878 resultados para continuous cooking
Three experimental protocols were carried out with the aim of evaluating the role of protein restriction on the progression of the established adriamycin-induced nephropathy, and whether the protective effect of the diet persists after the diet is discontinued. The effect of a low protein diet (LPD) was studied for 6 weeks in protocol 1, 16 weeks in protocol 2 and for 28 weeks in protocol 3. In protocol 3, one group (LL) received LPD and another (NN) was given a normal protein diet (NPD). A third group (LN) received LPD for 16 weeks and then NPD for 12 weeks and a fourth group (NL) was fed NPD for 16 weeks and then LPD for 12 weeks. In protocol I the tubulo- interstitial index (TILl) of rats on LPD (Md = 2, P25 = 0.0; P75 = 3.5) after six weeks, was smaller than that of the animals on NPD (Md = 6.0; P25 = 3.0; P75 = 8.0; p < 0.05). In protocol 2, the group taking LPD presented an area of interstitial fibrosis (IF) (Md= 0.5%, P25 0.2%; P75 = 1.9%) smaller than that of the NPD group (Md = 6.8%; P25 = 5.2%; P75 = 7.1%; P < 0.05). No significant difference in the area of glomerulosclerosis (GSA) was observed between the animals on LPD (Md = 0.0%; P25 = 0.0%, P75 = 0.0%) and NPD (Md = 0.37%; P25 = 02% P75 = 1.25%; p > 0.05). In protocol 3, the group LL showed GSA (Md = 1.3%; P25 0.6%, P75 = 2.5%) and IF (Md = 3.60/0; P25 = 1.6%; P75 = 5.9%) smaller that those of LN (GSA Md = 10.1%; P25 = 6.6%; P75 = 14.8%; IF; Md = 17.3%; P25 = 14.1%; P75 = 24,5%), NL (GSA: Md = 9.1%; P25 = 5,8%; P75 = 11.7%; IF; Md = 25.0%; P25 = 20.4%; P75 = 30%), and NN (GSA: Md = 6. 75%; P25 = 4.9%; P75 = 11.7%; IF: Md = 20.9%; P25 = 16.2%; P75 = 32.4%). In conclusion, in order to be effective, LPD must be introduced early and maintained for a long period of tune.
The effect of the continuous emission hypothesis on the two-pion Bose-Einstein correlation function is discussed and compared with the corresponding results based on the usual freeze-out. Sizable differences in the correlation function appear in these different descriptions of the decoupling process. This means that, when extracting properties of the hot matter formed in high-energy heavy-ion collisions from the data, completely different conclusions may be reached according to the description of the particle emission process adopted.
Lipases are versatile enzymes regarding the range of reactions they catalyse and substrates on which they act. They are as well important as catalyst in organic synthesis. Their immobilization on appropriate supports confer them greater stability besides the possibility of operating in continuous reactors. In order to explore these abilities, the reactions involving hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate (PNPA) and transesterification of PNPA with n-butanol were chosen. Lipases from two different sources were assayed, namely: microbial (Candida rugosa, CRL, Sigma Type VII) and pancreatic (PPL, Sigma, Type 11). Two immobilization methods were also used, namely: 1) adsorption, using as support the following silica derivatives (150-300μm e 450μ): phenyl, epoxy, amino and without derivation, and 2) covalent binding, using glutaraldehyde as binding agent and silica amino as support. This later method led to better results. Hydrolytic activity was 6.1 U/gsupport for CRL and 0.97U/gsupport for PPL, and of transesterification, 2,8U/gsupport for CRL and 1,9U/gsupport for PPL. Stability of the immobilized enzyme as a function of temperature was evaluated for CRL at 40°C and 50°C and for PPL at 32°C and 40°C. The assays were initially carried out batchwise, both for soluble and immobilized enzymes, aiming to the obtention of parameters for the continues reactor. Lipases immobilized by covalent binding were used in the assays of operacional stability in continuos reactors. For PPL in aqueous medium, at 32°C, and CRL in organic medium at 40°C, both operating continuously, no significant loss of activity was detected along the analysis period of 17 days. In the case of CRL in aqueous medium at 40°C there was a loss of activity around 40% after 18 days. For PPL in organic medium at 40°C the loss was 33% after 20 days. Compairing both sources with each other, very different results were obtained. Higher activitiy was found for CRL, both for hydrolysis and for transesterification reactions, with higher stability in organic medium. PPL showed lower activity as well as higher stability in aqueous medium. The immobilization method by covalent binding showed to be the most appropriate. Immobilized lipases are therefore relatively stable both in aqueous and organic medium.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Effects of lattice-QCD-inspired equations of state and continuous emission on some observables are discussed, by solving a 3D hydrodynamics. The particle multiplicity as well ν 2 are found to increase in the mid-rapidity. We also discuss the effects of the initial-condition fluctuations. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
Weight reduction and improved damage tolerance characteristics were the prime drivers to develop new family of materials for the aerospace/ aeronautical industry. Aiming this objective, a new lightweight Fiber/ Metal Laminate (FML) has been developed. The combination of metal and polymer composite laminates can create a synergistic effect on many properties. The mechanical properties of FML shows improvements over the properties of both aluminum alloys and composite materials individually. Due to their excellent properties, FML are being used as fuselage skin structures of the next generation commercial aircrafts. One of the advantages of FML when compared with conventional carbon fiber/epoxy composites is the low moisture absorption. The moisture absorption in FML composites is slower when compared with polymer composites, even under the relatively harsh conditions, due to the barrier of the aluminum outer layers. Due to this favorable atmosphere, recently big companies such as EMBRAER, Aerospatiale, Boing, Airbus, and so one, starting to work with this kind of materials as an alternative to save money and to guarantee the security of their aircrafts.
We introduce the notion of KKT-inverity for nonsmooth continuous-time nonlinear optimization problems and prove that this notion is a necessary and sufficient condition for every KKT solution to be a global optimal solution.
The objective of this work is to introduce and demonstrate the technical feasibility of the continuous flash fermentation for the production of butanol. The evaluation was carried out through mathematical modeling and computer simulation which is a good approach in such a process development stage. The process consists of three interconnected units, as follows: the fermentor, the cell retention system (tangential microfiltration) and the vacuum flash vessel (responsible for the continuous recovery of butanol from the broth). The efficiency of this process was experimentally validated for the ethanol fermentation, whose main results are also shown. With the proposed design the concentration of butanol in the fermentor was lowered from 11.3 to 7.8 g/l, which represented a significant reduction in the inhibitory effect. As a result, the final concentration of butanol was 28.2 g/l for a broth with 140 g/l of glucose. Solvents productivity and yield were, respectively, 11.7 g/l.h and 33.5 % for a sugar conversion of 95.6 %. Positive aspects about the flash fermentation process are the solvents productivity, the use of concentrated sugar solution and the final butanol concentration. The last two features can be responsible for a meaningful reduction in the distillation costs and result in environmental benefits due to lower quantities of wastewater generated by the process. © 2008 Berkeley Electronic Press. All rights reserved.
Introduction: 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is considered to be the backbone of colorectal cancer (CRC) systemic therapy since the great majority of recommended regimens include its administration. A clinical picture consisting of chest pain, sometimes cardiac enzyme elevation, electrocardiogram abnormalities consistent with myocardial ischemia, and normal coronary angiogram associated with 5-FU administration have been infrequently reported. The clinical dilemma is: Which chemotherapy regimen should we use in CRC patients with a previous acute coronary syndrome (ACS) associated with 5-FU? Case Report: We describe the case of a 55-year-old otherwise healthy woman with metastatic colon adenocarcinoma who presented an ACS probably secondary to arterial vasospasm while receiving continuous intravenous 5-FU infusion (mFOLFOX6 regimen). After the ACS, the patient was treated with raltitrexate plus oxaliplatin (TOMOX) and subsequently with irinotecan plus cetuximab with no other cardiac event. Conclusion: The risk of cardiotoxicity associated with 5-FU is low but real. The probable mechanism is arterial vasospasm, as suggested by our case report. Both the use of the TOMOX regimen and irinotecan plus cetuximab seems to be safe regimens to be considered in this clinical scenario. © 2009 Humana Press Inc.
This study evaluated selected limnological variables in inlet water in six sequentially distributed semi-intensive fishponds. Data were collected during 15 consecutive days in three distinct grow-out periods (May, October and January). Only phosphorus and pH varied among sites and periods (p < 0.01); the opposite (p > 0.05) occurred in the cases of nitrite and dissolved oxygen. No variation was reported with regard to dissolved oxygen, conductivity, alkalinity, free CO2, bicarbonate, chlorophyll-a, nitrite and ammonia did not vary throughout the period (p > 0.05). In May, or rather, the final grow-out period, the fishponds displayed high concentrations, mainly in nitrogen compounds. As from fishpond 3, the inlet water contained high levels of nutrients. The water is passed from pond to pond, evidencing the need for management practices adequate to the specific conditions of each pond. Water quality should be monitored more frequently during high grow-out period when food addition is more intense. Thereafter, more care should be taken, as highest phosphorus concentrations occurred in May.
This article describes an orthodontic system used to obtain active continuous torque with movement control of both active and reactive units; the system relies on principles of the segmented technique. A cantilever system with .017 x .025-in beta-titanium alloy wire was designed to provide the desirable moment on the active unit. A transpalatal bar or a lingual arch increases the anchorage and neutralizes the side effects on the reactive unit. This technique is an efficient approach for major corrections of buccolingual inclinations of certain teeth. © 2010 American Association of Orthodontists.
The ABE (acetone, butanol, ethanol) fermentation is characterized by its low productivity. In this paper, this issue is overcome with an innovative industrial process that employs the flash fermentation technology. The process consists of three interconnected units, as follows: fermentor, cell retention system (tangential microfiltration) and vacuum flash vessel (responsible for the continuous recovery of butanol from the broth). The dynamic behaviour of the process is described by a nonlinear mathematical model with kinetic parameters determined experimentally. From simulations of the mathematical model the dynamic characteristics of the process were investigated. Analyzes of the open-loop dynamic behavior of the process, after step perturbations in the manipulated variables, determined the best control structures for the process. Copyright © 2010, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.
Background: Early trauma care is dependent on subjective assessments and sporadic vital sign assessments. We hypothesized that near-infrared spectroscopy-measured cerebral oxygenation (regional oxygen saturation [rSO 2]) would provide a tool to detect cardiovascular compromise during active hemorrhage. We compared rSO 2 with invasively measured mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2), mean arterial pressure (MAP), cardiac output, heart rate, and calculated pulse pressure. Methods: Six propofol-anesthetized instrumented swine were subjected to a fixed-rate hemorrhage until cardiovascular collapse. rSO 2 was monitored with noninvasively measured cerebral oximetry; SvO2 was measured with a fiber optic pulmonary arterial catheter. As an assessment of the time responsiveness of each variable, we recorded minutes from start of the hemorrhage for each variable achieving a 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% change compared with baseline. Results: Mean time to cardiovascular collapse was 35 minutes ± 11 minutes (54 ± 17% total blood volume). Cerebral rSO 2 began a steady decline at an average MAP of 78 mm Hg ± 17 mm Hg, well above the expected autoregulatory threshold of cerebral blood flow. The 5%, 10%, and 15% decreases in rSO 2 during hemorrhage occurred at a similar times to SvO2, but rSO 2 lagged 6 minutes behind the equivalent percentage decreases in MAP. There was a higher correlation between rSO 2 versus MAP (R =0.72) than SvO2 versus MAP (R =0.55). Conclusions: Near-infrared spectroscopy- measured rSO 2 provided reproducible decreases during hemorrhage that were similar in time course to invasively measured cardiac output and SvO2 but delayed 5 to 9 minutes compared with MAP and pulse pressure. rSO 2 may provide an earlier warning of worsening hemorrhagic shock for prompt interventions in patients with trauma when continuous arterial BP measurements are unavailable. © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Continuous strip metal matrix composite (MMC) casting of 0.3 mm diameter hard-drawn stainless steel (316L) wire in a quasi-eutectic SnPb (64Sn36Pb) matrix was performed by a two-roll melt drag processing (TRMDping) method, with the wire being dragged through a semisolid puddle with a fibre contact time of approximately 0.2 s. A slag weir placed at the nozzle contained two wire guide holes: one located near the upper roll, and the other located between the rolls. A successful continuous composite strip casting with good fibre alignment was achieved by inserting and embedding the wire into the matrix using the guide hole between the rolls. Degeneration of eutectic/dendrite structures led to the formation of globular structures. The occurrence and formation mechanisms of cracks, de-lamination and voids in the matrix were discussed. TRMDping is economically viable and has significant benefits over other MMC fabrication methods. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.