991 resultados para constituent ordering


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A unate function can easily be identified on a Karnaugh map from the well-known property that it cons ist s only ofess en ti al prime implicante which intersect at a common implicant. The additional property that the plot of a unate function F(x, ... XII) on a Karnaugh map should possess in order that F may also be Ivrealizable (n';:; 6) has been found. It has been sh own that the I- realizability of a unate function F corresponds to the ' compac tness' of the plot of F. No resort to tho inequalities is made, and no pre-processing such as positivizing and ordering of the given function is required.


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The kinetics of estrogen-induced elevation in the plasma concentration of riboflavin-binding protein, a minor yolk constituent, was investigated in immature male chicks, using a specific and sensitive radioimmunoassay proceudre. Following a single injection of the hormone, the plasma riboflavin-binding protein content was enhanced several-fold at 6 h. reaching peak levels around 48 h and declining thereafter. A two-fold amplication of the response was evident on secondary stimulation with the hormone. A 4-h lag phase prior to onset of induction was noticed during both primary and secondary stimulat ions with the steroid hormone. The magnitude of the response was dependent on the hormonal dose whereas the initial lag phase and the time of peak riboflavin-binding protein accumulation were unaltered within the range of hormonal doses tested. The half-life of riboflavin-binding protein in the circulation was 10 h, as calculated from measurement of the rate of disappearance of exogenously administered 125I-labelled protein. Simultaneous administration of progestrone did bot affect the kinetics of riboflavin-binding protein production. On the other hand, the antiestrogens, cis- and trans-clomiphene citrates, given 30 min prior to estrogen and cycloheximide, effectively countered the hormone-induced riboflavin-binding protein elaboration. Both progesterone and the anti-esterogens per se were completely ineffective in substituting for estrogen in the inductive ptrocess.


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The paper deals with a rational approach to the development of general design criteria for non-dissipative vibration isolation systems. The study covers straight-through springmass systems as well as branched ones with dynamic absorbers. Various design options, such as the addition of another spring-mass pair, replacement of an existing system by one with more spring-mass pairs for the same space and material requirements, provision of one or more dynamic absorbers for the desired frequency range, etc., are investigated quantitatively by means of an algebraic algorithm which enables one to write down straightaway the velocity ratio and hence transmissibility of a linear dynamical system in terms of the constituent parameters.


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This work is concerned with presenting a modified theoretical approach to the study of centre-periphery relations in the Russian Federation. In the widely accepted scientific discourse, the Russian federal system under the Yeltsin Administration (1991-2000) was asymmetrical; largely owing to the varying amount of structural autonomy distributed among the federation s 89 constituent units. While providing an improved understanding as to which political and socio-economic structures contributed to federal asymmetry, it is felt that associated large N-studies have underemphasised the role played by actor agency in re-shaping Russian federal institutions. It is the main task of this thesis to reintroduce /re-emphasise the importance of actor agency as a major contributing element of institutional change in the Russian federal system. By focusing on the strategic agency of regional elites simultaneously within regional and federal contexts, the thesis adopts the position that political, ethnic and socio-economic structural factors alone cannot fully determine the extent to which regional leaders were successful in their pursuit of economic and political pay-offs from the institutionally weakened federal centre. Furthermore, this work hypothesises that under conditions of federal institutional uncertainty, it is the ability of regional leaders to simultaneously interpret various mutable structural conditions then translate them into plausible strategies which accounts for the regions ability to extract variable amounts of economic and political pay-offs from the Russian federal system. The thesis finds that while the hypothesis is accurate in its theoretical assumptions, several key conclusions provide paths for further inquiry posed by the initial research question. First, without reliable information or stable institutions to guide their actions, both regional and federal elites were forced into ad-hoc decision-making in order to maintain their core strategic focus: political survival. Second, instead of attributing asymmetry to either actor agency or structural factors exclusively, the empirical data shows that both agency and structures interact symbiotically in the strategic formulation process, thus accounting for the sub-optimal nature of several of the actions taken in the adopted cases. Third, as actor agency and structural factors mutate over time, so, too do the perceived payoffs from elite competition. In the case of the Russian federal system, the stronger the federal centre became, the less likely it was that regional leaders could extract the high degree of economic and political pay-offs that they clamoured for earlier in the Yeltsin period. Finally, traditional approaches to the study of federal systems which focus on institutions as measures of federalism are not fully applicable in the Russian case precisely because the institutions themselves were a secondary point of contention between competing elites. Institutional equilibriums between the regions and Moscow were struck only when highly personalised elite preferences were satisfied. Therefore the Russian federal system is the product of short-term, institutional solutions suited to elite survival strategies developed under conditions of economic, political and social uncertainty.


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Scan circuit generally causes excessive switching activity compared to normal circuit operation. The higher switching activity in turn causes higher peak power supply current which results into supply, voltage droop and eventually yield loss. This paper proposes an efficient methodology for test vector re-ordering to achieve minimum peak power supported by the given test vector set. The proposed methodology also minimizes average power under the minimum peak power constraint. A methodology to further reduce the peak power below the minimum supported peak power, by inclusion of minimum additional vectors is also discussed. The paper defines the lower bound on peak power for a given test set. The results on several benchmarks shows that it can reduce peak power by up to 27%.


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A study of vibrations of multifiber composite shells is presented. Special attention is paid to the effect of composition of different fibers on the frequency spectrum of a freely vibrating cylindrical shell. The numerical results indicate clustering of frequency spectrum of a freely vibrating cylindrical composite shell as compared with the isotropic shell, and the spectrum varies considerably with the composition of the constituent materials.


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A specific radioimmunoassay procedure was developed to monitor the plasma concentrations of thiamin-binding protein, a minor yolk constituent of the chicken egg. By using this sensitive assay, the kinetics of oestrogen-induced elaboration of this specific protein in immature chicks was investigated. After a single injection of the steroid hormone, with an initial lag period of 4–5h the thiamin-binding protein rapidly accumulated in the plasma, attaining peak concentrations around 75h and declining thereafter. A 4-fold amplification of the response was noticed during the secondary stimulation, and this increased to 9-fold during the tertiary stimulation with the steroid hormone. The magnitude of the response was dependent on the hormone dose, and the initial latent period and the duration of the ascending phase of induction were unchanged for the hormonal doses tested during both the primary and secondary stimulations. The circulatory half-life of the protein was 6h as calculated from the measurement of the rate of disappearance of the exogenously administered 125I-labelled protein. Simultaneous administration of progesterone, dihydrotestosterone or corticosterone did not alter the pattern of induction. On the other hand, hyperthyroidism markedly decreased the oestrogenic response, whereas propylthiouracil-induced hypothyroidism had the opposite effect. The anti-oestrogen E- and Z-clomiphene citrates, administered 30min before oestrogen, effectively blocked the hormonal induction. α-Amanitin and cycloheximide administered along with or shortly after the sex steroid severely curtailed the protein elaboration. A comparison of the kinetics of induction of thiamin- and riboflavin-binding proteins by oestrogen revealed that, beneath an apparent similarity, a clear-cut difference exists between the two vitamin-binding proteins, particularly with regard to hormonal dose-dependent sensitivity of induction and the half-life in circulation. The steroid-mediated elaboration of the two yolk proteins thus appears to be not strictly co-ordinated, despite several common regulatory features underlying their induction.


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Background Poor clinical handover has been associated with inaccurate clinical assessment and diagnosis, delays in diagnosis and test ordering, medication errors and decreased patient satisfaction in the acute care setting. Research on the handover process in the residential aged care sector is very limited. Purpose The aims of this study were to: (i) Develop an in-depth understanding of the handover process in aged care by mapping all the key activities and their information dynamics, (ii) Identify gaps in information exchange in the handover process and analyze implications for resident safety, (iii) Develop practical recommendations on how information communication technology (ICT) can improve the process and resident safety. Methods The study was undertaken at a large metropolitan facility in NSW with more than 300 residents and a staff including 55 registered nurses (RNs) and 146 assistants in nursing (AINs). A total of 3 focus groups, 12 interviews and 3 observation sessions were conducted over a period from July to October 2010. Process mapping was undertaken by translating the qualitative data via a five-category code book that was developed prior to the analysis. Results Three major sub-processes were identified and mapped. The three major stages are Handover process (HOP) I “Information gathering by RN”, HOP II “Preparation of preliminary handover sheet” and HOP III “Execution of handover meeting”. Inefficient processes were identified in relation to the handover including duplication of information, utilization of multiple communication modes and information sources, and lack of standardization. Conclusion By providing a robust process model of handover this study has made two critical contributions to research in aged care: (i) a means to identify important, possibly suboptimal practices; and (ii) valuable evidence to plan and improve ICT implementation in residential aged care. The mapping of this process enabled analysis of gaps in information flow and potential impacts on resident safety. In addition it offers the basis for further studies into a process that, despite its importance for securing resident safety and continuity of care, lacks research.


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Background Medication safety is a pressing concern for residential aged care facilities (RACFs). Retrospective studies in RACF settings identify inadequate communication between RACFs, doctors, hospitals and community pharmacies as the major cause of medication errors. Existing literature offers limited insight about the gaps in the existing information exchange process that may lead to medication errors. The aim of this research was to explicate the cognitive distribution that underlies RACF medication ordering and delivery to identify gaps in medication-related information exchange which lead to medication errors in RACFs. Methods The study was undertaken in three RACFs in Sydney, Australia. Data were generated through ethnographic field work over a period of five months (May–September 2011). Triangulated analysis of data primarily focused on examining the transformation and exchange of information between different media across the process. Results The findings of this study highlight the extensive scope and intense nature of information exchange in RACF medication ordering and delivery. Rather than attributing error to individual care providers, the explication of distributed cognition processes enabled the identification of gaps in three information exchange dimensions which potentially contribute to the occurrence of medication errors namely: (1) design of medication charts which complicates order processing and record keeping (2) lack of coordination mechanisms between participants which results in misalignment of local practices (3) reliance on restricted communication bandwidth channels mainly telephone and fax which complicates the information processing requirements. The study demonstrates how the identification of these gaps enhances understanding of medication errors in RACFs. Conclusions Application of the theoretical lens of distributed cognition can assist in enhancing our understanding of medication errors in RACFs through identification of gaps in information exchange. Understanding the dynamics of the cognitive process can inform the design of interventions to manage errors and improve residents’ safety.


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Cell proliferation, transcription and metabolism are regulated by complex partly overlapping signaling networks involving proteins in various subcellular compartments. The objective of this study was to increase our knowledge on such regulatory networks and their interrelationships through analysis of MrpL55, Vig, and Mat1 representing three gene products implicated in regulation of cell cycle, transcription, and metabolism. Genome-wide and biochemical in vitro studies have previously revealed MrpL55 as a component of the large subunit of the mitochondrial ribosome and demonstrated a possible role for the protein in cell cycle regulation. Vig has been implicated in heterochromatin formation and identified as a constituent of the RNAi-induced silencing complex (RISC) involved in cell cycle regulation and RNAi-directed transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) coupled to RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) transcription. Mat1 has been characterized as a regulatory subunit of cyclin-dependent kinase 7 (Cdk7) complex phosphorylating and regulating critical targets involved in cell cycle progression, energy metabolism and transcription by RNAPII. The first part of the study explored whether mRpL55 is required for cell viability or involved in a regulation of energy metabolism and cell proliferation. The results revealed a dynamic requirement of the essential Drosophila mRpL55 gene during development and suggested a function of MrpL55 in cell cycle control either at the G1/S or G2/M transition prior to cell differentiation. This first in vivo characterization of a metazoan-specific constituent of the large subunit of mitochondrial ribosome also demonstrated forth compelling evidence of the interconnection of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes as well as complex functions of the evolutionarily young metazoan-specific mitochondrial ribosomal proteins. In studies on the Drosophila RISC complex regulation, it was noted that Vig, a protein involved in heterochromatin formation, unlike other analyzed RISC associated proteins Argonaute2 and R2D2, is dynamically phosphorylated in a dsRNA-independent manner. Vig displays similarity with a known in vivo substrate for protein kinase C (PKC), human chromatin remodeling factor Ki-1/57, and is efficiently phosphorylated by PKC on multiple sites in vitro. These results suggest that function of the RISC complex protein Vig in RNAi-directed TGS and chromatin modification may be regulated through dsRNA-independent phosphorylation by PKC. In the third part of this study the role of Mat1 in regulating RNAPII transcription was investigated using cultured murine immortal fibroblasts with a conditional allele of Mat1. The results demonstrated that phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RNAPII in the heptapeptide YSPTSPS repeat in Mat-/- cells was over 10-fold reduced on Serine-5 and subsequently on Serine-2. Occupancy of the hypophosphorylated RNAPII in gene bodies was detectably decreased, whereas capping, splicing, histone methylation and mRNA levels were generally not affected. However, a subset of transcripts in absence of Mat1 was repressed and associated with decreased occupancy of RNAPII at promoters as well as defective capping. The results identify the Cdk7-CycH-Mat1 kinase submodule of TFIIH as a stimulatory non-essential regulator of transcriptional elongation and a genespecific essential factor for stable binding of RNAPII at the promoter region and capping. The results of these studies suggest important roles for both MrpL55 and Mat1 in cell cycle progression and their possible interplay at the G2/M stage in undifferentiated cells. The identified function of Mat1 and of TFIIH kinase complex in gene-specific transcriptional repression is challenging for further studies in regard to a possible link to Vig and RISC-mediated transcriptional gene silencing.


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For most RNA viruses RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRPs) encoded by the virus are responsible for the entire RNA metabolism. Thus, RdRPs are critical components in the viral life cycle. However, it is not fully understood how these important enzymes function during viral replication. Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) viruses perform the synthesis of their RNA genome within a proteinacous viral particle containing an RdRP as a minor constituent. The phi6 bacteriophage is the best-studied dsRNA virus, providing an excellent background for studies of its RNA synthesis. The purified recombinant phi6 RdRP is highly active in vitro and it possesses both RNA replication and transcription activities. The crystal structure of the phi6 polymerase, solved in complex with a number of ligands, provides a working model for detailed in vitro studies of RNA-dependent RNA polymerization. In this thesis, the primer-independent initiation of the phi6 RdRP was studied in vitro using biochemical and structural methods. A C-terminal, four-amino-acid-long loop protruding into the central cavity of the phi6 RdRP has been suggested to stabilize the incoming nucleotides of the initiation complex formation through stacking interactions. A similar structural element has been found from several other viral RdRPs. In this thesis, this so-called initiation platform loop was subjected to site-directed mutagenesis to address its role in the initiation. It was found that the initiation mode of the mutants is primer-dependent, requiring either an oligonucleotide primer or a back-priming initiation mechanism for the RNA synthesis. The crystal structure of a mutant RdRP with altered initiation platform revealed a set of contacts important for primer-independent initiation. Since phi6 RdRP is structurally and functionally homologous to several viral RdRPs, among them the hepatitis C virus RdRP, these results provide further general insight to understand primer-independent initiation. In this study it is demonstrated that manganese phasing could be used as a practical tool for solving structures of large proteins with a bound manganese ion. The phi6 RdRP was used as a case study to obtain phases for crystallographic analysis. Manganese ions are naturally bound to the phi6 RdRP at the palm domain of the enzyme. In a crystallographic experiment, X-ray diffraction data from a phi6 RdRP crystal were collected at a wavelength of 1.89 Å, which is the K edge of manganese. With this data an automatically built model of the core region of the protein could be obtained. Finally, in this work terminal nucleotidyl transferase (TNTase) activity of the phi6 RdRP was documented in the isolated polymerase as well as in the viral particle. This is the first time that such an activity has been reported in a polymerase of a dsRNA virus. The phi6 RdRP used uridine triphosphates as the sole substrate in a TNTase reaction but could accept several heterologous templates. The RdRP was able to add one or a few non-templated nucleotides to the 3' end of the single- or double-stranded RNA substrate. Based on the results on particle-mediated TNTase activity and previous structural information of the polymerase, a model for termination of the RNA-dependent RNA synthesis is suggested in this thesis.


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Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the major cell wall constituent of Gram-negative bacteria, evokes a multitude of biological effects in mammals including pyrogenicity and toxic shock syndrome. Polymyxin B (PmB), a polycationic cyclic peptide, is known to neutralize most of its activities. The nature of the interaction of PmB with LPS and lipid A was investigated by isothermal titration calorimetry. PmB binds to LPS as well as lipid A stoichiometrically and non-co-operatively with micromolar affinity. These interactions are driven primarily by a favourable change in entropy (delta S) and are endothermic in nature. These positive changes in enthalpies decrease with increasing temperature, yielding a heat capacity change, delta Cp, of -2385 J.mol-1.degree-1 for PmB-LPS interactions while the binding of PmB to lipid A displays a delta Cp of -2259 J.mol-1.degree-1. The negative heat capacity changes provide strong evidence for the role of hydrophobic interactions as the driving force for the association of PmB with LPS and lipid A. A correlation of the energetics of these interactions with analyses of the molecular models of PmB suggests that a cluster of solvent-exposed non-polar amino acid side-chains that line one surface of the molecule, together with a ring of positively charged residues on its other surface, are responsible for its strong and stoichiometric binding to LPS.


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An anomalous variation in the experimental elastic modulus, E, of Ti-6Al-4V-xB (with x up to 0.55 wt.%) is reported. Volume fractions and moduli of the constituent phases were measured using microscopy and nanoindentation,respectively. These were used in simple micromechanical models to examine if the E values could be rationalized. Experimental E values higher than the upper bound estimates suggest complex interplay between microstructural modifications, induced by the addition of B, and properties.


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Reverie I is a large-scale public art work commissioned by the Brisbane City Council for permanent installation on the Gardens Point Road Plinth adjacent to QUT Gardens Point campus in Brisbane. The work forms part of the artist's ongoing exploration of the methodology of self-portraiture and amorphous form. In this work, sculpted curls of hair have been assembled according to contours of its constituent cast panels - their capacity to nest with one another determined the final form of the work. The resulting mass of curls resembles both an oversized wig, a withered mulberry and a leaden cloud to invoke notions of movement, reflection and temporality. From the didactic panel: "The curls of Reverie I are derived from 18th century sculptural portraiture. The twisting forms of the highly styled wig known as a periwig were abstracted and inventive, while also bestowing an air of intellectual authority. Curls also evoke two aspects of this particular site: the erratic movement of water associated with the complex tidal movements of Brisbane River, and a state of mental reflection relevant to both the nearby university grounds (where intellectual work takes place) and the riverside pathway (a site for daydreaming)."


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Supramolecular ordering of organic semiconductors is the key factor defining their electrical characteristics. Yet, it is extremely difficult to control, particularly at the interface with metal and dielectric surfaces in semiconducting devices. We have explored the growth of n-type semiconducting films based on hydrogen-bonded monoalkylnaphthalenediimide (NDI-R) from solution and through vapor deposition on both conductive and insulating surfaces. We combined scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopies with X-ray diffraction analysis to characterize, at the submolecular level, the evolution of the NDI-R molecular packing in going from monolayers to thin films. On a conducting (graphite) surface, the first monolayer of NDI-R molecules adsorbs in a flat-lying (face-on) geometry, whereas in subsequent layers the molecules pack edge-on in islands (Stranski–Krastanov-like growth). On SiO2, the NDI-R molecules form into islands comprising edge-on packed molecules (Volmer–Weber mode). Under all the explored conditions, self-complementary H bonding of the imide groups dictates the molecular assembly. The measured electron mobility of the resulting films is similar to that of dialkylated NDI molecules without H bonding. The work emphasizes the importance of H bonding interactions for controlling the ordering of organic semiconductors, and demonstrates a connection between on-surface self-assembly and the structural parameters of thin films used in electronic devices.