944 resultados para UV-curing
The influence of curing tip distance and storage time in the kinetics of water diffusion (water sorption-W SP, solubility-W SB, and net water uptake) and color stability of a composite were evaluated. Composite samples were polymerized at different distances (5, 10, and 15 mm) and compared to a control group (0 mm). After desiccation, the specimens were stored in distilled water to evaluate the water diffusion over a 120-day period. Net water uptake was calculated (sum of WSP and WSB). The color stability after immersion in a grape juice was compared to distilled water. Data were submitted to three-way ANOVA/Tukey's test (α = 5%). The higher distances caused higher net water uptake (p < 0.05). The immersion in the juice caused significantly higher color change as a function of curing tip distance and the time (p < 0.05). The distance of photoactivation and storage time provide the color alteration and increased net water uptake of the resin composite tested.
This thesis presents and uses the techniques of computational chemistry to explore two different processes induced in human skin by ultraviolet light. The first is the transformation of urocanic acid into a immunosuppressing agent, and the other is the enzymatic action of the 8-oxoguanine glycosylase enzyme. The photochemistry of urocanic acid is investigated by time-dependent density functional theory. Vertical absorption spectra of the molecule in different forms and environments is assigned and candidate states for the photochemistry at different wavelengths are identified. Molecular dynamics simulations of urocanic acid in gas phase and aqueous solution reveals considerable flexibility under experimental conditions, particularly for for the cis isomer where competition between intra- and inter-molecular interactions increases flexibility. A model to explain the observed gas phase photochemistry of urocanic acid is developed and it is shown that a reinterpretation in terms of a mixture between isomers significantly enhances the agreement between theory and experiment , and resolves several peculiarities in the spectrum. A model for the photochemistry in the aqueous phase of urocanic acid is then developed, in which two excited states governs the efficiency of photoisomerization. The point of entrance into a conical intersection seam is shown to explain the wavelength dependence of photoisomerization quantum yield. Finally some mechanistic aspects of the DNA repair enzyme 8-oxoguanine glycosylase is investigated with density functional theory. It is found that the critical amino acid of the active site can provide catalytic power in several different manners, and that a recent proposal involving a SN1 type of mechanism seems the most efficient one.
Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos (CIBIO--?UP)
UV-B-Strahlung, die durch die fortschreitende Zerstörung der Ozonschicht zunimmt, ist hauptsächlich für das Entstehen von Basaliomen und Plattenepithelkarzinomen verantwort-lich, an denen jedes Jahr etwa 2-3 Millionen Menschen weltweit erkranken. UV-B indu-zierte Hautkarzinogenese ist ein komplexer Prozess, bei dem vor allem die mutagenen und immunsuppressiven Wirkungen der UV-B-Strahlung von Bedeutung sind. Die Rolle von GM-CSF in der Hautkarzinogenese ist dabei widersprüchlich. Aus diesem Grund wurde die Funktion von GM-CSF in vivo in der UV-B induzierten Hautkarzinogenese mittels zwei bereits etablierter Mauslinien untersucht: Erstens transgene Mäuse, die einen GM-CSF Antagonisten unter der Kontrolle des Keratin-10-Promotors in den suprabasalen Schichten der Epidermis exprimieren und zweitens solche, die unter dem Keratin-5-Promotor murines GM-CSF in der Basalschicht der Epidermis überexprimieren. Eine Gruppe von Tieren wurde chronisch, die andere akut bestrahlt. Die konstitutionelle Verfassung der Tiere mit erhöhter GM-CSF-Aktivität in der Haut war nach chronischer UV-B-Bestrahlung insgesamt sehr schlecht. Sie wiesen deshalb eine stark erhöhte Mortali-tät auf. Dies ist sowohl auf die hohe Inzidenz als auch dem frühen Auftreten der benignen und malignen Läsionen zurückzuführen. Eine verminderte GM-CSF Aktivität verzögerte dagegen die Karzinomentwicklung und erhöhte die Überlebensrate leicht. GM-CSF wirkt auf verschiedenen Ebenen tumorpromovierend: Erstens erhöht eine gesteigerte Mastzell-anzahl in der Haut der GM-CSF überexprimierenden Tiere per se die Suszeptibilität für Hautkarzinogenese. Zweitens stimuliert GM-CSF die Keratinozytenproliferation. Dadurch kommt es nach UV-B-Bestrahlung zu einer prolongierten epidermalen Hyperproliferation, die zur endogenen Tumorpromotion beiträgt, indem sie die Bildung von Neoplasien unter-stützt. Der Antagonist verzögert dagegen den Proliferationsbeginn, die Keratinozyten blei-ben demzufolge länger in der G1-Phase und der durch UV-B verursachte DNA-Schaden kann effizienter repariert werden. Drittens kann GM-CSF die LCs nicht als APCs aktivie-ren und eine Antitumorimmunität induzieren, da UV-B-Strahlung zur Apoptose von LCs bzw. zu deren Migration in Richtung Lymphknoten führt. Zusätzlich entwickeln GM-CSF überexprimierende Tiere in ihrer Haut nach UV-B-Bestrahlung ein Millieu von antago-nistisch wirkenden Zytokinen, wie TNF-a, TGF-b1 und IL-12p40 und GM-CSF, die proinflammatorische Prozesse und somit die Karzinomentwicklung begünstigen. Der Anta-gonist hemmt nach UV-B-Bestrahlung die Ausschüttung sowohl von immunsuppressiven Zytokinen, wie etwa TNF-a, als auch solchen, die die Th2-Entwicklung unterstützen, wie etwa IL-10 und IL-4. Dies wirkt sich negativ auf die Karzinomentwicklung aus.
Synthetische Glycopeptide mit Sulfatyl-Lewis X-Struktur als potenzielle Inhibitoren der Zelladhäsion
Zelladhäsionsprozesse sind von großer Bedeutung für zahlreiche biologische Prozesse, wie etwa die Immunantwort, die Wundheilung und die Embryogenese. Außerdem spielen sie eine entscheidende Rolle im Verlauf inflammatorischer Prozesse. An der Zelladhäsion sind verschiedene Klassen von Adhäsionsmolekülen beteiligt. Die erste leichte „rollende“ Adhäsion von Leukozyten am Ort einer Entzündung wird durch die Selektine vermittelt. Diese binden über die Kohlenhydrat-Strukturen Sialyl-Lewisx und Sialyl-Lewisa über eine calciumabhängige Kohlenhydrat-Protein-Bindung an ihre spezifischen Liganden und vermitteln so den ersten Zellkontakt, bevor andere Adhäsionsmoleküle (Cadherine, Integrine) die feste Adhäsion und den Durchtritt durch das Endothel bewirken. Bei einer pathogenen Überexpression der Selektine kommt es jedoch zu zahlreichen chronischen Erkrankungen wie z. B. rheumatoider Arthritis, Erkrankungen der Herzkranzgefäße oder dem Reperfusions-syndrom. Außerdem wird eine Beteiligung der durch die Selektine vermittelten Zellkontakte bei der Metastasierung von Karzinomzellen angenommen. Ein Ansatzpunkt für die Behandlung der oben genannten Erkrankungen ist die Gabe löslicher kompetitiver Inhibitoren für die Selektine. Ziel der Arbeit war die Modifikation des Sialyl-Lewisx-Leitmotivs zur Steigerung der metabolischen Stabilität und dessen Einbau in die Peptidsequenz aus der für die Bindung verantwortlichen Domäne des endogenen Selektin-Liganden PSGL-1. Dazu wurden mit einer modifizierten Lewisx-Struktur glycosylierte Aminosäurebausteine dargestellt (Abb.1). Die Verwendung von Arabinose und des Sulfatrestes anstelle von Fusose und Sialinsäure sollte außerdem zu einer gesteigerten metabolischen Stabilität des synthetischen Liganden beitragen. Die so erhaltenen Glycosylaminosäuren sollten nun in die Festphasenpeptidsynthese eingesetzt werden. Aufgrund der großen säurelabilität konnte hier nicht auf das Standartverfahren (Wang-Harz, Abspaltung mit TFA) zurückgegriffen werden. Deshalb kam ein neuartiges UV-labiles Ankersystem zum Einsatz. Dazu wurde ein Protokoll für die Synthese und Abspaltung von Peptiden an diesem neuen System entwickelt. Daran gelang die Synthese des nichtglycosylierten Peptidrückgrats sowie eines mit der dem sulfatierten Lewisx-Motiv versehenen Glycopeptids. Ein vierfach sulfatiertes Glycopeptid, welches durch den Einsatz von im Vorfeld chemisch sulfatierer Tyrosin-Bausteinen dargestellt werden sollte, konnte massenspektrometrisch nachgewiesen werden.
In questo progetto di tesi si è cercato il modo di rendere più efficace la resistenza dei materiali plastici alla fotodegradazione indotta dai raggi ultravioletti, attraverso l’utilizzo di coatings ibridi organici-inorganici preparati utilizzando il processo sol-gel. Tali rivestimenti in grado di migliorare la resistenza superficiale potrebbero essere applicati a diversi materiali ed in particolare ai policarbonati che per le loro eccellenti proprietà di trasparenza vengono molto utilizzati in illuminotecnica ed altre applicazioni per l’esterno. In particolare il lavoro ha riguardato lo studio e l’utilizzo di due assorbitori UV di tipo fenolico, il 2,2’-diidrossi-4-metossibenzofenone e il 2,2’,4,4’-tetraidrossibenzofenone. Si è provato a non collocare semplicemente tali assorbitori all’interno del coating sol-gel ma a legarli covalentemente al network tridimensionale di silani auspicando una migliore resistenza alla fotodegradazione UV-indotta. Il nostro interesse si è concentrato soprattutto sul 2,2’,4,4’-tetraidrossibenzofenone, in quanto abbiamo visto che una sua funzionalizzazione rispetto all’altro assorbitore UV risulta più semplice ed efficace.
To investigate the surface hardness (Vickers hardness, HVN) of one light-curing flowable resin composite and five dual-curing resin cements after different polymerization procedures.
PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of curing rate on softening in ethanol, degree of conversion, and wear of resin composites. METHOD: With a given energy density and for each of two different light-curing units (QTH or LED), the curing rate was reduced by modulating the curing mode. Thus, the irradiation of resin composite specimens (Filtek Z250, Tetric Ceram, Esthet-X) was performed in a continuous curing mode and in a pulse-delay curing mode. Wallace hardness was used to determine the softening of resin composite after storage in ethanol. Degree of conversion was determined by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Wear was assessed by a three-body test. Data were submitted to Levene's test, one and three-way ANOVA, and Tukey HSD test (alpha = 0.05). Results: Immersion in ethanol, curing mode, and material all had significant effects on Wallace hardness. After ethanol storage, resin composites exposed to the pulse-delay curing mode were softer than resin composites exposed to continuous cure (P< 0.0001). Tetric Ceram was the softest material followed by Esthet-X and Filtek Z250 (P< 0.001). Only the restorative material had a significant effect on degree of conversion (P< 0.001): Esthet-X had the lowest degree of conversion followed by Filtek Z250 and Tetric Ceram. Curing mode (P= 0.007) and material (P< 0.001) had significant effect on wear. Higher wear resulted from the pulse-delay curing mode when compared to continuous curing, and Filtek Z250 showed the lowest wear followed by Esthet-X and Tetric Ceram.
Background: UV exposure causes a wide range of skin damage including cutaneous melanoma. The mechanisms of cellular and molecular damage as well as erythemal and pigmentation responses to UV exposure have largely been studied in the White population. Methods: This study systematically investigates responses to UV exposure in the Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders (NHPI) and Asian populations living in Hawai’i (A/HI) as well as in Asians living in Maryland (A/MD). Results: Our analyses indicate that the NHPI population is less sensitive to UV exposure than the A/HI population. Comparisons between the two Asian groups suggest that, despite slightly but not statistically different baseline constitutive pigmentation (pre-UV exposure), the A/HI and A/MD had similar UV sensitivity, measured as minimal erythemal dose (MED). However, the A/MD population had higher levels of oxy-hemoglobin at doses of 2.0, 2.8 and 4.0 MED. Unexpectedly the A/MD subjects retained higher levels of pigmentation 2 weeks post UV exposure. Conclusion: This study provides insight into UV responses of the inhabitants of Hawai’i and shows that such responses are statistically significant for relatively small samples of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders, and for Asians living in Hawai’i and Asians living in Maryland.
Homeopathic preparations are used in homeopathy and anthroposophic medicine. Although there is evidence of effectiveness in several clinical studies, including double-blinded randomized controlled trials, their nature and mode of action could not be explained with current scientific approaches yet. Several physical methods have already been applied to investigate homeopathic preparations but it is yet unclear which methods are best suited to identify characteristic physicochemical properties of homeopathic preparations. The aim of this study was to investigate homeopathic preparations with UV-spectroscopy. In a blinded, randomized, controlled experiment homeopathic preparations of copper sulfate (CuSO(4); 11c-30c), quartz (SiO(2); 10c-30c, i.e., centesimal dilution steps) and sulfur (S; 11×-30×, i.e., decimal dilution steps) and controls (one-time succussed diluent) were investigated using UV-spectroscopy and tested for contamination by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The UV transmission for homeopathic preparations of CuSO(4) preparations was significantly lower than in controls. The transmission seemed to be also lower for both SiO(2) and S, but not significant. The mean effect size (95% confidence interval) was similar for the homeopathic preparations: CuSO(4) (pooled data) 0.0544% (0.0260-0.0827%), SiO(2) 0.0323% (-0.0064% to 0.0710%) and S 0.0281% (-0.0520% to 0.1082%). UV transmission values of homeopathic preparations had a significantly higher variability compared to controls. In none of the samples the concentration of any element analyzed by ICP-MS exceeded 100 ppb. Lower transmission of UV light may indicate that homeopathic preparations are less structured or more dynamic than their succussed pure solvent.
For understanding the major- and minor-groove hydration patterns of DNAs and RNAs, it is important to understand the local solvation of individual nucleobases at the molecular level. We have investigated the 2-aminopurine center dot H2O. monohydrate by two-color resonant two-photon ionization and UV/UV hole-burning spectroscopies, which reveal two isomers, denoted A and B. The electronic spectral shift delta nu of the S-1 <- S-0 transition relative to bare 9H-2-aminopurine (9H-2AP) is small for isomer A (-70 cm(-1)), while that of isomer B is much larger (delta nu = 889 cm(-1)). B3LYP geometry optimizations with the TZVP basis set predict four cluster isomers, of which three are doubly H-bonded, with H2O acting as an acceptor to a N-H or -NH2 group and as a donor to either of the pyrimidine N sites. The "sugar-edge" isomer A is calculated to be the most stable form with binding energy D-e = 56.4 kJ/mol. Isomers B and C are H-bonded between the -NH2 group and pyrimidine moieties and are 2.5 and 6.9 kJ/mol less stable, respectively. Time-dependent (TD) B3LYP/TZVP calculations predict the adiabatic energies of the lowest (1)pi pi* states of A and B in excellent agreement with the observed 0(0)(0) bands; also, the relative intensities of the A and B origin bands agree well with the calculated S-0 state relative energies. This allows unequivocal identification of the isomers. The R2PI spectra of 9H-2AP and of isomer A exhibit intense low-frequency out-of-plane overtone and combination bands, which is interpreted as a coupling of the optically excited (1)pi pi* state to the lower-lying (1)n pi* dark state. In contrast, these overtone and combination bands are much weaker for isomer B, implying that the (1)pi pi* state of B is planar and decoupled from the (1)n pi* state. These observations agree with the calculations, which predict the (1)n pi* above the (1)pi pi* state for isomer B but below the (1)pi pi* for both 9H-2AP and isomer A.
An efficient synthetic approach to a symmetrically functionalized tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) derivative with two diamine moieties, 2-[5,6-diamino-4,7-bis(4-pentylphenoxy)-1,3-benzodithiol-2-ylidene]-4,7- bis(4-pentylphenoxy)-1,3-benzodithiole-5,6-diamine (2), is reported. The subsequent Schiff-base reactions of 2 afford large p-conjugated multiple donoracceptor (DA) arrays, for example, the triad 2-[4,9-bis(4-pentylphenoxy)-1,3-dithiolo[4,5-g]quinoxalin-2-ylidene]-4,9 -bis(4-pentylphenoxy)-1,3-dithiolo[4,5-g]quinoxaline (8) and the corresponding tetrabenz[bc,ef,hi,uv]ovalene-fused pentad 1, in good yields and high purity. The novel redox-active nanographene 1 is so far the largest known TTF-functionalized polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) with a well-resolved 1H NMR spectrum. The electrochemically highly amphoteric pentad 1 and triad 8 exhibit various electronically excited charge-transfer states in different oxidation states, thus leading to intense optical intramolecular charge-transfer (ICT) absorbances over a wide spectral range. The chemical and electrochemical oxidations of 1 result in an unprecedented TTF+ radical cation dimerization, thereby leading to the formation of [1+]2 at room temperature in solution due to the stabilizing effect, which arises from strong pp interactions. Moreover, ICT fluorescence is observed with large solvent-dependent Stokes shifts and quantum efficiencies of 0.05 for 1 and 0.035 for 8 in dichloromethane.