548 resultados para asynchronous


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Classical molecular dynamics is applied to the rotation of a dipolar molecular rotor mounted on a square grid and driven by rotating electric field E(ν) at T ≃ 150 K. The rotor is a complex of Re with two substituted o-phenanthrolines, one positively and one negatively charged, attached to an axial position of Rh\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{2}^{4+}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} in a [2]staffanedicarboxylate grid through 2-(3-cyanobicyclo[1.1.1]pent-1-yl)malonic dialdehyde. Four regimes are characterized by a, the average lag per turn: (i) synchronous (a < 1/e) at E(ν) = |E(ν)| > Ec(ν) [Ec(ν) is the critical field strength], (ii) asynchronous (1/e < a < 1) at Ec(ν) > E(ν) > Ebo(ν) > kT/μ, [Ebo(ν) is the break-off field strength], (iii) random driven (a ≃ 1) at Ebo(ν) > E(ν) > kT/μ, and (iv) random thermal (a ≃ 1) at kT/μ > E(ν). A fifth regime, (v) strongly hindered, W > kT, Eμ, (W is the rotational barrier), has not been examined. We find Ebo(ν)/kVcm−1 ≃ (kT/μ)/kVcm−1 + 0.13(ν/GHz)1.9 and Ec(ν)/kVcm−1 ≃ (2.3kT/μ)/kVcm−1 + 0.87(ν/GHz)1.6. For ν > 40 GHz, the rotor behaves as a macroscopic body with a friction constant proportional to frequency, η/eVps ≃ 1.14 ν/THz, and for ν < 20 GHz, it exhibits a uniquely molecular behavior.


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Epicuticular wax production was evaluated along the length of expanding leek (Allium porrum L.) leaves to gain insight into the regulation of wax production. Leaf segments from the bottom to the top were analyzed for (a) wax composition and load; (b) microsomal fatty acid elongase, plastidial fatty acid synthase, and acyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) thioesterase activities; and (c) tissue and cellular morphological changes. The level of total wax, which was low at the bottom, increased 23-fold along the length of the leaf, whereas accumulation of the hentriacontan-16-one increased more than 1000-fold. The onset of wax accumulation was not linked to cell elongation but, rather, occurred several centimeters above the leaf base. Peak microsomal fatty acid elongation activity preceded the onset of wax accumulation, and the maximum fatty acid synthase activity was coincident with the onset. The C16:0- and C18:0-ACP-hydrolyzing activities changed relatively little along the leaf, whereas C18:1-ACP-hydrolyzing activity increased slightly prior to the peak elongase activity. Electron micrographic analyses revealed that wax crystal formation was asynchronous among cells in the initial stages of wax deposition, and morphological changes in the cuticle and cell wall preceded the appearance of wax crystals. These studies demonstrated that wax production and microsomal fatty acid elongation activities were induced within a defined and identifiable region of the expanding leek leaf and provide the foundation for future molecular studies.


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The time course of and the influence of light intensity and light quality on the induction of a mitochondrial carbonic anhydrase (CA) in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was characterized using western and northern blots. This CA was expressed only under low-CO2 conditions (ambient air). In asynchronously grown cells, the mRNA was detected 15 min after transfer from air containing 5% CO2 to ambient air, and the 21-kD polypeptide was detected on western blots after 1 h. When transferred back to air containing 5% CO2, the mRNA disappeared within 1 h and the polypeptide was degraded within 3 d. Photosynthesis was required for the induction in asynchronous cultures. The induction increased with light up to 500 μmol m−2 s−1, where saturation occurred. In cells grown synchronously, however, expression of the mitochondrial CA was also detected in darkness. Under such conditions the expression followed a circadian rhythm, with mRNA appearing in the dark 30 min before the light was turned on. Algae left in darkness continued this rhythm for several days.


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Reactive oxygen species cause damage to all of the major cellular constituents, including peroxidation of lipids. Previous studies have revealed that oxidative stress, including exposure to oxidation products, affects the progression of cells through the cell division cycle. This study examined the effect of linoleic acid hydroperoxide, a lipid peroxidation product, on the yeast cell cycle. Treatment with this peroxide led to accumulation of unbudded cells in asynchronous populations, together with a budding and replication delay in synchronous ones. This observed modulation of G1 progression could be distinguished from the lethal effects of the treatment and may have been due to a checkpoint mechanism, analogous to that known to be involved in effecting cell cycle arrest in response to DNA damage. By examining several mutants sensitive to linoleic acid hydroperoxide, the YNL099c open reading frame was found to be required for the arrest. This gene (designated OCA1) encodes a putative protein tyrosine phosphatase of previously unknown function. Cells lacking OCA1 did not accumulate in G1 on treatment with linoleic acid hydroperoxide, nor did they show a budding, replication, or Start delay in synchronous cultures. Although not essential for adaptation or immediate cellular survival, OCA1 was required for growth in the presence of linoleic acid hydroperoxide, thus indicating that it may function in linking growth, stress responses, and the cell cycle. Identification of OCA1 establishes cell cycle arrest as an actively regulated response to oxidative stress and will enable further elucidation of oxidative stress-responsive signaling pathways in yeast.


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The requirement for cooperative interactions between multiple synaptic inputs in the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) has been tested at Schaffer collateral synapses with paired recordings from monosynaptically coupled CA3-CA1 cell pairs in rat hippocampal slice cultures. Tetanization of single presynaptic neurons at 50 Hz (repeated 5-7 times for 300-500 ms each) induced only a transient potentiation (< 3 min) of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs). Persistent potentiation (> 15 min) was induced only when single presynaptic action potentials were synchronously paired with directly induced postsynaptic depolarizing pulses (repeated 50-100 times). Tetanus-induced potentiation of extracellularly evoked EPSPs lasting > 4 min could only be obtained if the EPSP was > 4 mV. Because unitary EPSP amplitudes average approximately 1 mV, we conclude that high-frequency discharge must occur synchronously] in 4-5 CA3 cells for LTP to be induced in a common postsynaptic CA1 cell. Asynchronous pairing of presynaptic action potentials with postsynaptic depolarizing current pulses (preceding each EPSP by 800 ms) depressed both naive and previously potentiated unitary EPSPs. Likewise, homosynaptic LTD of unitary EPSPs was induced when the presynaptic cell was tetanized at 3 Hz for 3 min, regardless of their amplitude (0.3-3.2 mV). Homosynaptic LTD of extracellularly evoked Schaffer collateral EPSPs < 4 mV could be induced if no inhibitory postsynaptic potential was apparent, but was prevented by eliciting a large inhibitory postsynaptic potential or by injection of hyperpolarizing current in the postsynaptic cell. We conclude that cooperative interactions among multiple excitatory inputs are not required for induction of homosynaptic LTD of unitary EPSPs.


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Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex that is thought to add telomeric repeats onto the ends of chromosomes during the replicative phase of the cell cycle. We tested this hypothesis by arresting human tumor cell lines at different stages of the cell cycle. Induction of quiescence by serum deprivation did not affect telomerase activity. Cells arrested at the G1/S phase of the cell cycle showed similar levels of telomerase to asynchronous cultures; progression through the S phase was associated with increased telomerase activity. The highest level of telomerase activity was detected in S-phase cells. In contrast, cells arrested at G2/M phase of the cell cycle were almost devoid of telomerase activity. Diverse cell cycle blockers, including transforming growth factor beta1 and cytotoxic agents, also caused inhibition of telomerase activity. These results establish a direct link between telomerase activity and progression through the cell cycle.


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The majority of neurons in the primary visual cortex of primates can be activated by stimulation of either eye; moreover, the monocular receptive fields of such neurons are located in about the same region of visual space. These well-known facts imply that binocular convergence in visual cortex can explain our cyclopean view of the world. To test the adequacy of this assumption, we examined how human subjects integrate binocular events in time. Light flashes presented synchronously to both eyes were compared to flashes presented alternately (asynchronously) to one eye and then the other. Subjects perceived very-low-frequency (2 Hz) asynchronous trains as equivalent to synchronous trains flashed at twice the frequency (the prediction based on binocular convergence). However, at higher frequencies of presentation (4-32 Hz), subjects perceived asynchronous and synchronous trains to be increasingly similar. Indeed, at the flicker-fusion frequency (approximately 50 Hz), the apparent difference between the two conditions was only 2%. We suggest that the explanation of these anomalous findings is that we parse visual input into sequential episodes.


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Retrovirus-mediated gene transfer into hepatocytes in vivo results in long-term gene expression. Limitations include the need to remove two-thirds of the liver and the relatively low frequency of gene transfer. To increase gene transfer without surgical hepatectomy, mouse hepatocytes were transduced in vivo with a recombinant adenovirus that transiently expressed urokinase, resulting in high rates of asynchronous liver regeneration. During the regenerative phase, in vivo retroviral-mediated gene transfer in hepatocytes resulted in 5- to 10-fold greater transduction efficiencies than that obtained by conventional partial hepatectomy. In 3-4 weeks, the architecture and microscopic structure of the recipient livers were normal. The two-viral system of achieving permanent transgene expression from hepatocytes in vivo offers an alternative approach to current ex vivo and in vivo gene-transfer models.


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O trabalho trata do projeto e do desenvolvimento de um processador de baixo consumo de potência, de forma simplificada, explorando técnicas de microarquitetura, para atingir menor consumo de potência. É apresentada uma sequência lógica de desenvolvimento, a partir de conceitos e estruturas básicas, até chegar a estruturas mais complexas e, por fim, mostrar a microarquitetura completa do processador. Esse novo modelo de processador é comparado com estudos prévios de três processadores, sendo o primeiro modelo síncrono, o segundo assíncrono e o terceiro uma versão melhorada do primeiro modelo, que inclui minimizações de registradores e circuitos. Uma nova metodologia de criação de padring de microcontroladores, baseada em reuso de informações de projetos anteriores, é apresentada. Essa nova metodologia foi criada para a rápida prototipagem e para diminuir possíveis erros na geração do código do padring. Comparações de resultados de consumo de potência e área são apresentadas para o processador desenvolvido e resultados obtidos com a nova metodologia de geração de padring também são apresentados. Para o processador, um modelo, no qual se utilizam múltiplos barramentos para minimizar o número de ciclos de máquina por instrução, é apresentado. Também foram ressaltadas estruturas que podem ser otimizadas e circuitos que podem ser reaproveitados para diminuir a quantidade de circuito necessário na implementação. Por fim, a nova implementação é comparada com os três modelos anteriores; os ganhos obtidos de desempenho com a implementação dessas estruturas foram de 18% que, convertidos em consumo de potência, representam economia de 13% em relação ao melhor caso dos processadores comparados. A tecnologia utilizada no desenvolvimento dos processadores foi CMOS 250nm da TSMC.


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This article describes the adaptation and validation of the Distance Education Learning Environments Survey (DELES) for use in investigating the qualities found in distance and hybrid education psycho-social learning environments in Spain. As Europe moves toward post-secondary student mobility, equanimity in access to higher education, and more standardised degree programs across the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) the need for a high quality method for continually assessing the excellence of distance and hybrid learning environments has arisen. This study outlines how the English language DELES was adapted into the new Spanish-Distance Education Learning Environments Survey (S-DELES) for use with a Bachelor of Psychology and Criminology degree program offering both distance and hybrid education classes. We present the relationships between psycho-social learning environment perceptions and those of student affect. We also present the asynchronous aspects of the environment, scale means, and a comparison between the perceptions of distance education students and their hybrid education counterparts that inform the university about the baseline health of the information and communication technologies (ICT) environment within which the study was conducted.


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Traditional visual servoing systems do not deal with the topic of moving objects tracking. When these systems are employed to track a moving object, depending on the object velocity, visual features can go out of the image, causing the fail of the tracking task. This occurs specially when the object and the robot are both stopped and then the object starts the movement. In this work, we have employed a retina camera based on Address Event Representation (AER) in order to use events as input in the visual servoing system. The events launched by the camera indicate a pixel movement. Event visual information is processed only at the moment it occurs, reducing the response time of visual servoing systems when they are used to track moving objects.


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Interdisciplinary studies combining field data (geological and tectonic mapping, lithostratigraphic reconstructions, lithofacies characterization, correlations and sampling) and laboratory analyses (biostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, clay mineralogy and sandstone petrography) of eight Senonian-Paleogene successions from the Sierra de La Pila and Sierra de El Carche areas (Murcia province, SE Spain) belonging to the External Betic Zone are presented. Field evidence of tectonic activity (slumps, olistostromes, syn-genetic folds, lateral variability, changes in thicknesses, para- and unconformity boundaries, stratigraphic gaps, shallowing upward trends to emersion, etc.) was found in several Paleogene intervals. The results enable a better reconstruction of the stratigraphic architecture and chronostratigraphy of the Paleogene record, highlighting in particular: facies evolution, discontinuities, depositional sequences (Middle-Upper Maastrichtian, Upper Paleocene-Middle Eocene, Oligocene-Lower Aquitanian), environmental evolution (homogeneous conditions during the Late Cretaceous and successive realm diversification from platform to slope to basin) and correlations, along the Prebetic to Subbetic transition, which is a key sector to understand the northeastward variations of the South Iberian margin. A conclusive paleogeographic and geodynamic evolutionary model for the study area is proposed, hypothesizing that Paleogene compressive tectonics affected the eastern External Betic Zone. In addition, correlations with successions from the western External Betic Zone evidenced asynchronous deformation from east to west along the internalmost External Betic Zone. Moreover, a comparison with the external Tunisian Tell enables the recognition of similar sedimentarytectonic events, imposing new constraints in the Paleogene geodynamic reconstruction throughout the western Tethys.


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In the 2000’s, the Internet became the preferred mean for the citizens to communicate. The YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, i.e., the social networks in general appeared together with the Web 2.0, which allows an extraordinary interaction between citizens and the democratic institutions. The trade unions constantly fight governments’ decisions, especially in periods of crisis like the one that the world, Europe and, in particular, Portugal are facing. In this regard, the use of e-participation platforms is expected to strengthen the relationship between trade unions and the education community. This paper reports the research about the planning and driving of a series of experiments of online public consultation, launched by teachers’ trade unions. These experiments are compared with those of other countries, such as Australia, United Kingdom and United States of America. A quantitative analysis of the results regarding hits, subscriptions, and response rates is presented, and it is compared with the 90-9-1 rule, the ASCU model and data from government agencies. The experiments performed used the Liberopinion, an online platform that supports bidirectional asynchronous communication. A better understanding of the benefits of these collaborative environments is expected by promoting quality of interaction between actors.


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A total of 51,074 archaeological sites from the early Neolithic to the early Iron Age (c. 8000-500 BC), with a spatial extent covering most regions of China (c. 73-131°E and c. 20-53°N), were analysed over space and time in this study. Site maps of 25 Chinese provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, published in the series 'Atlas of Chinese Cultural Relics', were used to extract, digitalise and correlate its archaeological data. The data were, in turn, entered into a database using a self-developed mapping software that makes the data, in a dynamic way, analysable as a contribution to various scientific questions, such as population growth and migrations, spread of agriculture and changes in subsistence strategies. The results clearly show asynchronous patterns of changes between the northern and southern parts of China (i.e. north and south of the Yangtze River, respectively) but also within these macro-regions. In the northern part of China (i.e. along the Yellow River and its tributaries and in the Xiliao River basin), the first noticeable increase in the concentration of Neolithic sites occurred between c. 5000 and 4000 BC; however, highest site concentrations were reached between c. 2000 and 500 BC. Our analysis shows a radical north-eastern shift of high site-density clusters (over 50 sites per 100 * 100 km grid cell) from the Wei and middle/lower Yellow Rivers to the Liao River system sometime between 2350 BC and 1750 BC. This shift is hypothetically discussed in the context of the incorporation of West Asian domesticated animals and plants into the existing northern Chinese agricultural system. In the southern part of China, archaeological sites do not show a noticeable increase in the absolute number of sites until after c. 1500 BC, reaching a maximum around 1000 BC.