974 resultados para coding
Organisms of the genera Toxoplasma, Hammondia and Neospora, the Hammondia-like organisms, are closely related coccidian with similarly sized oocysts. Therefore, a diagnosis based on microscopy of oocysts in feces is not a method of choice for species identification of these important parasites. In this paper, we present a polymerase chain reaction coupled with restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method to differentially diagnose oocysts of Toxoplasma gondii from oocyst of Hammondia hammondi. Another PCR-RFLP was designed to differentiate oocysts of Hammondia heydorni from oocysts of Neospora spp. Both PCR-RFLP are based on nucleotide sequences of the Hsp70 coding gene. In conclusion, we presented two alternative molecular diagnostic assays that can be successfully applied for the differentiation of oocysts of Hammondia-like organisms shed by felids and canids.
We have studied the variability of glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh) and small subunit ribosomal (SSU) rRNA coding genes of Giardia species in fecal samples isolated from wild and exotic animals in Brazil, and compared with homologous sequences of isolates from human and domestic animals characterized in previous studies. Cysts of Giardia duodenalis were obtained from feces of naturally infected monkeys (Alouatta fusca) (n = 20), chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera) (n = 3), ostriches (Struthio camelus) (n = 2) and jaguar (Panthera onca) (n = 1). Assemblage AI was assigned to the unique isolate of jaguar. All the samples from monkeys, chinchillas, and ostriches were assigned to Assemblage B. There was little evolutionary divergence between the referred isolates and isolates described elsewhere. The Assemblage B isolates identified in this study were closely related to Assemblage BIV isolated from humans. The molecular identification of Assemblages A and B of G. duodenalis isolates from exotic and wild animals demonstrates that such hosts may be a potential reservoir for zoonotic transmission of G. duodenalis. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Hammondia heydorni is a cyst forming coccidia closely related to other apicomplexans, such as Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Hammondia hammondi with a two-host life cycle. Dogs and other canids as red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and coyotes (Canis latrans) may serve as definitive hosts for H. heydorni. Sporulated oocysts are infective for cattle, sheep and goats, which may serve as intermediate hosts. Herein, we describe the ability of crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous), a wild carnivore that is commonly found from northern Argentina to northern South America, to serve as definitive host of H. heydorni. The whole masseter muscle and brain from two 2-year-old bovines were collected, minced and pooled together for the fox infection. The bovine pooled tissues were equally administered to four foxes, in two consecutive days. Two foxes shed subspherical unsporulated oocysts measuring 10-15 mu m, after 8 and 9 days post-infection, respectively. One of the foxes eliminated oocysts for 5 days, while the other fox shed oocysts for 9 days. A DNA sample of oocysts detected at each day of oocyst elimination was tested by two PCRs, one of them carried out employing primers directed to the common toxoplasmatiid 18S and 5.8S ribosomal RNA coding genes (PCR-ITS1) and the other based on heat-shock protein 70 kDa coding gene (PCR-HSP70). These samples were also submitted to a N. caninum specific nested-PCR protocol based on a N. caninum specific gene (Nc5-nPCR). All of them were positive by PCR-ITS1 and PCR-HSP70 but negative by Nc5-nPCR. The PCR-ITS1 and PCR-HSP70 nucleotide sequences amplified from the oocysts shed by the foxes revealed 100% identity with homologous sequences of H. heydorni. In conclusion, it is clear that H. heydorni also uses the crab-eating fox as a definitive host. The crab-eating fox is usually reported to live in close contact with livestock in several regions of Brazil. Therefore, it is reasonable to infer that such carnivores may play an important role in the sylvatic and domestic cycles of H. heydorni infection. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Bovines present contrasting, heritable phenotypes of infestations with the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Tick salivary glands produce IgG-binding proteins (IGBPs) as a mechanism for escaping from host antibodies that these ectoparasites ingest during blood meals. Allotypes that occur in the constant region of IgG may differ in their capacity to bind with tick IGBPs; this may be reflected by the distribution of distinct allotypes according to phenotypes of tick infestations. In order to test this hypothesis, we investigated the frequency of haplotypes of bovine IgG2 among tick-resistant and tick-susceptible breeds of bovines. Sequencing of the gene coding for the heavy chain of IgG2 from 114 tick-resistant (Bos taurus indicus, Nelore breed) and tick-susceptible (B. t. taurus, Holstein breed) bovines revealed SNPs that generated 13 different haplotypes, of which 11 were novel and 5 were exclusive of Holstein and 3 of Nelore breeds. Alignment and modeling of coded haplotypes for hinge regions of the bovine IgG2 showed that they differ in the distribution of polar and hydrophobic amino acids and in shape according to the distribution of these amino acids. We also found that there was an association between genotypes of the constant region of the IgG2 heavy chain with phenotypes of tick infestations. These findings open the possibility of investigating if certain IgG allotypes hinder the function of tick IGBPs. If so, they may be markers for breeding for resistance against tick infestations.
Objective: To describe the clinical, speech, hearing, and imaging findings in three members of a Brazilian family with Saethre-Chotzen syndrome (SCS) who presented some unusual characteristics within the spectrum of the syndrome. Design: Clinical evaluation was performed by a multidisciplinary team. Direct sequencing of the polymerase chain reaction amplified coding region of the TWIST1 gene, routine and electrophysiological hearing evaluation, speech evaluation, and imaging studies through computed tomography (CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were performed. Results: TWIST1 gene analysis revealed a Pro136His mutation in all patients. Hearing evaluation showed peripherial and mixed hearing loss in two of the patients, one of them with severe unilateral microtia. Computed tomography scan showed structural middle ear anomalies, and MRI showed distortion of the skull contour as well as some of the brain structures. Conclusions: We report a previously undescribed TWIST1 gene mutation in patients with SCS. There is evidence that indicates hearing loss (conductive and mixed) can be related both with middle ear (microtia, high jugular bulb, and enlarged vestibules) as well as with brain stem anomalies. Here we discuss the relationship between the gene mutation and the clinical, imaging, speech, and hearing findings.
The majority of small-cell lung cancers (SCLCs) express p16 but not pRb, Given our previous study showing loss of pRb in Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC)/neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin and the clinicopathological similarities between SCLC acid MCC, we wished to determine if this was also the case in MCC, Twenty-nine MCC specimens from 23 patients were examined for deletions at 10 loci on 9p and I on 9p. No loss of heterozygosity (LO H) was peen in 9 patients including 2 for which tumour and cell line DNAs were examined. Four patients had LOH for all informative loci on 9p, Ten tumours showed more limited regions of loss on 9p, and from these 2 common regions of deletion were determined, Half of all informative cases had LOH at D95168, the most telomeric marker examined, and 3 specimens showed loss of only D9S168, A second region (InFNA-D9S126) showed L0H in 10(44%) cases, and case MCC26 showed LOH for only D9S126, implicating genes centromeric of the CDKN2A locus. No mutations in the coding regions of p16 were seen in 7 cell lines tested, and reactivity to anti-p16 antibody was seen in all Il tumour specimens examined and in 6 of 7 cell lines from 6 patients. Furthermore, all cell lines examined reacted with anti-p 14' antibody, These results suggest that neither transcript of the CDKN2A locus is the target of deletions on 9p in MCC and imply the existence of tumour-suppressor genes mapping both centromeric and telomeric of this locus. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The complete arrangement of genes in the mitochondrial (mt) genome is known for 12 species of insects, and part of the gene arrangement in the mt genome is known for over 300 other species of insects. The arrangement of genes in the mt genome is very conserved in insects studied, since all of the protein-coding and rRNA genes and most of the tRNA genes are arranged in the same way. We sequenced the entire mt genome of the wallaby louse, Heterodoxus macropus, which is 14,670 bp long and has the 37 genes typical of animals and some noncoding regions. The largest noncoding region is 73 bp long (93% A+T), and the second largest is 47 bp long (92% AST). Both of these noncoding regions seem to be able to form stem-loop structures. The arrangement of genes in the mt genome of this louse is unlike that of any other animal studied. All tRNA genes have moved and/or inverted relative to the ancestral gene arrangement of insects, which is present in the fruit fly Drosophila yakuba. At least nine protein-coding genes (atp6, atp8, cox2, cob, nad1-nad3, nad5, and nad6) have moved; moreover, four of these genes (atp6, atp8, nad1, and nad3) have inverted. The large number of gene rearrangements in the mt genome of H. macropus is unprecedented for an arthropod.
Approximately 50% of all melanoma families worldwide show linkage to 9p21-22, but only about half of these have been shown to contain germ line CDKN2A mutations. It has been hypothesized that a proportion of these families carry mutations in the noncoding regions of CDKN2A. Several Canadian families have been reported to carry a mutation in the 5' UTR, at position -34 relative to the start site, which gives rise to a novel AUG translation initiation codon that markedly decreases translation from the wild-type AUG (Liu et al., 1999). Haplotype sharing in these Canadian families suggested that this mutation is of British origin. We sequenced 1,327 base pairs (bp) of CDKN2A, making up 1,116 bp of the 5' UTR and promoter, all of exon 1, and 61 bp of intron 1, in at least one melanoma case from 110 Australian families with three or more affected members known not to carry mutations within the p16 coding region. In addition, 431 bp upstream of the start codon was sequenced in an additional 253 affected probands from two-case melanoma families for which the CDKN2A mutation status was unknown. Several known polymorphisms at positions -33, -191, -493, and -735 were detected, in addition to four novel variants at positions 120, -252, -347, and -981 relative to the start codon. One of the probands from a two-case family was found to have the previously reported Q50R mutation. No family member was found to carry the mutation at position -34 or any other disease-associated mutation. For further investigation of noncoding CDKN2A mutations that may affect transcription, allele-specific expression analysis was carried out in 31 of the families with at least three affected members who showed either complete or indeterminate 9p haplotype sharing without CDKN2A exonic mutations. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and automated sequencing showed expression of both CDKN2A alleles in all family members tested. The lack of CDKN2A promoter mutations and the absence of transcriptional silencing in the germ line of this cohort of families suggest that mutations in the promoter and 5' UTR play a very limited role in melanoma predisposition. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Ligaments undergo finite strain displaying hyperelastic behaviour as the initially tangled fibrils present straighten out, combined with viscoelastic behaviour (strain rate sensitivity). In the present study the anterior cruciate ligament of the human knee joint is modelled in three dimensions to gain an understanding of the stress distribution over the ligament due to motion imposed on the ends, determined from experimental studies. A three dimensional, finite strain material model of ligaments has recently been proposed by Pioletti in Ref. [2]. It is attractive as it separates out elastic stress from that due to the present strain rate and that due to the past history of deformation. However, it treats the ligament as isotropic and incompressible. While the second assumption is reasonable, the first is clearly untrue. In the present study an alternative model of the elastic behaviour due to Bonet and Burton (Ref. [4]) is generalized. Bonet and Burton consider finite strain with constant modulii for the fibres and for the matrix of a transversely isotropic composite. In the present work, the fibre modulus is first made to increase exponentially from zero with an invariant that provides a measure of the stretch in the fibre direction. At 12% strain in the fibre direction, a new reference state is then adopted, after which the material modulus is made constant, as in Bonet and Burton's model. The strain rate dependence can be added, either using Pioletti's isotropic approximation, or by making the effect depend on the strain rate in the fibre direction only. A solid model of a ligament is constructed, based on experimentally measured sections, and the deformation predicted using explicit integration in time. This approach simplifies the coding of the material model, but has a limitation due to the detrimental effect on stability of integration of the substantial damping implied by the nonlinear dependence of stress on strain rate. At present, an artificially high density is being used to provide stability, while the dynamics are being removed from the solution using artificial viscosity. The result is a quasi-static solution incorporating the effect of strain rate. Alternate approaches to material modelling and integration are discussed, that may result in a better model.
Rapid access to genetic information is central to the revolution presently occurring in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly In relation to novel drug target identification and drug development. Genetic variation, gene expression, gene function and gene structure are just some of the important research areas requiring efficient methods of DNA screening. Here, we highlight state-of-the-art techniques and devices for gene screening that promise cheaper and higher-throughput yields than currently achieved with DNA microarrays. We include an overview of existing and proposed bead-based strategies designed to dramatically increase the number of probes that can be interrogated in one assay. We focus, in particular, on the issue of encoding and/or decoding (bar-coding) large bead-based libraries for HTS.
Eukaryotic phenotypic diversity arises from multitasking of a core proteome of limited size. Multitasking is routine in computers, as well as in other sophisticated information systems, and requires multiple inputs and outputs to control and integrate network activity. Higher eukaryotes have a mosaic gene structure with a dual output, mRNA (protein-coding) sequences and introns, which are released from the pre-mRNA by posttranscriptional processing. Introns have been enormously successful as a class of sequences and comprise up to 95% of the primary transcripts of protein-coding genes in mammals. In addition, many other transcripts (perhaps more than half) do not encode proteins at all, but appear both to be developmentally regulated and to have genetic function. We suggest that these RNAs (eRNAs) have evolved to function as endogenous network control molecules which enable direct gene-gene communication and multitasking of eukaryotic genomes. Analysis of a range of complex genetic phenomena in which RNA is involved or implicated, including co-suppression, transgene silencing, RNA interference, imprinting, methylation, and transvection, suggests that a higher-order regulatory system based on RNA signals operates in the higher eukaryotes and involves chromatin remodeling as well as other RNA-DNA, RNA-RNA, and RNA-protein interactions. The evolution of densely connected gene networks would be expected to result in a relatively stable core proteome due to the multiple reuse of components, implying,that cellular differentiation and phenotypic variation in the higher eukaryotes results primarily from variation in the control architecture. Thus, network integration and multitasking using trans-acting RNA molecules produced in parallel with protein-coding sequences may underpin both the evolution of developmentally sophisticated multicellular organisms and the rapid expansion of phenotypic complexity into uncontested environments such as those initiated in the Cambrian radiation and those seen after major extinction events.
An emerging idea is that long-term alcohol abuse results in changes in gene expression in the brain and that these changes are responsible at least partly for alcohol tolerance, dependence and neurotoxicity, The overall goal of our research is to identify genes which are differentia[ly expressed in the brains of well-characterized human alcoholics as compared with non-alcoholics. This should identify as-yet-unknown alcohol-responsive genes, and may well confirm changes in the expression of genes which have been delineated in animal models of alcohol abuse. Cases were carefully selected and samples pooled on the basis of relevant criteria; differential expression was monitored by microarray hybridization. The inherent diversity of human alcoholics can be exploited to identify genes associated with specific pathological processes, as well as to assess the effects of concomitant disease, severity of brain damage, drinking behavior, and factors such as gender and smoking history. initial results show selective changes in gene expression in alcoholics; of particular importance is a coordinated reduction in genes coding for myelin components, Copyright (C) 2001 National Science Council, ROC and S. Karger AG, Basel.
Activated sludge models are used extensively in the study of wastewater treatment processes. While various commercial implementations of these models are available, there are many people who need to code models themselves using the simulation packages available to them, Quality assurance of such models is difficult. While benchmarking problems have been developed and are available, the comparison of simulation data with that of commercial models leads only to the detection, not the isolation of errors. To identify the errors in the code is time-consuming. In this paper, we address the problem by developing a systematic and largely automated approach to the isolation of coding errors. There are three steps: firstly, possible errors are classified according to their place in the model structure and a feature matrix is established for each class of errors. Secondly, an observer is designed to generate residuals, such that each class of errors imposes a subspace, spanned by its feature matrix, on the residuals. Finally. localising the residuals in a subspace isolates coding errors. The algorithm proved capable of rapidly and reliably isolating a variety of single and simultaneous errors in a case study using the ASM 1 activated sludge model. In this paper a newly coded model was verified against a known implementation. The method is also applicable to simultaneous verification of any two independent implementations, hence is useful in commercial model development.
Complete sequences were obtained for the coding portions of the mitochondrial (mt) genomes of Schistosoma mansoni (NMRI strain, Puerto Rico; 14415 bp), S. japonicum (Anhui strain, China; 14085 bp) and S. mekongi (Khong Island, Laos; 14072 bp). Each comprises 36 genes: 12 protein-encoding genes (cox1-3, nad1-6, nad4L, atp6 and cob); two ribosomal RNAs, rrnL (large subunit rRNA or 16S) and rrnS (small subunit rRNA or 12S); as well as 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes. The atp8 gene is absent. A large segment (9.6 kb) of the coding region (comprising 14 tRNAs, eight complete and two incomplete protein-encoding genes) for S. malayensis (Baling, Malaysian Peninsula) was also obtained. Each genome also possesses a long non-coding region that is divided into two parts (a small and a large non-coding region, the latter not fully sequenced in any species) by one or more tRNAs. The protein-encoding genes are similar in size, composition and codon usage in all species except for cox1 in S. mansoni (609 aa) and cox2 in S. mekongi (219 an), both of which are longer than homologues in other species. An unexpected finding in all the Schistosoma species was the presence of a leucine zipper motif in the nad4L gene. The gene order in S. mansoni is strikingly different from that seen in the S. japonicum group and other flatworms. There is a high level of identity (87-94% at both the nucleotide and amino acid levels) for all protein-encoding genes of S. mekongi and S. malayensis. The identity between genes of these two species and those of S. japonicum is less (56-83% for amino acids and 73-79 for nucleotides). The identity between the genes of S. mansoni and the Asian schistosomes is far less (33-66% for amino acids and 54-68% for nucleotides), an observation consistent with the known phylogenetic distance between S. mansoni and the other species. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Large chemical libraries can be synthesized on solid-support beads by the combinatorial split-and-mix method. A major challenge associated with this type of library synthesis is distinguishing between the beads and their attached compounds. A new method of encoding these solid-support beads, 'colloidal bar-coding', involves attaching fluorescent silica colloids ('reporters') to the beads as they pass through the compound synthesis, thereby creating a fluorescent bar code on each bead. In order to obtain sufficient reporter varieties to bar code extremely large libraries, many of the reporters must contain multiple fluorescent dyes. We describe here the synthesis and spectroscopic analysis of various mono- and multi-fluorescent silica particles for this purpose. It was found that by increasing the amount of a single dye introduced into the particle reaction mixture, mono- fluorescent silica particles of increasing intensities could be prepared. This increase was highly reproducible and was observed for six different fluorescent dyes. Multi-fluorescent silica particles containing up to six fluorescent dyes were also prepared. The resultant emission intensity of each dye in the multi-fluorescent particles was found to be dependent upon a number of factors; the hydrolysis rate of each silane-dye conjugate, the magnitude of the inherent emission intensity of each dye within the silica matrix, and energy transfer effects between dyes. We show that by varying the relative concentration of each silane-dye conjugate in the synthesis of multi-fluorescent particles, it is possible to change and optimize the resultant emission intensity of each dye to enable viewing in a fluorescence detection instrument.