1000 resultados para amostragem sistemática


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Para a realização de uma análise confiável, a etapa mais sensível e que merece extremo cuidado é a amostragem do tecido vegetal e do solo. A amostra mais adequada é aquela que representa o melhor possível a área de estudo, exigindo um mínimo de plantas amostradas para atender a esse objetivo e com o menor número possível de amostras simples coletadas. Assim, o presente trabalho procurou dimensionar o número de plantas a serem amostradas para a diagnose do estado nutricional, bem como o número de amostras simples necessárias para formar a amostra composta, para fins de avaliação da fertilidade do solo cultivado com caramboleiras. O estudo foi realizado em um pomar comercial de caramboleiras, no município de Vista Alegre do Alto (SP), empregando-se amostragem aleatória, coletando-se a sexta folha a partir do ápice do ramo da caramboleira, na altura mediana da frutífera, no florescimento da cultura, em 40 plantas. Foram coletadas, também, 30 amostras simples de solo, em zigue-zague, nas linhas da cultura, com o auxílio de um trado tipo holandês, nas camadas de 0 a 0,2 m e 0,2 a 0,4 m. Considerando-se aceitável um erro amostral de 10%, 21 plantas de carambola seriam suficientes para as determinações químicas foliares de macronutrientes. Já para os micronutrientes, seriam necessárias, no mínimo, 52 plantas amostradas. O aumento do número de amostras simples reduziu o erro porcentual na estimativa da média desejada, permitindo a recomendação de 14 e 17 amostras simples nas camadas de 0 a 0,2 m e 0,2 a 0,4 m (erro = 20%), respectivamente.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Nos últimos 30 anos não foram levadas em consideração questões metodológicas importantes relativas ao estudo da fenologia de plantas. O uso de vários métodos na amostragem e avaliação dos dados fenológicos tem levado a uma grande dificuldade na interpretação e comparação de resultados. Esse estudo tem por objetivos realizar uma revisão da literatura em fenologia de florestas tropicais, compilando informações sobre os métodos de amostragem e avaliação utilizados, e discutir as proporções em que foram utilizados e as aplicações de cada método. Nos 60 estudos avaliados, os métodos de amostragem encontrados distribuem-se da seguinte forma: trilhas (20%), transecções (18%), parcelas (15%), coletores (10%), sendo que 37% dos estudos não definiram o método de amostragem utilizado. Para avaliação fenológica foram levantados dois métodos: qualitativo, presença e ausência das fenofases (20%) e quantitativo com quantificação da intensidade das fenofases (62%), e a combinação entre métodos qualitativos e quantitativos (17%). Ao longo do tempo cresceu a preocupação com a aplicação de métodos de amostragem e de avaliação quantitativa. Entretanto, a falta de padronização no uso desses métodos, mesmo nos dias atuais, ainda se faz presente, resultando na impossibilidade de comparação adequada dos estudos. É imprescindível, portanto, a realização de estudos comparativos de métodos fenológicos com espécies arbóreas em florestas tropicais.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar se a exposição ocupacional ao ruído é fator de risco relevante para acidentes do trabalho. MÉTODOS: Estudo de caso-controle de base populacional. Os dados foram coletados entre 16/5/2002 e 15/10/2002, na cidade de Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo. Os casos foram definidos como trabalhadores que sofreram acidentes ocupacionais típicos nos últimos 90 dias, identificados por intermédio de amostragem aleatória sistemática de domicílios residenciais. Os controles foram trabalhadores não acidentados, aleatoriamente alocados a partir da mesma população que originou os casos, emparelhados na razão 3:1 segundo sexo, faixa etária e setor censitário de moradia. Ajustou-se um modelo de regressão logística múltipla, tendo como variável independente a exposição ocupacional ao ruído, controlada por covariáveis de interesse. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 94 casos e 282 controles. Ajustando-se um modelo de regressão logística condicional múltipla observou-se que trabalhar sempre e às vezes exposto a ruído intenso associou-se a um risco relativo de acidentar-se de 5,0 (IC 95%: 2,8-8,7; p<0,001) e 3,7 (IC 95%: 1,8-7,4; p=0,0003), respectivamente, tendo como referência trabalhar não exposto a ruído, controlado para diversas covariáveis. CONCLUSÕES: Com base nos resultados encontrados, justifica-se o investimento em programas de conservação auditiva particularmente voltados para o controle da emissão de ruídos na fonte. Essas medidas objetivam não apenas a manutenção da saúde auditiva, mas também a diminuição da acidentabilidade dos trabalhadores.


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The sequential sampling of insect pests (presence-absence) has become important in the last years, specially when the insects are difficult to be quantified. To solve this problem in relation to Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), a sequential sampling plan was developed. The sample unit was evaluated considering the presence or absence of the insect, independently of its total number. The experiment was conducted in Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil, in three fields of 0.5 ha divided in 100 plots of 50 m2 (5 × 10 m). Each plot was identified with a number from 1 to 100. A threshold level of 20% was assumed to set the sampling plan. The analyzed data allowed two lines to be generated: the superior one, representing the condition in chemical control is recommended (S1=1.7095+0.1452N); and the inferior one, when chemical control is not recommended (S0=-1.7095+0.1452N). The sequential sampling was efficient to indicate if control of S. frugiperda on corn crop was necessary or not.


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The purpose of this investigation was to make a systematic review of the medical literature in order to compare the efficacy of GnRH antagonists and agonists for poor responders to ovarian stimulation. According to the data collected, the use of GnRH antagonist protocols showed better results in comparison to long protocols with a GnRH agonist regarding the following aspects: lower cycle cancellation rate due to poor ovarian response; higher number of oocytes retrieved; higher clinical pregnancy rate per initiated cycle. Nevertheless, these results were not observed when the flare-up protocols of GnRH agonists were used. Moreover the number of oocytes retrieved with GnRH agonist was significantly higher in relation to the GnRH antagonist.


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This paper aims to present the results of systematic survey on clastic dykes in the Corumbataí Formation (Permian), in the northeast region of the State of São Paulo. Besides this, the paper analyses genetic aspects of those features as well as their stratigraphic and sedimentologic implications in terms of geologic evolution of the northeastern Paraná Sedimentary Basin during Permian times. The field works had been developed in 3 main Corumbataí Formation outcrops (2 road cuts and a quarry) supposed to show the most important clastic dikes occurrences in the studied area. Basically, the sedimentary intrusions are formed by fine sand or silt size particles and had penetrated host rocks as near-vertical, centimeter thick, dykes (most common form) or as horizontal sheets, forming clastic sills (subsidiary form), both with variable geometric forms and dimensions. A lot of dyke walls show undulations suggesting pre-diagenetic clastic intrusions, probably near the ancient depositional surface. Almost all intrusions occur in the superior third portion of the Corumbataí Formation and some similar features seem to appear in the adjoining superposed Pirambóia Formation base. In this article the authors defend a seismic origin hypothesis for the clastic intrusions. It is important to mention that clastic intrusions tend to occur linked to expressive seismic events, with magnitude upper to 5. The analysis of isopach maps of the Permian and Mesozoic units of the Paraná Sedimentary Basin in the study area suggests a depositional system changing, from epicontinental sea conditions to shallow platform and, finally, to coastal deserts. Probably, this environmental change was driven by regional uplift accompanied by seismic events. It is possible that ancient seismicity triggered liquefaction processes and the resulting clastic intrusions. In this sense, those clastic features might be properly namedseismites.


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Introduction: The snoring is produced by the vibration of the soft palatum and/or other oropharyngeal tissues, during the air passage, in the breathing function. OSAHS is defined as the closing of 30%, at least, of the nasal/ buccal airway for 10 seconds or more, in spite of existing inspiratory effort, accompanied by oxyhemoglobin de- saturation of 4% or more. Objectives: To evaluate the available scientific evidence about the use of mandibular advancement intraoral appliances in the treatment of the snoring and/or OSAHS. Methodology: Electronic search strategy using predefined key-words and criteria was realized including studies published until October of 2008. It was also used the qualitative evaluation of the articles methodology. Results: Although a significant number of articles has studied this subject, only 7 articles showed methodological quality to be included in this systematic review. Conclusions: The intraoral appliances are widely prescribed for the treatment of snoring and OSAHS as primary therapy and as an alternative to patients who are unable to tolerate the positive airway pressure therapy.


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Demanding attention in order to keep postural balance increases with aging and with the presence of concurrent tasks that require information processing. Several studies have demonstrated that motor performance can be related to the complexity of the task and aging process, presenting a possible interaction between these factors. The aim of this review was to identify and analyze published papers about the effects of cognitive tasks on the postural control of elderly individuals. A systematic search in the Web of Science, SportDiscus, CINAHL, Science Direct on line, Biological Abstracts, PsycINFO, and Medline databases was made and 444 articles were found. Eight were selected that studied the variables of interest. These studies showed that postural control seems to be influenced by the individual's attention processes and that deficits in such ability may be associated to an increased risk of falls. © FTCD/CIDESD.


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The present study aimed to determine which leave will be displayed and the time of collection of this leave. The treatments consisted on five doses of nitrogen, four times for collection sampling and three types of leaves, arranged in a randomized block design with three repetitions, totalizing one hundred and forty-four experimental units. The leaves collections took place every fifteen days at thirty, forty-five, sixty and seventy five days after budbreak (DAB), collecting the laminated / compound young leaf (first leave), newly mature (second leave) and the mature leave (third leave) from the set of terminal leaflets. For this was installed an experiment with the culture of potato (cv. Atlantic), in Barretos/SP, the period of march the june of 2010. According to this data collected in this study, the best time for collecting the leaves is at 30 days after the budbreak of the potato cultivation containing nitrogen concentrations in the leaves minus heterogeneous of plants from a fraction to another and with values R2 = 0.98 being higher to the all times of harvests. To the diagnostic leaf, the highest determination coefficient was observed in the newly mature (second leaf) with R2 = 0.98. It can be observed that the highest levels of nitrogen were found on the first leaf (39.01 kg-1). Nevertheless, the values were very heterogeneous and did not fit the curve being the second leave (newly mature) the one that best represents the nutritional status of the plant. Therefore the recommendation for nutritional diagnosis will collect the recently matured leaves (2nd leaf) 30 days after budbreak.


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This study aims to evaluate safety and effectiveness of the use of orthesis in postoperative degenerative disorders of the cervical spine. Although widely used, there are not defined criteria for the use of cervical collars, and their importance on cervical arthrodesis. A systematic literature review was undertaken and a multicentre controlled clinical trial comprising 32 specialized services, with a total of 257 patients who met the inclusion criteria of the review. Clinical and radiographic outcomes were compared in post surgical patients that used or not rigid cervical collar during 6 to 12 weeks after surgery. The evidence available on literature, although weak, suggests that cervical collar decreases the clinical scores in first weeks after surgery. Furthermore, it does not alter the rate of fusion when used concomitantly with plaque and screws through anterior access in cervical degenerative diseases on a single anatomical level.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA