957 resultados para VeriStand, Custom devices, Hardware in the loop, LabView, FPGA, ECU
The aim was to investigate the roles of proline residues in extracellular loop 2 (P172, P183, P188 and P209) and transmembrane domains 2, 5, 11 and 12 (P108, P270, P526, P551, P552 and P570) in determining noradrenaline transporter (NET) expression and function. Mutants of human NET with these residues mutated to alanine were pharmacologically characterized. Mutation of P108, P270 and P526 disrupted cell surface expression, from [H-3]nisoxetine binding and confocal microscopy data. Mutations of P526, P551 and P570 reduced transporter turnover (V-max of [H-3]noradrenaline uptake/B-max of [H-3]nisoxetine binding) by 1.5-1.7-fold compared with wild-type NET, so these residues might be involved in conformational changes associated with substrate translocation. Conversely, mutations of P172, P183, P188 and P209 increased V-max/B-max by 2-3-fold compared with wild-type, indicating that the presence of these proline residues limits turnover of the NET. The mutations had few effects on apparent affinities of substrates or affinities of inhibitors, except decreases in inhibitor affinities after mutations of the P270 and P570 residues, and increases after mutation of the P526 residue. Hence, proline residues in extracellular loop 2 and in transmembrane domains have a range of roles in determining expression and function of the NET.
In the ionotropic glutamate receptor, the global conformational changes induced by partial agonists are smaller than those induced by full agonists. However, in the pentameric ligand-gated ion channel receptor family, the structural basis of partial agonism is not understood. This study investigated whether full and partial agonists induce different conformation changes in the glycine receptor chloride channel ( GlyR). A substituted cysteine accessibility analysis demonstrated previously that glycine binding induced an increase in surface accessibility of all residues from Arg(271) to Lys(276) in the M2-M3 domain of the homomeric alpha1 GlyR. Here we compare the surface accessibility changes induced by the full agonist, glycine, and the partial agonist, taurine. In GlyRs incorporating the A272C, S273C, L274C, or P275C mutation, the reaction rate of the cysteine-specific compound, methanethiosulfonate ethyltrimethylammonium, depended on how strongly the receptors were activated but was agonist-independent. Reaction rates could not be compared in the R271C and K276C mutant GlyRs because methanethiosulfonate ethyltrimethylammonium did not modify the extremely small currents induced by saturating taurine or equivalent low glycine concentrations. The results indicate that bound taurine and glycine molecules impose identical conformational changes to the M2-M3 domain. We therefore conclude that the higher efficacy of glycine is due to an increased ability to stabilize a common activated configuration.
Eugenin [pGluGlnAspTyr(SO3)ValPheMetHisProPhe-NH2] has been isolated from the pouches of female Tammar wallabies (Macropus eugenii) carrying young in the early lactation period. The sequence of eugenin has been determined using a combination of positive and negative ion electrospray mass spectrometry. This compound bears some structural resemblance to the mammalian neuropeptide cholecystokinin 8 [AspTyr(SO3)MetGlyTrpMetAspPhe-NH2] and to the amphibian caerulein peptides [caerulein: pGluGlnAspTyr(SO3)ThrGlyTrpMetAspPhe-NH2]. Eugenin has been synthesized by a route which causes only minor hydrolysis of the sulfate group when the peptide is removed from the resin support. Biological activity tests with eugenin indicate that it contracts smooth muscle at a concentration of 10(-9) m, and enhances the proliferation of splenocytes at 10(-7) M, probably via activation of CCK2 receptors. The activity of eugenin on splenocytes suggests that it is an immunomodulator peptide which plays a role in the protection of pouch young.
The proximity of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) Marine Park to areas of intensive agriculture and increasing urbanisation places the park under potential threat of contamination by land-based pollutants. Passive samplers were deployed at inshore reef and river mouth sites in the Wet Tropics region of the GBR during a dry and a wet season to measure levels of land-based organic pollutants in this environment. Two types of passive sampling devices were deployed: (i) a polar sampler, which can be used to monitor polar herbicides and (ii) semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) which sequester more hydrophobic compounds (e.g. PAHs, chlorpyrifos). Herbicides (diuron, simazine, atrazine, hexazinone and/or flumeturon) were detected at low concentrations (ng L-1) at all sites sampled and in both seasons. Chlorpyrifos was not detected while PAHs were present in SPMDs at levels below limits of detection. The results show that the GBR environment does contain low levels of organic pollutants and that passive sampling provides a sensitive monitoring tool for measuring waterborne organic pollutants. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Recently, we identified a large number of ultraconserved (uc) sequences in noncoding regions of human, mouse, and rat genomes that appear to be essential for vertebrate and amniote ontogeny. Here, we used similar methods to identify ultraconserved genomic regions between the insect species Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila pseudoobscura, as well as the more distantly related Anopheles gambiae. As with vertebrates, ultraconserved sequences in insects appear to Occur primarily in intergenic and intronic sequences, and at intron-exon junctions. The sequences are significantly associated with genes encoding developmental regulators and transcription factors, but are less frequent and are smaller in size than in vertebrates. The longest identical, nongapped orthologous match between the three genomes was found within the homothorax (hth) gene. This sequence spans an internal exon-intron junction, with the majority located within the intron, and is predicted to form a highly stable stem-loop RNA structure. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis of different hth splice isoforms and Northern blotting showed that the conserved element is associated with a high incidence of intron retention in hth pre-mRNA, suggesting that the conserved intronic element is critically important in the post-transcriptional regulation of hth expression in Diptera.
Ginkgolides are potent blockers of the glycine receptor Cl- channel (GlyR) pore. We sought to identify their binding sites by comparing the effects of ginkgolides A, B and C and bilobalide on alpha 1, alpha 2, alpha 1 beta and alpha 2 beta GlyRs. Bilobalide sensitivity was drastically reduced by incorporation of the beta subunit. In contrast, the sensitivities to ginkgolides B and C were enhanced by beta subunit expression. However, ginkgolide A sensitivity was increased in the alpha 2 beta GlyR relative to the alpha 2 GlyR but not in the alpha 1 beta GlyR relative to the alpha 1 GlyR. We hypothesised that the subunit-specific differences were mediated by residue differences at the second transmembrane domain 2' and 6' pore-lining positions. The increased ginkgolide A sensitivity of the alpha 2 beta GlyR was transferred to the alpha 1 beta GlyR by the G2'A (alpha 1 to alpha 2 subunit) substitution. In addition, the alpha 1 subunit T6'F mutation abolished inhibition by all ginkgolides. As the ginkgolides share closely related structures, their molecular interactions with pore-lining residues were amenable to mutant cycle analysis. This identified an interaction between the variable R2 position of the ginkgolides and the 2' residues of both alpha 1 and beta subunits. These findings provide strong evidence for ginkgolides binding at the 2' pore-lining position.
Although MYB overexpression in colorectal cancer (CRC) is known to be a prognostic indicator for poor survival, the basis for this overexpression is unclear. Among multiple levels of MYB regulation, the most dynamic is the control of transcriptional elongation by sequences within intron I. The authors have proposed that this regulatory sequence is transcribed into an RNA stem-loop and 19-residue polyuridine tract, and is subject to mutation in CRC. When this region was examined in colorectal and breast carcinoma cell lines and tissues, the authors found frequent mutations only in CRC. It was determined that these mutations allowed increased transcription compared with the wild type sequence. These data suggest that this MYB regulatory region within intron I is subject to mutations in CRC but not breast cancer, perhaps consistent with the mutagenic insult that occurs within the colon and not mammary tissue. In CRC, these mutations may contribute to MYB overexpression, highlighting the importance of noncoding sequences in the regulation of key cancer genes. (c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The results of two experiments are reported that examined how performance in a simple interceptive action (hitting a moving target) was influenced by the speed of the target, the size of the intercepting effector and the distance moved to make the interception. In Experiment 1, target speed and the width of the intercepting manipulandum (bat) were varied. The hypothesis that people make briefer movements, when the temporal accuracy and precision demands of the task are high, predicts that bat width and target speed will divisively interact in their effect on movement time (MT) and that shorter MTs will be associated with a smaller temporal variable error (VE). An alternative hypothesis that people initiate movement when the rate of expansion (ROE) of the target's image reaches a specific, fixed criterion value predicts that bat width will have no effect on MT. The results supported the first hypothesis: a statistically reliable interaction of the predicted form was obtained and the temporal VE was smaller for briefer movements. In Experiment 2, distance to move and target speed were varied. MT increased in direct proportion to distance and there was a divisive interaction between distance and speed; as in Experiment 1, temporal VE was smaller for briefer movements. The pattern of results could not be explained by the strategy of initiating movement at a fixed value of the ROE or at a fixed value of any other perceptual variable potentially available for initiating movement. It is argued that the results support pre-programming of MT with movement initiated when the target's time to arrival at the interception location reaches a criterion value that is matched to the pre-programmed MT. The data supported completely open-loop control when MT was less than between 200 and 240 ms with corrective sub-movements increasingly frequent for movements of longer duration.
SFTI-1 is a small cyclic peptide from sunflower seeds that is one of the most potent trypsin inhibitors of any naturally occurring peptide and is related to the Bowman-Birk family of inhibitors (BBIs). BBIs are involved in the defense mechanisms of plants and also have potential as cancer chemopreventive agents. At only 14 amino acids in size, SFTI-1 is thought to be a highly optimized scaffold of the BBI active site region, and thus it is of interest to examine its important structural and functional features. In this study, a suite of 12 alanine mutants of SFTI-1 has been synthesized, and their structures and activities have been determined. SFTI-1 incorporates a binding loop that is clasped together with a disulfide bond and a secondary peptide loop making up the circular backbone. We show here that the secondary loop stabilizes the binding loop to the consequences of sequence variations. In particular, full-length BBIs have a conserved cis-proline that has been shown previously to be required for well defined structure and potent activity, but we show here that the SFTI-1 scaffold can accommodate mutation of this residue and still have a well defined native-like conformation and nanomolar activity in inhibiting trypsin. Among the Ala mutants, the most significant structural perturbation occurred when Asp(14) was mutated, and it appears that this residue is important in stabilizing the trans peptide bond preceding Pro(13) and is thus a key residue in maintaining the highly constrained structure of SFTI-1. This aspartic acid residue is thought to be involved in the cyclization mechanism associated with excision of SFTI-1 from its 58-amino acid precursor. Overall, this mutational analysis of SFTI-1 clearly defines the optimized nature of the SFTI-1 scaffold and demonstrates the importance of the secondary loop in maintaining the active conformation of the binding loop.
Circadian clocks maintain robust and accurate timing over a broad range of physiological temperatures, a characteristic termed temperature compensation. In Arabidopsis thaliana, ambient temperature affects the rhythmic accumulation of transcripts encoding the clock components TIMING OF CAB EXPRESSION1 (TOC1), GIGANTEA (GI), and the partially redundant genes CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED1 (CCA1) and LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL (LHY). The amplitude and peak levels increase for TOC1 and GI RNA rhythms as the temperature increases (from 17 to 27 degrees C), whereas they decrease for LHY. However, as temperatures decrease ( from 17 to 12 degrees C), CCA1 and LHY RNA rhythms increase in amplitude and peak expression level. At 27 degrees C, a dynamic balance between GI and LHY allows temperature compensation in wild-type plants, but circadian function is impaired in Ihy and gi mutant plants. However, at 12 degrees C, CCA1 has more effect on the buffering mechanism than LHY, as the cca1 and gi mutations impair circadian rhythms more than Ihy at the lower temperature. At 17 degrees C, GI is apparently dispensable for free-running circadian rhythms, although partial GI function can affect circadian period. Numerical simulations using the interlocking-loop model show that balancing LHY/CCA1 function against GI and other evening-expressed genes can largely account for temperature compensation in wild-type plants and the temperature-specific phenotypes of gi mutants.
Former colonies and dependencies in the South Pacific do not have the luxury of entirely ‘homegrown’ laws. Their legal systems are burdened with a ‘legacy’ of transplanted laws, developed for use in a foreign country, imposed on pre-existing systems of custom and culture. As a result, many small island countries are struggling to balance the demands of law from different sources, designed to operate in fundamentally different circumstances. In addition to the conflict that occurs in areas of substantive law, where customary and introduced law may prescribe a different rule for the same situation, the two systems differ in their approach to procedure, penalties and relief. This paper considers the divide between the theory and practice of introduced law and customary law and examines the way in which conflicts have been dealt with by the courts. In particular, it uses the example of banishment to illustrate the type of problems that arise in a plural system. The paper looks at the balancing exercise which has been necessary when custom, in the form of banishment, comes into conflict with introduced law, in the form of constitutional rights.
In disorders such as sleep apnea, sleep is fragmented with frequent EEG-arousal (EEGA) as determined via changes in the sleep-electroencephalogram. EEGA is a poorly understood, complicated phenomenon which is critically important in studying the mysteries of sleep. In this paper we study the information flow between the left and right hemispheres of the brain during the EEGA as manifested through inter-hemispheric asynchrony (IHA) of the surface EEG. EEG data (using electrodes A1/C4 and A2/C3 of international 10-20 system) was collected from 5 subjects undergoing routine polysomnography (PSG). Spectral correlation coefficient (R) was computed between EEG data from two hemispheres for delta-delta(0.5-4 Hz), theta-thetas(4.1-8 Hz), alpha-alpha(8.1-12 Hz) & beta-beta(12.1-25 Hz) frequency bands, during EEGA events. EEGA were graded in 3 levels as (i) micro arousals (3-6 s), (ii) short arousals (6.1-10 s), & (iii) long arousals (10.1-15 s). Our results revealed that in beta band, IHA increases above the baseline after the onset of EEGA and returns to the baseline after the conclusion of event. Results indicated that the duration of EEGA events has a direct influence on the onset of IHA. The latency (L) between the onset of arousals and IHA were found to be L=2plusmn0.5 s (for micro arousals), 4plusmn2.2 s (short arousals) and 6.5plusmn3.6 s (long arousals)
Spermine is a potent, voltage-dependent blocker of the olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated channel from both the intracellular and extracellular sides. However, its sites of action are unknown. This study investigated the external spermine binding site in the rat CNC alpha3 subunit. Neutralization of a glutamic acid residue (E342Q) in the P-loop region eliminated voltage-dependence of block by externally applied spermine. The charge-conservative E342D mutation had little effect on spermine block. Thus, E342 forms the binding site for externally applied spermine. However, spermine remained a potent voltage-independent blocker of the E342Q mutant channel, suggesting that the mutation either created a novel binding site outside the membrane electrical field or that it dramatically changed the properties of the existing pore site. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aims: To determine in the cerebellum in variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (vCJD): (i) whether the pathology affected all laminae; (ii) the spatial topography of the pathology along the folia; (iii) spatial correlations between the pathological changes; and (iv) whether the pathology was similar to that of the common methionine/methionine Type 1 subtype of sporadic CJD. Methods: Sequential cerebellar sections of 15 cases of vCJD were stained with haematoxylin and eosin, or immunolabelled with monoclonal antibody 12F10 against prion protein (PrP) and studied using spatial pattern analysis. Results: Loss of Purkinje cells was evident compared with control cases. Densities of the vacuolation and the protease-resistant form of prion protein (PrPSc) (diffuse and florid plaques) were greater in the granule cell layer (GL) than the molecular layer (ML). In the ML, vacuoles and PrPSc plaques occurred in clusters regularly distributed along the folia with larger clusters of vacuoles and diffuse plaques in the GL. There was a negative spatial correlation between the vacuoles and the surviving Purkinje cells in the ML. There was a positive spatial correlation between the vacuoles and diffuse PrPSc plaques in the ML and GL. Conclusions: (i) all laminae were affected by the pathology, the GL more severely than the ML; (ii) the pathology was topographically distributed along the folia especially in the Purkinje cell layer and ML; (iii) pathological spread may occur in relation to the loop of anatomical connections involving the cerebellum, thalamus, cerebral cortex and pons; and (iv) there were pathological differences compared with methionine/methionine Type 1 sporadic CJD.
For the last several years, mobile devices and platform security threats, including wireless networking technology, have been top security issues. A departure has occurred from automatic anti-virus software based on traditional PC defense: risk management (authentication and encryption), compliance, and disaster recovery following polymorphic viruses and malware as the primary activities within many organizations and government services alike. This chapter covers research in Turkey as a reflection of the current market – e-government started officially in 2008. This situation in an emerging country presents the current situation and resistances encountered while engaging with mobile and e-government interfaces. The authors contend that research is needed to understand more precisely security threats and most of all potential solutions for sustainable future intention to use m-government services. Finally, beyond m-government initiatives' success or failure, the mechanisms related to public administration mobile technical capacity building and security issues are discussed.