486 resultados para Tryptophan.


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La maladie du greffon contre l’hôte (GVHD) est la principale cause de mortalité et de morbidité suite aux greffes de cellules souches hématopoïétiques. Plusieurs patients demeurent réfractaires aux traitements actuels ce qui rend nécessaire le développement de nouvelles stratégies afin de combattre cette maladie. Dans l’étude qui suit, nous avons utilisé un nouvel agent thérapeutique, le TH9402, une molécule photosensible et démontré qu’elle permet, lorsqu’exposée à la lumière visible (514 nm), d’éliminer sélectivement les cellules T activées in vivo tout en préservant les cellules T au repos et les cellules T régulatrices (Tregs). Les Tregs ainsi préservés peuvent abroger la réponse alloréactive par la sécrétion d’IL-10 ou par contact cellule-cellule via un mécanisme impliquant le CTLA-4. Nous avons découvert que la signalisation du CTLA-4 était associée à une hausse de la population Treg in vitro. Cette hausse est due à la conversion de cellules T CD4+CD25- en Tregs et non à une prolifération sélective des Tregs. Dans la deuxième partie de cette étude, nous avons démontré que la signalisation de CTLA-4 était associée à une augmentation de l’expression de la protéine Indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase (IDO). Ces effets nécessitent la déplétion du tryptophane ainsi que de la protéine de phase aigue GCN2. Finalement, nous avons observé que l’infusion de cellules traitées au TH9402 chez des patients souffrant de GVHD chronique est associée à une augmentation de la population Treg chez ces patients sans causer de lymphopénie ni de diminution de la réponse immunitaire dirigée contre les antigènes viraux. Ces résultats suggèrent que le traitement au TH9402 pourrait représenter une approche particulièrement intéressante pour le traitement de la GVHD chronique réfractaire aux traitements actuels. De plus, l’augmentation de l’expression d’IDO pourrait être utilisée comme valeur prédictive de la réponse du patient au traitement. Ceci pourrait permettre d’améliorer la qualité de soins ainsi que de la qualité de vie des patients souffrant de GVHD chronique.


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OBJECTIVE: There is burgeoning interest in augmentation strategies for improving inadequate response to antidepressants. The adjunctive use of standardized pharmaceutical-grade nutrients, known as nutraceuticals, has the potential to modulate several neurochemical pathways implicated in depression. While many studies have been conducted in this area, to date no specialized systematic review (or meta-analysis) has been conducted. METHOD: A systematic search of PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science was conducted up to December 2015 for clinical trials using adjunctive nutrients for depression. Where sufficient data were available, a random-effects model analyzed the standard mean difference between treatment and placebo in the change from baseline to endpoint, combining the effect size data. Funnel plot and heterogeneity analyses were also performed. RESULTS: Primarily positive results were found for replicated studies testing S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), methylfolate, omega-3 (primarily EPA or ethyl-EPA), and vitamin D, with positive isolated studies for creatine, folinic acid, and an amino acid combination. Mixed results were found for zinc, folic acid, vitamin C, and tryptophan, with nonsignificant results for inositol. No major adverse effects were noted in the studies (aside from minor digestive disturbance). A meta-analysis of adjunctive omega-3 versus placebo revealed a significant and moderate to strong effect in favor of omega-3. Conversely, a meta-analysis of folic acid revealed a nonsignificant difference from placebo. Marked study heterogeneity was found in a Higgins test for both omega-3 and folic acid studies; funnel plots also revealed asymmetry (reflecting potential study bias). CONCLUSIONS: Current evidence supports adjunctive use of SAMe, methylfolate, omega-3, and vitamin D with antidepressants to reduce depressive symptoms.


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Fibromyalgia (FM) is a prevalent disorder defined by the presence of chronic widespread pain in association with fatigue, sleep disturbances and cognitive dysfunction. Recent studies indicate that bipolar spectrum disorders frequently co-occur in individuals with FM. Furthermore, shared pathophysiological mechanisms anticipate remarkable phenomenological similarities between FM and BD. A comprehensive search of the English literature was carried out in the Pubmed/MEDLINE database through May 10th, 2015 to identify unique references pertaining to the epidemiology and shared pathophysiology between FM and bipolar disorder (BD). Overlapping neural circuits may underpin parallel clinical manifestations of both disorders. Fibromyalgia and BD are both characterized by functional abnormalities in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, higher levels of inflammatory mediators, oxidative and nitrosative stress as well as mitochondrial dysfunction. An over-activation of the kynurenine pathway in both illnesses drives tryptophan away from the production of serotonin and melatonin, leading to affective symptoms, circadian rhythm disturbances and abnormalities in pain processing. In addition, both disorders are associated with impaired neuroplasticity (e.g., altered brain-derived neurotrophic factor signaling). The recognition of the symptomatic and pathophysiological overlapping between FM and bipolar spectrum disorders has relevant etiological, clinical and therapeutic implications that deserve future research consideration.


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Peptides have demonstrated unique capabilities to fabricate inorganic nanomaterials of numerous compositions through noncovalent binding of the growing surface in solution. In this contribution, we demonstrate that these biomolecules can control all facets of Au nanoparticle fabrication, including Au3+ reduction, without the use of secondary reagents. In this regard using the AuBP1 peptide, the N-terminal tryptophan residue is responsible for driving Au3+ reduction to generate Au nanoparticles passivated by the oxidized peptide in solution, where localized residue context effects control the reducing strength of the biomolecule. The process was fully monitored by both time-resolved monitoring of the growth of the localized surface plasmon resonance and transmission electron microscopy. Nanoparticle growth occurs by a unique disaggregation of nanoparticle aggregates in solution. Computational modeling demonstrated that the oxidized residue of the peptide sequence does not impact the biomolecule's ability to bind the inorganic surface, as compared to the parent peptide, confirming that the biomolecule can be exploited for all steps in the nanoparticle fabrication process. Overall, these results expand the utility of peptides for the fabrication of inorganic nanomaterials, more strongly mimicking their use in nature via biomineralization processes. Furthermore, these capabilities enhance the simplicity of nanoparticle production and could find rapid use in the generation of complex multicomponent materials or nanoparticle assembly.


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Se describe la variante homocigota c.320-2A>G de TGM1 en dos hermanas con ictiosis congénita autosómica recesiva. El clonaje de los transcritos generados por esta variante permitió identificar tres mecanismos moleculares de splicing alternativos.