558 resultados para VIOLOGEN MONOLAYERS
The energetics of a fusion pathway is considered, starting from the contact site where two apposed membranes each locally protrude (as “nipples”) toward each other. The equilibrium distance between the tips of the two nipples is determined by a balance of physical forces: repulsion caused by hydration and attraction generated by fusion proteins. The energy to create the initial stalk, caused by bending of cis monolayer leaflets, is much less when the stalk forms between nipples rather than parallel flat membranes. The stalk cannot, however, expand by bending deformations alone, because this would necessitate the creation of a hydrophobic void of prohibitively high energy. But small movements of the lipids out of the plane of their monolayers allow transformation of the stalk into a modified stalk. This intermediate, not previously considered, is a low-energy structure that can reconfigure into a fusion pore via an additional intermediate, the prepore. The lipids of this latter structure are oriented as in a fusion pore, but the bilayer is locally compressed. All membrane rearrangements occur in a discrete local region without creation of an extended hemifusion diaphragm. Importantly, all steps of the proposed pathway are energetically feasible.
Ascorbate peroxidases are important enzymes that detoxify hydrogen peroxide within the cytosol and chloroplasts of plant cells. To better understand their role in oxidative stress tolerance, the transcriptional regulation of the apx1 gene from Arabidopsis was studied. The apx1 gene was expressed in all tested organs of Arabidopsis; mRNA levels were low in roots, leaves, and stems and high in flowers. Steady-state mRNA levels in leaves or cell suspensions increased after treatment with methyl viologen, ethephon, high temperature, and illumination of etiolated seedlings. A putative heat-shock cis element found in the apx1 promoter was shown to be recognized by the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) heat-shock factor in vitro and to be responsible for the in vivo heat-shock induction of the gene. The heat-shock cis element also contributed partially to the induction of the gene by oxidative stress. By using in vivo dimethyl sulfate footprinting, we showed that proteins interacted with a G/C-rich element found in the apx1 promoter.
Chloroplast-targeted overexpression of an Fe superoxide dismutase (SOD) from Arabidopsis thaliana resulted in substantially increased foliar SOD activities. Ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and monodehydroascorbate reductase activities were similar in the leaves from all of the lines, but dehydroascorbate reductase activity was increased in the leaves of the FeSOD transformants relative to untransformed controls. Foliar H2O2, ascorbate, and glutathione contents were comparable in all lines of plants. Irradiance-dependent changes in net CO2 assimilation and chlorophyll a fluorescence quenching parameters were similar in all lines both in air (21% O2) and at low (1%) O2. CO2-response curves for photosynthesis showed similar net CO2-exchange characteristics in all lines. In contrast, values of photochemical quenching declined in leaves from untransformed controls at intercellular CO2 (Ci) values below 200 μL L−1 but remained constant with decreasing Ci in leaves of FeSOD transformants. When the O2 concentration was decreased from 21 to 1%, the effect of FeSOD overexpression on photochemical quenching at limiting Ci was abolished. At high light (1000 μmol m−2 s−1) a progressive decrease in the ratio of variable (Fv) to maximal (Fm) fluorescence was observed with decreasing temperature. At 6oC the high-light-induced decrease in the Fv/Fm ratio was partially prevented by low O2 but values were comparable in all lines. Methyl viologen caused decreased Fv/Fm ratios, but this was less marked in the FeSOD transformants than in the untransformed controls. These observations suggest that the rate of superoxide dismutation limits flux through the Mehler-peroxidase cycle in certain conditions.
An NADPH-dependent NO2−-reducing system was reconstituted in vitro using ferredoxin (Fd) NADP+ oxidoreductase (FNR), Fd, and nitrite reductase (NiR) from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. NO2− reduction was dependent on all protein components and was operated under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions. NO2− reduction by this in vitro pathway was inhibited up to 63% by 1 mm NADP+. NADP+ did not affect either methyl viologen-NiR or Fd-NiR activity, indicating that inhibition was mediated through FNR. When NADPH was replaced with a glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH)-dependent NADPH-generating system, rates of NO2− reduction reached approximately 10 times that of the NADPH-dependent system. G6PDH could be replaced by either 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase or isocitrate dehydrogenase, indicating that G6PDH functioned to: (a) regenerate NADPH to support NO2− reduction and (b) consume NADP+, releasing FNR from NADP+ inhibition. These results demonstrate the ability of FNR to facilitate the transfer of reducing power from NADPH to Fd in the direction opposite to that which occurs in photosynthesis. The rate of G6PDH-dependent NO2− reduction observed in vitro is capable of accounting for the observed rates of dark NO3− assimilation by C. reinhardtii.
We investigated the relationship between nonphotochemical plastoquinone reduction and chlororespiration in leaves of growth-chamber-grown sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Following a short induction period, leaves of previously illuminated sunflower showed a substantially increased level of minimal fluorescence following a light-to-dark transition. This increase in minimal fluorescence was reversed by far-red illumination, inhibited by rotenone or photooxidative methyl viologen treatment, and stimulated by fumigation with CO. Using flash-induced electrochromic absorption-change measurements, we observed that the capacity of sunflower to reduce plastoquinone in the dark influenced the activation state of the chloroplast ATP synthase, although chlororespiratory transmembrane electrochemical potential formation alone does not fully explain our observations. We have added several important new observations to the work of others, forming, to our knowledge, the first strong experimental evidence that chlororespiratory, nonphotochemical plastoquinone reduction and plastoquinol oxidation occur in the chloroplasts of higher plants. We have introduced procedures for monitoring and manipulating chlorores-piratory activity in leaves that will be important in subsequent work aimed at defining the pathway and function of this dark electron flux in higher plant chloroplasts.
In many diseases, tissue hypoxia occurs in conjunction with other inflammatory processes. Since previous studies have demonstrated a role for leukocytes in ischemia/reperfusion injury, we hypothesized that endothelial hypoxia may "superinduce" expression of an important leukocyte adhesion molecule, E-selectin (ELAM-1, CD62E). Bovine aortic endothelial monolayers were exposed to hypoxia in the presence or absence of tumor-necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) or lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Cell surface E-selectin was quantitated by whole cell ELISA or by immunoprecipitation using polyclonal anti-E-selectin sera. Endothelial mRNA levels were assessed using ribonuclease protection assays. Hypoxia alone did not induce endothelial E-selectin expression. However, enhanced induction of E-selectin was observed with the combination of hypoxia and TNF-alpha (270% increase over normoxia and TNF-alpha) or hypoxia and LPS (190% increase over normoxia and LPS). These studies revealed that a mechanism for such enhancement may be hypoxia-elicited decrements in endothelial intracellular levels of cAMP (<50% compared with normoxia). Addition of forskolin and isobutyl-methyl-xanthine during hypoxia resulted in reversal of cAMP decreases and a loss of enhanced E-selectin surface expression with the combination of TNF-alpha and hypoxia. We conclude that endothelial hypoxia may provide a novel signal for superinduction of E-selectin during states of inflammation.
Photosynthetic carbon metabolism is initiated by ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), which uses both CO2 and O2 as substrates. One 2-phosphoglycolate (P-glycolate) molecule is produced for each O2 molecule fixed. P-glycolate has been considered to be metabolized exclusively via the oxidative photosynthetic carbon cycle. This paper reports an additional pathway for P-glycolate and glycolate metabolism in the chloroplasts. Light-dependent glycolate or P-glycolate oxidation by osmotically shocked chloroplasts from the algae Dunaliella or spinach leaves was measured by three electron acceptors, methyl viologen (MV), potassium ferricyanide, or dichloroindophenol. Glycolate oxidation was assayed with 3-(3,4)-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) as oxygen uptake in the presence of MV at a rate of 9 mol per mg of chlorophyll per h. Washed thylakoids from spinach leaves oxidized glycolate at a rate of 22 mol per mg of chlorophyll per h. This light-dependent oxidation was inhibited completely by SHAM, an inhibitor of quinone oxidoreductase, and 75% by 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB), which inhibits electron transfer from plastoquinone to the cytochrome b6f complex. SHAM stimulated severalfold glycolate excretion by algal cells, Dunaliella or Chlamydomonas, and by isolated Dunaliella chloroplasts. Glycolate and P-glycolate were oxidized about equally well to glyoxylate and phosphate. On the basis of results of inhibitor action, the possible site which accepts electrons from glycolate or P-glycolate is a quinone after the DCMU site but before the DBMIB site. This glycolate oxidation is a light-dependent, SHAM-sensitive, glycolate-quinone oxidoreductase system that is associated with photosynthetic electron transport in the chloroplasts.
We have investigated the differentiation potential of precursor cells within the developing spinal cord of mice and have shown that spinal cord cells from embryonic day 10 specifically give rise to neurons when plated onto an astrocytic monolayer, Ast-1. These neurons had the morphology of motor neurons and > 83% expressed the motor neuron markers choline acetyltransferase, peripherin, calcitonin gene-related peptide, and L-14. By comparison, < 10% of the neurons arising on monolayers of other neural cell lines or 3T3 fibroblasts had motor neuron characteristics. Cells derived from dorsal, intermediate, and ventral regions of the spinal cord all behaved similarly and gave rise to motor neuron-like cells when plated onto Ast-1. By using cells that expressed the lacZ reporter gene, it was shown that > 93% of cells present on the Ast-1 monolayers were motor neuron-like. Time-lapse analysis revealed that the precursors on the Ast-1 monolayers gave rise to neurons either directly or following a single cell division. Together, these results indicate that precursors in the murine spinal cord can be induced to differentiate into the motor neuron phenotype by factors produced by Ast-1 cells, suggesting that a similar factor(s) produced by cells akin to Ast-1 may regulate motor neuron differentiation in vivo.
Treatment of cultured bovine brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMECs) with interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta), an inflammatory cytokine, was shown to induce the accumulation of sulfoglucuronosyl paragloboside (SGPG), a glycolipid bearing the HNK-1 epitope. This resulted in the attachment of a greater number of human lymphocytes to the treated than to the untreated BMEC monolayers. Attachment of human lymphocytes to the IL-1 beta-activated BMEC cells could be blocked either by incubation of the human lymphocytes with an anti-L-selectin antibody or by application of an anti-SGPG antibody to the BMECs. These results suggest that SGPG may act as an important ligand for L-selectin for the regulation of the attachment of activated lymphocytes and their subsequent invasion into the nervous system parenchyma in inflammatory disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems.
This Ph.D. thesis describes the synthesis, characterization and study of calix[6]arene derivatives as pivotal components for the construction of molecular machine prototypes. Initially, the ability of a calix[6]arene wheel to supramolecularly assist and increase the rate of a nucleophilic substitution reaction was exploited for the synthesis of two constitutionally isomeric oriented rotaxanes. Then, the synthesis and characterization of several hetero-functionalised calix[6]arene derivatives and the possibility to obtain molecular muscle prototypes was reported. The ability of calix[6]arenes to form oriented pseudorotaxane towards dialkyl viologen axles was then exploited for the synthesis of two calixarene-based [2]catenanes. As last part of this thesis, studies on the electrochemical response of the threading-dethreading process of calix[6]arene-based pseudorotaxanes and rotaxanes supported on glassy carbon electrodes are reported.
Eletrodos de ouro foram utilizados para preparação de eletrodos modificados com monocamadas auto arranjadas de tióis. A limpeza do substrato metálico é fundamental para que a arquitetura molecular superficial possa ser efetuada com boa estabilidade e reprodutibilidade, além de fornecer dados utilizados no cálculo de área ativa, necessários na normalização dos valores de recobrimento superficial obtidos nas determinações de dessorção do agente modificador interno, o ácido 3-mercaptopropiônico. Os eletrodos modificados consistiram no recobrimento de transdutores de ouro com ácido 3-mercaptopropiônico através da imersão do eletrodo de Au em solução 25 mmolL-1 deste composto e, em seguida, com moléculas de cisteína, através da imersão do eletrodo de Au/3-MPA em solução 0,1 molL-1 deste composto, originando um sensor do tipo Au/3-MPA/CSH. As moléculas de cisteína foram utilizadas como agente redutor para obtenção de nanopartículas de Au na superfície do eletrodo modificado, através da aplicação de 20 µL de solução de HAuCl4. Após a confirmação da ausência do par tiólico superficial responsável pela redução das nanopartículas, o eletrodo Au/3-MPA/CSH/AuNp foi utilizado na determinação de peróxido de hidrogênio em soluções de concentrações crescentes em tampão fosfato 0,1 molL-1 pH 7,2.
As principais propriedades farmacológicas da Casearia sylvestris, uma espécie de árvore cujas folhas são utilizadas na medicina popular, já foram descritas na literatura. Recentemente foi demonstrada a potente atividade citotóxica in vitro da casearina X (CAS X), o diterpeno clerodânico majoritário isolado das folhas de C. sylvestris, contra linhagens de células tumorais humanas. Apesar dos resultados promissores, sua potente atividade citotóxica in vitro não pode ser extrapolada para uma potente atividade in vivo, a menos que possua boa biodisponibilidade e duração desejável do seu efeito. Tendo em vista que o avanço nas pesquisas de produtos naturais requer a avaliação pré-clínica de propriedades farmacocinéticas, no presente trabalho foi realizada a caracterização in vitro do metabolismo e da absorção intestinal da CAS X, com o objetivo de prever sua biodisponibilidade in vivo. Para os estudos de metabolismo in vitro, foi utilizado o modelo microssomal hepático de ratos e de humanos. Foi desenvolvido um método analítico para a quantificação da CAS X em microssomas, empregando a precipitação de proteínas com acetonitrila no preparo das amostras e a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência para as análises. O método foi validado de acordo com os guias oficiais da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária e da European Medicine Agency (EMA). A CAS X demonstrou ser substrato para as reações de hidrólise mediada pelas carboxilesterases (CES) e apresentou um perfil cinético de Michaelis-Menten. Foram estimados os parâmetros de Vmax e KM, demonstrando que o clearance intrínseco em microssomas hepático de humanos foi 1,7 vezes maior que o de ratos. O clearance hepático foi estimado por extrapolação in vitro-in vivo, resultando em mais de 90% do fluxo sanguíneo hepático em ambas as espécies. Um estudo qualitativo para a pesquisa de metabólitos foi feito utilizando espectrometria de massas, pelo qual foi possível sugerir a formação da casearina X dialdeído como produto de metabolismo. Nos estudos de absorção intestinal in vitro foi utilizado o modelo de monocamadas de células Caco-2. Um método analítico por cromatografia líquida acoplada a espectrometria de massas foi desenvolvido e validado de acordo com o EMA, para as etapas de quantificação da CAS X no sistema de células. Os parâmetros cinéticos de permeabilidade aparente absortiva e secretória da CAS X foram estimados em um sistema celular, no qual a atividade hidrolítica da CES foi inibida. Assim, a CAS X foi capaz de permear a monocamada de células Caco-2, provavelmente por transporte ativo, sem a ocorrência de efluxo, mas com significativa retenção do composto dentro das células. Em conjunto, os ensaios in vitro realizados demonstraram a susceptibilidade da CAS X ao metabolismo de primeira passagem, como substrato para as CES específicas expressas no fígado e intestino.
We study the electronic structure of a heterojunction made of two monolayers of MoS2 and WS2. Our first-principles density functional calculations show that, unlike in the homogeneous bilayers, the heterojunction has an optically active band gap, smaller than the ones of MoS2 and WS2 single layers. We find that the optically active states of the maximum valence and minimum conduction bands are localized on opposite monolayers, and thus the lowest energy electron-holes pairs are spatially separated. Our findings portray the MoS2-WS2 bilayer as a prototypical example for band-gap engineering of atomically thin two-dimensional semiconducting heterostructures.
We have developed a general method for the specific and reversible immobilization of proteins fused to the choline-binding module C-LytA on functionalized graphite electrodes. Graphite electrode surfaces were modified by diazonium chemistry to introduce carboxylic groups that were subsequently used to anchor mixed self-assembled monolayers consisting of N,N-diethylethylenediamine groups, acting as choline analogs, and ethanolamine groups as spacers. The ability of the prepared electrodes to specifically bind C-LytA-tagged recombinant proteins was tested with a C-LytA-β-galactosidase fusion protein. The binding, activity and stability of the immobilized protein was evaluated by electrochemically monitoring the formation of an electroactive product in the enzymatic hydrolysis of the synthetic substrate 4-aminophenyl β-D-galactopyranoside. The hybrid protein was immobilized in an specific and reversible way, while retaining the catalytic activity. Moreover, these functionalized electrodes were shown to be highly stable and reusable. The method developed here can be envisaged as a general, immobilization procedure on the protein biosensor field.
The electrochemical reactivity of catechol-derived adlayers is reported at platinum (Pt) single-crystal electrodes. Pt(111) and stepped vicinal surfaces are used as model surfaces possessing well-ordered nanometer-sized Pt(111) terraces ranging from 0.4 to 12 nm. The electrochemical experiments were designed to probe how the control of monatomic step-density and of atomic-level step structure can be used to modulate molecule–molecule interactions during self-assembly of aromatic-derived organic monolayers at metallic single-crystal electrode surfaces. A hard sphere model of surfaces and a simplified band formation model are used as a theoretical framework for interpretation of experimental results. The experimental results reveal (i) that supramolecular electrochemical effects may be confined, propagated, or modulated by the choice of atomic level crystallographic features (i.e.monatomic steps), deliberately introduced at metallic substrate surfaces, suggesting (ii) that substrate-defect engineering may be used to tune the macroscopic electronic properties of aromatic molecular adlayers and of smaller molecular aggregates.