807 resultados para Warren, Pat
A two-minute video that shows you how to edit an existing meeting in Adobe Connect so you can re-use that meeting room for a new date, time and (if needed) different participants.
A PowerPoint presentation that outlines the key issues that people planning a conference poster need to consider.
This step-by-step guide introduces the PowerPoint 2010 features that can be used to create attractive posters. For example, guidelines to help elements align neatly and text boxes with margins.
This is a step-by-step guide for students who wish to print low-cost posters created using PowerPoint on large-format printers maintained by iSolutions.
This PowerPoint file has the new-brand University logo in a format that you can copy-and-paste to Word and PowerPoint. You can scale them without 'jaggies' and they have a transparent background. Several approved colours are included.
This is a 9-minute narrated video of the PowerPoint presentation of the same name
This is a short report summarising some of the research findings available about the academic benefits and educational challenges of lecture capture systems. It was written to inform an institutional decision about whether to proceed with a pilot service.
A video podcast plus MP3 of a 30 minute presention on the use of Twitter to build a digital presence.
This 10-minute video shows you how you can include image files in your thesis. By using the University template and special styles, you will be able to automate their numbering and references to them in the text, as well as generate tables of figures.
This 3-minute video shows you how to combine chapters of your thesis but force footnotes to be numbered from 1 within each chapter.
This PowerPoint provides a step-by-step guide to the process of converting a document (such as your thesis) from Word to PDF.
An update to Java meant that you can only import files into Teamsite from your 'My Documents' folder, which isn't much use if they are all stored on your J drive. This video shows you how to fix the problem.
This short 7-minute video shows two methods which can be used to highlight selected words or phrases on a PowerPoint slide.
This presentation is intended to show the use of Adobe Presenter to create a narrated presentation, and can be compared with the version recorded using Camtasia Studio.
This presentation is intended to show the use of Camtasia Studio to create a narrated presentation, and can be compared with the version recorded using Adobe Presenter.