602 resultados para anoxic


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The prominent negative stable carbon isotope excursion in both carbonate and organic carbon recorded in organic-rich sediments deposited during the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event (OAE) has commonly been explained by recycling of 13C-depleted CO2 (the so-called Küspert model). More recently, the massive release of 13C-depleted methane or other forms of 13C-depleted carbon was also proposed to account for the observed negative d13C excursions in organic carbon of terrigenous as well as of marine origin. The occurrence of diagenetic products of the carotenoid isorenieratene (isorenieratane and other aryl isoprenoids) in Toarcian black shales has been regarded as supporting evidence for the Küspert hypothesis as they point to strong stratification of the epicontinental seas. A section of a drill core straddling the Toarcian of the Paris Basin (Cirfontaine-en-Ornois) contained intact isorenieratane, providing evidence that photosynthetic green sulphur bacteria were present at the time of deposition, even prior to the OAE. However, the isorenieratane abundances are very low in the section where the negative d13C excursion in organic carbon and phytane, a chemical fossil derived from chlorophyll, occurs. The abundance of the isorenieratene derivatives increases, once the d13C records have shifted to more positive values. The d13C of isorenieratane (generally circa -13.1 ± 0.5 per mil) indicates that the respired CO2 contribution at the chemocline was low and is thus not likely to be the main cause of the prominent up to 7per mil negative d13C shift recorded in Toarcian organic carbon records.


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A complex of mineralogical techniques used in studies of near-surface layer hemipelagic sediments indicates that disordered todorokite and hexagonal birnessite dominate in manganese micronodules, whereas hexagonal birnessite is the main phase of micronodules from miopelagic sediments. Content of todorokite increases downward through the miopelagic sedimentary sequence; this can be reasonably explained by transformations of some other manganese minerals to todorokite. Occurrence of several manganese minerals in studied samples may reflect temporal and lateral variations in C_org content in sediments and respective local fluctuations in environmental conditions (pH, Eh, geochemical activity of Mn, etc.). Todorokite may have formed under the most anoxic conditions near the water-sediment interface.


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This study investigates organic-rich sedimentary sequences deposited during the early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE1a) at Sites 1207 and 1213 on Shatsky Rise (ODP Leg 198) in the west-central Pacific. Biomarker analyses provide evidence of the algal and bacterial origin of organic matter (OM) in these sediments where the abundance of steroidal components, particularly sterenes and sterones, suggests that the OM includes major contributions from eukaryotic sources in an environment characterized by high phytoplankton productivity. The presence of alkenones at Site 1213B is diagnostic of OM derived from representatives of haptophyte algae among the calcareous nannoplankton and their d13C values (average -31.6 per mil) are consistent with those expected during elevated pCO2. The occurrence and prominence of 2b-methylhopanes and 2b-methylhopanones indicates significant contributions to the OM from cyanobacteria, which are also likely contributors of hopanoids based on their d13C compositions. These biomarker data suggest that oceanic conditions, perhaps nitrate- or iron-limited, were conducive to cyanobacteria production during OAE1a, which appears to distinguish this event from other Cretaceous OAE.


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At the end of the Leg 73 cruise, at Site 520, a thick upper Miocene facies of laminated diatomite was discovered. It was hypothesized that the sediment was derived from nutrient-rich waters in a young Cenozoic anoxic basin in the open Atlantic Ocean near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.


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The Miocene Climatic Optimum (~17-14.7 Ma) represents one of several major interruptions in the long-term cooling trend of the past 50 million years. To date, the processes driving high-amplitude climate variability and sustaining global warmth during this remarkable interval remain highly enigmatic. We present high-resolution benthic foraminiferal and bulk carbonate stable isotope records in an exceptional, continuous, carbonate-rich sedimentary archive (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1337, eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean), which offer a new view of climate evolution over the onset of the Climatic Optimum. A sharp decline in d18O and d13C at ~16.9 Ma, contemporaneous with a massive increase in carbonate dissolution, demonstrates that abrupt warming was coupled to an intense perturbation of the carbon cycle. The rapid recovery in d13C at ~16.7 Ma, ~200 k.y. after the beginning of the MCO, marks the onset of the first carbon isotope maximum within the long-lasting "Monterey Excursion". These results lend support to the notion that atmospheric pCO2 variations drove profound changes in the global carbon reservoir through the Climatic Optimum, implying a delicate balance between changing CO2 fluxes, rates of silicate weathering and global carbon sequestration. Comparison with a high-resolution d13C record spanning the onset of the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a (~120 Ma ago) reveals common forcing factors and climatic responses, providing a long-term perspective to understand climate-carbon cycle feedbacks during warmer periods of Earth's climate with markedly different atmospheric CO2 concentrations.


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Stable isotopic and micropaleontological studies were made of selected sapropels (organic-rich sediments) deposited in the Mediterranean Sea during the last 5.0 m.y. to determine the processes responsible for their formation. Distinct isotopic and faunal changes occur across sapropels of late Pleistocene, early Pleistocene and latest Pliocene age, while smaller isotopic changes and more stable faunal assemblages are associated with the early and mid-late Pliocene sapropels. The large d18O depletions and euryhaline fauna associated with latest Pliocene-Pleistocene sapropels supports a density stratification model with a low salinity surface layer. In contrast, early Pliocene and mid-late Pliocene sapropels appear to have been formed as the result of sluggish circulation and low oxygen contents in bottom waters of the eastern Mediterranean due to the stable, warm climatic conditions of that time period.


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An orbital floating time scale of the Hauterivian-Barremian transition (Early Cretaceous) is proposed using high-resolution magnetic susceptibility measurements. Orbital tuning was performed on the Río Argos section (southeast Spain), the candidate for a Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Hauterivian-Barremian transition. Spectral analyses of MS variations, coupled with the frequency ratio method, allow the recognition of precession, obliquity and eccentricity frequency bands. Orbitally-tuned magnetic susceptibility provides minimum durations for ammonite biozones. The durations of well-constrained ammonite zones are assessed at 0.78 myr for Pseudothurmannia ohmi (Late Hauterivian) and 0.57 myr for Taveraidiscus hugii (Early Barremian). These results are consistent with previous estimates from the other reference section (Angles, southeast France) and tend to show that the Río Argos section displays a complete succession for this time interval. They differ significantly from those proposed in the Geologic Time Scale 2008 and may help to improve the next compilation. The Faraoni Oceanic Anoxic Event, a key Early Cretaceous oceanographic perturbation occurring at the P. ohmi/P. catulloi subzone boundary has a duration estimated at 0.10-0.15 myr, which is similar to previous assessments.


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Analyses of Re, Os, and Ir concentrations, as well as Os-isotopic compositions, are reported for a suite of sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Site 959. These samples vary in age from late Neogene to Late Cretaceous, and represent a range in depositional oxidation-reduction conditions from suboxic in the Neogene to anoxic in the Late Cretaceous. Age assignments based on shipboard biostratigraphic data are used to calculate initial 187Os/186Os ratios of Neogene nannofossil/foraminifer oozes and Eocene to upper Oligocene laminated diatomites. These calculated initial ratios are in general agreement with published data constraining the Os-isotopic evolution of seawater through time, indicating that the Os-isotopic composition of these sediments is controlled largely by the Os isotopic composition of contemporaneous seawater. Results from analyses of Upper Cretaceous to lower Paleocene claystones do not exhibit elevated Ir concentrations and exhibit Re-Os systematics that are highly consistent with closed-system production of 187Os by in situ 187Re decay. Scatter in both the Cretaceous and Cenozoic data sets is likely the result of the influence of nonhydrogenous Os, carried by clastics, on the bulk sediment Os-isotopic composition, or post-depositional mobility of Re and/or Os.