997 resultados para basic income


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We compute the optimal non-linear tax policy for a dynastic economy with uninsurable risk, where generations are linked by dynastic wealth accumulation and correlated incomes. Unlike earlier studies, we find that the optimal long-run tax policy is moderately regressive. Regressive taxes lead to higher output and consumption, at the expense of larger after-tax income inequality. Nevertheless, equilibrium effects and the availability of self-insurance via bequests mitigate the impact of regressive taxes on consumption inequality, resulting in improved average welfare overall. We also consider the optimal once-and-for-all change in the tax system, taking into account the transition dynamics. Starting at the U.S. status quo, the optimal tax reform is slightly more progressive than the current system.


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This paper deals with a prevailing assumption that basic goods are accessory to claims of justice. Against such an assumption, the paper advances the idea that basic goods (the core of what I wish to call the sufficiency threshold) are fundamental as a matter of justice. The paper then addresses the question as to what is the elemental justifiability of a social minimum and how that relates to theories of justice, particularly to emerging theories of global justice. The arguments against the aforementioned assumption call upon the strengths of a general theory of justice already in place, namely, John Rawls’s theory of justice and the enriching response and criticism thereof—particularly David Miller’s theory of justice.


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CONTEXTE : La mortalité infantile a diminué au Canada depuis les années 1990 et 2000 mais nous ignorons si toutes les classes socioéconomiques ont bénéficié également de ce progrès. OBJECTIFS : La présente étude portait sur les différences entre les taux de mortalité néonatale et postnéonatale et de mort subite du nourrisson entre les différents quintiles de revenu des quartiers au Canada de 1991 à 2005. MÉTHODES : Le fichier couplé des naissances vivantes et des décès infantiles au Canada a été utilisé à l’exclusion des naissances survenues en Ontario, au Yukon, dans les Territoires du Nord-ouest et au Nunavut. Les taux de mortalité néonatale et postnéonatale et de mort subite du nourrisson ont été calculé par quintile de revenu des quartiers et par période (1991-1995, 1996-2000, 2001-2005). Les rapports de risque (RR) ont été calculés par quintile de revenu et période avec ajustement pour la province de résidence, l’âge de la mère, la parité, le sexe du nourrisson et les naissances multiples. RÉSULTATS : En zone urbaine, pour toute la période étudiée (1991- 2005), le quintile de revenu le plus pauvre avait un risque plus élevé de mortalité néonatale (RR ajusté 1,24; IC 95% 1,15-1,34), de mortalité postnéonatale (RR ajusté 1,58; IC 95% 1,41-1,76) et de mort subite du nourrisson (RR ajusté 1,83; IC 95% 1,49-2,26) par rapport au quintile le plus riche. Les taux de mortalité post néonatale et de mort subite du nourrisson ont décliné respectivement de 37 % et de 57 % de 1991- 1995 à 2001-2005 alors que le taux de mortalité néonatale n’a pas changé de façon significative. Cette diminution de la mortalité postnéonatale et de la mort subite du nourrisson a été observée dans tous les quintiles de revenu. CONCLUSION : Malgré une diminution de la mortalité postnéonatale et du syndrome de mort subite du nourrisson dans tous les quintiles de revenu, les inégalités subsistent au Canada. Ce résultat démontre le besoin de stratégies efficaces de promotion de la santé visant spécifiquement les populations vulnérables. MOTS CLÉS : mort subite du nourrisson; mortalité infantile; statut socioéconomique


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Notre thèse de doctorat a pour but d’évaluer les contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes enceintes. Plus spécifiquement, il est question d’identifier les facteurs associés aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs, à une tension psychologique au travail ou travail "tendu" ("high-strain" job), à un travail "tendu" avec un faible soutien social au travail ("Iso-strain"), et enfin d’évaluer l’association entre ces contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes enceintes au travail. Les données analysées sont issues de l’Étude Montréalaise sur la Prématurité, une étude de cohorte prospective menée entre mai 1999 et avril 2004, auprès de 5 337 femmes enceintes interviewées à 24-26 semaines de grossesse dans quatre hôpitaux de l’île de Montréal (Québec, Canada). L’échelle CES-D (Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale) a été utilisée pour mesurer les symptômes dépressifs majeurs (score CES-D ≥23). L’échelle abrégée de Karasek a été utilisée pour mesurer les contraintes psychosociales au travail. La présente étude a conduit à la rédaction de quatre articles scientifiques qui seront soumis à des revues avec comité de pairs. Le premier article a permis de comparer la prévalence des symptômes dépressifs majeurs dans différents sous-groupes de femmes enceintes : femmes au foyer, femmes au travail, femmes en arrêt de travail, femmes aux études et de rechercher les facteurs de risque associés aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs pendant la grossesse. À 24-26 semaines de grossesse, la prévalence des symptômes dépressifs majeurs était de 11,9% (11,0-12,8%) pour l’ensemble des femmes enceintes à l’étude (N=5 337). Les femmes enceintes au travail avaient une proportion de symptômes dépressifs moins élevée [7,6% (6,6-8,7%); n=2 514] par rapport aux femmes enceintes au foyer qui avaient les prévalences les plus élevées [19,1% (16,5-21,8%); n=893], suivi des femmes enceintes en arrêt de travail [14,4% (12,7-16,1%); n=1 665] et des femmes enceintes aux études [14,3% (10,3-19,1%); n=265]. Les caractéristiques personnelles (non professionnelles) associées aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs étaient, après ajustement pour toutes les variables, le statut d’emploi, un faible niveau d’éducation, un faible soutien social en dehors du travail, le fait d’avoir vécu des événements stressants aigus, d’avoir manqué d’argent pour les besoins essentiels, les difficultés relationnelles avec son partenaire, les problèmes de santé chronique, le pays de naissance et le tabagisme. Le deuxième article avait pour objectif de décrire l’exposition aux contraintes psychosociales au travail et d’identifier les facteurs qui y sont associés chez les femmes enceintes de la région de Montréal, au Québec (N=3 765). Au total, 24,4% des travailleuses enceintes se trouvaient dans la catégorie travail "tendu" ("high-strain" job) et 69,1% d’entre elles avaient eu un faible soutien social au travail ("Iso-strain"). Les facteurs de risque associés à un travail "tendu" étaient : un faible soutien social au travail, certains secteurs d’activité et niveaux de compétences, le fait de travailler plus de 35 heures par semaine, les horaires irréguliers, la posture de travail, le port de charges lourdes, le jeune âge des mères, une immigration ≥ 5 ans, un bas niveau d’éducation, la monoparentalité et un revenu annuel du ménage <50 000$. Le troisième article a évalué l’association entre les contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes enceintes au travail (N=3 765). Dans les analyses bivariées et multivariées, les femmes enceintes qui avaient un "high-strain job" ou un "Iso-strain" présentaient davantage de symptômes dépressifs majeurs que les autres sous-groupes. Les contraintes psychosociales au travail étaient associées aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs lorsqu’on prenait en compte les autres facteurs organisationnels et les facteurs personnels auxquels elles étaient confrontées à l’extérieur de leur milieu de travail. Notre étude confirme les évidences accumulées en référence aux modèles théoriques "demande-contrôle" et "demande-contrôle-soutien" de Karasek et Theorell. L’impact de ce dernier et le rôle crucial du soutien social au travail ont été mis en évidence chez les femmes enceintes au travail. Cependant, l’effet "buffer" du modèle "demande-contrôle-soutien" n’a pas été mis en évidence. Le quatrième article a permis d’évaluer l’exposition aux contraintes psychosociales au travail chez les femmes enceintes au travail et en arrêt de travail pour retrait préventif et de mesurer l’association entre les contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs en fonction du moment du retrait préventif (N=3 043). À 24-26 semaines de grossesse, les femmes enceintes en retrait préventif du travail (31,4%) avaient été plus exposées à un "high-strain job" (31,0% vs 21,1%) et à un "Iso-strain" (21,0% vs 14,2%) que celles qui continuaient de travailler (p<0,0001); et elles avaient des proportions plus élevées de symptômes dépressifs majeurs. Après ajustement pour les facteurs de risque personnels et professionnels, "l’Iso-strain" restait significativement associé aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes qui continuaient de travailler tout comme chez celles qui ont cessé de travailler, et cela quel que soit leur durée d’activité avant le retrait préventif du travail (4 à 12 semaines/ 13 à 20 semaines/ ≥ 21 semaines). Les contraintes psychosociales au travail représentent un important facteur de risque pour la santé mentale des travailleuses enceintes. Malgré l’application du programme "pour une maternité sans danger" il s’avère nécessaire de mettre en place dans les milieux de travail, des mesures de prévention, de dépistage et d’intervention afin de réduire la prévalence des symptômes dépressifs prénataux et l’exposition aux contraintes psychosociales au travail pour prévenir les complications maternelles et néonatales. D’autant plus que, la dépression prénatale est le principal facteur de risque de dépression postpartum, de même que les enfants nés de mères souffrant de dépression sont plus à risque de prématurité et de petit poids de naissance.


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Payer ses soins est une réalité coûteuse pour les usagers des services de santé en Afrique subsaharienne. Plusieurs pays suppriment donc certains types de paiements directs des soins au point de service, en instaurant des politiques d’exemption des paiements (PEP). Cette thèse explore trois enjeux majeurs soulevés par ces réformes. Le premier article analyse le positionnement des acteurs de la santé mondiale dans le débat sur les paiements directs des soins dans les pays à faible et moyen revenu. Cette étude documentaire montre que la majorité des acteurs s’exprime en défaveur des paiements directs en invoquant notamment leurs effets néfastes sur l’équité d’accès aux soins. Le second article met en lumière les effets perturbateurs des PEP sur les systèmes de santé des pays à faible et moyen revenu. Cette synthèse exploratoire indique que leur mise en œuvre perturbe les systèmes de santé de plusieurs manières : augmentation immédiate de l’utilisation des services gratuits, indisponibilité des médicaments, financement imprévisible et insuffisant, multiplicité des organes impliqués dans la mise en œuvre, et déficiences dans la planification et la communication. Le troisième article examine la manière dont les PEP influencent le recours aux soins des usagers. La revue réaliste a permis de développer une théorie qui explique ce processus, et de la mettre à l’épreuve d’études empiriques. Selon cette théorie, les PEP sont une ressource contribuant à renforcer le pouvoir d’agir des usagers. Ce pouvoir d’agir est également influencé par des facteurs structurels, locaux et individuels qui agissent sur la « capabilité » des usagers de se saisir de cette ressource, et de choisir de recourir aux services de santé gratuits. Trois mécanismes jouent un rôle essentiel dans ce choix : la confiance, l’acceptabilité, et la reconnaissance du risque. Cette thèse contribue au développement des connaissances empiriques sur une réforme majeure des systèmes de santé en Afrique subsaharienne. Elle apporte également des enseignements méthodologiques à la revue réaliste, et participe à la construction du champ de la recherche sur les politiques et systèmes de santé dans les pays à faible et moyen revenu.


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This research was undertaken with the primary objective of explaining differences in consumption of personal care products using personality variables. Several streams of research reported were reviewed and a conceptual model was developed. Theories on the relationship between self concept and behaviour was reviewed and the need to use individual difference variables to conceptualize and measure the salient dimensions of the self were emphasized. Theories relating to social comparison, eating disorders, role of idealized media images in shaping the self-concept, evidence on cosmetic surgery and persuasibility were reviewed in the study. These came from diverse fields like social psychology, use of cosmetics, women studies, media studies, self-concept literature in psychology and consumer research, and marketing. From the review three basic dimensions, namely self-evaluation, self-awareness and persuasibility were identified and they were posited to be related to consumption. Several personality variables from these conceptual domains were identified and factor analysis confirmed the expected structure fitting the basic theoretical dimensions. Demographic variables like gender and income were also considered.It was found that self-awareness measured by the variable public self-consciousness explain differences in consumption of personal care products. The relationship between public self-consciousness and consumption was found to be most conspicuous in cases of poor self-, evaluation measured by self-esteem. Susceptibility to advertising also was found to explain differences in consumption.From the research, it may be concluded that personality variables are useful for explaining consumption and they must be used together to explain and understand the process. There may not be obvious and conspicuous links between individual measures and behaviour in marketing. However, when used in proper combination and with the help oftheoretical models personality offers considerable explanatory power as illustrated in the seventy five percent accuracy rate of prediction obtained in binary logistic regression.


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Department of Statistics, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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The fishing industry the world over is passing through a critical situation.The landings of marine fishes seemed to have reached saturation in major fishing areas of the world.As a general rule fisheries employing fishing gear and techniques used by small scale and artisanal fishermen either from shore or from onboard small fishing craft come under small-scale fisheries.This study on gill nets of Kerala, the fishing method depended upon by maximum fishermen of the state focuses on the importance of this selective and low energy fishing method in the marine fishing sector of the state.The study opens with the conceptual framework by briefly reviewing the crisis in the marine fisheries sector. Maximum fishermen depend upon gill net, which is, an important selective and low energy fishing gear. A review of relevant literature on aspects such as material, selectivity and techno-economic efficiency together with scope and main objectives of the study form the major part of the compass of the introductory chapter.This survey provided the inputs for selection of centres. The chapter presents the basis for selection of sample centres, sample units and methodology for field and experimental study.The subject matter of the fourth chapter is a basic study on gear aterials. The weathering resistance, which is an important criterion to assess the material performance, was studied for polyamide monofilament in comparison to polyamide multifilament and polyethylene twisted monofilament.The study provides supporting evidence of oxidation and characteristic C-O stretching in polyethylene and cyclic lactam .formation and presence of OH in polyamide.The study indicates that small mesh gill netting can be encouraged as a selective fishing method in the inshore waters with restrained use of 30 and 32 mm mesh sizes. The economic efficiency was assessed using standard indices such as rate of return, internal rate of return, pay back period, fishery income, energy efficiency and factor productivity. The effect of size and cost of capital and cost of production on the economics of operation is also discussed in this chapter. It was observed that level of technology did not have direct effect on economic performance.


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The overall objective of the study is to examine whether the tribal communities in Kerala can be considered a coherent group in terms of select indicators of development by focusing on nine major tribal communities. The study also aims to bring out the intercommunity differences if any in aspects of livelihood options and education level of the tribal communities in Kerala


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Commercial banks play a vital role in the economic development of a country like India. Indian economy in general and banking services in particular have made rapid strides in the recent past. However, a sizeable section of the population, particularly the vulnerable groups, such as weaker sections and low income groups, continue to remain excluded from even the most basic opportunities and services provided by the financial sector. To address the issue of such financial exclusion in a holistic manner, it is essential to ensure that a range of financial services is available to every individual


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Dept. of Statistics, CUSAT


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The inferences obtained from the study are presented in coherent area-specific levels so as to understand the ecotourism and its sub-sector areas for the researchers and policy makers about the issues, importances and potentialities of the sector. An analysis of the tourism sector in Kerala has shown tremendous growth both in terms of tourist arrivals and in terms of revenue generation from direct and indirect sources. The foreign tourist visitors in Kerala in 2014 was 9,23,336 which shows 7.60 percent increase from the last year and the domestic tourist visitors were 1,16,95,411 which again shows 7.71 percent increase, is a clear evidence of its potential. In 2014 the industry contributed revenue of 24885.44 crores from direct and indirect sources giving rise to an increase of 12.11 percent from the last year. A dichotomy of tourists and ecotourists shows that tourists in the ecotourism destinations come to 42.6 percent of the total, shows the scope, significance and its potential. Correlation of zone-wise tourist arrivals based on the ecotourism destinations highlights the fact that with only 19 of the 64 destinations that come in the central zone are the most preferred centres (around 54 percent) for the domestic as well as foreign tourists. The north zone encompassing 6 districts with rich biodiversity shows that the tourists‟ arrival patterns exhibit less promising results. Though the north zone has 31 ecotourism destinations of the state receives only 6.19 percent of the foreign visitors. The ecotourism activities in the state are primarily managed by the Eco-Development Committees (EDCs) and the Vana Samrakshana Samithies (VSS) under the Forest Development Agency of Kerala. Social class-wise categorization of membership shows that 13142 families have membership in 190 EDCs with SC (28 percent), ST (33 percent) and other marginalised communities (39 percent). But this in the VSS shows that 400 VSS have 59085 members actively engaged in ecotourism activities and social category of the VSS makes clear that majority are from the other marginalized fringe households with 62 percent where as the participation of SC is 12 percent and ST is 26 percent. An evaluation of the socio-economic and demographic matrix of the community members involved in ecotourism activities brings out region specific differences. About 75.70 percent of the respondents are males and the rest are females. Majority of the respondents (about 60 percent) are in the age group of 20 to 40 years, followed by the age group of 40-50 (20 percent). The average age of respondents in the three zones is between 35 and 37 years. The majority of the respondents are married, a few are unmarried. Average family size is 4-5 members and differences are identified among zones. Average number of adults per household is 3 and child per household is 2. Majority have an education of 10th class and below i.e. about 60 percent of the sample have only basic school education like primary, secondary and high school (i.e. up to SSLC but not passed) level. About 18 percent are SSLC passed, 10 percent are undergraduates whereas 6 percent constitute respondents having qualification of graduation and above. Majority of the „graduates and above‟ are from south and central zone. Inter-zone differences in educational profile are also identified with lesser number of „graduates and above‟ are identified in the north zone compared to the other two zones. Investigating into the income and livelihood options of the respondents gives insight about the prominence of ecotourism as an employment and livelihood option for the community members, as more than 90 percent of the respondents have cited tourism sector as their main employment option. Most (49.30 percent) of respondents get 100 percent income from tourism related activities, followed by 37.30 percent of community members have income between 75-99 percent from tourism whereas the rest (13 percent) have less than 74 percent of their income from tourism and there exists difference between zones and percentage of income. Financial habit shows that about 49.7 percent hold active bank accounts, 61 percent have savings behaviour and 73.8 percent have indebtedness. Analysis about the ownership of house brings to light that 37 percent of respondents live in their own house followed by 25.7 percent in government funded/provided house and 21 percent in their parent‟s house and 3.5 percent in rented house. About 12 percent of the respondents have other kinds of accommodation facilities such as staff quarters, etc. But in the case of north zone majority i.e. 52 percent primarily depend on the government funded house indicating the effectiveness of government housing programme. Standard of living measured in SLI frameworks shows that majority of the respondents have medium SLI values (42.3 percent); the remaining 47.7 percent have low SLI and 10 percent have high SLI. The community members have been benefitted immensely from forest and its resources. Since the ecotourism destinations are located amidst the wildlife settings, majority of them depend on forest for their livelihood. The information on the tourist‟s demographic characteristics like age, sex, educational qualification and annual income show that the age category of domestic and foreign tourists falls below the age group of less than 35 years (about 65 percent), whereas only 16 percent of tourists are aged above 46 years. The age group below 25 years consists of more international tourists (31.3 percent) compared to the proportion of domestic tourists (12.5 percent). Male-female ratio shows that the males constitute 56 percent of the sample and females with 44 percent. The factors determining the impact of ecotourism programmes in the community was evaluated with the aid of a factor analysis with 12 selected statements. The worries and concerns of the community members about the impact of ecotourism on the environment are well understood from this analysis. It can be drawn that environment protection and the role of ecotourism in improving the income and livelihood options of the local communities is the most important factor concerning the community members.


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This study aimed to study the evolution and substance of microfinance as a major tool for combating poverty at the global and national level. The development of micro finance in Kerala is briefly discussed. It also indicates the importance and role of microcredit in bringing the poor up in the society through entrepreneurial initiatives. The current trends in the field are also discussed, leading to the need of the present research.


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The basic idea behind improving local food security consists of two paths; first, accessibility (price, stock) and second, availability (quantity and biodiversity); both are perquisites to the provision of nutrients and a continuous food supply with locally available resources. The objectives of this thesis are to investigate if indigenous knowledge still plays an important role in traditional farming in the Minangkabau`s culture, thus supporting local food security. If the indigenous knowledge still plays a role in food culture in the Minangkabau`s culture which is linked to the matrilineal role and leads to a sound nutrition. Further, it should be tested if marantau influences traditional farming and food culture in Minangkabau`s, and if the local government plays a role in changing of traditional farming systems and food culture. Furthermore this thesis wants to prove if education and gender are playing a role in changing traditional farming system and food culture, and if the mass media affects traditional farming systems and food culture for the Minangkabau. The study was completed at four locations in West Sumatera; Nagari Ulakan (NU) (coastal area), Nagari Aia Batumbuak (NAB) (hilly area), Nagari Padang Laweh Malalo (NPLM) (lake area), Nagari Pandai Sikek (NPS) (hilly area). The rainfall ranged from 1400- 4800 mm annually with fertile soils. Data was collected by using PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) to investigate indigenous knowledge (IK) and its interactions, which is also combining with in depth-interview, life history, a survey using semi-structured-questionnaire, pictures, mapping, and expert interview. The data was collected from June - September 2009 and June 2010. The materials are; map of area, list of names, questionnaires, voices recorder, note book, and digital camera. The sampling method was snowball sampling which resulted in the qualitative and quantitative data taken. For qualitative data, ethnography and life history was used. For quantitative, a statistical survey with a semi-structured questionnaire was used. 50 respondents per each site participated voluntarily. Data was analyzed by performing MAXQDA 10, and F4 audio analysis software (created and developed by Philip-University Marburg). The data is clustered based on causality. The results show that; the role of IK on TFS (traditional farming system) shown on NPLM which has higher food crop biodiversity in comparison to the other three places even though it has relatively similar temperature and rainfall. This high food crop biodiversity is due to the awareness of local people who realized that they lived in unfavourable climate and topography; therefore they are more prepared for any changes that may occur. Carbohydrate intake is 100 % through rice even though they are growing different staple crops. Whereas most of the people said in the interviews that not eating rice is like not really eating for them. In addition to that, mothers still play an important role in kitchen activities. But when the agriculture income is low, mothers have to decide whether to change the meals or to feel insecure about their food supply. Marantau yields positive impact through the remittances it provides to invest on the farm. On the other hand, it results in fewer workers for agriculture, and therefore a negative impact on the transfer of IK. The investigation showed that the local government has a PTS (Padi Tanam Sabatang) programme which still does not guarantee that the farmers are getting sufficient revenue from their land. The low agricultural income leads to situation of potential food insecurity. It is evident that education is equal among men and women, but in some cases women tend to leave school earlier because of arranged marriages or the distances of school from their homes. Men predominantly work in agriculture and fishing, while women work in the kitchen. In NAB, even though women work on farmland they earn less then men. Weaving (NPS) and kitchen activity is recognized as women’s work, which also supports the household income. Mass media is not yielding any changes in TFS and food culture in these days. The traditional farming system has changed because of intensive agricultural extension which has introduced new methods of agriculture for the last three decades (since the 1980’s). There is no evidence that they want to change any of their food habits because of the mass media despite the lapau activity which allows them to get more food choices, instead preparing traditional meal at home. The recommendations of this thesis are: 1) The empowerment of farmers. It is regarding the self sufficient supply of manure, cooperative seed, and sustainable farm management. Farmers should know – where are they in their state of knowledge – so they can use their local wisdom and still collaborate with new sources of knowledge. Farmers should learn the prognosis of supply and demand next prior to harvest. There is a need for farm management guidelines; that can be adopted from both their local wisdom and modern knowledge. 2) Increase of non-agricultural income Increasing the non-agricultural income is strongly recommended. The remittances can be invested on non-agricultural jobs. 3) The empowerment of the mother. The mother plays an important role in farm to fork activities; the mother can be an initiator and promoter of cultivating spices in the backyard. Improvement of nutritional knowledge through information and informal public education can be done through arisan ibu-ibu and lapau activity. The challenges to apply these recommendations are: 1) The gap between institutions and organizations of local governments. There is more than one institution involved in food security policy. 2) Training and facilities for field extension agriculture (FEA) is needed because the rapid change of interaction between local government and farmer’s dependent on this agency.


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In Khartoum (Sudan) a particular factor shaping urban land use is the rapid expansion of red brick making (BM) for the construction of houses which occurs on the most fertile agricultural Gerif soils along the Nile banks. The objectives of this study were to assess the profitability of BM, to explore the income distribution among farmers and kiln owners, to measure the dry matter (DM), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and organic carbon (C_org) in cow dung used for BM, and to estimate the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from burned biomass fuel (cow dung and fuel wood). About 49 kiln owners were interviewed in 2009 using a semi-structured questionnaire that allowed to record socio-economic and variable cost data for budget calculations, and determination of Gini coefficients. Samples of cow dung were collected directly from the kilns and analyzed for their nutrients concentrations. To estimate GHG emissions a modified approach of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was used. The land rental value from red brick kilns was estimated at 5-fold the rental value from agriculture and the land rent to total cost ratio was 29% for urban farms compared to 6% for BM. The Gini coefficients indicated that income distribution among kiln owners was more equal than among urban farmers. Using IPCC default values the 475, 381, and 36 t DM of loose dung, compacted dung, and fuel wood used for BM emit annually 688, 548, and 60 t of GHGs, respectively.