819 resultados para Vedic Mathematics. Mathematics and Culture. Mental Calculation
Active learning plays a strong role in mathematics and statistics, and formative problems are vital for developing key problem-solving skills. To keep students engaged and help them master the fundamentals before challenging themselves further, we have developed a system for delivering problems tailored to a student‟s current level of understanding. Specifically, by adapting simple methodology from clinical trials, a framework for delivering existing problems and other illustrative material has been developed, making use of macros in Excel. The problems are assigned a level of difficulty (a „dose‟), and problems are presented to the student in an order depending on their ability, i.e. based on their performance so far on other problems. We demonstrate and discuss the application of the approach with formative examples developed for a first year course on plane coordinate geometry, and also for problems centred on the topic of chi-square tests.
'The Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics' is an introduction to applied mathematics for students, teachers, and professionals. This article is for the "Application Areas" part of the book, which comprises articles on connections between applied mathematics and other disciplines.
Migratory grazing of zooplankton between non-toxic phytoplankton (NTP) and toxic phytoplankton (TPP) is a realistic phenomena unexplored so far. The present article is a first step in this direction. A mathematical model of NTP–TPP-zooplankton with constant and variable zooplankton migration is proposed and analyzed. The asymptotic dynamics of the model system around the biologically feasible equilibria is explored through local stability analysis. The dynamics of the proposed system is explored and displayed for different combination of migratory parameters and toxin inhibition parameters. Our analysis suggests that the migratory grazing of zooplankton has a significant role in determining the dynamic stability and oscillation of phytoplankton zooplankton systems.
The redesign of defined benefit pension schemes usually results in a substantial redistribution of wealth between age cohorts of members, pensioners, and the sponsor. This is the first study to quantify the redistributive effects of a rule change by a real world scheme (the Universities Superannuation Scheme, USS) where the sponsor underwrites the pension promise. In October 2011 USS closed its final salary scheme to new members, opened a career average revalued earnings (CARE) section, and moved to ‘cap and share’ contribution rates. We find that the pre-October 2011 scheme was not viable in the long run, while the post-October 2011 scheme is probably viable in the long run, but faces medium term problems. In October 2011 future members of USS lost 65% of their pension wealth (or roughly £100,000 per head), equivalent to a reduction of roughly 11% in their total compensation, while those aged over 57 years lost almost nothing. The riskiness of the pension wealth of future members increased by a third, while the riskiness of the present value of the sponsor’s future contributions reduced by 10%. Finally, the sponsor’s wealth increased by about £32.5 billion, equivalent to a reduction of 26% in their pension costs.
A new approach for solving the optimal power flow (OPF) problem is established by combining the reduced gradient method and the augmented Lagrangian method with barriers and exploring specific characteristics of the relations between the variables of the OPF problem. Computer simulations on IEEE 14-bus and IEEE 30-bus test systems illustrate the method. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this paper, the laminar fluid flow of Newtonian and non-Newtonian of aqueous solutions in a tubular membrane is numerically studied. The mathematical formulation, with associated initial and boundary conditions for cylindrical coordinates, comprises the mass conservation, momentum conservation and mass transfer equations. These equations are discretized by using the finite-difference technique on a staggered grid system. Comparisons of the three upwinding schemes for discretization of the non-linear (convective) terms are presented. The effects of several physical parameters on the concentration profile are investigated. The numerical results compare favorably with experimental data and the analytical solutions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This work maps and analyses cross-citations in the areas of Biology, Mathematics, Physics and Medicine in the English version of Wikipedia, which are represented as an undirected complex network where the entries correspond to nodes and the citations among the entries are mapped as edges. We found a high value of clustering coefficient for the areas of Biology and Medicine, and a small value for Mathematics and Physics. The topological organization is also different for each network, including a modular structure for Biology and Medicine, a sparse structure for Mathematics and a dense core for Physics. The networks have degree distributions that can be approximated by a power-law with a cut-off. The assortativity of the isolated networks has also been investigated and the results indicate distinct patterns for each subject. We estimated the betweenness centrality of each node considering the full Wikipedia network, which contains the nodes of the four subjects and the edges between them. In addition, the average shortest path length between the subjects revealed a close relationship between the subjects of Biology and Physics, and also between Medicine and Physics. Our results indicate that the analysis of the full Wikipedia network cannot predict the behavior of the isolated categories since their properties can be very different from those observed in the full network. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nowadays, noninvasive methods of diagnosis have increased due to demands of the population that requires fast, simple and painless exams. These methods have become possible because of the growth of technology that provides the necessary means of collecting and processing signals. New methods of analysis have been developed to understand the complexity of voice signals, such as nonlinear dynamics aiming at the exploration of voice signals dynamic nature. The purpose of this paper is to characterize healthy and pathological voice signals with the aid of relative entropy measures. Phase space reconstruction technique is also used as a way to select interesting regions of the signals. Three groups of samples were used, one from healthy individuals and the other two from people with nodule in the vocal fold and Reinke`s edema. All of them are recordings of sustained vowel /a/ from Brazilian Portuguese. The paper shows that nonlinear dynamical methods seem to be a suitable technique for voice signal analysis, due to the chaotic component of the human voice. Relative entropy is well suited due to its sensibility to uncertainties, since the pathologies are characterized by an increase in the signal complexity and unpredictability. The results showed that the pathological groups had higher entropy values in accordance with other vocal acoustic parameters presented. This suggests that these techniques may improve and complement the recent voice analysis methods available for clinicians. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
One of the most pervasive classes of services needed to support e-Science applications are those responsible for the discovery of resources. We have developed a solution to the problem of service discovery in a Semantic Web/Grid setting. We do this in the context of bioinformatics, which is the use of computational and mathematical techniques to store, manage, and analyse the data from molecular biology in order to answer questions about biological phenomena. Our specific application is myGrid (www.mygrid.org.uk) that is developing open source, service-based middleware upon which bioinformatics applications can be built. myGrid is specifically targeted at developing open source high-level service Grid middleware for bioinformatics.
O Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) foi o primeiro órgão de pesquisa criado pelo Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (CNPq), em 1952. Desde seu início o IMPA dedicou-se à pesquisa científica em matemática do mais alto nível e promoveu a formação de novos pesquisadores, promovendo também a difusão e aprimoramento da cultura matemática no país. Mais recentemente, passou a dedicar-se também às aplicações da matemática em outras áreas do conhecimento e em setores tecnológicos. Ao longo de mais de cinqüenta anos de trabalho, consolidou-se como o centro de referência em pesquisa matemática e formação de novos pesquisadores no Brasil e na América Latina. Tendo em vista a relevância da instituição para os rumos da pesquisa na área no país, este trabalho de conclusão de curso tem como objetivo estabelecer as diretrizes para a criação do Centro de Memória do Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (CEMIMPA), que seria um espaço para produção e re-elaboração de identidade e memória institucional – seguindo uma tendência que se afirma, no Brasil, desde a década de 1970. Discute-se aqui a trajetória do IMPA, os conceitos sobre memória, acervo e identidade para conseguir demarcar as linhas gerais do CEMIMPA e precisar sua importância para a instituição. A criação de um centro de memória como o que propomos, ajudaria a dar visibilidade à história do IMPA, de seus pesquisadores, suas áreas de atuação para além dos limites do cenário da pesquisa matemática, alcançando um público cada vez mais amplo e diverso. Isto poderia influenciar de forma ainda mais vigorosa a formação de jovens em geral, e em particular, de futuros matemáticos. Também poderá incrementar as pesquisas sobre a história da matemática no Brasil e a trajetória dos pesquisadores que a fizerem e dela fazem parte.
Unlike the methodological sciences such as mathematics and decision theory, which use the hypothetical-deductive method and may be fully expressed in complex mathematical models because their only truth criterion is logical consistency, the substantive sciences have as their truth criterion the correspondence to reality, adopt an empirical-deductive method, and are supposed to generalize from and often unreliable regularities and tendencies. Given this assumption, it is very difficult for economists to predict economic behavior, particularly major financial crises.
From the investigation, analysis, discussion and pondering about the activities developed by the lndians from the Porteira hamlet, members of the Xerente community, in the Tocantins state, we developed an investigative and descriptive study about the reality of this people with the aim of helping in the conceptual formation and in the reorientation of the pedagogical practice of the local teachers. In this sense, the undertaken research involved the teachers, the main representatives and experts in that cultural tradition, in order to investigate how the everyday activities (agriculture, food handling, assets distribution among the community members, etc.) and the cultural tradition (log race, body painting, clan division, Xerente numeration, Indian myths and histories, etc.), may enable the contextualization of the mathematics teaching in the lndian School Srêmtôwê of this hamlet, under a more transversal and globalizing perspective of the local and school knowledge. We based this research in the sociocultural conceptions of knowledge generation proposed by D Ambrosio (1990; 2002); Vergani (2007); Oliveras (1996); Gerdes (1991; 2002); Bishop (1999) e Sebastiani Ferreira (1997; 2004). ln the process of this study we propose some viable ways so that the Indian teachers may reorganize their classroom knowledge and actions, based in the strengthening of their history and culture. The observation of some social practices and knowledge as well as of the Xerente traditions helped us to point some possibilities of projection of a didacticalpedagogical dimension of these activities and practices, in the development of the school mathematical knowledge in this community
mongst the trends in Mathematics Education, which have as their object a more significant and criticallearning, is the Ethnomathematics. This field of knowledge, still very recent amongst us, besides analyzing an externalist history of the sciences in a search for a relationship between the development of the scientific disciplines and the socio-cultural context, goes beyond this externalism, for it also approaches the intimate relationships betwe_n cognition and culture. In fact, the Ethnomathematics proposes an alternative epistemological approach associated with a wider historiography. It struggles to understand the reality and come to the pedagogical action by means of a cognitive approach with strong cultural basis. But the difficulty of inserting the Ethnomathematics into the educational context is met by resistance from some mathematics educators who seem indifferent to the influence of the culture on the understanding of the mathematics ideas. It was with such concerns in mind that I started this paper that had as object to develop a curricular reorientation pedagogical proposal in mathematics education, at the levei of the 5th grade of the Ensino Fundamental (Elementary School), built from the mathematical knowledge of a vegetable farmers community, 30 km away from the center of Natal/RN, but in accordance with the teaching dimensions of mathematics of the 1 st and 2nd cycles proposed by the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais - PCN: Numbers and Operations, Space and Form, Units and Measures, and Information Treatment. To achieve that, I developed pedagogical activities from the mathematical concepts of the vegetable farmers of that community, explained in my dissertation research in the period 2000 through 2002. The pedagogical process was developed from August through Oecember 2007 with 24 students of the 5th Grade of the Ensino Fundamental (Elementary School) of the school of that community. The qualitative analysis of the data was conducted taking into account three categories of students: one made up of students that helped their parents in the work with vegetables. Another one by students whose parents and relatives worked with vegetables, though they did not participate directly of this working process and one third category of students that never worked with vegetables, not to mention their parents, but lived adjacent to that community. From the analyses and results of the data gathered by these three distinct categories of students, I concluded that those students that assisted their parents with the daily work with vegetables solved the problem-situations with understanding, and, sometimes, with enriching contributions to the proposed problems. The other categories of students, in spite of the various field researches to the gardens of that community, before and during the pedagogical activities, did not show the same results as those students/vegetable farmers, but showed interest and motivation in ali activities of the pedagogical process in that period
This research argues about the mathematical knowledge built in the tradition of the cassava flour production, seeking to analyse these mathematical knowledge in the perspective of the categories of time and measure, built and practiced in the flour production, located in Serra do Navio and Calçoene, in Amapá - Brazil. The following work discuss the identification and the description of the mathematics during the production activities of the flour, where is presented elements related to generation and transmission of the traditional knowledge, which is the basis for maintenance of the tradition of the flour, characterizing the research as an Ethnomathematic study. The methodological procedures highlight ethnographical techniques and elements that characterize the participating observation. The results obtained showed us that the flour workers articulate some length, area and volume measure due to own and traditionally acquired systems, which is apprehended and countersigned by other kind of culturally established system; thus they relativism the measures systems and the official calendars. And it lifts as one of the main proposal that the academic mathematics and the tradition establish knowledge make conjunction of the both knowledge, that is important for a possible reflection and application in the construction of a pedagogical practice in mathematical education, trying to establish points of socio-economic and cultural mark
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)