565 resultados para Vilas Operárias


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Este estudo pretende identificar as mudanças relevantes no mercado e qual o valor percebido pelos clientes e taxistas, considerando-se a inserção das empresas prestadoras de serviços de táxis da cidade de São Paulo no mundo virtual, através do uso de aplicativos. Para tanto, explanamos o conceito de cadeia de valor, incluindo cadeia de valor virtual e rede de valor, a fim de um melhor entendimento da estrutura em que se embasam as empresas desse novo ambiente, bem como explicamos os conceitos de modelo de negócio e Business Model Canvas. Com esse embasamento teórico propomos um framework com a finalidade de auxiliar o processo de extração e análise das informações que permitiram identificar as mudanças relevantes que ocorreram nesse mercado e o valor percebido pelos clientes e taxistas, fazendo uso de um estudo de caso. O tema é relevante, por se tratar de uma mudança significativa na forma como as empresas se relacionam com seus clientes e prestadores; e por permitir observar que valor agregado esse modelo tem propiciado, que fez com que cerca de 30 mil taxistas, dos 35 mil da cidade de São Paulo, optassem pelo uso de aplicativos, fazendo com que uma das empresas estudadas nessa dissertação atingisse mais de 2.5 milhões de downloads em todo o Brasil. Espera-se, com este estudo, identificar as mudanças relevantes que a inserção dos aplicativos trouxeram aos usuários e taxistas e apresentar um framework que pode ser utilizado como um facilitador na análise da cadeia de valor e cadeia de valor virtual do mercado de prestação de serviços de taxis, esclarecendo que esse modelo não é apenas um modismo ao qual se pode atribuir uma série de benefícios, mas, sim, uma tendência que está redefinindo o formato das empresas desse mercado.


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Neste breve artigo, procuro analisar um workshop de pesquisa sobre o tema das “Cidades Inteligentes”, ou smart cities, no qual estive presente. Nessa análise, mostro como os conceitos de “cidade inteligente” e “big data” são construídos de modo distinto pelos dois grupos de pessoas presentes no evento, que classifico como “otimizadores” e “reguladores”. Essas diferentes formas de se enxergar os dispositivos em questão levam a uma série de controvérsias. Em um primeiro momento, procuro enquadrar o modo como algumas das controvérsias aparecem dentro do marco teórico da Construção Social da Tecnologia (SCOT). Posteriormente, pretendo mostrar que as controvérsias que apareceram ao longo do evento não foram solucionadas – e dificilmente serão, num futuro próximo – enquanto não se optar por um modelo analítico tal como a Teoria Ator-Rede, que dá ouvidos para um grupo ignorado naquelas discussões: os dispositivos empregados na construção do conceito de “Cidade Inteligente”.


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"Wisconsin soldiers in the Vicksburg campaign [by W. F. Vilas]" p. 59-83.


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Esta pesquisa analisa as razões do crescimento do número de pentecostais no bairro paulistano de Perus, zona noroeste de São Paulo a partir do fenômeno de migração urbana. Com IDH figurando na 81ª posição entre os 96 distritos da capital paulista, o bairro apresenta grande concentração de igrejas pentecostais. 20,9% de sua população declarou-se com esta filiação religiosa no Censo 2000. O índice é alto quando comparado com a média da população pentecostal do município de São Paulo, calculado em 11,9%. Perus faz parte da periferia urbana, porém, no próprio bairro, há vilas que sofrem com maior falta de infra-estrutura, formando pequenas periferias dentro da periferia. Com crescimento associado à primeira fábrica de Cimento do país, a Cia de Cimento Portland Perus, o bairro foi o endereço de chegada de milhares de migrantes desde as primeiras décadas do século XX, a princípio originários do interior do estado de São Paulo e de Minas Gerais. No entanto, mesmo com o fechamento da fábrica, o bairro continua a receber migrantes de outras regiões, como o Nordeste do país e mesmo moradores de outros bairros da cidade de São Paulo. Assim, esta pesquisa pretende detectar como as redes religiosas pentecostais, existentes em uma multiplicidade de denominações, se fazem presentes no processo de acolhida e adaptação do migrante em sua chegada ao bairro e em que medida a filiação religiosa ganha importância neste processo de movimento e circulação populacional no espaço urbano.


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O presente estudo de dissertação consiste no estudo da viabilidade económica e financeira de uma microempresa de Pescaturismo. Trata-se da apresentação de um plano de negócios turístico-pesqueiro, onde a principal ideia - através de um modelo de intraempreendedorismo marítimo de criação de valor social, económico e financeiro - é a conceção de uma unidade empresarial, sob o conceito de turismo marítimo-pesqueiro, estrategicamente posicionada no nicho de mercado de turismo criativo e costeiro, visando, por um lado, a satisfação das necessidades de todos aqueles que procuram experiências genuínas de vivências culturais em vilas historicamente viradas para o mar e, por outro, aumentar as fontes de rendimento das comunidades piscatórias e acrescentar valor à atividade de pesca, pela diversificação da atividade económica. Este trabalho também pretende constituir um modelo padrão de empreendedorismo a implementar junto dos profissionais da pesca artesanal e local, económica e financeiramente sustentável, dando ênfase às potencialidades dos recursos endógenos e embarcações disponíveis que criem produtos e serviços estratégicos de turismo ao ar livre e de animação turística. Assim, consideramos que a combinação do setor das pescas com o setor do turismo, na dimensão de animação turística, como as atividades marítimo-turísticas, enquanto setores estratégicos do desenvolvimento económico-social, constitui a base do modelo de Plano de Negócios de Pescaturismo apresentado. Pese embora a legislação portuguesa da Região Autónoma dos Açores reconheça a atividade, o conceito aplicado ao turismo e à pesca no Continente é novo e inovador. Também é um trabalho inovador uma vez que é o primeiro estudo de viabilidade de Pescaturismo em Portugal continental e ilhas, apresentando para o efeito um plano de negócio turístico compacto aplicável e adaptável a uma vasta gama de empreendedores marítimos. Para o efeito considera-se como base do estudo a comunidade piscatória de Vila Praia de Âncora e os seus recursos naturais, e construídos, de interesse turístico.


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The National Health Service is one of the portuguese social progress pillars and as a key role in terms of health services, organized around a universal service, general and tend to free, provided for the Portuguese Republic Constitution, in order to promote people's access to health care,adequate and adaptively to their needs and expectations, seeking economic efficiency in a control context of public expenditure and budget. Primary Health Care are considered fundamental piece for the National Health Service, as they are the first users accessibility to health care, being the health center a unit to serve and providing the essential first treatments, preventive and/or curative, assuming important functions of promotion of health and prevention of disease, cooperating with other services for continuity of caring. The implementation of the Health Centers Groupings aims to decentralize the management and allow decision making on key resources to the provision of care, absorbing the district offices of the extinct Health Sub-Regions and having the task of ensuring the provision of health care primary the population of a given geographical area, based on a multidisciplinary team with organization and technical autonomy and is guaranteed intercooperation with other functional units. However, these district offices were attached to the Regional Health Administrations following the reverse path, causing dysfunctional positions and making health centers Groupings their dependents. Thus, before the reform of Primary Health Care, all the structural changes were made, except to check the Health Centers Groupings proper management autonomy, currently one of the biggest obstacles to the implementation of such reform. It is intended in this work through a inquiry by forms done at 21 Health Centers Groupings North Regional Health Authority, IP, evidence can the management autonomy in Health Centers Groupings provide greater efficiency in the provision of Primary health Care to citizens and ensure greater sustainability of the National health Service, better managing existing resources, human and financial, showing a growing responsibility in its management and ensuring appropriate practices, more quality in health care and better accessibility, providing the ability to apply more adjusted measures in providing health care to the population of their geographical área.


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This article reviews methods for quantifying the abundance of histological features in thin tissue sections of brain such as neurons, glia, blood vessels, and pathological lesions. The sampling methods by which quantitative measures can be obtained are described. In addition, methods are described for determining the spatial pattern of an object and for measuring the degree of spatial correlation between two or more histological features.


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This work is a comparative study of three black brotherhoods that existed in Pernambuco in the eighteenth century, it is the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Rosary of Black Men of Recife, Olinda and Goiás. The goal was to understand the similarities and differences between them, taking as benchmark their operating statutes, called Appointments. From the data analysis of the commitments associated with other documents produced by the Brotherhoods and the administrative and religious authorities, we sought the social profile of the villages in evidence, as well as the participation of black people inside. We sought to understand the historical conditions of that period, from the fact that the slave society, the black was placed in a position of subordination. However, as a carrier element of culture, although this condition, was able to overcome social obstacles, opening possibilities for own cultural manifestations of his group could occur. The coexistence in the Brotherhoods of the Rosary, which in addition to organizations for mutual assistance within the Catholic religion, is also constituted as fields mediators between high culture and popular culture, made those organizations become social spaces and representation allowed the existing order. The Brotherhoods of the Rosary in Recife, Olinda and Goiás, had their own hierarchical logic that engendered the construction of new black identities marked by cultural circularity that became possible due to the Atlantic diaspora process


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The behavioral decisions of animals do not occur randomly, because behaviors are adjusted to ensure the survival and reproduction of the animal. In this research, I examined behavioral decisions in the foraging context of the ant Dinoponera quadriceps with regard to orientation, food avaliation and foraging dynamic to individual level. The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Behavioral Biology at UFRN and in an area of secondary Atlantic Forest in FLONA-ICMBio Nísia Floresta/RN. In all observations and experiments, ants were marked individually with an alphanumeric code label fixed on the thorax. In the first part of the study, I analyzed the orientation cues used by D. quadriceps. The tests were performed in a maze of 17 compartments. Each forager was tested for 10 min in three sessions for six different treatments. The treatments consisted of the presence or absence of odor and superior or frontal visual cues. The workers demonstrated that the presence of odor is indispensable and front visual cues are more effective than superior visual cues. In the second part, I investigated the discrimination of food, considering the parameters, size, weight and volume. In a 'cafeteria' experiment, I offered cylindrical pieces of food (mortadella) in a Petri dish, within an experimental arena 1m². Initially, the pieces were of four different sizes; in a second step, the pieces were of the same size but with different weight; in the last step, the pieces had the same weight but different volumes. The results showed the effect of the size and weight parameters for food choice. In the third part of the study, I evaluated the influence of the activity of active foragers on inactive ones. In this part, the colonies were observed in a natural environment. The observations took place on three consecutive days in 10 episodes, total of 30 days for each colony, 12 hours/day. On the first day, I registered the output and input of workers; on the second day, the most active ants on the first day were taken and given back at the end of the observations; on the third day, the observations were similar to the first day. As a result, the workers of D. quadriceps show autostimulation and they do not show social facilitation and the colony compensates the absence of the most active workers. Based on the stated, I conclude that workers of D. quadriceps use chemical, frontal and superior visual orientation cues during their displacements. They discriminate the chosen food by size and weight. The regulation of activity dynamics of foragers is by autostimulation, an active worker does not influence the activity of an inactive worker, the successful search previous is the stimulus to the successful worker itself to continue foraging activity.


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When searching for food, animals often make decisions of where to go, how long to stay in a foraging area and whether or not to return to the last visited spot. These decisions can be enhanced by cognitive traits and adjusted based on previous experience. In social insects such as ants, foraging efficiency have an impact on both individual and colony level. The present study investigated, in the laboratory, the effect of distance from food, capture success and food size, and reward rate on decisions of where to forage in Dinoponera quadriceps, a ponerine ant that forage solitarily and individually make their foraging decisions. We also investigated the influence of learning on the performance of workers over successive trips searching for food by measuring the patch residence time in each foraging trip. Four scenarios were created differing in food reward rates, food size offered and distances colony-food site. Our work has shown that as a rule-of-thumb, workers of D. quadriceps return to the place where a prey item was found on the previous trip, regardless of distance, food size and reward rate. When ants did not capture preys, they were more likely to change path to search for food. However, in one of the scenarios, this decision to switch paths when unsuccessful was less evident, possibly due to the greater variation of possible outcomes ants could experience in this scenario and cognitive constraints of D. quadriceps to predict variations of food distribution. Our results also indicated a learning process of routes of exploration as well as the food site conditions for exploration. After repeated trips, foragers reduced the patch residence time in areas that they did not capture food and quickly changed of foraging area, increasing their foraging efficiency.


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We propose a mechatronic system for monitoring water quality in rivers, lakes, dams and sea, able to perform the acquisition, processing and presentation of data via the web in real time, in order to facilitate analysis quickly and needs by interested communities. The hardware architecture and software monitoring system has been developed so that it can be generic, that is, supporting different applications. Nevertheless, as a validation of the proposed system, we built a prototype that operates embarked on an autonomous robotic sailboat, a responsible platform for collecting the data in multiple predefined points from a ground station with a planning system navigation. This final application combines the advantages of autonomy of a robotic sailboat with the need for fast and accurate monitoring of water quality, in addition to the use of an autonomous robotic sailboat unmanned facilitate the development of other research in this area.


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The current study includes theoretical and methodological reflections on the quality of life in the city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. It started from the thought that the quality of life is multifactorial and is permanently under construction and the main objective of analyzing it as one of the componets of Healthy Cities's moviment. The theoretical research focused on the concepts of healthy cities, quality of life, health, sustainability, well-being, happiness, indexes and indicators. From the use of multiple search strategies, documentary and on field of quantitative and qualitative character, this research of exploratory descriptive nature can offers a contribution to the studies on the quality of life in cities. It is proposed that the studies startes to work with some concept, like some notions os life quality adequated for some paticular reality, whose notions can approach concepts already established as health. This step is important on the exploratory researches. The studies may include aspects of objective analysis, subjective or both. The objective dimension, which is most common approach, are traditionally considered variables and indicators related to: the urban infrastructure (health, education, leisure, security, mobility), dwelling (quantitative and qualitative dwlling deficit), the urban structure (density and mix uses), socioeconomic characteristics (age, income, education), urban infrastructure (sanitation, communication), governance (social mobilization and participation). To focus on the subjective dimension, most recent and unusual, it is proposed to consider the (dis)satisfaction, the personal assessment in relation to the objective aspects. In conclusion, being intrinsically related to the health, the quality of life also has a number of determinants, and the ideal of the reach of quality of life depends on the action of all citizens based on the recognition of networks and territories, in a interescalar perspective and intersectoral. Therefore, emphasis in given on the potential of tools, such as the observatories, to monitor and intervent in reality, aiming in a building process of healthy cities.


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The average cities inserted in the areas of the Brazilian Cerrado are restructuring in the rural and urban areas in recent decades as a result of agricultural investments. Representative of this process, we chose Rio Verde due to two processes: to develop socioeconomically depending on agricultural production restructuring Cerrado after 1970 and offer average city features regional centrality and intra-urban contradictions. So we have as the problem situation the fact of Rio Verde be inserted in an agricultural region, where the restructured field creates cooperation with the agricultural industry and the tertiary sector, structuring a regional agribusiness success. However, let us doubts about the effects of the restructuring process in socio-economic and environmental terms, in relation to the field and the city. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to contribute to the discussion about the medium- sized Cerrado cities whose functions are linked to agribusiness, and understand the logic and the effects of the restructuring process in rural and urban areas, having Rio Verde – GO as the reference for studying. Regarding the methodological practice research, it is a qualitative research, developed based on three pillars: theoretical, documentary and field. We conclude the thesis stating that the modern field, the result of agricultural production restructuring, fomented an economy specialized in agribusiness, which led to the enrichment of the field, the formation of agro-industrial complex and the formation of an average city, specializing in agribusiness, whose centrality exceeds its micro-region. In terms of effects, we conclude that process agricultural production restructuring, generated positive impacts for the insertion of Savannahs in the national economy, and to the cities inserted in the modern field. On the other hand, country and city inserted in agricultural regions, masked under the agribusiness speech, perverse effects of socioeconomic and environmental order, is an inviting system to invest and exclusionary, when there is nothing to offer. Thus, the problems are choked on site, leaving only the speech of wealth to be disclosed in the national order.


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This research objective is to analyze the historical aspects of the city ―Capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade de Campo Formoso‖, located in the micro region Pires do Rio, southeast of Goiás in the period of the First Republic, 1989-1930. To understand a city is to try to understand the individuals who inhabit it, as they are the ones who are responsible for the structures that forms that space. Therefore this thesis brings to the historiography a study of the city of Capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade de Campo Formoso through various mechanisms as oral sources, official documents of the municipality collected in public bodies of the city made available in town halls, municipal public and archive file of the prefecture. These sources have helped us to make the knowledge of the place approached. The Republic has brought to different places of Brazil expectations and/or solutions, of innovations that modernized in order to erase the marks the old colonial system. The cities to be created would be part of the molds republicans and this way, should follow models ready coming, basically, from European countries. However, the city of the Capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade de Campo Formoso is outside of this process moderniser, having been relegated by several years to difficulties of a distant region and without resources. The historiography of Goiás summarizes the period of the arrival of the railroad in the southern region of the State, such as a time of progress in all the sectors of the life of this society. Then, to understand the specificity of Campo Formoso, we approached from the documentary sources exist various elements constitutor city history: its political constitution formed by the most affluent of the city, the strength of the colonels, the role of the Church as a political power. These power relations in the region were decisive for the deviation of the railroad. In this way, also we sought to analyze how the process of urbanization has occurred and which represented for the history of the city Capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade de Campo Formoso the passage of the Railroad Goiás not within its limits. In the meantime we situate the special policies of a city in the interior of Goiás, which is on the edge of a project set up as amodernizer moved by the First Republic.


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A crescente valorização dos recursos patrimoniais tem adotado uma importância particular nas últimas décadas, especialmente no que diz respeito às áreas rurais. Estas áreas são vítimas de processos de descaracterização devido à ausência de dinamismo económico e à consequente perda significativa de população. A conceção de novas estratégias implica um conhecimento aprofundado do potencial endógeno destes territórios para que seja possível perceber até que ponto os elementos da paisagem e o seu substrato natural podem ser entendidos e valorizados patrimonialmente, contribuindo desta forma para o desenvolvimento local sustentável através do aproveitamento turístico. Apesar de nos últimos anos ter sido verificado um crescente interesse pelas áreas rurais, tanto para viver como para visitar, ainda persiste uma imagem negativa destes territórios. E é necessário, portanto, pensar imagens de marca fortes e coerentes que apostem no carácter diferenciador destes espaços. O objetivo desta investigação passa pela avaliação da importância que o marketing territorial pode representar no desenvolvimento de pequenos territórios com potencialidades culturais. Estas constituem uma estratégia de promoção destes locais, contribuindo significativamente para o desenvolvimento dos próprios territórios, uma vez que para o aumento da atratividade territorial poderá induzir a um maior investimento e a um maior número de visitantes. A área de estudo selecionada para uma avaliação mais aprofundada será a região do Alentejo, que desembocará num projeto cultural criativo com ênfase no distrito de Portalegre. Este Projeto tem como fundo de base, a promoção turístico-cultural de um conjunto de pequenas vilas tradicionais pertencentes ao distrito, agrupando as mesmas numa rede coletiva de identidade comum. Este processo exige um estudo elaborado no que diz respeito aos recursos de vertente e potencialidade cultural destes territórios de modo a que consigamos transformá-las numa nova imagem de marca. Mais importante que o próprio património material e imaterial já previamente reconhecido são as pequenas narrativas locais que nos esclarecem quanto à sua história e identidade dos próprios residentes. O produto final será a construção de uma nova rede turístico-cultural que agrupe estas pequenas vilas num só roteiro. Para tal, é necessária a construção de um guia cultural criativo, onde a nova imagem destes locais se constrói pelas pequenas histórias e narrativas de interesse cultural. Na prática este produto será concretizado de três formas, impresso, online, e sob a forma de uma aplicação para mobile phone.