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This thesis is a case study on Corporate Governance and Business Ethics, using the Portuguese Corporate Law as a general setting. The thesis was conducted in Portugal with illustrations on past cases under the Business Judgment Rule of the State of Delaware, U.SA along with illustrations on current cases in Portugal under the Portuguese Judicial setting, along with a comparative analysis between both. A debate is being considered among scholars and executives; a debate on best practices within corporate governance and corporate law, associated with recent discoveries of unlawful investments that lead to the bankruptcy of leading institutions and an aggravation of the crisis in Portugal. The study aimed at learning possible reasons and causes for the current situation of the country’s corporations along with attempts to discover the best way to move forward. From the interviews and analysis conducted, this paper concluded that the corporate governance structure and legal frameworks in Portugal were not the sole influencers behind the actions and decisions of Corporate Executives, nor were they the main triggers for the recent corporate mishaps. But it is rather a combination of different factors that played a significant role, such as cultural and ethical aspects, individual personalities, and others all of which created gray areas beyond the legal structure, which in turn accelerated and aggravated the corporate governance crisis in the country.
Traffic Engineering (TE) approaches are increasingly impor- tant in network management to allow an optimized configuration and resource allocation. In link-state routing, the task of setting appropriate weights to the links is both an important and a challenging optimization task. A number of different approaches has been put forward towards this aim, including the successful use of Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). In this context, this work addresses the evaluation of three distinct EAs, a single and two multi-objective EAs, in two tasks related to weight setting optimization towards optimal intra-domain routing, knowing the network topology and aggregated traffic demands and seeking to mini- mize network congestion. In both tasks, the optimization considers sce- narios where there is a dynamic alteration in the state of the system, in the first considering changes in the traffic demand matrices and in the latter considering the possibility of link failures. The methods will, thus, need to simultaneously optimize for both conditions, the normal and the altered one, following a preventive TE approach towards robust configurations. Since this can be formulated as a bi-objective function, the use of multi-objective EAs, such as SPEA2 and NSGA-II, came nat- urally, being those compared to a single-objective EA. The results show a remarkable behavior of NSGA-II in all proposed tasks scaling well for harder instances, and thus presenting itself as the most promising option for TE in these scenarios.
Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) is a communication architecture enabling connectivity in a topology with unregular end-to-end network connection. DTN enables communication in environments with cross-connectivity, large delays and delivery time variations, and a high error rate. DTN can be used in vehicular networks where public transport get involved. This research aims to analyze the role of public transit as a DTN routing infrastructure. The impact of using public transit as a relay router is investigated by referencing the network performance, defined by its delivery ratio, average delay and overhead. The results show that public transit can be used as a backbone for DTN in an urban scenario using existing protocols. This opens insights for future researches on routing algorithm and protocol design.
The jet energy scale (JES) and its systematic uncertainty are determined for jets measured with the ATLAS detector using proton–proton collision data with a centre-of-mass energy of s√=7 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.7 fb −1 . Jets are reconstructed from energy deposits forming topological clusters of calorimeter cells using the anti- kt algorithm with distance parameters R=0.4 or R=0.6 , and are calibrated using MC simulations. A residual JES correction is applied to account for differences between data and MC simulations. This correction and its systematic uncertainty are estimated using a combination of in situ techniques exploiting the transverse momentum balance between a jet and a reference object such as a photon or a Z boson, for 20≤pjetT<1000 GeV and pseudorapidities |η|<4.5 . The effect of multiple proton–proton interactions is corrected for, and an uncertainty is evaluated using in situ techniques. The smallest JES uncertainty of less than 1 % is found in the central calorimeter region ( |η|<1.2 ) for jets with 55≤pjetT<500 GeV . For central jets at lower pT , the uncertainty is about 3 %. A consistent JES estimate is found using measurements of the calorimeter response of single hadrons in proton–proton collisions and test-beam data, which also provide the estimate for pjetT>1 TeV. The calibration of forward jets is derived from dijet pT balance measurements. The resulting uncertainty reaches its largest value of 6 % for low- pT jets at |η|=4.5 . Additional JES uncertainties due to specific event topologies, such as close-by jets or selections of event samples with an enhanced content of jets originating from light quarks or gluons, are also discussed. The magnitude of these uncertainties depends on the event sample used in a given physics analysis, but typically amounts to 0.5–3 %.
Measurements of the centrality and rapidity dependence of inclusive jet production in sNN−−−√=5.02 TeV proton--lead (p+Pb) collisions and the jet cross-section in s√=2.76 TeV proton--proton collisions are presented. These quantities are measured in datasets corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 27.8 nb−1 and 4.0 pb−1, respectively, recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider in 2013. The p+Pb collision centrality was characterised using the total transverse energy measured in the pseudorapidity interval −4.9<η<−3.2 in the direction of the lead beam. Results are presented for the double-differential per-collision yields as a function of jet rapidity and transverse momentum (pT) for minimum-bias and centrality-selected p+Pb collisions, and are compared to the jet rate from the geometric expectation. The total jet yield in minimum-bias events is slightly enhanced above the expectation in a pT-dependent manner but is consistent with the expectation within uncertainties. The ratios of jet spectra from different centrality selections show a strong modification of jet production at all pT at forward rapidities and for large pT at mid-rapidity, which manifests as a suppression of the jet yield in central events and an enhancement in peripheral events. These effects imply that the factorisation between hard and soft processes is violated at an unexpected level in proton--nucleus collisions. Furthermore, the modifications at forward rapidities are found to be a function of the total jet energy only, implying that the violations may have a simple dependence on the hard parton--parton kinematics.
Antimicrobial resistance constitutes one of the major worldwide public health concerns. Bacteria are becoming resistant to the vast majority of antibiotics and nowadays, a common infection can be fatal. To revert this situation, the use of phages for the treatment of bacterial infections has been extensively studied as an alternative therapeutic strategy. Since P. aeruginosa is one of the most common causes of healthcare-associated infections, many studies have reported the in vitro and in vivo antibacterial efficacy of phage therapy against this bacterium. This review collects data of all the P. aeruginosa phages sequenced to date, providing a better understanding about their biodiversity. This review will further address the in vitro and in vivo results obtained by using phages to treat or prevent P. aeruginosa infections as well as the major hurdles associated with this therapy.
Dissertação de mestrado em European and Transglobal Business Law
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Eletrónica Médica)
Tese de Doutoramento em Sociologia
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais
Constructivist approaches to journalism, which have dominated the field for most of the second half of the 20th century, underline how selection and ranking processes produce representations and interpretations of social reality. Theoretical perspectives such as agenda-setting or framing have been pointing to the ways production of news messages are shaped and issues are defined. Research inspired by these contributions does however seem to keep in an area of relative shade not so much what is said and published but what is not selected: the unsaid, the withheld, the untold of journalism. The reality that remains in silence, for not being noticed or for being silenced, is the reverse of the coin of what is made visible. In this paper, it is suggested that this situation opens up the debate to a relatively unknown continent, which could contribute to the larger discussion on the current crisis in journalism. It is our contention that ‘the untold’ might be at the confluence of different levels: the journalistic agenda-setting by news sources; the deterioration of working conditions of journalists, compromising the investigation; and the social capital asymmetries from important segments of the population, hampering the public word (speech?) and the right to communicate. In order to build a comprehensive picture of the potentialities and contradictions of journalism from the unsaid side, we would put forward the outline of a typology of journalism's silences, with particular emphasis on some aspects of "discursive discrimination" (Boréus, 2006), on the one hand, and on citizen silence in the process of journalistic production, on the other hand.
(Excerto) The European Journal of Communication seeks to present the best in current research in the broad field of media and communication research. Irregularly, we seek to take stock by inviting a small group of leading scholars to present their work at a symposium on a common theme, which then forms the basis for a Special Issue of the Journal. In 2014, the European Science Foundation (ESF) published one of their ‘Forward Looks’ entitled Media in Europe: New Questions for Research and Policy. We subsequently invited several of the Forward Look’s authors to meet and discuss their work with us at a symposium hosted by the European University Cyprus, and the discussion and revised papers that resulted are published here.
El problema que enfrenta la institucionalidad estatal argentina es que existe un serio déficit de información no solamente en el momento de evaluar un resultado, sino ya al momento de diseñar la política. Las estadísticas oficiales de hechos vitales, salud y educación son difundidas en el mejor de los casos con un año de atraso. La información de indicadores de salud por su nivel de desagregación no permite conocer las realidades locales. Es posible constatar la falta de información sobre las medidas tomadas para asegurar el cumplimiento de las obligaciones del Estado en lo relativo a políticas y programas de salud mental. Del mismo modo que los organismos internacionales determinan los deficits de los sistemas de atención a la salud mental a través de las brechas de tratamiento y aun cuando no se dispone de estimaciones precisas se habla de brechas de información, que expresarían la distancia entre la información necesaria y la efectivamente disponible (OPS, 2009). Desde el mes de diciembre de 2007 se conforma la Mesa de Trabajo Permanente en Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos, con el objeto de instalar en agenda la necesidad de contar con una legislación que brinde el marco normativo para la transformación del sector. En los meses de octubre y noviembre de 2010 se aprobaron sendas leyes de salud mental en la Provincia de Córdoba y a nivel nacional. Ambas proponen la transformación progresiva en los sistemas de atención a los problemas de salud mental de la población. Desde la Mesa de Trabajo Permanente en Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos se afirma que la legislación es un marco necesario pero no suficiente, en tanto se constata que las princiales violaciones a los derechos humanos se producen en situaciones concretas. El presente proyecto nace de la necesidad de contar con un sistema de información que permita conocer la transformación de los servicios de salud mental en la provincia de Córdoba a partir de la sanción de la ley 9848 de Salud Mental en el mes de octubre de 2010. Una vez logrado este objetivo legislativo, se pretende monitorear la gestión con la formulación de los siguientes interrogantes: ¿a través de qué indicadores medir, evaluar y monitorear si la producción de los servicios de salud mental se lleva adelante desde la perspectiva del enfoque de derechos sancionada en el marco normativo vigente?; ¿cuáles son los indicadores que desde dicha perspectiva los organismos estatales de producción de servicios deben elaborar para el compromiso de acción y la rendición de cuentas frente a la ciudadanía? ¿cuáles son los indicadores que la ciudadanía debe reclamar a los fines de monitorear el cumplimiento de dichos compromisos? La puesta en marcha del Observatorio de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos permitirá analizar las políticas y programas de salud mental desde la perspectiva de los derechos humanos y avanzar en el monitoreo de la producción de los servicios de salud mental. Objetivo General: analizar y hacer visible el cumplimiento de los objetivos sancionados en la ley 9848 de Salud Mental a través de la observación, el monitoreo y la incidencia en las políticas de salud mental de la provincia de Córdoba. Metodología: la construcción de indicadores de derechos humanos para la salud mental. El Observatorio de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos pretende dar cuenta de las transformaciones que van a ocurrir a partir de la sanción de la ley 9848. Los resultados esperados están ligados a la producción y difusión de información sistematizada sobre las transformaciones en salud mental, a la vigilancia y el análisis del efecto/impacto de las políticas e incidir en las decisiones. El Observatorio pretende reconocer e integrar la información disponible y proponer indicadores que den cuenta de la situación inicial al momento de la implementación de los marcos normativos y permitir el monitoreo de las transformaciones emergentes. This project stems from the need for an information system designed to show the transformation of mental health services in the province of Cordoba after the enactment of the Mental Health Act 9848 in October 2010. Once achieved this legislative objective is to monitor the management with the formulation of the following questions: through which indicators to measure, evaluate and monitor whether the production of mental health services are carried forward from the perspective of rights-based approach enacted in two laws?, What are the indicators from that perspective the production agencies should develop services for the commitment to action and accountability to the public? What are the indicators that the public should demand that the purpose of monitoring compliance with these commitments? The launch of the Centre for Mental Health and Human Rights will review the policies and mental health programs from the perspective of human rights and progress in monitoring the production of mental health services. General Objective: to analyze and highlight the achievement of the objectives sanctioned by the Mental Health Act 9848 through the observation, monitoring and impact on mental health policy in the province of Cordoba. Methodology: building human rights indicators for mental health Mental Observatory Health and Human Rights aims to account for the changes that will occur after the enactment of Law 9848. The expected results are linked to production and dissemination of systematic information about changes in mental health, surveillance and analysis of the effect / impact and influence policy decisions. The Centre aims to recognize and integrate the available information and propose indicators that account for the initial situation at the time of implementation of regulatory frameworks and allow monitoring of change emerging.
This thesis presents the research and development of sustainable design guidelines for the furniture and wood products industry, suitable for sustainably enhancing design, manufacturing and associated activities. This sustainable guideline is based on secondary research conducted on subject areas such as ‘eco’ design, ‘green’ branding and ‘green’ consumerism, as well as an examination of existing certifications and sustainable tools techniques and methodologies, national and international drivers for sustainable development and an overview of sustainability in the Irish furniture manufacturing context. The guideline was further developed through primary research. This consisted of a focus group attended by leading Irish designers, manufacturers and academics in the area of furniture and wood products. This group explored the question of ‘green branding’ saturation in the market and the viability of investing in sustainability just yet. Participants stated that they felt the market for ‘green’ products is evolving very slowly and that there is no metric or legal framework present to audit whether or not companies are producing products that really embody sustainability. All the participants believed that developing and introducing a new certification process to incorporate a sustainable design process was a viable and necessary solution to protecting Irish furniture and wood manufacturers going forward. For the purposes of the case study, the author investigated a ‘sustainable’ design process for Team woodcraft, Ltd., through the design and development of a ‘sustainable’ children’s furniture range. The case study followed a typical design and development process; detailing customer design specifications, concept development and refinement and cumulating in final prototype, as well as associated engineering drawings. Based on this primary and secondary research, seven fundamental core principles for this sustainable guideline have been identified by the author. The author then used these core principles to expand into guidelines for the basis of proposed new Irish sustainable design guidelines for the furniture and wood products industry, the concept of which the author has named ‘Green Dot’. The author suggests that the ‘Green Dot’ brand or logo could be used to market an umbrella network of Irish furniture designers and manufactures who implement the recommended sustainable techniques.
We use experiments to study the efficiency effects for a market as a whole of adding the possibility of forward contracting to a pre-existing spot market. We deal separately with the cases where spot market competition is in quantities and where it is in supply functions. In both cases we compare the effect of adding a contract market with the introduction of an additional competitor, changing the market structure from a triopoly to a quadropoly. We find that, as theory suggests, for both types of competition the introduction of a forward market significantly lowers prices. The combination of supply function competition with a forward market leads to high efficiency levels.