946 resultados para Zimmerman, Donald A.: Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania


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Briggs Report - Review of Health and Social Services in the Case of David and Samuel Briggs - June 2003


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Explanatory Memorandum


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An alternative model for the geodynamic evolution of Southeast Asia is proposed and inserted in a modern plate tectonic model. The reconstruction methodology is based on dynamic plate boundaries, constrained by data such as spreading rates and subduction velocities; in this way it differs from classical continental drift models proposed so far. The different interpretations about the location of the Palaeotethys suture in Thailand are revised, the Tertiary Mae Yuam fault is seen as the emplacement of the suture. East of the suture we identify an Indochina derived terrane for which we keep the name Shan-Thai, formerly used to identify the Cimmerian block present in Southeast Asia, now called Sibumasu. This nomenclatural choice was made on the basis of the geographic location of the terrane (Eastern Shan States in Burma and Central Thailand) and in order not to introduce new confusing terminology. The closure of the Eastern Palaeotethys is related to a southward subduction of the ocean, that triggered the Eastern Neotethys to open as a back-arc, due to the presence of Late Carboniferous-Early Permian arc magmatism in Mergui (Burma) and in the Lhasa block (South Tibet), and to the absence of arc magmatism of the same age East of the suture. In order to explain the presence of Carboniferous-Early Permian and Permo-Triassic volcanic arcs in Cambodia, Upper Triassic magmatism in Eastern Vietnam and Lower Permian-Middle Permian arc volcanites in Western Sumatra, we introduce the Orang Laut terranes concept. These terranes were detached from Indochina and South China during back-arc opening of the Poko-Song Ma system, due to the westward subduction of the Palaeopacific. This also explains the location of the Cathaysian West Sumatra block to the West of the Cimmerian Sibumasu block.


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19.6.2012 This bulletin presents key findings at a local level from the third drug prevalence survey of households in both Ireland and Northern Ireland. The bulletin presents results relating to drug prevalence on a lifetime, last year (recent) and last month (current) basis for illegal and other drugs including alcohol and tobacco for each Regional Drug Task Force Area (former Health Board areas) in Ireland, and Health and Social Care Trust (HSCT) in Northern Ireland. Click here to download PDF 2.7mb


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This bulletin presents findings regarding the use of cannabis in Ireland from the third drug prevalence survey of households in Ireland and Northern Ireland. A representative sample of adults aged between 15 and 64 years was sampled during late 2010 and early 2011. Click here to download PDF 894kb


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  Drug Use in Ireland and Northern Ireland 2010/2011 Drug Prevalence Survey: Cocaine Results Bulletin 4 Download the report here    


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This bulletin presents key findings regarding polydrug use (the use of more than one substance within a specific time period) in Ireland. These are based on the drug prevalence survey of households in Ireland and Northern Ireland. A representative sample of adults aged between 15 and 64 years was sampled during late 2010 and early 2011. The bulletin presents prevalence rates for combinations of both legal and illegal drug use for the Republic of Ireland and also examines gender and age differences and the relationship between the use of a particular substance and the use of another substance. The survey was carried out according to standards set by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). View the report here.


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Appraisal consultation document - Cetuximab for the treatment of recurrent and/or metastatic squamous cell cancer of the head and neck.To take part in the 'Cetuximab for the treatment of metastatic and/or recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: appraisal consultation'


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This report provides an annual update on the prevalence of tuberculosis in Northern Ireland. It gives a general overview of TB rates and statistics, and looks at both pulmonary and non-pulmonary tuberculosis cases in detail, examining the forms of therapy employed and highlighting any drug resistance. The report also includes a discussion, which considers the specifics of newly diagnosed cases (age, place of birth) and provides some comparative data for the UK and Republic of Ireland.


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Mammalian and avian genomes are characterized by a substantial spatial heterogeneity of GC-content, which is often interpreted as reflecting the effect of local GC-biased gene conversion (gBGC), a meiotic repair bias that favors G and C over A and T alleles in high-recombining genomic regions. Surprisingly, the first fully sequenced nonavian sauropsid (i.e., reptile), the green anole Anolis carolinensis, revealed a highly homogeneous genomic GC-content landscape, suggesting the possibility that gBGC might not be at work in this lineage. Here, we analyze GC-content evolution at third-codon positions (GC3) in 44 vertebrates species, including eight newly sequenced transcriptomes, with a specific focus on nonavian sauropsids. We report that reptiles, including the green anole, have a genome-wide distribution of GC3 similar to that of mammals and birds, and we infer a strong GC3-heterogeneity to be already present in the tetrapod ancestor. We further show that the dynamic of coding sequence GC-content is largely governed by karyotypic features in vertebrates, notably in the green anole, in agreement with the gBGC hypothesis. The discrepancy between third-codon positions and noncoding DNA regarding GC-content dynamics in the green anole could not be explained by the activity of transposable elements or selection on codon usage. This analysis highlights the unique value of third-codon positions as an insertion/deletion-free marker of nucleotide substitution biases that ultimately affect the evolution of proteins.


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A process analysis was conducted in a community - based treatment programme for alcohol abuse. The aims of the study were: to evaluate assessment instruments and measures; to measure change following treatment; to monitor gender differences; to assess the importance of early and current relationships; and to evaluate the effects of therapists. Subjects (n=145, males 83/females 62) completed a semi-structured interview schedule, Severity of Alcohol Dependency Questionnaire (SADQ), Short Alcohol Dependence Data Questionnaire (SADD); General Health Questionnaire (GHQ 12), and Alcohol Problems Questionnaire (APQ). A further three non-standardised self-rated measures were devised by the author. Included was the opportunity to obtain qualitative data. Follow up data was collected at 3, 9 and 15 months following first assessment. The SADD, APQ and consumption measures using detailed drink diaries proved the most relevant assessment measures. Following treatment, there was significant reduction in clients' dependency levels at 3 months, maintained through 9 and 15 months. Key client-rated changes were progress in reducing consumption and alcohol problems leading to a better quality of life and health. Qualitative data augmented these quantitative results. Psychological and acquired cognitive behavioural skills emerged as the main reasons for positive change and the treatment programme was found to have played a significant role in their acquisition. It appears that addressing marital problems can lead to a reduction in alcohol dependency levels. Gender analysis showed that males and females were similar in demographic characteristics, alcohol history details and dependence levels. It was concluded that the differences found did not necessitate different treatment programmes for women. Early family relationships were more problematic for females. Therapist performance varied and that variance was reflected in their clients' outcomes.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.