994 resultados para Veronese, 1528-1588.


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Esta dissertação é resultado de estudos e pesquisas sobre a formação reflexiva de professores, a partir do uso do portfólio como instrumento de sistematização do conhecimento. Buscou-se conhecer e compreender a utilização do registro como ferramenta para monitoramento do processo de reflexividade, construção e reconstrução de saberes para o desenvolvimento profissional do educador dentro do espaço escolar. Para isto, obteve-se a colaboração de nove professores do Educação Infantil e Ensino Fundamental (séries iniciais), que refletiram sobre suas próprias práticas e registravam em seus portfólios regularmente, durante seis meses. Assim, suas escritas deram as pistas necessárias sobre a forma que percebiam os seus fazeres e também, a condição de acompanhar os seus progressos. A fundamentação teórica do trabalho tem como referência principal autores como Shön, Isabel Alarcão, Marilda Behrens, Nóvoa, Nágila Giesta, Zeichner, Idália Sá-Chaves e Cecília Warschauer e apresenta três pontos principais: o cenário em que se encontra a educação no Brasil; a real concepção de professor reflexivo e a discussão sobre a importância da materialidade lingüística existente no portfólio.


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A Dirofilariose é uma doença parasitária, provocada por um nemátode, Dirofilaria immitis que, não obstante ser considerada rotineiramente como diagnóstico diferencial em canídeos, é bastante subdiagnosticada em felinos. Nestes, a infecção caracteriza-se por uma baixa carga parasitária e microfilarémia rara ou transitória, tornando o diagnóstico num desafio clínico, não só pela sintomatologia inespecífica, como pelas limitações dos meios de diagnóstico. Por exemplo, em Portugal ainda não é comercializado o teste de detecção de anticorpos contra D. immitis. O objectivo deste estudo foi estimar a prevalência de D. immitis em felinos por pesquisa de antigénios, na sub-região do Baixo Vouga, recorrendo ao teste SNAP® Feline Triple® Test (Idexx). Para o efeito foi colhida uma amostra de setenta e dois gatos, sintomáticos e assintomáticos. Esta zona possui uma prevalência de Dirofilariose em cães assintomáticos de 9,3%. Nenhum dos animais testados apresentou microfilarémia no teste de gota fresca. A detecção sérica de antigénios de D. immitis foi de 1,4%, resultado que poderá alertar a comunidade veterinária para o risco de gatos manifestarem esta doença, bem como o dever de implementar uma correcta profilaxia, sobretudo por se tratar de uma doença severa e mortal para os felídeos e pelos riscos que representa para a Saúde Pública, uma vez que se trata de uma zoonose.


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This paper reviews the field of speech pathology and whether it is of benefit to helping profoundly retarded children develop verbal/functional language skills.


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This paper reviews a study to investigate how a hearing impaired person can learn to discriminate speech distorted by a low pass filter in a sensory aid.


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1 Radar studies of nocturnal insect migration have often found that the migrants tend to form well-defined horizontal layers at a particular altitude. 2 In previous short-term studies, nocturnal layers were usually observed to occur at the same altitude as certain meteorological features, most notably at the altitudes of temperature inversions or nocturnal wind jets. 3 Statistical analyses are presented of four years’ data that compared the presence, sharpness and duration of nocturnal layer profiles (observed using continuously-operating entomological radar) with meteorological variables at typical layer altitudes over the UK. 4 Analysis of these large datasets demonstrated that temperature was the foremost meteorological factor persistently associated with the presence and formation of longer-lasting and sharper layers of migrating insects over southern UK.


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We developed a family of polymer-drug conjugates carrying the combination of the anticancer agent epirubicin (EPI) and nitric oxide (NO). EPI-PEG-(NO)8, carrying the highest content of NO, displayed greater activity in Caco-2 cells while it decreased toxicity against endothelium cells and cardiomyocytes with respect to free EPI. FACS and confocal microscopy confirmed conjugates internalization. Light scattering showed formation of micelle whose size correlated with internalization rate. EPI-PEG-(NO)8 showed increased bioavailability in mice compared to free EPI.


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In this article, we use the no-response test idea, introduced in Luke and Potthast (2003) and Potthast (Preprint) and the inverse obstacle problem, to identify the interface of the discontinuity of the coefficient gamma of the equation del (.) gamma(x)del + c(x) with piecewise regular gamma and bounded function c(x). We use infinitely many Cauchy data as measurement and give a reconstructive method to localize the interface. We will base this multiwave version of the no-response test on two different proofs. The first one contains a pointwise estimate as used by the singular sources method. The second one is built on an energy (or an integral) estimate which is the basis of the probe method. As a conclusion of this, the probe and the singular sources methods are equivalent regarding their convergence and the no-response test can be seen as a unified framework for these methods. As a further contribution, we provide a formula to reconstruct the values of the jump of gamma(x), x is an element of partial derivative D at the boundary. A second consequence of this formula is that the blow-up rate of the indicator functions of the probe and singular sources methods at the interface is given by the order of the singularity of the fundamental solution.


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We report results from an investigation into consumer preferences for locally produced foods. Using a choice experiment we estimate willingness to pay for foods of a designated origin together with certification for organic and free of genetically modified (GM)ingredients. Our results indicate that there is a preference for locally produced food that is GM free, organic, and produced in the traditional season.


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This study evaluated the effect of starter culture and fermentation period on the isoflavone content of protein-rich soybeans variety TG145. Initially, soybeans were washed, soaked in water for 16 h and autoclaved at 121°C for 40min. Three different bacterial starter cultures (~104 CFU/g) namely Bacillus subtilis BEST195, B. subtilis Asaichiban and B. subtilis TN51 were then added and the fermentation was allowed to proceed at 42°C for 24 h (natto-style) and 72 h (thua nao-style). The quantities of six major isoflavones (daidzin, genistin, glycitin, daidzein, genistein, and glycitein) were then determined in these fermented soybean products using reverse phase HPLC technique. Generally, our results clearly showed that the content of total isoflavones in the fermented products prepared by Bacillus starter cultures greatly increased ranging from 43 to 99% compared to that of the unfermented autoclaved soybeans. In addition, a dramatic increase of aglycones was also observed (> 400%) in the soybean products fermented by Bacillus subtilis strain TN51. This present study suggests a promising use of Bacillus starter cultures in improving isoflavone compounds especially the aglycones which would benefit for novel functional food development.


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Purpose: We assessed the anticonvulsant potential of the phytocannabinoid Δ9-tetrahydrocannabivarin (Δ9-THCV) by investigating its effects in an in vitro piriform cortex (PC) brain slice model of epileptiform activity, on cannabinoid CB1 receptor radioligand-binding assays and in a generalized seizure model in rats. Methods: Δ9-THCV was applied before (10 μmΔ9-THCV) or during (10–50 μmΔ9-THCV) epileptiform activity induced by Mg2+-free extracellular media in adult rat PC slices and measured using multielectrode array (MEA) extracellular electrophysiologic techniques. The actions of Δ9-THCV on CB1 receptors were examined using [3H]SR141716A competition binding and [35S]GTPS assays in rat cortical membranes. Effects of Δ9-THCV (0.025–2.5 mg/kg) on pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)–induced seizures in adult rats were also assessed. Results: After induction of stable spontaneous epileptiform activity, acute Δ9-THCV application (≥20 μm) significantly reduced burst complex incidence and the amplitude and frequency of paroxysmal depolarizing shifts (PDSs). Furthermore, slices pretreated with 10 μmΔ9-THCV prior to induction of epileptiform activity exhibited significantly reduced burst complex incidence and PDS peak amplitude. In radioligand-binding experiments, Δ9-THCV acted as a CB1 receptor ligand, displacing 0.5 nm [3H]SR141716A with a Ki∼290 nm, but exerted no agonist stimulation of [35S]GTPS binding. In PTZ-induced seizures in vivo, 0.25 mg/kg Δ9-THCV significantly reduced seizure incidence. Discussion: These data demonstrate that Δ9-THCV exerts antiepileptiform and anticonvulsant properties, actions that are consistent with a CB1 receptor–mediated mechanism and suggest possible therapeutic application in the treatment of pathophysiologic hyperexcitability states.


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Three supramolecular complexes of Co(II) using SCN-/SeCN- in combination with 4,4'-dipyridyl-N,N'-dioxide (dpyo), i.e., {[Co(SCN)(2)(dpyo)(2)].(dpyo)}(n) ( 1), {[Co(SCN)(2)(dpyo)(H2O)(2)].(H2O)}(n) ( 2), {[Co(SeCN)(2)(dpyo)(H2O)(2)]center dot(H2O)}(n) ( 3), have been synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray analysis. Complex 1 is a rare example of a dpyo bridged two-dimensional (2D) coordination polymer, and pi-stacked dpyo supramolecular rods are generated by the lattice dpyo, passing through the rhombic grid of stacked layers, resulting in a three-dimensional (3D) superstructure. Complexes 2 and 3 are isomorphous one-dimensional (1D) coordination polymers [-Co-dpyo-Co-] that undergo self-assembly leading to a bilayer architecture derived through an R-2(2)(8) H-bonding synthon between coordinated water and dpyo oxygen. A reinvestigation of coordination polymers [Mn(SCN)(2)(dpyo)( H2O)(MeOH)](n) ( 4) and {[Fe(SCN)(2)(dpyo)(H2O)(2)]center dot(H2O)}(n) ( 5) reported recently by our group [ Manna et al. Indian J. Chem. 2006, 45A, 1813] reveals brick wall topology rather than bilayer architecture is due to the decisive role of S center dot center dot center dot S/Se center dot center dot center dot Se interactions in determining the helical nature in 4 and 5 as compared to zigzag polymeric chains in 2 and 3, although the same R-2(2)(8) synthon is responsible for supramolecular assembly in these complexes.