941 resultados para Vadose zone


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The Major Gercino Shear Zone is one of the NE-SW lineaments that separate the Neoproterozoic Dom Feliciano Belt, of Brazil and Uruguay, into two different domains: a northwestern supracrustal domain from a southeastern granitoid domain. The shear zone, striking NE, is composed of protomylonites to ultramylonites with mainly dextral kinematic indicators. In Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil, the shear zone is composed of two mylonite belts. The mylonites have mineral orientations produced under greenschist fades conditions at a high strain rate. Strong flattening and coaxial deformation indicate the transpressive character, while the role of pure shear is emphasized by the orientation of the mylonite belts in relation to the inferred stress field component. The quartz microstructures point out that different dynamic recrystallization regimes and crystal plasticity were the dominant mechanisms of deformation during the mylonitization process. Additionally, the fabrics suggest that the glide systems are activated for deformation conditions compatible with the metamorphism in the middle greenschist facies. Elongated granitoid intrusions belonging to two petrographically, geochemically and isotopically distinct rock associations occur between the two mylonite belts. The structures observed in the granites result from a deformation range from magmatic to solid-state conditions points to a continuum of magma straining during and just after its crystallization. Conventional U-Pb analysis of multi-crystal zircon fractions yielded essentially identical ages of 609 +/- 16 Ma and 614 +/- 2 Ma for the two granitic associations, and constrain the transpressive phase of the shear zone. K-Ar ages of biotites between 585 and 560 Ma record the slow cooling and uplift of the intrusions. Some K-Ar ages of micas in regional mylonites are similar, suggesting that thermo-tectonic activity was intense up to this time, probably related to the agglutination of the granite belt to the supracrustal belt NW of the MGSZ. (C) 2009 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The crystal-plastic behavior of quartz mylonites from the Ribeira Shear Zone (SE Brazil), a major strike-slip structure that was active during a prograde metamorphic phase related to the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano-Pan African Orogeny, was investigated using a multi-method approach. Geothermobarometry results indicate deformational conditions ranging from similar to 300 to similar to 630 degrees C and 500-700 MPa. A strong correlation between mapped metamorphic zones and a dominance of different dynamic recrystallization mechanisms of quartz occurs within the mylonite zone. Bulging recrystallization (BLG) dominates within the chlorite zone between 300 and 410 degrees C, subgrain rotation recrystallization (SGR) operates within the biotite zone from 410 to 520 degrees C, and grain boundary migration recrystallization (GBM) dominates in the garnet zone above 520 degrees C. The development of quartz c-axis textures is mainly governed by temperature and dynamic recrystallization mechanisms. Textures from BLG zone mylonites are characterized by maxima around Z; SGR zone mylonites display single girdles or asymmetric type I crossed girdles; and GBM zone mylonites comprise maxima around Y and intermediate between X and Z. The scarcity or absence of water-bearing fluid inclusions in quartz mylonites from the SGR and GBM zones, which are dominated by carbonic inclusions, suggests water-deficient conditions, whereas BLG zone mylonites are dominated by water-bearing inclusions. This evidence indicates that water was available in the protoliths but has been eliminated with increasing deformation and deformation temperature. No effect of the water content variation on the quartz microstructural and recrystallized grain size evolution was detected, and little influence on c-axis texture development was observed. Most of the fluid inclusion densities were reequilibrated during the shear zone exhumation history, recording a decompression in the range of 300-500 MPa, while microstructural reequilibration effects related to the prograde metamorphism are largely preserved. Fluid inclusion microstructures and densities from two SGR zone samples preserved evidence for a near isothermal compression within the interior of the Ribeira Shear Zone during the prograde metamorphism. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Early Paleozoic geodynamic evolution in SW Iberia is believed to have been dominated by the opening of the Rheic Ocean. The Rheic Ocean is generally accepted to have resulted from the drift of peri-Gondwanan terranes such as Avalonia from the northern margin of Gondwana during Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician times. The closure of the Rheic Ocean was the final result of a continent-continent collision between Gondwana and Laurussia that produced the Variscan orogen. The Ossa-Morena Zone is a peri-Gondwana terrane, which preserves spread fragments of ophiolites - the Internal Ossa-Morena Zones Ophiolite Sequences (IOMZOS). The final patchwork of the IOMZOS shows a complete oceanic lithospheric sequence with geochemical characteristics similar to the ocean-floor basalts, without any orogenic fingerprint and/or crustal contamination. The IOMZOS were obducted and imbricated with high pressure lithologies. Based on structural, petrological and whole-rock geochemical data, the authors argue that the IOMZOS represent fragments of the oceanic lithosphere from the Rheic Ocean. Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb geochronological data on metagabbros point to an age of ca. 480 Ma for IOMZOS, providing evidence of a well-developed ocean in SW Iberia during this period, reinforcing the interpretation of the Rheic Ocean as a wide ocean among the peri-Gondwanan terranes during Early Ordovician times.


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A study on the benthic ecosystem health was performed to assess the environmental quality of Montevideo coastal zone, in view of the construction of a new sanitation system. Data were compared to previous research undertaken 10 years ago, and biochemical composition of organic matter, heavy metals, organic matter, phytopigments, benthic diatoms, macrofauna community structure and a biotic index (AMBI) were used as proxies. Results indicate an environmental quality-gradient, with the worst conditions within the inner stations of Montevideo Bay and an improvement towards the adjacent coastal zone. Higher levels of chromium, lead, phaeopigments, organic biopolymers and poor benthic macrofauna and diatom communities, characterised the hypertrophic innermost portion of Montevideo Bay. Data indicated a clear deterioration of the adjacent coastal zone comparatively to that observed 10 years ago. The complementary use of approaches not applied before (benthic diatoms and organic biopolymers) with those formerly applied improve our assessment of the trophic status and the environmental health of the area. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An alternative method for determination of total trans fatty acids expressed as elaidic acid by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) under indirect UV detection at 224 nm within an analysis time of 7.5 min was developed. The optimized running electrolyte includes 15.0 mmol L(-1) KH(2)PO(4)/Na(2)HPO(4) buffer (pH similar to 7.0), 4.0 mmol L(-1) SDBS, 8.0 mmol L(-1) Brij35, 45%v/v ACN, 8% methanol, and 1.5% v/v n-octanol. Baseline separation of the critical pair C18-9cis/C18:1-9t: with a resolution higher than 1.5 was achieved using C15:0 as the internal standard. The optimum capillary electrophoresis (CE) conditions for the background electrolyte were established with the aid of Raman spectroscopy and experiments of a 3(2) factorial design. After response factor (R(F)) calculations, the CE method was applied to total trans fatty acid (TTFA) analysis in a hydrogenated vegetable fat (HVF) sample, and compared with the American Oil Chemists` Society (AOCS) official method by gas chromatography (GC). The methods were compared with an independent sample t test, and no significant difference was found between CE and GC methods within the 95% confidence interval for six genuine replicates of TTFA analysis (p-value > 0.05). The CE method was applied to TTFA analysis in a spreadable cheese sample. Satisfactory results were obtained, indicating that the optimized methodology can be used for trans fatty acid determination for these samples.


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The proposed method for the identification of adulteration was based on the controlled acid hydrolysis of xylan and starch present in some vegetable adulterants, followed by the analysis of the resulting xylose and glucose, which are the monosaccharides that compose, respectively, the two polysaccharides. The acid hydrolysis with HCl increases the ionic strength of the sample, which impairs the electrophoretic separation. Thus, a neutralization step based on anion exchange resin was necessary. The best separations were obtained in NaOH 80 mmol/L, CTAB 0.5 mmol/L, and methanol 30% v/v. Because of the high value of pH, monosaccharides are separated as anionic species in such running electrolyte. The LOQ for both monosaccharides was 0.2 g for 100 g of dry matter, which conforms to the tolerable limits.


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Compared to other volatile carbonylic compounds present in outdoor air, formaldehyde (CH2O) is the most toxic, deserving more attention in terms of indoor and outdoor air quality legislation and control. The analytical determination of CH2O in air still presents challenges due to the low-level concentration (in the sub-ppb range) and its variation with sampling site and time. Of the many available analytical methods for carbonylic compounds, the most widespread one is the time consuming collection in cartridges impregnated with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine followed by the analysis of the formed hydrazones by HPLC. The present work proposes the use of polypropylene hollow porous capillary fibers to achieve efficient CH2O collection. The Oxyphan (R) fiber (designed for blood oxygenation) was chosen for this purpose because it presents good mechanical resistance, high density of very fine pores and high ratio of collection area to volume of the acceptor fluid in the tube, all favorable for the development of air sampling apparatus. The collector device consists of a Teflon pipe inside of which a bundle of polypropylene microporous capillary membranes was introduced. While the acceptor passes at a low flow rate through the capillaries, the sampled air circulates around the fibers, impelled by a low flow membrane pump (of the type used for aquariums ventilation). The coupling of this sampling technique with the selective and quantitative determination of CH2O, in the form of hydroxymethanesulfonate (HMS) after derivatization with HSO3-, by capillary electrophoresis with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (CE-(CD)-D-4) enabled the development of a complete analytical protocol for the CH2O evaluation in air. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Capillary electrophoresis with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection was successfully used to quantify N-acetylglucosamine and five N-acetyl-chitooligosaccharides (C2-C6) produced after reaction with a purified chitinase (TmChi) from Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera). No derivatization process was necessary. The separation was developed using 10 mM NaOH with 10% (v/v) acetonitrile as background electrolyte and homemade equipment with a system that avoids the harmful effect of electrolysis. The limit of detection for all oligosaccharides was ca. 3 mu M, and the results indicated that the larger the oligosaccharide, the higher the sensitivity. Analysis of the chitooligosaccharides produced revealed that TmChi has an endolytic cleavage pattern with C5 as the best substrate (higher catalytic efficiency k(cat)/K-M) releasing C2 and C3. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Fluoroacetate is a highly toxic species naturally found in plants and in commercial products (compound 1080) for population control of several undesirable animal species. However, it is non-selective and toxic to many other animals including humans, and thus its detection is very important for forensic purposes. This paper presents a sensitive and fast method for the determination of fluoroacetate in blood serum using capillary electrophoresis with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection. Serum blood samples were treated with ethanol to remove proteins. The samples were analyzed in BGE containing 15 mmol/L histidine and 30 mmol/L gluconic acid (pH 3.85). The calibration curve was linear up to 75 mu mol/L (R(2) = 0.9995 for N = 12). The detection limit in the blood serum was 0.15 mg/kg, which is smaller than the lethal dose for humans and other animals. Fluoride, a metabolite of the fluoroacetate defluorination, could also be detected for levels greater than 20 mu mol/L, when polybrene was used for reversion of the EOF. CTAB and didecyldimethylammonium bromide are not useful for this task because of the severe reduction of the fluoride level. However, no interference was observed for fluoroacetate.


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The movement of the snail Littorina littoreaon the North Atlantic coast is poorly understood. Most research has concentrated on the vertical distribution of the snail, and suggests that it prefers the low intertidal zone where its food source is most plentiful. In the winter, this distribution is reinforced by a documented seaward migration of snails from the high intertidal zone in response to falling temperatures. From October 14, 2006 to January 22, 2007, I examined the individual movements and recovery of snails in response to the onset of winter. I proposed that falling water and air temperatures drive the majority of snail movement within the intertidal zone, and that water temperature had the greater effect. I also examined the possibility that, in addition to a seaward migration, winter weather patterns in the Gulf of Maine and their effect on the ocean may encourage the wintertime vertical distribution of snails. Finally, I examined the possibility that populations of snails in the comparatively inhospitable high intertidal zone may endure the winter if given access to proper resources.


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Resumo não disponível.


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We present a continuous time target zone model of speculative attacks. Contrary to most of the literature that considers the certainty case, i.e., agents know for sure the Central Bank behavior in the future, we build uncertainty into the madel in two different ways. First, we consider the case in whicb the leveI of reserves at which the central bank lets the regime collapse is uncertain. Alternatively, we ana1ize the case in which, with some probability, the government may cbange its policy reducing the initially positive trend in domestic credito In both cases, contrary to the case of a fixed exchange rate regime, speculators face a cost of launching a tentative attack that may not succeed. Such cost induces a delay and may even prevent its occurrence. At the time of the tentative attack, the exchange rate moves either discretely up, if the attack succeeds, or down, if it fails. The remlts are consistent with the fact that, typically, an attack involves substantial profits and losses for the speculators. In particular, if agents believed that the government will control fiscal imbalances in the future, or alternatively, if they believe the trend in domestic credit to be temporary, the attack is postponed even in the presence of a signal of an imminent collapse. Finally, we aIso show that the timing of a speculative attack increases with the width of the target zone.


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Imagem componente do jogo “Musikinésia (http://www.loa.sead.ufscar.br/musikinesia.php)” desenvolvido pela equipe do Laboratório de Objetos de Aprendizagem da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (LOA/UFSCar).


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Sediment contamination by metals poses risks to coastal ecosystems and is considered to be problematic to dredging operations. In Brazil, there are differences in sedimentology along the Large Marine Ecosystems in relation to the metal distributions. We aimed to assess the extent of Al, Fe, Hg, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn contamination in sediments from port zones in northeast (Mucuripe and Pecem) and southeast (Santos) Brazil through geochemical analyses and sediment quality ratings. The metal concentrations found in these port zones were higher than those observed in the continental shelf or the background values in both regions. In the northeast, metals were associated with carbonate, while in Santos, they were associated with mud. Geochemical analyses showed enrichments in Hg, Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn, and a simple application of international sediment quality guidelines failed to predict their impacts, whereas the use of site-specific values that were derived by geochemical and ecotoxicological approaches seemed to be more appropriate in the management of the dredged sediments. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.