942 resultados para Vaccination of animals.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of an extra corporal perfusion (cardiopulmonary bypass operation - cpb) on activation and biodistribution of Tc-99m labelled granulocytes in pigs with and without inhibition of the granulocytes by a leukocyte inhibition module (LIM). The cpb is often related to an activation of granulocytes resulting in an inflammatory answer. The biological mechanisms are unsolved yet. First trials of our group showed that LIM may inhibit the activation of neutrophils and therefore antagonize a cpb-caused impairment of cardiac function. This study is the continuation of these experiments with a higher number of animals and the focus on scintigraphic imaging. Animals, material, methods: 39 German landrace pigs were subdivided into three groups: group A (control) median sternotomy without cpb, group B with cpb, group C with LIM in addition to cpb. After labelling with Tc-99m-HMPAO autologues granulocytes were reinjected. Subsequently to cpb, the animals underwent scintigraphic imaging. Quantification was performed with ROI evaluation and with tissue samples (section analysis) examined in a well counter. Results:A high uptake of Tc-99m-HMPAO was found in the liver. The count rates in brain, heart, lung, spleen and kidneys were far below. The amount of Tc-99m-activity in the organ related to the half life corrected administered activity [%] was for the tissue samples (group A/B/C): brain 0.01/0.02/0.03; lung 12.1/8.3/11.5; heart 0.35/0.54/0.42; kidney 1.24/0.87/1.02; spleen 4.0/4.0/4.5, liver 16.8/20.9/19.6. The count rates determined by ROI-evaluation of the scintigraphic images related to the total count rate in the image [%] were (group A/B/C): brain 1.1/0.9/1.0; lung 15.6/10.4/12.2; heart 4.0/3.5/3.4; kidney 4.0/2.9/3.2; spleen 7.6/7.7/9.5, liver 23.1/36.7/31.4. A significant difference in the tracer uptake between the groups could neither be detected by scintigraphic imaging nor evaluation of tissue samples. Conclusion: Scintigraphic imaging as well as section analysis showed a comparable biodistribution of the tracer. Therefore, the initial results of our group were not confirmed with a considerably higher number of animals. Neither cpb nor the use of the LIM influenced distribution of Tc-99m-labelled granulocytes in pigs significantly.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In vitro embryo production is an important technique for facilitating the reproduction of animals with high genetic merit. The greatest challenge for the reproducibility of this technique is the quality of the oocyte that is submitted for in vitro maturation. The aim of this work was to evaluate the ultrastructural characteristics of oocytes from follicles of different diameters using transmission electron microscopy. The animals were divided into 2 groups and were given a single i.m. injection of 250 IU FSH (Pluset, Serono, Italy). To synchronize the follicular growth, all follicles > 2 mm were aspirated during the estrous cycle, which was considered day zero (D0). Group 1 (G1; n = 4) received FSH on day 1 (D1), and the 2- to 5-mm follicles were aspirated on day 2 (D2). The animals in group 2 (G2; n = 5) received FSH on day 2 (D2), and their 10- to 15-mm follicles were aspirated on day 5 (D5). After aspiration, the oocytes from both groups were fixed and prepared for ultrastructural analysis. The oocytes analyzed from both groups had similar ultrastructural characteristics. The presence and distribution of organelles in the cytoplasm of the oocytes did not differ between groups, suggesting that, in relation to the ultrastructural characteristics, oocytes from 2 to 5 mm and 10 to 15 mm follicles are similar.


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The bush dog (Speothos venaticus) is a South American canid, included in the IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) official list of animals threatened with extinction, in the vulnerable category. As a preservation and conservation strategy, specimens kept in captivity by Brazilian Institutions are monitored by a management plan. In order to characterize and analyze the genetic variability of bush dog specimens, a cytogenetic analysts was carried out, and microsatellite data were also obtained through the use of 15 primers, originally developed for the domestic dog (Canis familiaris). All tested primers showed transferability and amplified fragment sizes similar to those described for the canine genome. From the total number of primers, eight were tested, and presented two polymorphic regions. Regarding cytogenetic analysis, one of the animals had chromosomal mosaicism,-disqualifying it as a reproducer to form stocks. Thus, we concluded that the genetic evaluation of wild animals kept in captivity provides data that can help with the practice of exchange between different institutions, avoiding problems in the reproductive capacity of the breeding stock.


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1. 1. Under normoxic conditions at 25°C Pomacea lineata, free to move into or out of water, showed an increase in O2 consumption with increase in body size (dry wt), the slope of the log-log plot of these two parameters being b = 0.76. 2. 2. The metabolic rate decreased with weight. 3. 3. Males and females in a sexually receptive state did not exhibit significantly different QO2 values. 4. 4. The metabolic rates of animals when under water using ctenidium did not differ significantly from when out of water using the lung. © 1981.


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Many experiments have been performed to evaluate the physiological role of catecholaminergic mechanisms of gonadotropin release. The purpose of the present study was to determine the concentration of β-adrenoreceptors in the remaining (right) cerebral cortex and in right and left hypothalamic halves of hemi-decorticated female rats which exhibited elevated plasma gonadotropin levels as observed previously. The density of β-receptors was measured using a high-affinity β-adrenergic ligand, iodocyanopindolol (ICYP). Scatchard estimates were obtained for maximum binding (B(max) fmol/mg of tissues) from pooled cerebral cortical and hypothalamic tissue of animals under several experimental conditions after hemi-decortication and sham operation. There was an increase in β-adrenoreceptor density in the remaining (right) cerebral cortex at all times examined in hemi-decorticate in comparison with the sham-operated animals (7 days, +10.9%; 21 days, +8.4%; 90 days, +22%; and 90 days plus ovariectomy, +34.8%). The number of β-adrenoreceptors in the right hypothalamic half in hemi-decorticates decreased at 21 days (-42.20%) and then increased at 90 days (+76.63%) and 90 days plus ovariectomy (+51.75%) when compared with the left hypothalamic half. At the same time there were no significant changes in the sham-operated animals when comparing the receptor density in the right and left hypothalamic halves, respectively. Thus, our results suggest a direct adrenergic pathway by which the left cortex can influence the right cortex and a crossed pathway to the contralateral hypothalamus changing adrenergic activity which can alter the β-adrenergic receptor binding capacity in the hypothalamus.


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In renovascular hypertensive rats, low doses of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors have been found to prevent myocardial hypertrophy independent of blood pressure level. This finding would suggest humoral rather than mechanical control of myocyte growth. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of nonantihypertensive doses of ACE inhibitor on myocardial hypertrophy and necrosis in hypertensive rats. Renovascular hypertension (RHT) was induced in four-week-old Wistar rats. Twenty-eight animals were treated for four weeks with three doses of ramipril (0.01, 0.1 or 1.0 mg/kg/day, which are unable to lower blood pressure. Fourteen animals were not treated (RHT group). A sham operated, age/sex-matched group was used as control (n=10). Myocardial histology was analysed in 3 μm thick sections of the ventricle stained with either haematoxylin-eosin, reticulin silver stain or Masson's trichrome. There was a significant correlation between systolic blood pressure and left ventricular to body weight ratio in both sets of animals: untreated plus controls and ramipril-treated rats. ACE inhibition prevented myocyte and perivascular necrosis and fibrosis in a dose-dependent manner. We conclude that myocardial hypertrophy in rats with renovascular hypertension is directly related to arterial pressure, and that this relationship is not affected by nonantihypertensive doses of ACE inhibitor. Myocardial necrosis/fibrosis and coronary artery damage induced by angiotensin II are prevented by ACE inhibitor in a dose-dependent manner, despite the presence of arterial hypertension.


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Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was used to examine the genetic variability on an endangered Neotropical fish species, Brycon lundii, collected on two regions with distinct environmental conditions in the São Francisco River (Brazil), downstream from a hydroelectric station. Using decamer oligonucleotides as single primers in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), genetic similarity index, mean allele frequency and mean heterozigosity were estimated, revealing variations between samples from the two regions. Moreover, a fragment of about 1200 base pairs was found in 100% of the examined animals collected at the region closer to the hydroelectric dam, while its frequency was much lower (27.3%) within the sample from the second collecting site, 30 km downstream from the dam, indicating a possible correlation between genetic variation and geographical area. A dendogram representing the relationships among genotypes was obtained, demonstrating at least two major clusters of animals. Based on the data, a model of population structuring in Brycon lundii is suggested. The described approach holds great promise for further analyses and gives support to biodiversity maintenance and recovery efforts of B. lundii.


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A 90-day feeding experiment was conducted with sex reversed Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings fed purified or practical diets supplemented with different zinc sources to evaluate fish growth performance and zinc and iron retention in fish bones, fillets, liver, skin and eyes. The relative bioavailability value (RBV) of zinc in the supplemental sources tested was also calculated. Fish were fed with isonitrogenous and isoenergetic purified or practical diets supplemented with 150 mg Zn kg -1, as zinc sulphate monohydrate (ZnSO 4), zinc oxide (ZnO) or zinc amino acid complex (Zn-AA). The feeding trial was conducted in 30, 50 L aquaria where four 0.66 ± 0.01 g (mean ± SD) fingerlings were initially stocked. No significant differences were observed for any growth performance variables (P > 0.05). In practical diets, only ZnSO 4 and ZnO presented bone zinc retention similar to that for the standard zinc source. Zinc concentration in the bone of fish fed practical diet supplemented with Zn-AA (171 ± 3.62 μg g -1) was significantly lower than that verified for the practical diets supplemented with the standard zinc source (200 ± 17.7 μg g -1) or with ZnSO 4 (204 ± 19.9 μg g -1). Assuming the concentration of zinc in bones as the response criterion, the supplemental zinc RBV from ZnSO 4 (105%) was higher than the RBV for Zn-AA (95.1%) or ZnO (94.9%). Iron concentration in the bones of animals fed the non-zinc-supplemented purified diet was significantly higher than that observed for purified diet supplemented with Zn-AA (P < 0,05). The results of the present work allowed us to conclude that ZnSO 4 in relation to ZnO or Zn-AA was the supplemental zinc source with higher zinc bioavailability to Nile tilapia. © 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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The preferred temperature of the yellow scorpion Tityus serrulatus was investigated since its dispersion is a matter of concern. Adult T. serrulatus, weighing 1.24 ± 0.20 g (mean + sd) and with a standard length of 59.3 ± 2.5 mm, were used. A metallic corridor (120 cm long, 5 cm large and 10 cm high) with thermal gradient ranging from 0°C to 40°C was used. Tityus serrulatus chose and stayed in temperatures ranging from 14° C to 38°C when safe conditions were offered (dark and thigmotactic stimuli). The number of animals that remained in the 11°C-20°C, 21°C-30°C, and 31°C-40°C temperature zones were 8, 8, and 9, respectively. The chi-square test (degree of freedom = 2) showed that differences were not significant (p>0.05). Some animals moved to lower temperature areas (less than 8°C) when the corridor was completely illuminated and thigmotactic stimuli were absent, which led the animals to present a torpor state. It is concluded that T. serrulatus does not select a specific environmental temperature. Associated with the capacity of temporally surviving at low temperatures, this species seems to be highly adaptable to different thermal zones.


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The aim of this study was to examine the role of nifedipine and Nitric Oxide (NO) on salivary flow and compounds (salivary amylase, saliva total proteins, saliva calcium, sodium and potassium). Male Holtzman rats weighting 200-250 g were anesthetized with zoletil 50 mg kg -1 (tiletamine chloridrate 125.0 mg and zolazepan chloridrate 125.0 mg) into quadriceps muscle and stainless steel cannulas were implanted into their lateral ventricle of the brain (LV). Animals in divided group were injected with nifedipine (50 μg μL -1) alone and in combination with 7-nitroindazol (7-NIT) (40 μg μL -1), neuronal NO Sinthase Inhibitor (nNOSI) and Sodium Nitroprussate (SNP) (30 μg μL -1) NO donor agent. As a secretory stimuli, pilocarpine dissolved in isotonic was administered intraperitoneally (ip) at a dosage of 10 mg kg -1 body weight. Saliva was collected for 7 min with four cotton balls weighing approximately 20 mg each, two of which were placed on either side of the oral cavity, with the other two placed under the tongue. Nifedipine treatment induced a reduction in saliva secretion rate and concentration of amylase, total protein and calcium without changes in sodium and potassium concentration in comparison with controls. Co-treatment of animals with nifedipine and SNP retained flow rate and concentration of amylase, total protein and calcium in normal levels. Co-treatment of animals with nifedipine and 7-NIT potentiated the effect of nifedipine on the reduction of saliva secretion and concentrations of amylase, total protein and calcium. Nifedipine (dihydroperidine) calcium-channel blocker widely in use is associated with salivary dysfunction acting in the central nervous system structures. NO might be the mechanism for protective effect against the nifedipine-induce salivary dysfunction, acting in the CNS. © 2006 Asian Network for Scientific Information.