990 resultados para Water vapor
A utilização de energia renovável é hoje tema abordado em todo o mundo, devido à preocupação com a preservação do meio ambiente. Entre as energias renováveis, a biomassa destaca-se pela excelente disponibilidade que possui. Os dejetos bovinos são uma das mais abundantes, o qual tem grande potencial energético, se fermentado corretamente em biodigestores, obtendo como um dos produtos finais, o biogás. Esse gás é constituído na sua maior parte por gás metano (CH4) que é altamente inflamável. Neste trabalho pretende-se fazer a avaliação do potencial energético das propriedades de produção de leite na região do concelho de BRAGA aplicando uma tecnologia de queima de biogás e de produção de eletricidade utilizando um sistema de cogeração convencional e uma tecnologia mais recente, o Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) e explicitando a respetiva análise económica. As opções por um sistema ORC na central em análise foram justificadas ponderando as vantagens e desvantagens deste ciclo em relação ao ciclo de vapor de água. O objetivo é a obtenção de energia elétrica e térmica e o aumento do rendimento global da instalação com o aproveitamento de todas as energias disponíveis, assim como a eliminação da toxidade dos dejetos para aproveitamento como biomassa. Partindo do levantamento bibliográfico e caraterização das diversas propriedades existentes no concelho, utilizando a tecnologia mais indicada e atual para este tipo de instalação. A biomassa utilizada foi uma mistura de dejetos bovinos com água. O biogás produzido foi convertido em energia elétrica e térmica, através da sua queima. Tem-se assim uma central que além de dar destino adequado aos dejetos animais, diminui a contaminação ambiental, evita a emissão de gás metano para a atmosfera e produz biogás. Efetua-se os cálculos económicos para dois cenários distintos, implementação de uma central de valorização de biogás em cada um dos oito maiores produtores de leite do núcleo de Penso e o aproveitamento dos dejetos produzidos pelos mesmos para implementação de uma central global de recolha dos mesmos, onde é feito o tratamento dos mesmos e a consequente produção de biogás. Na análise económica foram utilizados os seguintes critérios: o VAL (valor atual líquido), a TIR (taxa interna de rendibilidade) e o Período de Retorno Financeiro do Projeto.
O conforto é uma necessidade para a maioria das pessoas. A busca de vestuário que se adapte às condições ambientais tornou-se essencial. Queremos materiais que nos mantenham quentes ou frescos, em condições de frio ou calor, e sejam capazes de nos manter secos se chover, ou se transpirarmos, devido a actividade intensa, ou simplesmente porque está quente. O objectivo principal deste trabalho era desenvolver uma estrutura multicamada respirável, para posterior aplicação num sapato perfurado, tornando-o respirável e impermeável. São já aplicados em peças de roupa e calçado, materiais que permitem essa gestão de calor e humidade – as membranas. Neste trabalho, foram apresentadas algumas membranas, de fabricantes e materiais diferentes, que foram testadas de modo a obter valores para a transmissão de vapor de água e classificá-las quanto à sua respirabilidade, relativamente a uma membrana de referência. Foram feitos testes com as membranas isoladas, laminadas e com sobreposição de duas membranas laminadas. Verificou-se que a laminagem não diminuía, substancialmente, a respirabilidade das membranas. Já a sobreposição de membranas, demonstrou diminuir em 35 % a respirabilidade das membranas. A membrana com melhor desempenho é constituída por um polímero de base éter e blocos de amida (PEBA). Ainda pouco aplicado em vestuário e calçado, mas com algum potencial, são os não-tecidos impregnados com polímeros super absorventes (SAP’s). Estes podem absorver até 500 vezes o seu peso em água, dependendo da quantidade de SAP’s com que o não tecido é impregnado e da aplicação final. Esta capacidade de adsorção seria uma mais-valia, em condições de chuva intensa, mas por outro lado, se atingir a saturação, não permite a entrada ou saída de ar, o que poderia levar a desconforto no utilizador. Por fim, foi utilizado um manequim térmico (pé), onde se testaram diferentes calçados, verificando-se que só é possível perder calor e vapor de água pela sola do sapato se esta se encontrar perfurada e utilizar um sistema respirável. Futuramente, pretende-se aplicar uma outra camada de não-tecido, na outra face das membranas já testadas, de modo a criar um sistema de 3 camadas, e testar a sua respirabilidade. Sugere-se, também, criar uma estrutura sólida e arejada para utilizar os não-tecidos impregnados em SAPs. Posteriormente, deve-se aplicar estas estruturas num sapato com a sola perfurada e testá-las no manequim térmico.
O processo de hidrofugação é definido como um tratamento efetuado com gorduras e agentes químicos, nomeadamente polímeros e acrílicos que dão características de lubrificação e propriedades hidrofóbicas ao material, cujas etapas são adicionadas na fase de recurtume. Um dos objetivos principais foi a obtenção de um couro com alto grau hidrofóbico, isto é um couro com baixo poder de absorção da água, resistência a sua penetração e conservação da permeabilidade ao vapor de água, sem a utilização do sal de crómio na fase de fixação, e mais pelas problemáticas ambientais que existem na atualidade com o uso deste metal no mundo dos couros. É de salientar que, o único parâmetro que foi possível analisar, de acordo com a disponibilidade do laboratório foi a percentagem de absorção da água. Portanto, para este trabalho escrito foram desenhadas uma série de ensaios, onde se testaram inúmeros produtos utilizados na indústria de produção dos couros, alterando-se fatores de temperatura, dosagem, posição dos produtos aplicados, tempos, entre outros parâmetros, de modo a obter um couro com melhores resultados na percentagem de absorção. A hidrofugação é um processo bastante delicado e mais quando se tenta produzir um couro isento de metais e com alto poder hidrofóbico. Os resultados obtidos experimentalmente apontam para uma percentagem de absorção de cerca de 30% para espaços de tempo de 10 minutos, utilizando sempre sais de alumínio na etapa de fixação, pelo que ainda se requer mais investigação para obter um couro wet-white sem adição de sais metálicas e com alto poder de absorção.
HMC08 - 1st Historical Mortars Conference: Characterization, Diagnosis, Conservation, Repair and Compatibilit, LNEC, Lisbon, 24-26 September 2008
Due to their high adsorption capacity of water vapor, earthen plasters can act as a moisture buffer, contributing to balance the relative humidity of the indoor environment of buildings. As a consequence of this capacity earthen plasters may also contribute to the perception of thermal comfort, since a high relative humidity increases the thermal conductivity of air and restricts skin evaporation, increasing the discomfort associated with the perception of heat or cold. Simultaneously, earthen plasters may also contribute to the indoor air quality. In one hand, by mitigating health problems of the respiratory system associated with indoor environment with high relative humidity, in which increases the risk of development of microorganisms usually responsible for infections, allergies or asthma. In the other hand, by mitigating the probability of inflammation of the respiratory system airways associated to exceedingly dry indoor environments. Therefore it also becomes expectable that earthen plasters may contribute for reducing the needs for air conditioning and mechanical ventilation in buildings and, thereby, also allowing the reduction of the associated energy consumption. The «Barrocal» region, located in the sedimentary basin of Algarve, South Portugal, presents geomorphological characteristics that promote the occurrence of soils with a clay mineralogy dominated by illite, which is a clay mineral characterized by a high adsorption capacity of water vapor and low expansibility. This fact turns expectable that these soils have a high potential for interior plastering. In order to evaluate this potential four mortars were formulated with an increasing content of clayey soil extracted from a selected clay quarry from «Barrocal» region. The results from the preliminary characterization campaign confirmed the reduced linear shrinkage of these mortars, as well as their high adsorption-desorption capacity, that is positively correlated with the content of clayey soil present in mortar formulation. However, the mechanical tests showed that the mechanical resistance of these mortars should be improved, for instance through the addition of natural fibers for reinforcement, which will be investigated in future research. This research contributed to increase certainty regarding the potential of clayey soils of the «Barrocal» sub-region of Algarve to produce mortars suitable for eco-efficient interior plastering.
Supplementary information available at: http://www.rsc.org/suppdata/c5/gc/c5gc02231b/c5gc02231b1.pdf
One of the authors (S.M.) acknowledges Direction des Relations Extérieures of Ecole Polytechnique for financial support.
In this work we produce and study the flexible organic–inorganic hybrid moisture barrier layers for the protection of air sensitive organic opto-electronic devices. The inorganic amorphous silicon nitride layer (SiNx:H) and the organic PMMA [poly (methyl methacrylate)] layer are deposited alternatingly by using hot wire chemical vapor deposition (HW-CVD) and spin-coating techniques, respectively. The effect of organic–inorganic hybrid interfaces is analyzed for increasing number of interfaces. We produce highly transparent (∼80% in the visible region) hybrid structures. The morphological properties are analysed providing a good basis for understanding the variation of the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) values. A minimum WVTR of 4.5 × 10−5g/m2day is reported at the ambient atmospheric conditions for 7 organic/inorganic interfaces. The hybrid barriers show superb mechanical flexibility which confirms their high potential for flexible applications.
In this paper, Isopropanol (IPA) availability during the anisotropic etching of silicon in Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) solutions was investigated. Squares of 8 to 40 m were patterned to (100) oriented silicon wafers through DWL (Direct Writing Laser) photolithography. The wet etching process was performed inside an open HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) flask with ultrasonic agitation. IPA volume and evaporation was studied in a dynamic etching process, and subsequent influence on the silicon etching was inspected. For the tested conditions, evaporation rates for water vapor and IPA were determined as approximately 0.0417 mL/min and 0.175 mL/min, respectively. Results demonstrate that IPA availability, and not concentration, plays an important role in the definition of the final structure. Transversal SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) analysis demonstrates a correlation between microloading effects (as a consequence of structure spacing) and the angle formed towards the (100) plane.
The stable isotope composition of waters (delta H-2, delta O-18) can be used as a natural tracer of hydrologic processes in systems affected by acid mine drainage. We investigated the delta H-2 and delta O-18 values of pore waters from four oxidizing sulfidic mine tailings impoundments in different climatic regions of Chile (Piuquenes at La Andina with Alpine climate, Cauquenes and Caren at El Teniente with Mediterranean climate, and Talabre at the Chuquicamata deposit with hyperarid climate). No clear relationship was found between altitude and isotopic composition. The observed displacement of the tailings pore waters from the local meteoric water line toward higher delta O-18 values (by similar to +2% delta O-18 relative to delta H-2) is partly due to water-rock interaction processes, including hydration and O-isotope exchange with sulfates and Fe(III) oxyhydroxides produced by pyrite oxidation. In most tailings, from the saturated zone toward the surface, isotopically different zones can be distinguished. Zone I is characterized by an upward depletion of H-2 and O-18 in the pore waters from the saturated zone and the lowermost vadose zone, due to ascending diffused isotopically light water triggered by the constant loss of water vapor by evaporation at the surface. In zone II, the capillary flow of a mix of vapor and liquid water causes an evaporative isotopic enrichment in H-2 and O-18. At the top of the tailings in dry climate a zone III between the capillary zone and the surface contains isotopically light diffused and atmospheric water vapor. In temperate climates, the upper part of the profile is affected by recent rainfall and zone III may not differ isotopically from zone II.
Although recent hydrothermal experiments imply that abiogenic methane (CH4) generation from hydrothermal reduction of CO2 can occur, evidence from natural systems was still lacking. Based on the chemical and isotopic equilibrium signatures of low-temperature fumarolic gas discharges, we are able to provide hard evidence for its natural occurrence, namely in three subduction-related bi-phase hydrothermal systems of the Mediterranean, whose temperatures range from 260 to 470 degrees C. The attainment of equilibrium and the time spans of recent volcanic dormancy allowed us to calculate minimum rates for chemical and isotopic equilibration. These are significantly higher than those previously reported and might be due to the presence of a saturated water vapor phase in the investigated systems. The fact that nature provides conditions enabling relatively fast production of hydrocarbons from CO2 strongly supports the concerns that were recently raised from laboratory experiments. These address the use of the carbon isotope composition of reduced carbon in Archean sediments as a tracer of early life and the occurrence of CH4 on extraterrestrial planets as a bioindicator. In view of the potential role of abiogenic CH4 as a precursor of life, we also present an estimate of abiogenic hydrothermal CH4 fluxes throughout the Archean. It is not expected that these fluxes exceeded 80 Mt/yr during the past 4.0 Ga. This, however, would have been enough to facilitate HCN production on the prebiotic Earth. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effects of the nongray absorption (i.e., atmospheric opacity varying with wavelength) on the possible upper bound of the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) emitted by a planetary atmosphere have been examined. This analysis is based on the semigray approach, which appears to be a reasonable compromise between the complexity of nongray models and the simplicity of the gray assumption (i.e., atmospheric absorption independent of wavelength). Atmospheric gases in semigray atmospheres make use of constant absorption coefficients in finite-width spectral bands. Here, such a semigray absorption is introduced in a one-dimensional (1D) radiative– convective model with a stratosphere in radiative equilibrium and a troposphere fully saturated with water vapor, which is the semigray gas. A single atmospheric window in the infrared spectrum has been assumed. In contrast to the single absolute limit of OLR found in gray atmospheres, semigray ones may also show a relative limit. This means that both finite and infinite runaway effects may arise in some semigray cases. Of particular importance is the finding of an entirely new branch of stable steady states that does not appear in gray atmospheres. This new multiple equilibrium is a consequence of the nongray absorption only. It is suspected that this new set of stable solutions has not been previously revealed in analyses of radiative–convective models since it does not appear for an atmosphere with nongray parameters similar to those for the earth’s current state
RATIONALE The choice of containers for storage of aqueous samples between their collection, transport and water hydrogen (2H) and oxygen (18O) stable isotope analysis is a topic of concern for a wide range of fields in environmental, geological, biomedical, food, and forensic sciences. The transport and separation of water molecules during water vapor or liquid uptake by sorption or solution and the diffusive transport of water molecules through organic polymer material by permeation or pervaporation may entail an isotopic fractionation. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the extent of such fractionation. METHODS Sixteen bottle-like containers of eleven different organic polymers, including low and high density polyethylene (LDPE and HDPE), polypropylene (PP), polycarbonate (PC), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and perfluoroalkoxy-Teflon (PFA), of different wall thickness and size were completely filled with the same mineral water and stored for 659?days under the same conditions of temperature and humidity. Particular care was exercised to keep the bottles tightly closed and prevent loss of water vapor through the seals. RESULTS Changes of up to +5 parts per thousand for d2H values and +2.0 parts per thousand for d18O values were measured for water after more than 1?year of storage within a plastic container, with the magnitude of change depending mainly on the type of organic polymer, wall thickness, and container size. The most important variations were measured for the PET and PC bottles. Waters stored in glass bottles with Polyseal (TM) cone-lined PP screw caps and thick-walled HDPE or PFA containers with linerless screw caps having an integrally molded inner sealing ring preserved their original d2H and d18O values. The carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen stable isotope compositions of the organic polymeric materials were also determined. CONCLUSIONS The results of this study clearly show that for precise and accurate measurements of the water stable isotope composition in aqueous solutions, rigorous sampling and storage procedures are needed both for laboratory standards and for unknown samples. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This paper analyses the predictive ability of quantitative precipitation forecasts (QPF) and the so-called "poor-man" rainfall probabilistic forecasts (RPF). With this aim, the full set of warnings issued by the Meteorological Service of Catalonia (SMC) for potentially-dangerous events due to severe precipitation has been analysed for the year 2008. For each of the 37 warnings, the QPFs obtained from the limited-area model MM5 have been verified against hourly precipitation data provided by the rain gauge network covering Catalonia (NE of Spain), managed by SMC. For a group of five selected case studies, a QPF comparison has been undertaken between the MM5 and COSMO-I7 limited-area models. Although MM5's predictive ability has been examined for these five cases by making use of satellite data, this paper only shows in detail the heavy precipitation event on the 9¿10 May 2008. Finally, the "poor-man" rainfall probabilistic forecasts (RPF) issued by SMC at regional scale have also been tested against hourly precipitation observations. Verification results show that for long events (>24 h) MM5 tends to overestimate total precipitation, whereas for short events (¿24 h) the model tends instead to underestimate precipitation. The analysis of the five case studies concludes that most of MM5's QPF errors are mainly triggered by very poor representation of some of its cloud microphysical species, particularly the cloud liquid water and, to a lesser degree, the water vapor. The models' performance comparison demonstrates that MM5 and COSMO-I7 are on the same level of QPF skill, at least for the intense-rainfall events dealt with in the five case studies, whilst the warnings based on RPF issued by SMC have proven fairly correct when tested against hourly observed precipitation for 6-h intervals and at a small region scale. Throughout this study, we have only dealt with (SMC-issued) warning episodes in order to analyse deterministic (MM5 and COSMO-I7) and probabilistic (SMC) rainfall forecasts; therefore we have not taken into account those episodes that might (or might not) have been missed by the official SMC warnings. Therefore, whenever we talk about "misses", it is always in relation to the deterministic LAMs' QPFs.
ArF excimer laser pulses (193 nm, 20 ns, 150 mJ) have been focused on a hydroxyapatite (HA) target in similar conditions to those normally used for thin film deposition. Fast intensified CCD images of HA laser ablation plumes have been taken in vacuum and under different water vapor pressures ranging from 0.01 mbar to 1 mbar. Images of HA ablation in vacuum have shown a plume freely expanding at a constant velocity of 2.3 106 cm/s. HA ablation under a water vapor pressure of 0.01 mbar has revealed an expansion behavior very similar to that of ablation in vacuum. Images taken under a water vapor pressure of 0.1 mbar have shown the formation of a shock structure in the plume. Finally, HA ablation under a water vapor pressure of 1 mbar has revealed the development of some irregularities in the shape of the plume.