910 resultados para Tumor growth
Estudos com tratamento hipertérmico de tumores utilizando nanopartículas metálicas têm sido realizados durante as últimas décadas e mostram resultados bons quanto à remissão de tumores, por vezes chegando à cura completa. O mesmo acontece em relação aos tratamentos baseados em ação fotodinâmica de fotossensibilizadores. Tratamentos aliando a terapia hipertérmica com nanopartículas de ouro e a terapia fotodinâmica com diversos fotossensibilizadores tem efeito sinérgico e apresenta excelente potencial terapêutico, em que pese serem necessários mais estudos para que uma nova terapia conjunta possa ser implementada. A proposta deste trabalho foi investigar esse efeito sinérgico utilizando nanobastões de ouro complexados com fotossensibilizadores. Após a síntese dos nanobastões pelo método de seeding, a eficácia do tratamento fotodinâmico e da terapia hipertérmica, separadamente, foi investigada. A metodologia do recobrimento dos nanobastões por fotossensibilizador, em um primeiro momento, não logrou êxito com a porfirina, porém com a ftalocianina tetracarboxilada se mostrou mais eficaz. A taxa de fotodegradação da ftalocianina em solução foi investigada como parâmetro para a eficiência em geração de oxigênio singlete. Após centrifugação e lavagem das nanopartículas, no entanto, evidenciou-se por espectrofotometria que o fotossensibilizador não permaneceu aderido aos nanobastões. Em um segundo momento, optamos por recobrir os nanobastões por porfirinas tetrassulfonadas, com ou sem grupamentos metil-glucamina. Após o processo de recobrimento, essas ftalocianinas formaram complexos iônicos com o CTAB que recobre os nanobastões. Os complexos nanobastões-ftalocianinas foram analisados por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e as taxas de geração de oxigênio singlete e de radical hidroxil foram investigadas. Além disso, foram utilizadas para testes in vivo e in vitro com células de melanoma melanótico (B16F10) ou amelanótico (B16G4F). As células tumorais em cultura ou os tumores em camundongos C57BL6 foram irradiados com luz em 635 nm e os tumores foram observados por 15 dias após o tratamento. Houve evidente aumento na geração de oxigênio singlete por ambos fotossensibilizadores, e maior geração de radicais livres por parte do fotossensibilizador metilglucaminado. O oposto ocorre com o fotossensibilizador sem metilglucamina. Houve, também, moderada citotoxicidade no escuro quando células foram incubadas com nanopartículas recobertas por ftalocianinas ou não. Quando ativados pela luz, os complexos ftalocianinas-nanobastões desencadearam um aumento de 5ºC no meio de cultura das células, e a morte celular observada foi extensa (91% para a linhagem B16G4F e 95% para a linhagem B16F10). Tanto os resultados in vitro quanto os in vivo indicam que as propriedades das ftalocianinas testadas são melhoradas significativamente quando elas estão complexadas aos nanobastões. Este é um estudo pioneiro por utilizar duas porfirinas tetrassulfonadas específicas e por utilizar o mesmo comprimento de onda para a ativação dos fotossensibilizadores e nanobastões.
L’angiogenèse et l’augmentation de la perméabilité vasculaire sont des éléments clés pour la croissance et la progression tumorale. Par conséquent, de nombreux efforts sont déployés à comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la formation et le remodelage des vaisseaux sanguins de manière à identifier de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques potentielles. De cette optique, les travaux de cette thèse se sont concentrés sur la protéine tyrosine phosphatase DEP-1, initialement identifiée comme un régulateur négatif de la prolifération et de la phosphorylation du VEGFR2 lorsque fortement exprimée dans les cellules endothéliales. Toutefois, en utilisant une approche d’ARNi, il a été démontré que via sa capacité à déphosphoryler la tyrosine inhibitrice de Src (Y529), DEP-1 était également un régulateur positif de l’activation de Src dans les cellules endothéliales stimulées au VEGF. Puisque Src joue un rôle central dans la promotion de l’angiogenèse et la perméabilité vasculaire, nous avons en plus démontré que DEP-1 était un promoteur de ces fonctions in vitro et que la tyrosine phosphorylation de sa queue C-terminale, permettant l’interaction et l’activation de Src, était requise. Les travaux de recherche présentés dans cette thèse démontrent dans un premier temps à partir d’une souris Dep1 KO, dont le développement ne présente aucun phénotype apparent, que la perte de l’expression de DEP-1 se traduit en une inhibition de l’activation de Src et de l’un de ses substrats, la VE-Cadherine, en réponse au VEGF chez la souris adulte. Nos résultats démontrent donc, pour la première fois, le rôle primordial de DEP-1 dans l’induction de la perméabilité vasculaire et de la formation de capillaires in vivo. Conséquemment, la croissance tumorale et la formation de métastases aux poumons sont réduites due à une inhibition de leur vascularisation ce qui se traduit par une diminution de la prolifération et une augmentation de l’apoptose des cellules cancéreuses. De façon intéressante, l’expression élevée de DEP-1 dans les vaisseaux sanguins tumoraux de patientes atteintes du cancer du sein corrèle avec une vascularisation accrue de la tumeur. En plus du rôle de DEP-1 dans la réponse angiogénqiue à l’âge adulte, nos travaux ont également démontré le rôle important de DEP-1 lors de la vascularisation de la rétine, un modèle in vivo d’angiogenèse développementale. Dans ce contexte, DEP-1 inhibe la prolifération des cellules endothéliales et limite leur bourgeonnement et la complexification du réseau vasculaire rétinien en permettant l’expression adéquate du Dll4, un régulateur crucial de l’organisation de la vascularisation développementale. Cette expression du Dll4 découlerait de la stabilisation de la β-caténine par l’inactivation de la GSK3β, un régulateur important de la dégradation de la β-caténine, en réponse au VEGF selon la voie de signalisation VEGFR2-Src-PI3K-Akt-GSK3β. Ainsi, ces travaux identifient DEP-1 comme un régulateur important de l’organisation vasculaire rétinienne. Les rôles positifs de DEP-1 dans les cellules endothéliales découlent principalement de sa capacité à lier et activer la kinase Src. En plus de contribuer à la réponse angiogénique, Src est également un oncogène bien caractérisé notamment pour sa contribution au programme invasif des cellules cancéreuses mammaires. Les travaux de cette thèse illustrent que DEP-1 est préférentiellement exprimée dans les cellules cancéreuses mammaires invasives et qu’il régule l’activation de Src, de voies de signalisation invasives et, par le fait même, de l’invasivité de ces cellules in vitro et in vivo. De façon intéressante, ces observations corrèlent avec des données cliniques où l’expression modérée de DEP-1 est associée à un mauvais pronostic de survie et de rechute. Ces résultats démontrent donc, pour la première fois, le rôle positif de DEP-1 dans l’activation de Src au niveau des cellules endothéliales et des cellules cancéreuses mammaires ce qui permet la régulation du bourgeonnement endothélial, de la perméabilité vasculaire, de l’angiogenèse normale et pathologique en plus de l’invasion tumorale.
Les prostaglandines modulent d’importants rôles physiologiques. Elles sont aussi impliquées dans le développement d’une variété de conditions pathologiques telles l’inflammation, la douleur et le cancer. La prostaglandine PGF2α et son récepteur (récepteur FP) se trouvent impliqué dans la modulation de nombreuses pathologies tels lors de l’accouchement préterme et le cancer colorectal. Récemment, nous avons fait partie d’un groupe de recherche ayant développé des modulateurs allostériques du récepteur FP. Dans une première étude, l’action du PGF2α sur le déclenchement des contractions myométriales a été évaluée, car peu d’information est connue sur la signalisation de cette prostaglandine lors de l’accouchement. Ainsi, nous avons utilisé un peptidomimétique de la deuxième boucle extracellulaire, dénommée PDC113.824. Nos résultats ont démontré que le PDC113.824 permettait de retarder la mise bas chez des souris gestantes, mais agissait de manière différente sur les multiples voies de signalisation de la PGF2α. Ainsi, le PDC113.824 inhibait la voie RhoA-ROCK, dépendante de l’activation de la protéine Gα12 par le. Les protéines RhoA-ROCK sont des acteurs clés dans le remodelage du cytosquelette d’actine et des contractions myométriales lors de l’accouchement. De plus, le PDC113.824 en présence de PGF2α agit comme un modulateur positif sur la voie dépendante de l’activation de la protéine Gαq. Le PDC113.824 serait donc un modulateur allostérique non compétitif possédant des actions à la fois de modulateurs positifs et négatifs sur la signalisation du récepteur FP Dans une seconde étude, des analogues du PDC113.824 ont été conçus et analysés dans un second modèle pathologique, le cancer colorectal. Ce cancer possède de hauts niveaux de récepteur FP. Nous avons donc étudié le rôle du récepteur FP dans le développement et la progression du cancer colorectal et l’effet de modulateurs allostériques. Il est généralement accepté que dans le cancer colorectal, la prostaglandine PGE2 permet la croissance et l’invasion tumorale, ainsi que l’angiogenèse. Toutefois, peu d’informations sont connues sur le rôle du PGF2α dans le cancer colorectal. C’est dans ce contexte que nous avons décidé d’examiner la contribution de ce récepteur dans la progression du cancer colorectal et cherché à déterminer si la modulation des fonctions du récepteur FP a un impact sur la croissance de tumeurs colorectales. Nos recherches ont révélé que l’activation du récepteur FP permet la migration et la prolifération de plusieurs lignées cellulaires humaines et murines d’adénocarcinomes colorectaux. Dans ce contexte, nos expériences ont démontré que la migration des cellules cancéreuses était dépendante de l’activation de la voie Rho. Nos résultats démontrent qu’en effet, l’activation de RhoA, une petite GTPase clé de la voie Gα12, est inhibée de façon sélective par nos composés. De plus, nos molécules allostériques sont également efficaces pour inhiber la voie de signalisation de la ß-caténine, une protéine impliquée dans la genèse du cancer colorectal. In vivo, le traitement de souris avec un des ces modulateurs a permis une inhibition effective de la croissance tumorale. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats suggèrent donc que les modulateurs allostériques des récepteurs FP pourraient constituer une nouvelle classe de médicaments utilisés pour le traitement du cancer colorectal.
La vaccination est largement utilisée pour la génération de lymphocytes T spécifiques contre les tumeurs. Malheureusement, cette stratégie n'est pas adaptée aux personnes âgées car leur thymus régresse avec l'âge conduisant ainsi à une baisse dans la production de cellules T et à l'accumulation de cellules immunitaires âgées ayant des défauts liés à leurs stimulations. Comme il a été démontré auparavant que L’IL-21 est capable d’induire des fonctions thymiques, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que l’injection d’IL-21 à des souris âgées stimulera la thymopoïèse. Nos résultats montrent que l’administration de l’IL-21 augmente le nombre absolu de thymocytes chez les souris âgées et augmente la migration de ces cellules vers la périphérie ou ils contribuent à la diversité du TCR. De plus les cellules T en périphérie expriment un niveau plus élevé de miR181-a, et par conséquent moins de phosphatase comme SHP2, DUSP5/6 qui inhibent le TCR. En vaccinant des souris âgées avec le peptide Trp2, les souris traitées avec l’IL-21 montrent un retard dans la croissance des cellules B16 tumorales. Cette étude montre que l’IL-21 pourrait être utilisé comme stratégie pour le rétablissement du systeme immunitaire chez les personnes âgées.
A vast amount of data shows that angiogenesis has a pivotal role in tumor growth, progression, invasiveness and metastasis. This is a complex process involving essential signaling pathways such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and Notch in vasculature, as well as additional players such as bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells. Primary tumor cells, stromal cells and cancer stem cells strongly influence vessel growth in tumors. Better understanding of the role of the different pathways and the crosstalk between different cells during tumor angiogenesis are crucial factors for developing more effective anticancer therapies. Targeting angiogenic factors from the VEGF family has become an effective strategy to inhibit tumor growth and so far the most successful results are seen in metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC), renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLL). Despite the initial enthusiasm, the angiogenesis inhibitors showed only moderate survival benefit as monotherapy, along with a high cost and many side effects. Obviously, other important pathways may affect the angiogenic switch, among them Notch signaling pathway attracted a large interest because its ubiquitous role in carcinogenesis and angiogenesis. Herein we present the basics for VEGF and Notch signaling pathways and current advances of targeting them in antiangiogenic, antitumor therapy.
Dendritic cell (DC) defects are an important component of immunosuppression in cancer. Here, we assessed whether cancer could affect circulating DC populations and its correlation with tumor progression. The blood DC compartment was evaluated in 136 patients with breast cancer, prostate cancer, and malignant glioma. Phenotypic, quantitative, and functional analyses were performed at various stages of disease. Patients had significantly fewer circulating myeloid (CD11c(+)) and plasmacytoid (CD123(+)) DC, and a concurrent accumulation of CD11c(-)CD123(-) immature cells that expressed high levels of HLA-DR+ immature cells (DR+IC). Although DR+IC exhibited a limited expression of markers ascribed to mature hematopoietic lineages, expression of HLA-DR, CD40, and CD86 suggested a role as antigen-presenting cells. Nevertheless, DR+IC had reduced capacity to capture antigens and elicited poor proliferation and interferon-gamma secretion by T-lymphocytes. Importantly, increased numbers of DR+IC correlated with disease status. Patients with metastatic breast cancer showed a larger number of DR+IC in the circulation than patients with local/nodal disease. Similarly, in patients with fully resected glioma, the proportion of DR+IC in the blood increased when evaluation indicated tumor recurrence. Reduction of blood DC correlating with accumulation of a population of immature cells with poor immunologic function may be associated with increased immunodeficiency observed in cancer.
RNA interference (RNAi) is the latest new technology in the field of genetic medicine in which specific genes can be turned off, or silenced, so as to affect a therapeutic outcome. It can be highly specific, works in the nanomolar range and is far more effective than the antisense approaches popular 10-15 years ago. Here we review the field and explore the potential role of RNAi in cancer therapy, highlighting recent progress and examining the hurdles that must be overcome before this promising technology is ready for clinical use. (C) 2006 Prous Science. All rights reserved.
Clinical trials have shown temozolomide to be an effective agent for treatment of malignant melanoma. In order to investigate its suitability for delivery via the skin, a series of temozolomide esters was synthesized as prodrugs. In vitro assays demonstrated temozolomide, temozolomide acid and the hexyl ester equi-effective against selected cancer cell lines. The susceptibility of the esters to enzyme hydrolysis and their effectiveness for application to the skin were investigated. The esters effectively diffuse through rat skin and the hexyl ester demonstrated profound potency for penetrating through skin. Topical application of 5% (w/v) hexyl ester in DMSO solution on a mouse model demonstrated a significant inhibition of tumor growth. These results suggest that temozolomide esters could be an effective alternative to temozolomide in the treatment of skin cancer. © 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Loss of skeletal muscle is an important determinant of survival in patients with cancer-induced weight loss. The effect of the leucine metabolite beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) on the reduction of body weight loss and protein degradation in the MAC16 model of cancer-induced weight loss has been compared with that of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), a recognized inhibitor of protein degradation. HMB was found to attenuate the development of weight loss at a dose greater than 0.125 g/kg accompanied by a small reduction in tumor growth rate. When EPA was used at a suboptimal dose level (0.6 g/kg) the combination with HMB seemed to enhance the anticachectic effect. Both treatments caused an increase in the wet weight of soleus muscle and a reduction in protein degradation, although there did not seem to be a synergistic effect of the combination. Proteasome activity, determined by the "chymotrypsin-like" enzyme activity, was attenuated by both HMB and EPA. Protein expression of the 20S alpha or beta subunits was reduced by at least 50%, as were the ATPase subunits MSS1 and p42 of the 19S proteasome regulatory subunit. This was accompanied by a reduction in the expression of E2(14k) ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme. The combination of EPA and HMB was at least as effective or more effective than either treatment alone. Attenuation of proteasome expression was reflected as a reduction in protein degradation in gastrocnemius muscle of cachectic mice treated with HMB. In addition, HMB produced a significant stimulation of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle. These results suggest that HMB preserves lean body mass and attenuates protein degradation through down-regulation of the increased expression of key regulatory components of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway, together with stimulation of protein synthesis.
Cancer cachexia is characterized by selective depletion of skeletal muscle protein reserves. Soleus muscles from mice bearing a cachexia-inducing tumor (MAC16) showed an increased protein degradation in vitro, as measured by tyrosine release, when compared with muscles from nontumor-bearing animals. After incubation under conditions that modify different proteolytic systems, lysosomal, calcium-dependent, and ATP-dependent proteolysis were found to contribute to the elevated protein catabolism. Treatment of mice bearing the MAC16 tumor with the polyunsaturated fatty acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), attenuated loss of body weight and significantly suppressed protein catabolism in soleus muscles through an inhibition of an ATP-dependent proteolytic pathway. The ATP-ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway is considered to play a major role in muscle catabolism in cachexia, and functional proteasome activity, as determined by “chymotrypsin-like” enzyme activity, was significantly elevated in gastrocnemius muscle of mice bearing the MAC16 tumor as weight loss progressed. When animals bearing the MAC16 tumor were treated with EPA, functional proteasome activity was completely suppressed, together with attenuation of the expression of 20S proteasome a-subunits and the p42 regulator, whereas there was no effect on the expression of the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E214k). These results suggest that EPA induces an attenuation of the up-regulation of proteasome expression in cachectic mice, and this was correlated with an increase in myosin expression, confirming retention of contractile proteins. EPA also inhibited growth of the MAC16 tumor in a dose-dependent manner, and this correlated with suppression of the expression of the 20S proteasome a-subunits in tumor cells, suggesting that this may be the mechanism of tumor growth inhibition. Thus EPA antagonizes loss of skeletal muscle proteins in cancer cachexia by down-regulation of proteasome expression, and this may also be the mechanism for inhibition of tumor growth.
The Tie receptors (Tie-1 and Tie-2/Tek) are essential for angiogenesis and vascular remodeling/integrity. Tie receptors are up-regulated in tumor-associated endothelium, and their inhibition disrupts angiogenesis and can prevent tumor growth as a consequence. To investigate the potential of anti-gene approaches to inhibit tie gene expression for anti-angiogenic therapy, we have examined triple-helical (triplex) DNA formation at 2 tandem Ets transcription factor binding motifs (designated E-1 and E-2) in the human tie-1 promoter. Various tie-1 promoter deletion/mutation luciferase reporter constructs were generated and transfected into endothelial cells to examine the relative activities of E-1 and E-2. The binding of antiparallel and parallel (control) purine motif oligonucleotides (21-22 bp) targeted to E-1 and E-2 was assessed by plasmid DNA fragment binding and electrophoretic mobility shift assays. Triplex-forming oligonucleotides were incubated with tie-1 reporter constructs and transfected into endothelial cells to determine their activity. The Ets binding motifs in the E-1 sequence were essential for human tie-1 promoter activity in endothelial cells, whereas the deletion of E-2 had no effect. Antiparallel purine motif oligonucleotides targeted at E-1 or E-2 selectively formed strong triplex DNA (K(d) approximately 10(-7) M) at 37 degrees C. Transfection of tie-1 reporter constructs with triplex DNA at E-1, but not E-2, specifically inhibited tie-1 promoter activity by up to 75% compared with control oligonucleotides in endothelial cells. As similar multiple Ets binding sites are important for the regulation of several endothelial-restricted genes, this approach may have broad therapeutic potential for cancer and other pathologies involving endothelial proliferation/dysfunction.
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: The study of biological behavior of odontogenic lesions is essential to the establishment of appropriate therapeutic approach and prognosis. The production of extracellular matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), angiogenesis and cell proliferation contribute to tumor growth. This paper aims to review the literature on odontogenic tumors (OT) selected according to the new World Health Organization classification (WHO- 2005) by evaluating the expression of MMPs, angiogenic and cell proliferation. Furthermore, it aims to verify the relation between these markers and the biological behavior of these lesions. RESULTS: it was found that MMPs -1, -2, -7, -9 and -26 had a higher expression in both epithelial component and stroma, and 13 particularly in the stroma. Increased angiogenesis was observed in more aggressive OT. CD105 expression was higher in keratocystic odontogenic tumour (KOT) and CD34 in solid ameloblastomas (SA). It was observed a higher expression of Ki-67 and p53 in SA and KOT and a low cell proliferation rate in the adenomatoid odontogenic tumour (AOT). CONCLUSION: These results show that MMPs are involved in invasion and recurrence of some odontogenic lesions and are associated with the biological behavior of these tumors. Angiogenesis is critical to provide support to cell proliferation and these concomitant events are correlated with different levels of biological behavior in OT when compared to odontogenic cysts, hence the use of angiogenic inhibitors may be a potential therapeutic approach in these lesions.
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: The study of biological behavior of odontogenic lesions is essential to the establishment of appropriate therapeutic approach and prognosis. The production of extracellular matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), angiogenesis and cell proliferation contribute to tumor growth. This paper aims to review the literature on odontogenic tumors (OT) selected according to the new World Health Organization classification (WHO- 2005) by evaluating the expression of MMPs, angiogenic and cell proliferation. Furthermore, it aims to verify the relation between these markers and the biological behavior of these lesions. RESULTS: it was found that MMPs -1, -2, -7, -9 and -26 had a higher expression in both epithelial component and stroma, and 13 particularly in the stroma. Increased angiogenesis was observed in more aggressive OT. CD105 expression was higher in keratocystic odontogenic tumour (KOT) and CD34 in solid ameloblastomas (SA). It was observed a higher expression of Ki-67 and p53 in SA and KOT and a low cell proliferation rate in the adenomatoid odontogenic tumour (AOT). CONCLUSION: These results show that MMPs are involved in invasion and recurrence of some odontogenic lesions and are associated with the biological behavior of these tumors. Angiogenesis is critical to provide support to cell proliferation and these concomitant events are correlated with different levels of biological behavior in OT when compared to odontogenic cysts, hence the use of angiogenic inhibitors may be a potential therapeutic approach in these lesions.
Some patients with cancer never develop metastasis, and their host response might provide cues for innovative treatment strategies. We previously reported an association between autoantibodies against complement factor H (CFH) and early-stage lung cancer. CFH prevents complement-mediated cytotoxicity (CDC) by inhibiting formation of cell-lytic membrane attack complexes on self-surfaces. In an effort to translate these findings into a biologic therapy for cancer, we isolated and expressed DNA sequences encoding high-affinity human CFH antibodies directly from single, sorted B cells obtained from patients with the antibody. The co-crystal structure of a CFH antibody-target complex shows a conformational change in the target relative to the native structure. This recombinant CFH antibody causes complement activation and release of anaphylatoxins, promotes CDC of tumor cell lines, and inhibits tumor growth in vivo. The isolation of anti-tumor antibodies derived from single human B cells represents an alternative paradigm in antibody drug discovery.