996 resultados para Vision 2015


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El IMARPE, en conjunto con el Instituto de Investigación para el Desarrollo de Francia (IRD) han llevado adelante durante los últimos meses el proyecto CIENPERU (Impacto Costero del evento El Niño en Peru). El objetivo principal del proyecto es de reforzar el monitoreo de las condiciones ambientales en el mar Peruano durante el desarrollo del evento El Niño 2015-2016. Específicamente para lograr la caracterización física y biogeoquímica de la estructura tridimensional del evento El Niño a una mayor resolución espacial (~ 1 Km.) y temporal, a través del uso de vehículos submarinos autónomos (glider), y derivadores perfiladores de tipo ARGO.


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El objetivo es determinar las características reproductivas de Platyxanthus orbignyi “cangrejo violáceo”. La población en estudio estuvo constituida por los ejemplares de Platyxanthus orbignyi “cangrejo violáceo” capturados mediante los caballitos de totora en Huanchaco del Departamento de L a Libertad durante el año 2015. La muestra estuvo constituida por 1477 ejemplares, encontrándose 912 (61.75%) hembras y 565 (38.25%) machos, la proporción sexual global favoreció a las hembras con un valor de 2:1; en la proporción sexual a la talla se observó el predominio de hembras en tallas grandes. La talla de primera madurez sexual en hembras fue de 37 mm y en machos 39 mm. La talla de media de madurez sexual en hembras fue de 61 mm y de machos fue de 59 mm. El estadío de madurez sexual V de los ejemplares hembras predominó en el mes de Marzo con un 32.91% y de machos en el mes de Octubre con un 20.22%. El índice gonadosomático presentó variaciones con tendencias diferentes para cada género. El diámetro de los huevos varió de 466 μm (estadio I) a 575 μm (estadio IV). El porcentaje promedio de atresia fue de 8.52%. La fertilidad promedio, para el estadio IV, fue 105 462 huevos.


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Esta investigación se realizó para determinar el crecimiento de Platyxanthus orbignyi “cangrejo violáceo” capturados en la caleta de Huanchaco, ubicado en el distrito de Huanchaco, Provincia de Trujillo, Departamento La Libertad, durante el 2015. El objetivo fue determinar el crecimiento de P. orbignyi, la muestra estuvo constituida por 1477 ejemplares procedentes de las capturas que realizan los pescadores artesanales empleando caballitos de totora y trampas denominadas nasas. Estos muestreos fueron mensuales durante el año 2015. La relación entre longitud cefalotorácica (mm) y ancho cefalotorácico (mm) presentó diferencia estadística entre las líneas de regresión de ambos sexos, la relación entre el ancho cefalotorácico (mm) y peso total (g) mostró alometría en el crecimiento de hembras y machos, estadísticamente no se encontró diferencia entre los sexos. Mediante el método de Bhattacharya (1967) modificado por Pauly y Caddy (1985) se establecieron siete estados de muda para las hembras y nueve estados de muda para los machos. Según el criterio de Kurata (1962) se estableció que el crecimiento en ambos sexos es de tipo geométrico retrogresivo. Los parámetros calculados se ajustaron a la ecuación de von Bertalanffy.


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Doctoral dissertation, University of Tampere


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When a court imposes a fine or forfeiture for a violation of state law, or city or county ordinance, except an ordinance regulating the parking of motor vehicles, the court or the clerk of the district court shall assess an additional penalty in the form of a criminal penalty surcharge equal to thirty-five percent of the fine or forfeiture imposed.


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Switching from one functional or cognitive operation to another is thought to rely on executive/control processes. The efficacy of these processes may depend on the extent of overlap between neural circuitry mediating the different tasks; more effective task preparation (and by extension smaller switch costs) is achieved when this overlap is small. We investigated the performance costs associated with switching tasks and/or switching sensory modalities. Participants discriminated either the identity or spatial location of objects that were presented either visually or acoustically. Switch costs between tasks were significantly smaller when the sensory modality of the task switched versus when it repeated. This was the case irrespective of whether the pre-trial cue informed participants only of the upcoming task, but not sensory modality (Experiment 1) or whether the pre-trial cue was informative about both the upcoming task and sensory modality (Experiment 2). In addition, in both experiments switch costs between the senses were positively correlated when the sensory modality of the task repeated across trials and not when it switched. The collective evidence supports the independence of control processes mediating task switching and modality switching and also the hypothesis that switch costs reflect competitive interference between neural circuits.


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The Iowa Transportation Improvement Program (Program) is published to inform Iowans of planned investments in our state’s transportation system. The Iowa Transportation Commission (Commission) and Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) are committed to programming those investments in a fiscally responsible manner. This document serves as the Iowa DOT's annual report as required by Iowa Code section 7A.9. This document reflects Iowa’s multimodal transportation system by the inclusion of investments in aviation, transit, railroads, trails, and highways. A major component of this program is the highway section that documents programmed investments on the primary highway system for the next five years. A large part of funding available for highway programming comes from the federal government. Accurately estimating future funding levels of this federal funding is dependent on having a current enacted multi-year federal transportation authorization. The most recent authorization, Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), expired September 30, 2009, and to date it has been extended five times because a new authorization has not yet been enacted. The current extension expires December 31, 2010. While Iowa law does not require the adoption of a Program when federal transportation funding is being reauthorized, the Commission believes it is important to adopt a Program in order to continue on-going planning and project development efforts and to be well positioned when a new authorization is adopted. However, it is important to recognize that, absent a federal authorization bill, there is significant uncertainty in the forecast of federal revenues. The Commission and the Iowa DOT will continue to monitor federal revenues and will adjust future investments as needed to maintain a fiscally responsible Program. In developing the highway section of the program, the Commission’s primary investment objective remains stewardship (i.e. safety, maintenance and preservation) of Iowa’s existing highway system. In fact, over $1.2 billion is programmed in FY2011 through FY2015 for preservation of Iowa’s existing highway system and for enhanced highway safety features. The highway section also includes significant investments for interstate modernization on I-29 inSioux City, on I-29/80/480 in Council Bluffs, and on I-74 in Bettendorf/ Davenport. Another highway programming objective reflected in this Program is maintaining the scheduled completion of capacity and economic development projects that were identified in the previous Program. Finally, with the limited remaining funds the Commission has furthered the investment in capacity and economic development by adding a few projects to the Program. The Iowa DOT and Commission appreciate the public’s involvement in the state’s transportation planning process. Comments received personally, by letter or through participation in the Commission’s regular meetings or public input meetings held around the state each year, are invaluable in providing guidance for the future of Iowa’s transportation system.


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BACKGROUND: Over the last few decades, esophageal cancer incidence and mortality trends varied substantially across Europe, with important differences between sexes and the two main histological subtypes, squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) and adenocarcinoma (EAC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: To monitor recent esophageal cancer mortality trends and to compute short-term predictions in the European Union (EU) and selected European countries, we analyzed data provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) for 1980-2011. We also analyzed incidence trends and relative weights of ESCC and EAC across Europe using data from Cancer Incidence in Five Continents. RESULTS: Long-term decreasing trends were observed for male esophageal cancer mortality in several southern and western European countries, whereas in central Europe mortality increased until the mid-1990s and started to stabilize or decline over the last years. In some eastern and northern countries, the rates were still increasing. Mortality among European women remained comparatively low and showed stable or decreasing trends in most countries. Between 2000-2004 and 2005-2009, esophageal cancer mortality declined by 7% (from 5.34 to 4.99/100 000) in EU men, and by 3% (from 1.12 to 1.09/100 000) in EU women. Predictions to 2015 show persistent declines in mortality rates for men in the EU overall, and stable rates for EU women, with rates for 2015 of 4.5/100 000 men (about 22 300 deaths) and 1.1/100 000 women (about 7400 deaths). In northern Europe, EAC is now the predominant histological type among men, while for European women ESCC is more common and corresponding rates are still increasing in several countries. CONCLUSION(S): The observed trends reflect the variations in alcohol drinking, tobacco smoking and overweight across European countries.


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Proposed Contract Letting Dates


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Auteurs travaillant au CHUV: Doris Schopper, Roger Stupp, Franz Stiefel, Maya Shaha


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To meet the challenges related to the development of health problems taking into account the development of knowledge, several innovations in care are being implemented. Among these, advanced nursing roles and increased interprofessional collaboration are considered as important features in Switzerland. Although the international literature provides benchmarks for advanced roles, it was considered essential to contextualize these in order to promote their application value in Switzerland. Thus, from 79 statements drawn from the literature, 172 participants involved in a two-sequential phases study only kept 29 statements because they considered they were relevant, important and applicable in daily practice. However, it is important to point out that statements which have not been selected at this stage to describe advanced practice cannot be considered irrelevant permanently. Indeed, given the emergence of advanced practice in western Switzerland, it is possible that a statement judged not so relevant at this moment of the development of advanced practice, will be considered as such later on. The master's program in nursing embedded at the University of Lausanne and the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland was also examined in the light of these statements. It was concluded that all the objectives of the program are aligned with the competencies statements that were kept.


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The Department of Transportation produced a report on how funds are used on state parks and institutional roads in Iowa and what year the funds are used.


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Through the strategic initiatives outlined in this plan, and incorporation of those initiatives into the department’s business plans, DAS believes other departments will be able to concentrate their resources on core missions and rely on DAS for the administrative expertise for their operations. This realignment of effort will result in both an increase in efficiency and a reduction in overall cost to State government. Areas of human resources, information technology, financial services, and general services will be provided statewide in a comprehensive, cohesive, and manageable form with opportunity to make those services available to other public entities outside of state government where efficiency and economics support that cooperation.


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Iowans have long shared a deep commitment to giving our children the best education possible. We recognize young people today must meet higher expectations than ever to thrive in this global, knowledge-based economy. For the sake of our children and our state, it is vitally important that we build on our tradition of excellence to improve our schools. Iowa’s house of education still has a strong foundation, but it is also in need of a major remodel to be ready for the days ahead.


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IPI is comprised of three divisions. Private Sector funds are handed over to the General Fund. Traditional Industries and Farms funds are managed by IPI. The auditor of the state provides oversight on policies, procedures, and compliance with state law. Each year, the auditor is responsible for providing the Governor, legislature, Director of Corrections, and the public the findings of their comprehensive audits. IPI has received a clean bill of health and has not been cited for any violations in ten (10) years. IPI operates under the guidance of an advisory board, comprised of seven members. The advisory board meets at least four (4) times per year at a location of the board‟s choice, generally at a different prison each quarter. The board reviews the financials, policies, approves any new private sector ventures and offers comprehensive guidance on issues that will impact correctional industries as well as the public and local businesses. Each member serves for two (2) years and may be re-appointed. IPI has found that retaining board members has helped immensely with the continuity of transition and has afforded IPI with superb leadership and guidance. IPI is 100% self-funding. We receive no appropriations from the general fund. We hire our staff, pay their salaries, and pay the stipend of the offenders. We pay for our raw materials, equipment, and construct our buildings all from the proceeds of our sales. We operate with a revolving fund and retain any earnings at year-ends. The retained earnings are used for expansion of our work programs.