977 resultados para conceptual models
This paper presents a new architecture for the MASCEM, a multi-agent electricity market simulator. This is implemented in a Prolog which is integrated in the JAVA program by using the LPA Win-Prolog Intelligence Server (IS) provides a DLL interface between Win-Prolog and other applications. This paper mainly focus on the MASCEM ability to provide the means to model and simulate Virtual Power Producers (VPP). VPPs are represented as a coalition of agents, with specific characteristics and goals. VPPs can reinforce the importance of these generation technologies making them valuable in electricity markets.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of individual, household and healthcare system factors on poor children's use of vaccination after the reform of the Colombian health system. METHODS: A household survey was carried out in a random sample of insured poor population in Bogota, in 1999. The conceptual and analytical framework was based on the Andersen's Behavioral Model of Health Services Utilization. It considers two units of analysis for studying vaccination use and its determinants: the insured poor population, including the children and their families characteristics; and the health care system. Statistical analysis were carried out by chi-square test with 95% confidence intervals, multivariate regression models and Cronbach's alpha coefficient. RESULTS: The logistic regression analysis showed that vaccination use was related not only to population characteristics such as family size (OR=4.3), living area (OR=1.7), child's age (OR=0.7) and head-of-household's years of schooling (OR=0.5), but also strongly related to health care system features, such as having a regular health provider (OR=6.0) and information on providers' schedules and requirements for obtaining care services (OR=2.1). CONCLUSIONS: The low vaccination use and the relevant relationships to health care delivery systems characteristics show that there are barriers in the healthcare system, which should be assessed and eliminated. Non-availability of regular healthcare and deficient information to the population are factors that can limit service utilization.
The emergence of new business models, namely, the establishment of partnerships between organizations, the chance that companies have of adding existing data on the web, especially in the semantic web, to their information, led to the emphasis on some problems existing in databases, particularly related to data quality. Poor data can result in loss of competitiveness of the organizations holding these data, and may even lead to their disappearance, since many of their decision-making processes are based on these data. For this reason, data cleaning is essential. Current approaches to solve these problems are closely linked to database schemas and specific domains. In order that data cleaning can be used in different repositories, it is necessary for computer systems to understand these data, i.e., an associated semantic is needed. The solution presented in this paper includes the use of ontologies: (i) for the specification of data cleaning operations and, (ii) as a way of solving the semantic heterogeneity problems of data stored in different sources. With data cleaning operations defined at a conceptual level and existing mappings between domain ontologies and an ontology that results from a database, they may be instantiated and proposed to the expert/specialist to be executed over that database, thus enabling their interoperability.
We present a new dynamical approach to the Blumberg's equation, a family of unimodal maps. These maps are proportional to Beta(p, q) probability densities functions. Using the symmetry of the Beta(p, q) distribution and symbolic dynamics techniques, a new concept of mirror symmetry is defined for this family of maps. The kneading theory is used to analyze the effect of such symmetry in the presented models. The main result proves that two mirror symmetric unimodal maps have the same topological entropy. Different population dynamics regimes are identified, when the intrinsic growth rate is modified: extinctions, stabilities, bifurcations, chaos and Allee effect. To illustrate our results, we present a numerical analysis, where are demonstrated: monotonicity of the topological entropy with the variation of the intrinsic growth rate, existence of isentropic sets in the parameters space and mirror symmetry.
There is a wide agreement that identity is a multidisciplinary concept. Branding is an identity expression. Although there are some frameworks to assess brand identity there isn’t an accepted definition. The authors consider this a gap in literature and investigate the components to assess brand identity under a holistic approach. Literature was reviewed and reinterpreted under an integrated perspective evolving corporate and brand identity studies. The authors propose a definition and nine componentscharacterizing corporate brand identity: reputation, culture, positioning, personality, relationships network, presentation style, communication, environmental influences and mission. Some are related with internal and others to external facets. The authorsare strongly encouraged to test these results empirically towards validity and reliability of the proposed construct.
In this work a new probabilistic and dynamical approach to an extension of the Gompertz law is proposed. A generalized family of probability density functions, designated by Beta* (p, q), which is proportional to the right hand side of the Tsoularis-Wallace model, is studied. In particular, for p = 2, the investigation is extended to the extreme value models of Weibull and Frechet type. These models, described by differential equations, are proportional to the hyper-Gompertz growth model. It is proved that the Beta* (2, q) densities are a power of betas mixture, and that its dynamics are determined by a non-linear coupling of probabilities. The dynamical analysis is performed using techniques of symbolic dynamics and the system complexity is measured using topological entropy. Generally, the natural history of a malignant tumour is reflected through bifurcation diagrams, in which are identified regions of regression, stability, bifurcation, chaos and terminus.
We consider the quark sector of theories containing three scalar SU(2)(L) doublets in the triplet representation of A(4) (or S-4) and three generations of quarks in arbitrary A(4) (or S-4) representations. We show that for all possible choices of quark field representations and for all possible alignments of the Higgs vacuum expectation values that can constitute global minima of the scalar potential, it is not possible to obtain simultaneously nonvanishing quark masses and a nonvanishing CP-violating phase in the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa quark mixing matrix. As a result, in this minimal form, models with three scalar fields in the triplet representation of A(4) or S-4 cannot be extended to the quark sector in a way consistent with experiment. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.055010.
We produce five flavour models for the lepton sector. All five models fit perfectly well - at the 1 sigma level - the existing data on the neutrino mass-squared differences and on the lepton mixing angles. The models are based on the type I seesaw mechanism, on a Z(2) symmetry for each lepton flavour, and either on a (spontaneously broken) symmetry under the interchange of two lepton flavours or on a (spontaneously broken) CP symmetry incorporating that interchange - or on both symmetries simultaneously. Each model makes definite predictions both for the scale of the neutrino masses and for the phase delta in lepton mixing; the fifth model also predicts a correlation between the lepton mixing angles theta(12) and theta(23).
We study neutrino masses and mixing in the context of flavor models with A(4) symmetry, three scalar doublets in the triplet representation, and three lepton families. We show that there is no representation assignment that yields a dimension-5 mass operator consistent with experiment. We then consider a type-I seesaw with three heavy right-handed neutrinos, explaining in detail why it fails, and allowing us to show that agreement with the present neutrino oscillation data can be recovered with the inclusion of dimension-3 heavy neutrino mass terms that break softly the A(4) symmetry.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialidade Educação Especial
Uma das abordagens mais importantes da terminologia é a desenvolvida pelas disciplinas técnico-científicas, para as quais representa a reflexão formal da sua organização conceptual e, como tal, um meio essencial de expressão e comunicação. De forma a desenvolver as diferentes tarefas a que se propõe, a terminologia tem como principal objecto de estudo os textos de línguas de especialidade, que são o primeiro veículo, por excelência, de expressão e comunicação das disciplinas suprareferidas. Estes textos reflectem, normalmente, um tipo de comunicação especializada, cujo objectivo é o da transferência de conhecimentos, realizada com recurso a um sistema de representação verbal. No entanto, a abertura e a extensão do texto escrito a outros meios de representação, sobretudo nas áreas técnicas, está a conduzir a uma nova tendência no campo da terminologia e da pesquisa das línguas de especialidade, que tem vindo a reforçar a importância da utilização de formas não-verbais para representar o conhecimento. A tendência para o aumento do uso destas formas de representação, normalmente em complemento ou conjugação com a informação verbal, aponta para um novo paradigma em que a linguagem, como representação do pensamento, parece estar em busca de uma nova abordagem que venha transformar a maneira de produzir, organizar e transmitir conhecimentos, recorrendo às novas tecnologias, cada vez mais à disposição da chamada sociedade do conhecimento. A nossa percepção desta realidade ganhou maior consistência ao longo do desenvolvimento de um projecto terminográfico de elaboração do Dicionário Multilingue de População e Desenvolvimento, no qual o recurso a sistemas de representação nãoverbais (organigramas e outro tipo de representações visuais), utilizados como forma de percepção e organização dos conceitos e dos domínios a incluir no dicionário, se tornou um meio importante de aquisição, discussão, estruturação e transmissão do conhecimento. Daí a decisão de abordarmos, ainda que de forma breve, a análise de duas problemáticas sugeridas pelo desenrolar daquele projecto. A primeira recai sobre o estabelecimento de relações semânticas entre os conceitos, sobre as implicações deste processo na estruturação conceptual e sobre a sua importância no processamento da informação terminológica. A segunda incide na análise do recurso aos meios de representação não-verbais e do papel que desempenham e que podem vir a desempenhar no desenrolar do processo terminológico, enquanto elementos de estruturação de um sistema conceptual, de estruturação de um projecto terminológico e de comunicação especializada. Estas duas problemáticas estão directamente interrelacionadas e devem ser analisadas em conjunto, sobretudo quando se trata de formalizar a informação e armazená-la numa base de dados terminológica, de forma a poder ser processada (semi)automaticamente.
Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais (especialidade de Economia), 18 de Junho de 2015, Universidade dos Açores
Dissertação de natureza científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil