997 resultados para Transnationale Kultur
Cultural heritage has become something of an in-word in recent times. Intangible cultural heritage, however, is a category that has received relatively little attention. This folkloristic study focuses on intangible cultural heritage as concept and as process. Folkloristics as a scholarly branch emphasizes non-material culture. Consequently, there is a big potential in bringing existing knowledge of folklore together with current scholarly theories concerning cultural heritage in order to expand the understanding of intangible cultural heritage. In this thesis cultural heritage is regarded as a symbolic construct, which is spoken of and discussed in specific ways. The study of intangible cultural heritage (Swe. kulturarv) as concept focuses on this area. For a cultural component to be experienced as intangible cultural heritage it is, however, not enough to discuss it in those terms. Instead, cultural heritage status needs to be acted out during lengthy processes. This is demonstrated by the study of intangible cultural heritage as process. As a consequence performativity appears crucial to an understanding of cultural heritage – when a sufficient number of people speak and act as if a cultural component has a special status, it will also be perceived as cultural heritage. In this dissertation intangible cultural heritage is studied through cultural analysis, more specifically through discourse analysis. The usage of the concept intangible cultural heritage within cultural organizations, in scholarly use and in the Swedish-speaking press in Finland is examined. Traditional music in the Swedish-speaking districts of Finland is used as a case study of intangible cultural heritage as process. The examination concerns how traditional music, an intangible cultural component, has been discussed, transformed, standardized and objectified in a cultural heritage process. Cultural heritage is generally used as a token of value so that certain cultural components, both intangible and tangible, which are discussed in terms of cultural heritage are perceived to be valuable and should therefore be safeguarded. Intangible cultural heritage depends on performance, that is practitioners use their bodies to act out their traditional knowledge through song, handicraft, storytelling and so on. Intangible cultural components can be transmitted to other individuals in a performance situation, and they can also be documented. In Finland documentation and subsequent filing in archives have been associated with safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage. If the aim of safeguarding is to uphold traditional practices, which is the case for among others UNESCO’s programs aimed at intangible cultural heritage, other efforts are called for: forms of safeguarding that support performance and transmission.
Bakgrunn for denne studien har vært en uro over markedskreftenes innflytelse i samfunnet generelt og i helsevesenet spesielt. Økonomiske organisasjonsmodeller er utviklet for det private næringsliv, hvor organisasjonens mål er å tjene penger. Når kostnadsbesparelser og effektivitet er førende tenkning i kulturen, er det en fare for at mennesket blir sett på som et verktøy eller middel for effektivisering av organisasjonen. Det synes derfor å være et behov for ny tenkning om ledelse, hvor lederens ansvar i større grad er knyttet til ansvar for medmennesket og for mellommenneskelige relasjoner, fremfor ytre strukturer og økonomiske resultater. Hensikten med denne studien har vært å studere hva ansvarlig ledelse er med bakgrunn i vårdvitenskapen, filosofiske tekster av Levinas og Gadamer, samt empirisk materiale. Studien viser at ansvarlig ledelse er styrt av et indre ansvar og har sin etiske grunn i kjærligheten til medmennesket. Ansvarlig ledelse er en del av det å være menneske, og dette innebærer å føre seg selv og andre frem mot ansvaret for de som er sårbare og hjelpeløse. Å føre andre frem mot ansvaret for medmennesket og for fellesskapet er å ivareta egen og andres verdighet ved å fremme menneskets naturlige retningsbestemmelse. Ansvaret for andre danner menneskets menneskelighet i berørthet og følsomhet ved andres smerte og lidelse. Dette vekker menneskets potensial for godhet og nestekjærlighet. Forståelsen for ansvarets betydning bidrar til et fellesskap som opprøres over den urett som rammer andre, og kjennetegnes av solidaritet med de svakeste. Studien viser at ansvarlig ledelse er å tjene den andre i stedfortredelse og ydmykhet. Den andre er den egentlige leder og ledestjerne, og den andre er den som kan avgjøre om ledelse er ansvarlig ledelse. Overført til sykehus vil dette innebære at ansvarlig ledelse er å fremme en kultur, hvor pasienten er den naturlige ledestjerne i fellesskapet. Et slikt fellesskap verner om og gir vekstvilkår for det gode vårdande. Teorimodellen om ansvarlig ledelse er rettet mot hva det innebærer å være ansvarlig som menneske. Det vises til et ansvar som kan betraktes som et vilkår, eller som en mulighet ved livet selv. Å påta seg ansvar for andre gir kraft og mot, og bidrar til at mennesket utvikler sitt iboende potensial for å kunne styres av et ”indre bør” fremfor ytre regler og direktiver. Ledelse knyttet til et slikt ansvar innebærer noe mer enn ledelse som en rolle eller funksjon i organisasjoner, da det er et ansvar som strekker seg utover det som kan rommes i en stillingsinstruks.
Tämän selvitystyön tavoitteena oli selvittää ja ennakoida, miltä musiikkialan tulevaisuus näyttää ja minkälaista osaamista alalla tarvitaan. Selvitys- ja ennakointityö perustuu tilastoihin, aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin, asiantuntijahaastatteluihin ja työpajoihin. Selvitystyön tilaaja on Uudenmaan elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus. Musiikkiala määritellään selvityksessä laajasti. Siihen sisällytetään koko arvoverkosto, joka toimii musiikin ympärillä, sisältäen myös muut toimialat, jotka hyödyntävät välillisesti musiikkia. Musiikkialaa tarkastellaan elinkeinopoliittisesta ja yrittäjyyden näkökulmasta, eli tarkastelun kohteena on musiikin kautta syntyvä liiketoiminta ja se, miten sen edellytyksiä voidaan tukea. Tutkimuksen kiteytyksenä voidaan todeta, että musiikkialan tulevaisuus on täynnä mahdollisuuksia. Äänitemyynnin tavat ja jakelukanavat ovat monipuolistuneet ja fyysisten äänitteiden myynnin laskun vastapainona live-musiikki sekä lisensointitoiminta ovat kasvaneet voimakkaasti. Meneillään oleva murroskausi rikastuttaa musiikin tarjontaa, käyttöä sekä liiketoimintamalleja, samalla kun fyysisestä äänitteestä irtautuminen avaa mahdollisuuden kehittää uusia vaihtoehtoisia ja toisaalta täydentäviä käyttötapoja perinteisten äänitteiden rinnalle. Musiikkialan ja sen osaamistarpeiden muutoksen keskiössä on ajattelutavan, ansaintalogiikan ja toimijoiden kulttuurin muuttuminen tuotantokeskeisestä ajattelusta kohti palveluliiketoimintaa. Asiakassuhdeajattelu on noussut keskeiseksi samalla kun musiikin arvon käsite muuttuu ja äänitteen omistamisen sijaan arvoa luo enenevässä määrin yhteys artistiin sekä puhuttelevat, aidot tarinat sekä ilmiöt musiikin yhteydessä. Musiikkialan yleinen painopiste on siirtymässä tarjonnasta, eli äänitteiden tekemisestä kysynnän luomiseen eli kiinnostuksen herättämiseen ja musiikkikokemuksen rikastuttamiseen. Muutos tuotantokeskeisestä ajattelusta palvelu – ja asiakaskeskeiseen ajatteluun kyseenalaistaa vallitsevan toiminnan logiikan sekä olemassa olevat rakenteet. Muutoksen taustalla on myös jatkuvasti kehittyvä teknologia, joka digitalisoitumisen myötä on antanut ennen kokemattoman vallan musiikin kuuntelijoille sekä monipuolistanut musiikin tekemisen, kokemisen ja hyödyntämisen mahdollisuuksia, avaten samalla tilaisuuksia uusille yrittäjille.
From Bildung to Civilisation. Conception of Culture in J. V. Snellman’s Historical Thinking The research explores Johan Vilhelm Snellman’s (1806–1881) conception of culture in the context of his historical thinking. Snellman was a Finnish, Swedish-speaking journalist, teacher and thinker, who held a central position in the Finnish national discourse during the nineteenth century. He has been considered as one of the leading theorists of a Finnish nation, writing widely about the themes such as the advancement of the national education, Finnish language and culture. Snellman is already a widely studied person in Finnish intellectual history, often characterised as a follower of G. W. F. Hegel’s philosophical system. My own research introduces a new kind of approach on Snellman’s texts, emphasising the conceptual level of his thought. With this approach, my aim is to broaden the Finnish research tradition on conceptual history. I consider my study as a cultural history of concepts, belonging also to the field of intellectual history. My focus is on one hand on the close reading of Snellman’s texts and on the other hand on contextualising his texts to the European intellectual tradition of the time. A key concept of Snellman’s theoretical thinking is his concept of bildning, which can be considered as a Swedish counterpart of the German concept of Bildung. The Swedish word incorporated all the main elements of the German concept. It could mean education or the so-called high culture, but most fundamentally it was about the self-formation of the individual. This is also the context in which Snellman’s concept of bildning has often been interpreted. In the study, I use the concept of bildning as a starting point of my research but I broaden my focus on the cognate concepts such as culture (kultur), spirit (anda) and civilisation. The purpose of my study is thus to illustrate how Snellman used and modified these concepts and from these observations to draw a conclusion about the nature of his conception of culture. Snellman was an early Finnish philosopher of history but also interested in the practice of the writing of history. He did not write any historical presentations himself but followed the publications in the field of history and introduced European historical writing to the Finnish, Swedish-speaking reading audience in his newspapers. The primary source material consists of different types of Snellman’s texts, including philosophical writings, lecture material, newspaper articles and private letters. I’m reading Snellman’s texts in the context of other texts produced both by his Finnish predecessors and contemporaries and by Swedish, German and French writers. Snellman’s principal philosophical works, Versuch einer spekulativen Entwicklung der Idee der Persönlichkeit (1841) and Läran om staten (1842), were both written abroad. Both of the works were contributions to contemporary debates on the international level, especially in Germany and Sweden. During the 1840s and 1850s Snellman had two newspapers of his own, Saima and Litteraturblad, which were directed towards the Swedish-speaking educated class. Both of the newspapers were very popular and their circulations were among the largest of their day in Finland. The topics of his articles and reviews covered literature, poetry, philosophy and education as well as issues concerning the economic, industrial and technical development in Finland. In his newspapers Snellman not only brought forth his own ideas but also spread the knowledge of European events and ideas to his readers. He followed very carefully the cultural and political situation in Western Europe. He also followed European magazines and newspapers and was well acquainted with German, French and also English literature – and of course Swedish literature to with which he had the closest ties. In his newspapers Snellman wrote countless number of literary reviews and critics, introducing his readers to European literature. The study consists of three main chapters in which I explore my research question in three different, yet overlapping contexts. In the first of these chapters, I analyse Snellman’n theoretical thinking and his concepts of bildning, kultur, anda and civilisation in the context of earlier cultural discourse in Finland as well as the tradition of German idealistic philosophy and neo-humanism. With the Finnish cultural discourse I refer to the early cultural discussion in Finland, which emerged after the year 1809, when Finland became an autonomous entity of its own as a Grand Duchy of Russia. Scholars of the Academy of Turku opened a discussion on the themes such as the state of national consciousness, the need for national education and the development of the Finnish language as a national language of Finland. Many of these academics were also Snellman’s teachers in the early years of his academic career and Snellman clearly formulated his own ideas in the footsteps of these Finnish predecessors. In his theoretical thinking Snellman was a collectivist; according to him an individual should always be understood in connection with the society, its values and manners, as well as to the traditions of a culture where an individual belongs to. In his philosophy of the human spirit Snellman was in many ways a Hegelian but his notion of education or ‘bildning’ includes also elements that connect him with the wider tradition of German intellectual history, namely the neo-humanist tradition and, at least to some extent, to the terminology of J. G. Herder or J. G. Fichte, for example. In this chapter, I also explore Snellman’s theory of history. In his historical thinking Snellman was an idealist, believing in the historical development of the human spirit (Geist in German language). One can characterise his theory of history by stating that it is a mixture of a Hegelian triumph of the spirit and Herderian emphasis on humanity (Humanität) and the relative nature of ‘Bildung’. For Snellman, the process of ‘bildning’ or ‘Bildung’ is being realised in historical development through the actions of human beings. Snellman believed in the historical development of the human civilization. Still Snellman himself considered that he had abandoned Hegel’s idea about the process of world history. Snellman – rightly or wrongly – criticised Hegel of emphasising the universal end of history (the realisation of the freedom of spirit) at the expense of the historical plurality and the freedom of each historical era. Snellman accused Hegel of neglecting the value and independency of different historical cultures and periods by imposing the abstract norm, the fulfilment of the freedom of spirit, as the ultimate goal of history. The historicist in Snellman believed in the individuality of each historical period; each historical era or culture had values, traditions and modes of thought of its own. This historicist in Snellman could not accept the talk about one measure or the end of history. On the other hand Snellman was also a universalist. He believed that mankind had a common task and that task was the development of ‘Bildung’, freedom or humanity. The second main chapter consists of two parts. In the first part, I explore the Finnish nationalistic discourse from the cultural point of view by analysing the notions such as a nation, national spirit or national language and showing how Snellman formulated his own ideas in a dialogic situation, participating in the Finnish discourse but also reacting to international discussions on the themes of the nation and nationality. For Snellman nationality was to a great extent the collective knowledge and customs or practices of the nation. Snellman stated that nationality is to be considered as a form of ‘bildning’. This could be seen not simply as affection for the fatherland but also for the mental identity of the nation, its ways of thinking, its practices, national language, customs and laws, the history of the nation. The simplest definition of nationality that Snellman gives is that nationality is the social life of the people. In the second part of the chapter I exam Snellman’s historical thinking and his understanding about historical development, interaction between different nations and cultures in the course of history, as well as the question of historical change; how do cultures or civilisations develop and who are the creators of culture? Snellman did not believe in one dominating culture but understood the course of history as a dialogue between different cultures. On the other hand, his views are very Eurocentric – here he follows the ideas of Hegel or for example the French historian François Guizot – for Snellman Europe represented the virtue of pluralism; in Europe one could see the diversity of cultures which, on the other hand, were fundamentally based on a common Christian tradition. In the third main chapter, my focus is on the writing of history, more precisely on Snellman’s ideas on the nature of history as a science and on the proper way of writing historical presentations. Snellman wrote critics on the works of history and introduced his readers to the writing of history especially in France, Sweden and German-speaking area – in some extend also in Britain. Snellman’s collectivistic view becomes evident also in his reviews on historical writing. For Snellman history was not about the actions of the states and their heads, nor about the records of ruling families and battles fought. He repeatedly stressed that history is a discipline that seeks to provide a total view of a phenomenon. A historian should not only collect information on historical events, since this information touches only the surface of a certain epoch or civilisation; he has to understand an epoch as totality. This required an understanding about the major contours in history, connections between civilisations and an awareness of significant turning points in historical development. In addition, it required a holistic understanding about a certain culture or historical era, including also the so-called inner life of a specific nation, a common people and their ways of life. Snellman wrote explicitly about ‘cultural history’ in his texts, referring to this kind of broad understanding of a society. In historical writing Snellman found this kind of broader view from the works of the French historians such as François Guizot and Jules Michelet. In all of these chapters, I elaborate the conceptual dimension of Snellman’s historical thinking. In my study I argue that Snellman not only adopted the German concepts of Bildung or Kultur in his own thinking but also developed the Swedish concepts in a way that include personal and innovative aspects. Snellman’s concept of bildning is not only a translation from ‘Bildung’ but he uses the Swedish concept in a versatile way that includes both the moral aspect of human development and social dimension of a human life. Along with ‘bildning’ Snellman used also the terms ‘kultur’ and ‘civilisation’ when referring to the totality of a certain nation or historical era, including both the so-called high culture (arts, science, religion) and the modes of thought as well as ways of life of the people as a whole. Unlike many of his Finnish contemporaries, Snellman did not use civilisation as a negative concept, lacking the moral essence of German term ‘Bildung’ or ‘Kultur’. Instead, for Snellman civilisation was a neutral term and here he comes close to the French tradition of using the term. In the study I argue that Snellman’s conception of culture in fact includes a synthesis of the German tradition of ‘Bildung’ and the French tradition of ‘civilisation’.
The main objective of this doctoral dissertation is to reach a holistic and indepth understanding of the intercultural interaction within dyadic business relationships through the perspective of individual managers. The empirical setting is dyadic business relationships between Russian and Finnish firms in construction and engineering industries. The motivation for the study mainly arose from: 1) the lack of business marketing literature considering cultural and individual perspectives; 2) the need to find ways to study intercultural issues in business relationships, other than through the application of models derived from the work of Hofstede (1980). The study consists of two parts, an introductory essay containing the research objectives, theoretical foundations, methodological choices, limitations and contributions, and original research articles. The four articles each address a sub-objective: 1) to develop an understanding of intercultural business relationships development, cultural adaptation, and its role in the development of trust (Article 1); 2) to develop an appropriate methodological framework for studying business interaction from a cultural and individual perspective (Article 2); 3) to develop an understanding of the role of culture in individual manager’s sensemaking of interaction events in business relationships (Article 3); and 4) to develop an appropriate theoretical framework for studying interactive intercultural business relationships in international industrial markets (Article 4). The ontological and epistemological foundations are built on the interpretivist/ social constructivist view of reality. Interaction, in this study, is seen as being conducted between individuals, who are the key representative actors of their firms. In turn, culture is regarded both as an independent context existing prior to the individuals’ participation in it, and as knowledge incorporated by the individuals, who use it in sensemaking and interaction across cultures. The methods applied in the articles are: an interpretive qualitative study (Article 1), a literature review and conceptual analysis (Article 2), a structural analysis of the narratives and a metaphor analysis (Article 3), and a literature review and conceptual analysis (Article 4). The main contributions are the following. First, it contributes to business marketing literature by developing the theoretical, conceptual, and methodological underpinning of IMP theories in relation to culture. Second, the thesis contributes to the growing literature on managerial sensemaking in industrial markets by looking at it from a cultural perspective, as well as emphasizing the importance of figurative language in cultural sensemaking.
Denna studie är inriktad på att granska vad de nationella styrdokumentstexterna för små barn 0–6 år innehåller, vilka riktlinjer och centrala teman de föreskriver, tyngdpunktsområden som man i framtiden ska satsa på inom den småbarnsfostran och förskoleundervisning som den offentliga sektorn arrangerar och övervakar. Studien baserar sig på en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Grunderna för planen för småbarnsfostran (Stakes, 2005) och Grunderna för förskoleundervisningens läroplan 2010 (Utbildningsstyrelsen, 2010). Utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys kan man studera såväl textens innebördsaspekt som dess interpersonella aspekt, t.ex. hur myndigheter talar till medborgarna. Utgångspunkten i studien är att se de två planerna (styrdokumenten) som text och utgå ifrån att textens innebörd är otydlig och därför behöver klargöras. För att klargöra texternas innebördsaspekt jämförs de två styrdokumentens innehåll med forskning och litteratur på området. Forskningsfrågorna är: Vad framträder som de centrala principerna och tyngdpunkterna i de två planerna? För att få svar på huvudfrågan användes sju delfrågor: 1. Hur uttrycks kunskapssynen i planerna? 2. Hur uttrycks den pedagogiska grundsynen i planerna? 3. Hur uttrycks människosynen i planerna? 4. Hur uttrycks kultursynen i planerna? 5. Hur uttrycks värden och normer i planerna? 6. Hur uttrycks fostran, undervisning och lärande i planerna? 7. Hur uttrycks utvärderingen i planerna? Enligt studiens resultat styrs dagens styrdokument och läroplansskrivningar för barn 0–6 år, till stor del av internationella dokument. Undervisningen bör inte fokusera på förutbestämt innehåll och färdiga metoder utan bygga på utveckling av processer och reflektion i lärandet. Kultursynen framträder otydligt i de två planernas text. Kultur visade sig vara ett svårtolkat begrepp. Hur man tolkar och förstår planerna (styrdokumenten) får konsekvenser ur barnets synvinkel, eftersom planerna är dokument av normkaraktär. I planering och utvärdering av pedagogisk verksamhet måste både normativ didaktik och deskriptiv eller analytisk didaktik vara med för att undervisningsprocessen ska leda till en utvecklingsprocess. Med individuella läroplaner har synen på lärande, utveckling och (barn) människa förändrats. Nu handlar det om att lära sig att lära och att bidra till hela jordklotets väl och ve. Det ställer krav på 2000-talets pedagoger eftersom barnens uppväxtmiljö har förändrats genom att samhället blir alltmer multikulturellt.
Avhandlingen studerar samspelet mellan det politiska och det ekonomiska systemet genom det föregående seklet, med speciellt fokus på den nyliberala omdaning som utspelats de senaste tre årtiondena. Med en liberaliserad ekonomi och en individualiserad människa måste också det politiska systemet utformas på ett annat sätt. Gradvisa förändringar har varit synliga, som den växande nätverksorganiseringen, dvs. att olika typer av utvecklingspolitik allt mer genomförs som ett samspel mellan samhällssektorerna, istället för att enbart utföras av den offentliga sektorn som tidigare. Genom fyra fallstudier i Österbotten demonstreras hur arenor för samverkan kan konstrueras i enlighet med vad den aktuella frågan kräver. Ett exempel är det innovationsnätverk som skapats i Karleby-Jakobstad-regionen, där offentliga och privata intressenter deltar, och som samtidigt bryter traditionella administrativa gränser. Ett annat mer negativt exempel är omstruktureringsprocessen i Kaskö-regionen eft er Metsä-Botnia-fabrikens nedläggning, där småkommunproblemet tillsammans med att den privata intressenten inte haft skyldighet att samverka lett till att en tillräckligt regionalt förankrad arena för en långsiktig utvecklingspolitik inte har kunnat skapas. Det här visar på trögheten i det finska systemet, där en stark enhetsstat och en splittrad kommunal nivå ur ett historiskt perspektiv hindrat flexibla anpassningar till samhällsförändringar. Avhandlingen visar att nätverksorganiseringen bör vara en integrerad del av de representativa strukturerna för att kunna påverka processernas utfall. Avhandlingen visar framförallt att deltagande och funktionellt definierade regionala och lokala arenor har stor potential, både ekonomiskt och demokratiskt. Det handlar om att skapa en kultur med aktiverade och engagerade medborgare, vilket står i kontrast till det allt mer passiverande representativa systemet. ---------------------------------------- Väitöskirja tutkii viime vuosisadan poliittisen ja taloudellisen järjestelmän vuorovaikutusta keskittyen erityisesti kolmen viimeisen vuosikymmenen uusliberaaliseen muutokseen. Talouden liberalisoituminen ja ihmisen individualisoituminen edellyttävät myös poliittisen järjestelmän mukautumista. Asteittaisia muutoksia on ollut havaittavissa, kuten kasvava verkosto-organisaatio, toisin sanoen eri alojen kehityspolitiikkaa toteutetaan yhä enemmän eri yhteiskuntasektoreiden vuorovaikutuksena, kun aikaisemmin ainoastaan julkinen sektori vastasi kehityspolitiikan toteuttamisesta. Pohjanmaan maakunnan neljän tapaustutkimuksen avulla osoitetaan, miten vuorovaikutusareena voidaan rakentaa kulloinkin ajankohtaisen asiakokonaisuuden ympärille. Tästä esimerkkinä on Kokkola-Pietarsaari –alueen innovaatioverkosto, johon osallistuvat sekä julkiset että yksityiset sidosryhmät ja joka samalla rikkoo perinteisiä hallinnollisia rajoja. Toinen, kielteisempi esimerkki on Kaskisten alueen rakennemu utosprosessi Metsä-Botnian tehtaan sulkemisen jälkeen. Siellä pienkuntaongelma yhdistettynä siihen, että yksityinen sidosryhmä ei ole ollut velvollinen tekemään yhteistyötä, on johtanut siihen, että ei ole kyetty luomaan alueen pitkäaikaiseen kehittämiseen sitoutunutta vuorovaikutusareenaa. Tämä osoittaa suomalaisen järjestelmän kankeuden, jossa historiallisesta näkökulmasta vahva yhtenäinen valtio ja hajanainen kuntataso estävät joustavan yhteiskuntamuutoksiin sopeutumisen. Väitöskirja osoittaa, että verkosto-organisaation on oltava yhteiskunnassa vaikuttaviin rakenteisiin integroitu osa, jotta se voi vaikuttaa prosessien tuloksiin. Väitöskirja osoittaa ennen kaikkea, että osallistuvilla ja toiminnallisesti määritellyillä alueellisilla ja paikallisilla areenoilla on suuri taloudellinen ja demokraattinen potentiaali. Passivoivan edustavan järjestelmän tilalle on luotava aktiivisten ja tavoitteisiin sitoutuneiden kansalaisten vuorovaikutusjärjestelmä.
Ce mémoire de maîtrise traite d’un phénomène qui a gagné en importance dans les études sur l’Amérique latine : l’exploitation des ressources naturelles par des compagnies étrangères et l’augmentation des mouvements de résistance des populations locales contre l’implantation de ces compagnies. Délaissant l’accent généralement placé sur la naissance de ces mouvements, les impacts du temps sur les transformations du phénomène de résistance sont mesurés et analysés. Le cas de la compagnie minière canadienne Goldcorp Inc., exploitant de l’or dans la vallée de Siria, au Honduras, illustre à merveille les diverses techniques utilisées lors d’une lutte de longue haleine par une population rurale désirant résister à une compagnie transnationale au capital économique, politique et scientifique plus important. Ainsi, les dynamiques du mouvement de résistance soulignent des changements dans sa forme première à la suite de l’intrusion de nouveaux acteurs locaux et internationaux. Des identités, construites avec l’arrivée de la mine, sont aussi en jeu chez les groupes qui s’affrontent dans la région. L’étude d’un mouvement vers la fin de sa vie indique, de plus, le besoin de redéfinir la résistance et de sortir d’un schème purement actif vers un qui inclut aussi l’aspect discursif et moral dans sa définition.
Cette thèse explore les connections entre la littérature canadienne contemporaine féminine et le féminisme transnational. Le « transnational » est une catégorie qui est de plus en plus importante dans la critique littéraire canadienne, mais elle n’est pas souvent evoquée en lien avec le féminisme. À travers cette thèse, je développe une méthodologie de lecture féministe basée sur le féminisme transnational. Cette méthodologie est appliquée à la littérature canadienne féminine; parallèlement, cette littérature participe à la définition et à l’élaboration des concepts féministes transnationaux tels que la complicité, la collaboration, le silence, et la différence. De plus, ma méthodologie participe à la recontextualisation de certains textes et moments dans l’histoire de la littérature canadienne, ce qui permet la conceptualisation d’une généalogie de l’expression féministe anti-essentialiste dans la littérature canadienne. J’étudie donc des textes de Daphne Marlatt, Dionne Brand, et Suzette Mayr, ainsi que le périodique Tessera et les actes du colloque intitulé Telling It, une conférence qui a eu lieu en 1988. Ces textes parlent de la critique du colonialisme et du nationalisme, des identités post-coloniales et diasporiques, et des possibilités de la collaboration féministe de traverser des frontières de toutes sortes. Dans le premier chapitre, j’explique ma méthodologie en démontrant que le périodique féministe bilingue Tessera peut être lu en lien avec le féminisme transnational. Le deuxième chapitre s’attarde à la publication editée par le collectif qui a été formé à la suite de la conférence Telling It. Je situe Telling It dans le contexte des discussions sur les différences qui ont eu lieu dans le féminisme nord-américan des dernières décennies. Notamment, mes recherches sur Telling It sont fondées sur des documents d’archives peu consultés qui permettent une réflexion sur les silences qui peuvent se cacher au centre du travail collaboratif. Le trosième chapitre est constitué d’une lecture proche du texte multi-genre « In the Month of Hungry Ghosts, » écrit par Daphne Marlatt en 1979. Ce texte explore les connexions complexes entre le colonialisme, le postcolonialisme, la complicité et la mondialisation. Le suject du quatrième chapitre est le film Listening for Something… (1994) qui découle d’une collaboration féministe transnationale entre Dionne Brand et Adrienne Rich. Pour terminer, le cinquième chapitre explore les liens entre le transnational et le national, la région – et le monstrueux, dans le contexte du roman Venous Hum (2004) de Suzette Mayr. Ces lectures textuelles critiques se penchent toutes sur la question de la représentation de la collaboration féministe à travers les différences – question essentielle à l’action féministe transnationale. Mes recherche se trouvent donc aux intersections de la littérature canadienne, la théorie féministe contemporaine, les études postcoloniales et la mondialisation. Les discussions fascinantes qui se passent au sein de la théorie transnationale féministe sont pertinentes à ces intersections et de plus, la littérature contemporaine féminine au Canada offre des interventions importantes permettant d’imaginer la collaboration féministe transnationale.
La participation des organisations policières à des opérations de paix des Nations Unies est un phénomène datant de quelques décennies, mais qui suscite de plus en plus d’intérêt dans la communauté scientifique ainsi que chez les organisations contributrices. À titre indicatif, en 2010, près de 13 000 policiers étaient déployés dans 13 opérations de paix des Nations Unies, ce qui représente une augmentation de 810 % par rapport aux 1 600 policiers qui étaient déployés en 1995 . Cette augmentation marquée de la participation policière à ce type d’opération à l’étranger remet en question les conceptions traditionnelles que les chercheurs avaient de l’institution policière. Bel exemple de la transnationalisation des organisations policières, la participation des policiers à des opérations de paix soulève toutefois de nombreux questionnements. Alors que la majorité des recherches se sont penchées sur les problématiques opérationnelles reliées à l’envoi de policiers dans ces zones en sortie de guerre, peu d’entre elles se sont penchées sur les questions reliées au post-déploiement, c'est-à-dire à la réintégration des policiers dans leur société d’origine. Puisque la contribution des services de police québécois aux missions de paix des Nations Unies semble maintenant faire partie intégrante de la mission de certaines de ces organisations, il serait intéressant de valider quelles sont les retombées organisationnelles de cette participation. C’est précisément dans cette lignée que le présent mémoire prend tout son sens. Plus précisément, la présente recherche a pour objectif d’étudier la relation entre la participation d’un policier à ce type de mission et la modification de ses habitudes et méthodes de travail lors de sa réintégration dans son unité d’origine. La perspective organisationnelle utilisée dans ce mémoire est novatrice au sens où elle permet de questionner l’utilité et les retombées de ces missions, non pas sur les sociétés bénéficiaires de l’aide internationale, mais plutôt sur les acteurs contribuant à la mise en place de ces missions. De tels questionnements sont pertinents si l’on veut mesurer les retombées que peuvent avoir les opérations de paix sur les policiers eux-mêmes, sur les organisations policières participantes, mais aussi sur les services fournis aux citoyens par ces mêmes organisations. Les données qui nous permettront de répondre à ces questions proviennent de dix-neuf entretiens semi-directifs réalisés auprès de policiers de la Sûreté du Québec qui ont participé à une mission de paix en Haïti entre 2005 et 2010. En somme, il est possible d’affirmer que les méthodes de travail d’un policier revenant de mission peuvent être modifiées positivement ou négativement par différents facteurs tels que l’acquisition de compétences, la modification des traits de personnalité ou encore par un changement au niveau de la perception qu’on ces policiers de leur travail.