a monitor function, while the time discretisation of the resulting system of ordinary differential equations is carried out using a scale-invariant time-stepping which yields uniform local accuracy in time. The accuracy and reliability of the algorithm are successfully tested against exact self-similar solutions where available, and otherwise against a state-of-the-art h-refinement scheme for solutions of a two-dimensional porous medium equation problem with a moving boundary. The monitor functions used are the dependent variable and a monitor related to the surface area of the solution manifold. (c) 2005 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper shows the process of the virtual production development of the mechanical connection between the top leaf of a dual composite leaf spring system to a shackle using finite element methods. The commercial FEA package MSC/MARC has been used for the analysis. In the original design the joint was based on a closed eye-end. Full scale testing results showed that this configuration achieved the vertical proof load of 150 kN and 1 million cycles of fatigue load. However, a problem with delamination occurred at the interface between the fibres going around the eye and the main leaf body. To overcome this problem, a second design was tried using transverse bandages of woven glass fibre reinforced tape to wrap the section that is prone to delaminate. In this case, the maximum interlaminar shear stress was reduced by a certain amount but it was still higher than the material’s shear strength. Based on the fact that, even with delamination, the top leaf spring still sustained the maximum static and fatigue loads required, the third design was proposed with an open eye-end, eliminating altogether the interface where the maximum shear stress occurs. The maximum shear stress predicted by FEA is reduced significantly and a safety factor of around 2 has been obtained. Thus, a successful and safe design has been achieved.


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Whilst radial basis function (RBF) equalizers have been employed to combat the linear and nonlinear distortions in modern communication systems, most of them do not take into account the equalizer's generalization capability. In this paper, it is firstly proposed that the. model's generalization capability can be improved by treating the modelling problem as a multi-objective optimization (MOO) problem, with each objective based on one of several training sets. Then, as a modelling application, a new RBF equalizer learning scheme is introduced based on the directional evolutionary MOO (EMOO). Directional EMOO improves the computational efficiency of conventional EMOO, which has been widely applied in solving MOO problems, by explicitly making use of the directional information. Computer simulation demonstrates that the new scheme can be used to derive RBF equalizers with good performance not only on explaining the training samples but on predicting the unseen samples.


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Comprehensibility is often raised as a problem with formal notations, yet formal methods practitioners dispute this. In a survey, one interviewee said 'formal specifications are no more difficult to understand than code'. Measurement of comprehension is necessarily comparative and a useful comparison for a specification is against its implementation. Practitioners have an intuitive feel for the comprehension of code. A quantified comparison will transfer this feeling to formal specifications. We performed an experiment to compare the comprehension of a Z specification with that of its implementation in Java. The results indicate there is little difference in comprehensibility between the two. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, a new equalizer learning scheme is introduced based on the algorithm of the directional evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMOO). Whilst nonlinear channel equalizers such as the radial basis function (RBF) equalizers have been widely studied to combat the linear and nonlinear distortions in the modern communication systems, most of them do not take into account the equalizers' generalization capabilities. In this paper, equalizers are designed aiming at improving their generalization capabilities. It is proposed that this objective can be achieved by treating the equalizer design problem as a multi-objective optimization (MOO) problem, with each objective based on one of several training sets, followed by deriving equalizers with good capabilities of recovering the signals for all the training sets. Conventional EMOO which is widely applied in the MOO problems suffers from disadvantages such as slow convergence speed. Directional EMOO improves the computational efficiency of the conventional EMOO by explicitly making use of the directional information. The new equalizer learning scheme based on the directional EMOO is applied to the RBF equalizer design. Computer simulation demonstrates that the new scheme can be used to derive RBF equalizers with good generalization capabilities, i.e., good performance on predicting the unseen samples.


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A finite-difference scheme based on flux difference splitting is presented for the solution of the two-dimensional shallow-water equations of ideal fluid flow. A linearised problem, analogous to that of Riemann for gasdynamics, is defined and a scheme, based on numerical characteristic decomposition, is presented for obtaining approximate solutions to the linearised problem. The method of upwind differencing is used for the resulting scalar problems, together with a flux limiter for obtaining a second-order scheme which avoids non-physical, spurious oscillations. An extension to the two-dimensional equations with source terms, is included. The scheme is applied to a dam-break problem with cylindrical symmetry.