1000 resultados para carrier media


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Este trabajo pretende replicar con muestras españolas un estudio americano diseñado para evaluar las relaciones entre el rasgo Búsquesa de Sensaciones, Extraversión, Neuroticismo y Psicoticismo, con el interés por la contemplación o lectura de sucesos violentos, morbosos y sexuales en los medios de comunicación (o reales). El estudio se realizó a partir de inventarios autoinformados de curiosidad morbosa, cuestionarios de personalidad y autopuntuaciones de asistencia a películas pornográficas y de terror. Los resultados obtenidos informan de una relación positiva entre las escalas de Búsqueda de Sensaciones (EBS) y las escalas de Curiosidad Morbosa (CTM-CTS). Ello sugiere como hipótesis que los altos buscadores de sensaciones podrían estar interesados en estímulos que aumentan la actividad del sistema central de catecolaminas. Para ello se parte de hallazgos experimentales previos que apuntan que películas morbosas de terror o sexuales aumentan los niveles de las catecolaminas periféricas.


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La publicación en 1977 de "A critical bibliography of Hispanic Arthurial material", de Harvey L. Sharrer (Londres, Grant & Cutler) contribuyó a un mejor conocimiento de los textos conservados, ediciones y estudios de la literatura artúrica y tristaniana medieval en España y Portugal. Treinta años después, este artículo amplía los contenidos de aquel volumen, al recoger los resultados del descubrimiento de nuevos testimonios y de las últimas investigaciones sobre este ámbito, en lengua catalana, gallego-portuguesa y castellana de la Edad Media.


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Summary: Pedagogics and media : multidisciplinary aspects for the innovative development of LIS education


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Electrically driven Er3+ doped Si slot waveguides emitting at 1530 nm are demonstrated. Two different Er3+ doped active layers were fabricated in the slot region: a pure SiO2 and a Si-rich oxide. Pulsed polarization driving of the waveguides was used to characterize the time response of the electroluminescence (EL) and of the signal probe transmission in 1 mm long waveguides. Injected carrier absorption losses modulate the EL signal and, since the carrier lifetime is much smaller than that of Er3+ ions, a sharp EL peak was observed when the polarization was switched off. A time-resolved electrical pump & probe measurement in combination with lock-in amplifier techniques allowed to quantify the injected carrier absorption losses. We found an extinction ratio of 6 dB, passive propagation losses of about 4 dB/mm, and a spectral bandwidth > 25 nm at an effective d.c. power consumption of 120 μW. All these performances suggest the usage of these devices as electro-optical modulators.


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The inhibition of phosphatidic acid phosphatase (PAP) activity by propanolol indicates that diacylglycerol (DAG) is required for the formation of transport carriers at the Golgi and for retrograde trafficking to the ER. Here we report that the PAP2 family member lipid phosphate phosphatase 3 (LPP3, also known as PAP2b) localizes in compartments of the secretory pathway from ER export sites to the Golgi complex. The depletion of human LPP3: (i) reduces the number of tubules generated from the ER-Golgi intermediate compartment and the Golgi, with those formed from the Golgi being longer in LPP3-silenced cells than in control cells; (ii) impairs the Rab6-dependent retrograde transport of Shiga toxin subunit B from the Golgi to the ER, but not the anterograde transport of VSV-G or ssDsRed; and (iii) induces a high accumulation of Golgi-associated membrane buds. LPP3 depletion also reduces levels of de novo synthesized DAG and the Golgi-associated DAG contents. Remarkably, overexpression of a catalytically inactive form of LPP3 mimics the effects of LPP3 knockdown on Rab6-dependent retrograde transport. We conclude that LPP3 participates in the formation of retrograde transport carriers at the ER-Golgi interface, where it transitorily cycles, and during its route to the plasma membrane.


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UMTS is a 3rd generation telecommunication system, which introduces new network architecture. The change in the network architecture introduces new logical network nodes and changes the role of existing nodes in the network. This architecture changes the current vertically specialized network into a horizontally layered structure. In practice, the layering means that different levels in network hierarchy are separated, and they communicate over well-specified interfaces. The Connectivity Layer, at the bottom of the UMTS network architecture, contains Media Gateways (MGW). The GSM radio access network and UMTS access network are connected to the connectivity network via a MGW. External networks, e.g. ISDN networks, are accessed via other MGWs. The user plane is transported across the connectivity network between/via MGWs. ATM network is used as the backbone in Ericsson’s UMTS core network release 2.0. The main goal of this thesis is to study how the MGW is used to bridge ATM and TDM networks. The Circuit Emulation Service (CES) for ATM is studied, as the conversion from TDM to ATM is made according it. The transportation is made using AAL2 and the issues that it has with voice traffic are studied. The implementation and usage of TDM switching service in MGW are described in detail.


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We present an analysis of factors influencing carrier transport and electroluminescence (EL) at 1.5 µm from erbium-doped silicon-rich silica (SiOx) layers. The effects of both the active layer thickness and the Si excess content on the electrical excitation of erbium are studied. We demonstrate that when the thickness is decreased from a few hundred to tens of nanometers the conductivity is greatly enhanced. Carrier transport is well described in all cases by a Poole-Frenkel mechanism, while the thickness-dependent current density suggests an evolution of both density and distribution of trapping states induced by Si nanoinclusions. We ascribe this observation to stress-induced effects prevailing in thin films, which inhibit the agglomeration of Si atoms, resulting in a high density of sub-nm Si inclusions that induce traps much shallower than those generated by Si nanoclusters (Si-ncs) formed in thicker films. There is no direct correlation between high conductivity and optimized EL intensity at 1.5 µm. Our results suggest that the main excitation mechanism governing the EL signal is impact excitation, which gradually becomes more efficient as film thickness increases, thanks to the increased segregation of Si-ncs, which in turn allows more efficient injection of hot electrons into the oxide matrix. Optimization of the EL signal is thus found to be a compromise between conductivity and both number and degree of segregation of Si-ncs, all of which are governed by a combination of excess Si content and sample thickness. This material study has strong implications for many electrically driven devices using Si-ncs or Si-excess mediated EL.


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Työssä tutkitaan, kuinka Symbian käyttöjärjestelmälle voidaan tehdä siirrettäviä ohjelmia. Työssä käydään läpi menetelmiä, jotka helpottavat ohjelmistojen siirrettävyyttä uudelle alustalle. Uuteen älypuhelimeen voi tulla monia uusia komponentteja. Laite voi muuttua piiritasolla, käyttöjärjestelmästä voi tulla uusi versio sekä siirrettävästä ohjelmasta voi tulla uusi versio. Kaikki nämä vaikuttavat ohjelman siirrettävyyteen. Työssä tehtiin Java-rajapinnan siirto uudelle alustalle. Prosessin aikana löydettiin tärkeitä tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat ohjelmiston siirrettävyyteen. Siirrettävyys sinänsä pitäisi ottaa huomioon ohjelmistoprosessin jokaisessa vaiheessa. Älypuhelimista tulee jatkuvasti uusia versioita. Tämä tekee ohjelmien siirrettävyydestä hyvin tärkeän tekijän ohjelmistojen suunnittelussa. Hyvin suunniteltu ohjelma on helpompi ylläpitää, päivättää ja siirtää myöhemmin.


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Many concepts have been developed to describe the convergence of media, languages, and formats in contemporary media systems. This article is a theoretical reflection on “transmedia storytelling” from a perspective that integrates semiotics and narratology in the context of media studies. After dealing with the conceptual chaos around transmedia storytelling, the article analyzes how these new multimodal narrative structures create different implicit consumers and construct a narrative world. The analysis includes a description of the multimedia textual structure created around the Fox television series 24. Finally, the article analyzes transmedia storytelling from the perspective of a semiotics of branding.


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Tavoitteena on tutkia mitä mahdollisuuksia Internet tarjoaa business-to-business markkinointiviestintään. Tämä tutkimus on tyypiltään deskriptiivinen case-tutkimus, jossa casen avulla saadaan käytännön esimerkki siitä miten eräs yritys on käytännössä hyödyntänyt Internetiä markkinointiviestinnässään. Case toteutettiin puhelin-, sähköposti- ja henkilökohtaisilla haastatteluilla. Internet tarjoaa markkinointiviestinnälle sekä haasteen että mahdollisuuden. Se tarjoaa markkinoijalle käyttöön sekä uudentyyppisen median että mahdollisuuden suoriin markkinakontakteihin. Internet-markkinointi pohjautuu perinteisiin markkinoinnin konsepteihin, erottuen yhden tärkeän ominaisuuden, interaktiivisuuden, perusteella. Koska näin yritys pääsee suoraan kommunikoimaan asiakkaidensa kanssa, se saa jatkuvasti tietoja, joiden avulla yritys voi paremmin suunnitella markkinointistrategiaansa ja kohdentaa markkinointiviestintäänsä tarkasti asiakkaiden tarpeiden mukaan.


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The application of contrast media in post-mortem radiology differs from clinical approaches in living patients. Post-mortem changes in the vascular system and the absence of blood flow lead to specific problems that have to be considered for the performance of post-mortem angiography. In addition, interpreting the images is challenging due to technique-related and post-mortem artefacts that have to be known and that are specific for each applied technique. Although the idea of injecting contrast media is old, classic methods are not simply transferable to modern radiological techniques in forensic medicine, as they are mostly dedicated to single-organ studies or applicable only shortly after death. With the introduction of modern imaging techniques, such as post-mortem computed tomography (PMCT) and post-mortem magnetic resonance (PMMR), to forensic death investigations, intensive research started to explore their advantages and limitations compared to conventional autopsy. PMCT has already become a routine investigation in several centres, and different techniques have been developed to better visualise the vascular system and organ parenchyma in PMCT. In contrast, the use of PMMR is still limited due to practical issues, and research is now starting in the field of PMMR angiography. This article gives an overview of the problems in post-mortem contrast media application, the various classic and modern techniques, and the issues to consider by using different media.


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Severe type III laryngomalacia LM is represented by a retroflexed epiglottis that touches the posterior pharyngeal wall and obstructs the laryngeal inlet. Endoscopic epiglottopexy is advised in such cases wherein pexy sutures are passed between the epiglottis and base of tongue. Using conventional needle carriers, it is difficult to pass such sutures that go deep enough into the tongue base. Such a pexy is prone to a break down. We describe a novel technique of placing these glossoepiglottic sutures using the Lichtenberger's needle carrier. We used this technique in three patients with excellent results and report no complications. We propose to use this technique in cases of epiglottic prolapse seen in severe LM and certain hypotonic conditions.