896 resultados para bone density distribution
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Problématique : L'allergie au lait de vache (ALV) est reconnue comme une condition transitoire qui disparaît chez la majorité des enfants avant l’âge de 3-5 ans, mais des données récentes révèlent une persistance de l’ALV. Les enfants souffrant d’une ALV sont à risque d’apports insuffisants en calcium et en vitamine D, deux nutriments impliqués dans la santé osseuse. Une première étude transversale portant sur la santé osseuse d’enfants prépubères ALV a observé que la densité osseuse (DMO) lombaire était significativement inférieure à celle d’enfants sans allergie au lait de vache (SALV). Objectifs : Sur la base de ces résultats, nous désirons documenter l’évolution longitudinale de la santé osseuse, du statut en vitamine D, des apports en calcium et en vitamine D et de l’adhérence à la supplémentation des enfants ALV (n=36) et de comparer ces données aux enfants SALV (n=19). Résultats : Le gain annualisé de la DMO lombaire est similaire entre les enfants ALV et SALV. Bien qu’il n’y ait pas de différence significative entre les deux groupes, la DMO lombaire des enfants ALV demeure cependant inférieure à celle des témoins. Qui plus est, le score-Z de la DMO du corps entier tend à être inférieur chez les enfants-cas comparé aux témoins. Au suivi, la concentration de 25OHD et le taux d’insuffisance en vitamine D sont similaires entre les deux groupes tout comme les apports en calcium et en vitamine D. Davantage d’enfants ALV prennent un supplément de calcium au suivi comparativement au temps initial (42% vs. 49%, p<0,05), mais le taux d’adhérence à la supplémentation a diminué à 4 jours/semaine. Conclusion : Une évaluation plus précoce ainsi qu’une prise en charge de la santé osseuse des enfants ALV pourraient être indiquées afin de modifier l’évolution naturelle de leur santé osseuse. Les résultats justifient aussi le suivi étroit des apports en calcium et vitamine D par une nutritionniste et la nécessité d'intégrer la supplémentation dans le plan de traitement de ces enfants et d’assurer une surveillance de l’adhérence à la supplémentation.
The boundary element method (BEM) was used to study galvanic corrosion using linear and logarithmic boundary conditions. The linear boundary condition was implemented by using the linear approach and the piecewise linear approach. The logarithmic boundary condition was implemented by the piecewise linear approach. The calculated potential and current density distribution were compared with the prior analytical results. For the linear boundary condition, the BEASY program using the linear approach and the piecewise linear approach gave accurate predictions of the potential and the galvanic current density distributions for varied electrolyte conditions, various film thicknesses, various electrolyte conductivities and various area ratio of anode/cathode. The 50-point piecewise linear method could be used with both linear and logarithmic polarization curves.
Cadmium is a cumulative nephrotoxicant that is absorbed into the body from dietary sources and cigarette smoking. The levels of Cd in organs such as liver and kidney cortex increase with age because of the lack of an active biochemical process for its elimination coupled with renal reabsorption. Recent research has provided evidence linking Cd-related kidney dysfunction and decreases in bone mineral density in nonoccupationally exposed populations who showed no signs of nutritional deficiency. This challenges the previous view that the concurrent kidney and bone damage seen in Japanese itai-itai disease patients was the result of Cd toxicity in combination with nutritional deficiencies, notably, of zinc and calcium. Further, such Cd-linked bone and kidney toxicities were observed in people whose dietary Cd intakes were well within the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) set by the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Expert Committee on Food Additives of 1 mug/kg body weight/day or 70 mug/day. This evidence points to the much-needed revision of the current PTWI for Cd. Also, evidence for the carcinogenic risk of chronic Cd exposure is accumulating and Cd effects on reproductive outcomes have begun to emerge.
In this paper, we studied vapor-liquid equilibria (VLE) and adsorption of ethylene on graphitized thermal carbon black and in slit pores whose walls are composed of graphene layers. Simple models of a one-center Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential and a two-center united atom (UA)-LJ potential are investigated to study the impact of the choice of potential models in the description of VLE and adsorption behavior. Here, we used a Monte Carlo simulation method with grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) and Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo ensembles. The one-center potential model cannot describe adequately the VLE over the practical range of temperature from the triple point to the critical point. On the other hand, the two-center potential model (Wick et al. J. Phys. Chem. B 2000, 104, 8008-8016) performs well in the description of VLE (saturated vapor and liquid densities and vapor pressure) over the wide range of temperature. This UA-LJ model is then used in the study of adsorption of ethylene on graphitized thermal carbon black and in slit pores. Agreement between the GCMC simulation results and the experimental data on graphitized thermal carbon black for moderate temperatures is excellent, demonstrating that the potential of the GCMC method and the proper choice of potential model are essential to investigate adsorption. For slit pores of various sizes, we have found that the behavior of ethylene exhibits a number of features that are not manifested in the study of spherical LJ particles. In particular, the singlet density distribution versus distance across the pore and the angle between the molecular axis and the z direction provide rich information about the way molecules arrange themselves when the pore width is varied. Such an arrangement has been found to be very sensitive to the pore width.
The influence of geometric factors on the galvanic current density distribution for AZ91D coupled to steel was investigated using experimental measurements and a BEM model. The geometric factors were area ratio of anode/cathode, insulation distance between anode and cathode, depth of solution film covering the galvanic couple and the manner of interaction caused by two independent interacting galvanic couples. The galvanic current density distribution calculated from the BEM model was in good agreement with the experimental measurements. The galvanic current density distribution caused by the interaction of two independent galvanic couples can be reasonably predicted as the linear addition of the galvanic current density caused by each individual galvanic couple. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The black tern (Anous minutus) uses a semi-precocial growth strategy. Terrestrial locomotor capacity occurs soon after hatching, but pectoral limb development is delayed and flight is not possible until about post-hatching day 50. A growth series (hatchlings to fledglings) was used to explore how limb musculoskeletal development varied with body mass. In the pelvic limb, bone lengths scaled isometrically or with negative allometry. Gastrocnemius muscle mass and the failure load and stiffness of the tibiotarsus scaled isometrically. In the pectoral limb, pectoralis and supracoracoideus muscle masses increased with strong positive allometry that was mirrored by increases in wing bone strength and stiffness. Bending strength (σult) and modulus (E) remained fairly constant throughout development to fledging for all limb bones. The moment of inertia (I) scaled with negative allometry for the tibiotarsus and with strong positive allometry in the wing bones. Differences in σult and E of the tibiotarsus between pre-fledged chicks and adults was due, primarily, to increases in bone density rather than increases in the moment of inertia of the skeletal elements, whereas σult of wing bones was a function of increases in both bone density and I. Early development of functional pelvic limbs in tree-nesting birds is relatively unusual, and presumably reflects a familial trait that does not appear to compromise breeding success in this species.
We have characterized a distinctive type of bistratified amacrine cell in the rabbit retina at both the single cell and population levels. These cells correspond to the fountain amacrine cells recently identified by MacNeil and Masland (1998). The fountain cells can be distinguished in superfused retinal wholemounts labeled with nuclear dyes, thus enabling them to be targeted for intracellular injection with Neurobiotin. This revealed that the primary dendrites ascend steeply to sublamina b of the inner plexiform layer, where they form an irregular arbor at the border of strata 4 and 5. These dendrites then give rise to multiple varicose processes that descend obliquely to sublamina a, where they form a more extensive arbor in stratum 1. The fountain amacrine cells show strong homologous tracer coupling when injected with Neurobiotin, and this has enabled us to map their density distribution across the retina and to examine the dendritic relationships between neighboring cells. The fountain amacrine cells range in density from 90 to 360 cells/mm(2) and they account for 1.5% of the amacrine cells in the rabbit retina. The thick tapering dendrites in sublamina b form highly territorial arbors that tile the retina with minimal overlap, whereas the thin varicose processes intermingle in sublamina a. The fountain cells are immunopositive for gamma-aminobutyric acid and immunonegative for glycine. We further propose that these cells are homologous to the substance P-immunoreactive (SP-IR) amacrine cells in the cat retina and that they may account for a subset of the SP-IR amacrine cells in the rabbit retina.
Bioenergetics differ between males and females of many species. Human females apportion a substantial proportion of energy resources towards gynoid fat storage, to support the energetic burden of reproduction. Similarly, axial calcium accrual is favoured in females compared with males. Nutritional status is a prognostic indicator in cystic fibrosis (CF), but girls and young women are at greater risk of death despite equivalent nutritional status to males. The aim of this study was to compare fat (energy) and calcium stores (bone density) in males and females with CF over a spectrum of disease severity. Methods: Fat as % body weight (fat%) and lumbar spine (LS) and total body (TB) bone mineral density (BMD) were measured using dual absorption X-ray photometry in 127(59M) control and 101(54M) CF subjects, aged 9–25 years. An equation for predicted age at death had been determined using survival data and history of pulmonary function for the whole clinic, based on a trivariate normal model using maximum likelihood methods (1). For the CF group, a disease severity index (predicted age at death) was calculated from the derived equations according to each subjects history of pulmonary function, current age, and gender. Disease severity was classified according to percentile of predicted age at death (‘mild’ ≥75th, ‘moderate’ 25th–75th, ‘severe’ ≤25th percentile). Wt for age z-score was calculated. Serum testosterone and oestrogen were measured in males and females respectively. Fat% and LSBMD were compared between the groups using ANOVA. Results: There was an interaction between disease severity and gender: increasing disease severity was associated with greater deficits in TB (p=0.01), LSBMD (p
A proposta do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do laser de baixa intensidade na regeneração óssea no procedimento de expansão rápida da maxila. Utilizou-se 27 indivíduos com média de idade de 10,2 anos, divididos em dois grupos: grupo laser (n=14), no qual se realizou a expansão rápida da maxila, associada ao laser e grupo sem laser (n=13), que realizou somente a expansão rápida da maxila. O protocolo de ativação do parafuso expansor foi de 1 volta completa no primeiro dia e ½ volta diária até a sobrecorreção. O laser utilizado foi o de diodo (TWIN Laser MMOptics®, São Carlos), seguindo o protocolo de aplicação: comprimento de onda de 780nm, potência de 40mW, densidade de 10J/cm2, em 10 pontos localizados ao redor da sutura palatina mediana. Os estágios de aplicação foram: L1 (do primeiro ao quinto dia de aplicação), L2 (travamento do parafuso e 3 dias seguidos), L3, L4 e L5 (após 7, 14 e 21 dias do L2, respectivamente). Radiografias oclusais da maxila foram realizadas com auxílio de uma escala de alumínio, para referencial densitométrico, em diferentes tempos: T1 (inicial), T2 (dia de travamento do parafuso), T3 (3 a 5 dias do T2), T4 (30 dias do T3), T5 (60 dias do T4). As radiografias foram digitalizadas e submetidas a um programa de imagem (Image Tool - UTHSCSA, Texas, USA), para mensuração da densidade óptica das áreas previamente selecionadas. Para realização do teste estatístico, utilizou-se a Análise de Covariância usando como covariável o tempo para a fase avaliada. Em todos os testes foi adotado nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05).Para o Grupo Laser, os dados mostram que houve uma queda significante de densidade durante a abertura do parafuso (T2-T1), um aumento significante da mesma no período final de avaliação (T5-T4), e um aumento também da densidade no período de regeneração propriamente dito (T5-T2), ou seja, a partir do momento em que finalizou a fase de abertura do parafuso expansor. Enquanto que no Grupo Sem Laser, a densidade não mostrou diferença estatisticamente significantemente em nenhum período analisado. Os resultados mostraram que o laser propiciou consideravelmente uma melhor abertura da sutura palatina mediana, além de influenciar no processo de regeneração óssea da sutura, acelerando seus processos de reparo.(AU)
The sudden loss of the plasma magnetic confinement, known as disruption, is one of the major issue in a nuclear fusion machine as JET (Joint European Torus), Disruptions pose very serious problems to the safety of the machine. The energy stored in the plasma is released to the machine structure in few milliseconds resulting in forces that at JET reach several Mega Newtons. The problem is even more severe in the nuclear fusion power station where the forces are in the order of one hundred Mega Newtons. The events that occur during a disruption are still not well understood even if some mechanisms that can lead to a disruption have been identified and can be used to predict them. Unfortunately it is always a combination of these events that generates a disruption and therefore it is not possible to use simple algorithms to predict it. This thesis analyses the possibility of using neural network algorithms to predict plasma disruptions in real time. This involves the determination of plasma parameters every few milliseconds. A plasma boundary reconstruction algorithm, XLOC, has been developed in collaboration with Dr. D. Ollrien and Dr. J. Ellis capable of determining the plasma wall/distance every 2 milliseconds. The XLOC output has been used to develop a multilayer perceptron network to determine plasma parameters as ?i and q? with which a machine operational space has been experimentally defined. If the limits of this operational space are breached the disruption probability increases considerably. Another approach for prediction disruptions is to use neural network classification methods to define the JET operational space. Two methods have been studied. The first method uses a multilayer perceptron network with softmax activation function for the output layer. This method can be used for classifying the input patterns in various classes. In this case the plasma input patterns have been divided between disrupting and safe patterns, giving the possibility of assigning a disruption probability to every plasma input pattern. The second method determines the novelty of an input pattern by calculating the probability density distribution of successful plasma patterns that have been run at JET. The density distribution is represented as a mixture distribution, and its parameters arc determined using the Expectation-Maximisation method. If the dataset, used to determine the distribution parameters, covers sufficiently well the machine operational space. Then, the patterns flagged as novel can be regarded as patterns belonging to a disrupting plasma. Together with these methods, a network has been designed to predict the vertical forces, that a disruption can cause, in order to avoid that too dangerous plasma configurations are run. This network can be run before the pulse using the pre-programmed plasma configuration or on line becoming a tool that allows to stop dangerous plasma configuration. All these methods have been implemented in real time on a dual Pentium Pro based machine. The Disruption Prediction and Prevention System has shown that internal plasma parameters can be determined on-line with a good accuracy. Also the disruption detection algorithms showed promising results considering the fact that JET is an experimental machine where always new plasma configurations are tested trying to improve its performances.
The thesis is concerned with the electron properties of single-polepiece magnetic electron lenses especially under conditions of extreme polepiece saturation. The electron optical properties are first analysed under conditions of high polepiece permeability. From this analysis, a general idea can be obtained of the important parameters that affect ultimate lens performance. In addition, useful information is obtained concerning the design of improved lenses operating under conditions of extreme polepiece saturation, for example at flux densities of the order of 10 Tesla. It is shown that in a single-polepiece lens , the position and shape of the lens exciting coil plays an important role. In particular, the maximum permissible current density in the windings,rather than the properties of the iron, can set a limit to lens performance. This factor was therefore investigated in some detail. The axial field distribution of a single-polepiece lens, unlike that of a conventional lens, is highly asymmetrical. There are therefore two possible physical arrangements of the lens with respect to the incoming electron beam. In general these two orientations will result in different aberration coefficients. This feature has also been investigated in some detail. Single-pole piece lenses are thus considerably more complicated electron- optically than conventional double polepiece lenses. In particular, the absence of the usual second polepiece causes most of the axial magnetic flux density distribution to lie outside the body of the lens. This can have many advantages in electron microscopy but it creates problems in calculating the magnetic field distribution. In particular, presently available computer programs are liable to be considerably in error when applied to such structures. It was therefore necessary to find independent ways of checking the field calculations. Furthermore, if the polepiece is allowed to saturate, much more calculation is involved since the field distribution becomes a non-linear function of the lens excitation. In searching for optimum lens designs, care was therefore taken to ensure that the coil was placed in the optimum position. If this condition is satisfied there seems to be no theoretical limit to the maximum flux density that can be attained at the polepiece tip. However , under iron saturation condition, some broadening of the axial field distribution will take place, thereby changing the lens aberrations . Extensive calculations were therefore made to find the minimum spherical and chromatic aberration coefficients . The focal properties of such lens designs are presented and compared with the best conventional double-polepiece lenses presently available.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 65C05
We present a study of the Galactic Center region as a possible source of both secondary gamma-ray and neutrino fluxes from annihilating dark matter. We have studied the gamma-ray flux observed by the High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS) from the J1745-290 Galactic Center source. The data are well fitted as annihilating dark matter in combination with an astrophysical background. The analysis was performed by means of simulated gamma spectra produced by Monte Carlo event generators packages. We analyze the differences in the spectra obtained by the various Monte Carlo codes developed so far in particle physics. We show that, within some uncertainty, the HESS data can be fitted as a signal from a heavy dark matter density distribution peaked at the Galactic Center, with a power-law for the background with a spectral index which is compatible with the Fermi-Large Area Telescope (LAT) data from the same region. If this kind of dark matter distribution generates the gamma-ray flux observed by HESS, we also expect to observe a neutrino flux. We show prospective results for the observation of secondary neutrinos with the Astronomy with a Neutrino Telescope and Abyss environmental RESearch project (ANTARES), Ice Cube Neutrino Observatory (Ice Cube) and the Cubic Kilometer Neutrino Telescope (KM3NeT). Prospects solely depend on the device resolution angle when its effective area and the minimum energy threshold are fixed.