999 resultados para blood trypomastigotes
The partial suppression of the cell-mediated immune response by Trypanosoma cruzi antigens in patients with Chagas' disease is demonstrated in a costimulation assay with T. cruzi antigens and Mycobacterium tuberculosis purified protein derivative (PPD) or Tetanus toxoid (TT). ononuclear cells from 13 patients with chagasic infection without evidence of heart disease, 10 patients with chagasic cardiomyopathy and 7 healthy blood donors were stimulated with antigen A (autoclaved epimastigotes), PPD, TT, PPD + A, PPD + TT and TT + A. The average percentage of suppression induced by costimulation of mononuclear cells with PPD and antigen A was 47.1% in patients with chagasic infection without heart disease (INF), 38.8% in patients with chagasic cardiomyopathy (CDM) and 23.3% in healthy controls. Similar values were observed when living trypomastigotes were used. A costimulatory study with PPD and TT, PPD and A and TT and A was carried out in 8 patients with chagasic infection, in order to evaluate the possibility that this difference could be due to a nonspecific inhibitory effect. The mean suppression induced by TT + PPD was -8.9, with TT + A was 52.7 and with PPD + A was 50.1. The data reported show that T. cruzi antigens induce a specific suppression of the proliferative responseof mononuclear cells, that might be relevant to the persistence of the parasite in the host.
A study on lead pollution was carried out on a sample of ca. 300 city children. This paper presents the errors producing bias in the sample. It is emphasized that, in Switzerland, the difference between the Swiss and the migrant population (the latter being mainly Italian and Spanish) must be taken into account.
The development in C3H mice of thirteen strains of Trypanosoma cruzi belonging to different zymodemes ans schizodemes was studied. Host mortality, virulence, histiotropism, parasitemia and polymorphism of the parasites were recorded. The strains were grouped into: a) high virulence - causing 100% mortality and characterized by predominance of bery broad trypomastigotes in the bloodstream at the end of infection; b) medium virulence - causing no mortality and with a predominance of broad trypomastigotes; c) low virulence - causing no mortality with blood forms not described due to the very low parasitemia. During 18 months maintenance the parasitemia curves were kept constant for all strains except one. A direct correlation between either zymodeme or schizodeme and experimental biological properties of T. cruzi strains was not found. However, the parasitemia was subpatent and patent for strains from zymodeme C and the others respectively. Furthermore the high virulence seems to be related to one of two shizodemes found within zymodeme B strains. All strains presenting patent parasitemia independent of shizodeme and ymodeme showed a myotropism towards heart and skeletal muscle with varible inflammatory intensity. The present study confirmed the heterogeneity found by isoenzyme and K-DNA patterns among the strains of T. cruzi isolated from chagasic patients in Bambuí, Minas Gerais State, Brasil.
Elevated plasma cholesterol, high blood pressure and cigarette smoking are three major risk factors for coronary heart disease. Within the framework of Switzerland's participation in the multicenter study MONICA (MONItoring of trends and determinants in CArdiovascular disease), proposed by the WHO, a first risk factor survey was conducted in a representative sample of the population (25-74 years) of two reporting units (cantons of Vaud and Fribourg, canton of Tessin). A high blood cholesterol level (>6,7 mmol/l) is the most common risk factor for coronary heart disease among the studied population. Among men, about 13% have elevated blood pressure, the proportion being about one in ten among women; these proportions increase with age and are slightly above these values in Tessin. Cigarette smoking is still a common behavior; between 25 and 45 years one third of the population (male and female) regularly smoke cigarettes.
Le don de sang représente un acte solidaire. Il est le plus souvent bénévole et, selon les pays et les circonstances, non rémunéré. Les éléments de la réflexion éthique sont, entre autres, l'augmentation des besoins, les critères d'exclusion de plus en plus nombreux, l'exigence sécuritaire et les modifications des structures de nos sociétés. Compte tenu de cela, les acteurs de la chaîne transfusionnelle doivent s'interroger sur certains paramètres : la valeur du don, le sens du bénévolat, l'opportunité de rémunérer l'acte de livrer une partie de soi, non plus comme un don et comme une expression d'altruisme et de solidarité, mais comme une prestation commerciale définie par des règles économiques. Blood donation is an act of solidarity. Most often, this act is done on a volunteer basis and, depending on countries and circumstances, is not remunerated. The increase in need, the always-greater number of deferral criteria, the safety issues and the changes in the structures of our societies are among the many subjects for ethical debates. Taking these into account, the actors of the transfusion must analyze certain parameters: the value of a donation, the meaning of volunteering, the appropriateness of remunerating the act of giving a part of one's self, no longer as a donation or an expression of altruism and solidarity, but as a commercial act regimented by economic laws.
The effects of azadirachtin A, a tetranortriterpenoid from the neem tree Azadirachta indica J., on both development and interaction between Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas' disease, and its vector Rhodnius prolixus were studied. Given through a blood meal, a dose-rsponse relationship of azadirachtin was established using antifeedant effect and ecdysis inhibition as effective parameters. A singlo dose of azadirachtin A was able to block the onset of mitosis in the epidermis and ecdysteroid titers in the hemnolymph, determined by radioimmuneassay, were too low for an induction of ecadysis. The survival of T. cruzi was also studied in R. prolixus treated with the drug. If the trypomastigotes were fed in presence of azadirachtin A the number of parasites drastically decreased. If the drug was applied after infection of the bug with T. cruzi, the parasite was still abolished from the gut. If the insect was pretreated with azadirachtin A before infection the same observation was obtained. A single dose of azadirachtin A was enough for a permanent resistance of the insect host against its reinfection with T. cruzi and for blocking the ecdysis for a long time. The effects of azadirachtin A on the hormonal balance of the host and growth inhibition of the parasite will be discussed on the basis of the present results.
Rapport de synthèse : Contexte: l'hydroxyéthylamidon (HEA) est largement utilisé comme expanseur volémique en anesthésiologie et réanimation. Cependant, cette classe de produits perturbe le system de la coagulation. Des améliorations restent possibles dans le choix de la combinaison optimale de poids moléculaire, de degré de substitution en radicaux éthyle et de localisation de ces radicaux sur le squelette glucidique des polymères, afin d'optimiser leur efficacité et leur tolérance. L'HEA de poids moléculaire élevé et faiblement substitué n'affecte pas plus la coagulation sanguine que de l'HEA de bas poids moléculaire faiblement substitué. Nous examinons in vivo l'effet d'un abaissement du rapport C2/C6 sur les caractéristiques pharmacocinétiques et l'impact sur la coagulation sanguine d'un HEA de haut poids moléculaire faiblement substitué. Matériels et méthode: nous comparons dans une étude prospective, randomisée et parallèle l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 avec l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 auprès de 30 cochons. Avant, pendant et jusqu'à 630 minutes après une perfusion de 30 ml/kg d'HEA, des échantillons sanguins ont été collectés pour mesurer les concentrations d'HEA, les tests de coagulation plasmatique classiques et la coagulation sanguine par thrombélastographie (TEG®, Haemoscope Corporation, Niles, II, U.S.). Les paramètres pharmacocinétiques ont été estimés en adaptant un modèle à deux compartiments. Résultats: la constante d'élimination est de 0.009 ± 0.001 (min-1) pour l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et 0.007 ± 0.001 (min-1) pour l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 (p<0.001); la surface sous la courbe de concentration est de 1374 ± 340 min*g/L pour l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et 1697 ± 411 min*g/L pour l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 (p=0.026). Les concentrations mesurées d'HEA ne montrent pas de différence entre l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6. Les deux solutions d'HEA affectent de façon identique la coagulation sanguine: l'index de coagulation thrombélastographique diminue pareillement à ta fin de la perfusion d'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et d'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 (p=0.29). De même, le temps de thromboplastine partielle activée et le temps de prothrombine augmentent de manière similaire pour l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 (p=0.83). Conclusion: la réduction du rapport C2/C6 de l'HEA de poids moléculaire élevé et faiblement substitué aboutit à une élimination légèrement accélérée d'HEA. Cependant, elle ne modifie pas l'effet perturbateur sur la coagulation.
Characteristics and possible risk factors associated with Trypanosoma cruzi infection among blood donors were assessed within a routine screening programme in blood banks in an endemic area of Chagas disease. 6,172 voluntary blood donors were interviewed and tested for anti-T. cruzi antibodies by Haemagglutination and Complement Fixation tests in six blood banks in Goiânia-Central Brazil from October 1988 to April 1989. An overall prevalence of 2.3% for T. cruzi infection was obtained, being 3.3% for first-time blood donors, and 1.9% for regular ones (p < 0.01). Considering this seropositivity among regular blood donors, selection of candidates relying only on the history of previous donation was found to be inadequate. The risk of infection increased inversely with the degrees of education and monthly income. There was a 9.2 risk of infection (95% CI 3.8-22.6) for those who had lived more than 21 years in an endemic area compared to subjects who had never lived in rural settings, after multivariate analysis. These informations may help to review the criteria of selection of donors in order to improve quality of blood products in endemic areas.
BACKGROUND: For over 50 years, radiocephalic wrist arteriovenous fistulae (RCAVF) have been the primary and best vascular access for haemodialysis. Nevertheless, early failure due to thrombosis or non-maturation is a major complication resulting in their abandonment. This prospective study was designed to investigate the predictive value of intra-operative blood flow on early failure of primary RCAVF before the first effective dialysis. METHODS: We enrolled patients undergoing creation of primary RCAVF for haemodialysis based on the pre-operative ultrasound vascular mapping discussed in a multidisciplinary approach. Intra-operative blood flow measurement was systematically performed once the anastomosis had been completed using a transit-time ultrasonic flowmeter. During the follow-up, blood flow was estimated by colour flow ultrasound at various intervals. Any events related to the RCAVF were recorded. RESULTS: Autogenous RCAVFs (n = 58) in 58 patients were constructed and followed up for an average of 30 days. Thrombosis and non-maturation occurred in eight (14%) and four (7%) patients, respectively. The intra-operative blood flow in functioning RCAVFs was significantly higher compared to non-functioning RCAVFs (230 vs 98 mL/min; P = 0.007), as well as 1 week (753 vs 228 mL/min; P = 0.0008) and 4 weeks (915 vs 245 mL/min, P < 0.0001) later. Blood flow volume measurements with a cut-off value of 120 mL/min had a sensitivity of 67%, specificity of 75% and positive predictive value of 91%. CONCLUSIONS: Blood flow <120 mL has a good predictive value for early failure in RCAVF. During the procedure, this cut-off value may be used to select appropriately which RCAVF should be investigated in the operation theatre in order to correct in real time any abnormality.
Different blood consumption speed was observed in Triatoma infestans - nymphs and adults - exposed to 12 degrees C and 28 degrees C. Exposure to optimal temperature (28 degrees C) allows the insects to consume blood at a rate of 9% per day. Significative relationship between blood amount present in the promesenteron and consumed blood was found at 28 degrees. Consumption of blood was drastically reduced at the lowest temperature. Accordingly, lack of ovaric development, oviposition and mating behaviour was observed in insects kept at 12 degrees C. Relationship between laboratory and field observations are discussed.
Passage of malaria infected blood through a two-layered column composed of acid-washed glass beads and CF 11 cellulose removes white cells from parasitized blood. However, because use of glass beads and CF 11 cellulose requires filtration of infected blood separately through these two resins and the addition of ADP, the procedure is time-consuming and may be inapropriate for use in the field, especially when large numbers of blood samples are to be treated. Our modification of this process yields parasitized cells free of contaminating leukocytes, and because of its operational simplicity, large numbers of blood samples can be processed. Our procedure also compares well with those using expensive commercial Sepacell resins in its ability to separate leukocytes from whole blood. As a test of usefulness in molecular biologic investigations, the parasites obtained from the blood of malaria-infected patients using the modified procedure yield genomic DNA whose single copy gene, the circumsporozite gene, efficiently amplifies by polymerase chain reaction.