864 resultados para Transepistemic arena


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The main focus of the present investigation is on the transnationalization of the education policies in Cape Verde, Guine-Bissau and San Tome and Prince from 1974 to 2002 and it deals mostly with the role played by the Portuguese co operants in this field, namely teachers, teacher trainers and education technicians. Our investigation is based mostly on the theoretical and empiric analysis of the problematic of the transnatio nalizaton of the education policies, bearing in mind the concepts formulated by several renowned authors like those by Stone(2001, 2004) as well as by Dolowitz and Marsch (2002) concerning the area of knowledge transfer. The concept transnationalization we have used throughout this dissertationshould be interpreted as a carrefour , that is, a crossroad of technical knowledge, resulting from the way the different mediators have shared their expertise and who gradually contributed to the implementation of the new education systems and the consolidation of the education policies of the countries just mentioned before. We have also analyzed specific points of reference connected both with globalization and organization sociology theories since the school is the main scope of action where the participants interact using diversified strategies due to their different interests and aims. Those schools are more and more confronted with education policies resulting from neoliberal assumptions therefore we label them terminals of the education policy journeys. The naturalist paradigm, which includes a qualitative and interpretative approach, answers for the design of this investigation, whose main strategy is the Oral History. The primary sources analyzed and the interviews made have enabled us to build our knowledge based on the grounded theory method (Glasser and Strauss, 1967), supported by the informatic programme Atlas TI. We conclude that despite the weaknesses and fragilities of the Portuguese cooperation, this is the right arena for a more convergent transference of values and education (al) systems; it is a kind of hybrid territory where the knowledge transfer suits the local reality, independently of all the dilemmas resulting from globalization.


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In this paper we analyse the observed systematic differences incosts for teaching hospitals (THhenceforth) in Spain. Concernhas been voiced regarding the existence of a bias in thefinancing of TH s has been raised once prospective budgets arein the arena for hospital finance, and claims for adjusting totake into account the legitimate extra costs of teaching onhospital expenditure are well grounded. We focus on theestimation of the impact of teaching status on average cost. Weused a version of a multiproduct hospital cost function takinginto account some relevant factors from which to derive theobserved differences. We assume that the relationship betweenthe explanatory and the dependent variables follows a flexibleform for each of the explanatory variables. We also model theunderlying covariance structure of the data. We assumed twoqualitatively different sources of variation: random effects andserial correlation. Random variation refers to both general levelvariation (through the random intercept) and the variationspecifically related to teaching status. We postulate that theimpact of the random effects is predominant over the impact ofthe serial correlation effects. The model is estimated byrestricted maximum likelihood. Our results show that costs are 9%higher (15% in the case of median costs) in teaching than innon-teaching hospitals. That is, teaching status legitimatelyexplains no more than half of the observed difference in actualcosts. The impact on costs of the teaching factor depends on thenumber of residents, with an increase of 51.11% per resident forhospitals with fewer than 204 residents (third quartile of thenumber of residents) and 41.84% for hospitals with more than 204residents. In addition, the estimated dispersion is higher amongteaching hospitals. As a result, due to the considerable observedheterogeneity, results should be interpreted with caution. From apolicy making point of view, we conclude that since a higherrelative burden for medical training is under public hospitalcommand, an explicit adjustment to the extra costs that theteaching factor imposes on hospital finance is needed, beforehospital competition for inpatient services takes place.


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Foram investigadas as características da biologia e comportamento do forídeo Neodohrniphora elongata Brown, 2001 em relação às operárias do hospedeiro Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1908. Vinte e quatro fêmeas de N. elongata coletadas no campo foram liberadas, uma por vez, em uma cuba de observação interposta entre um ninho de A. sexdens rubropilosa e uma arena de forrageamento. As moscas realizaram de quatro a cinco vezes mais investidas sem sucesso contra as formigas do que ataques efetivos, quando elas ovipositaram na cabeça das operárias. Houve ataques em 426 operárias e desenvolvimento da larva do parasitóide na cápsula cefálica de 63,8% delas, sendo que emergiram 218 moscas. N. elongata ovipositou nas maiores operárias, ou seja, naquelas com largura da cápsula cefálica de 2,9 ± 0,4 mm, o que parece ser importante para o desenvolvimento do parasitóide, pois o fracasso na formação de pupas ou a não emergência do adulto ocorreram principalmente em formigas com largura da cápsula inferior a 2,9 mm. As moscas que emergiram em laboratório tiveram maior longevidade quando alimentadas com solução de mel 10% do que com solução de mel 50% ou somente água destilada. As fêmeas que emergiram no laboratório exibiram os mesmos comportamentos de voo e ataque das fêmeas do campo, mas não foi possível obter parasitóides de segunda geração. Estudos adicionais devem ser realizados para investigar a adequação de fontes naturais de carboidratos e proteínas sobre a longevidade e reprodução de N. elongata, visando à multiplicação deste e de outros forídeos de saúvas em laboratório.


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As a result of the Europeanization of politics and the increasing role of the public sphere, political actors in Western Europe are currently facing a double strategic challenge. Based on data from seven West European countries and the European Union, the authors analyze how state actors, political parties, interest groups, and social movement organizations cope with this double challenge at both the national and the supranational level. Results indicate that the classic repertoire of inside strategies at the national level is still the most typical for all actors, but media-related strategies are also prominent at the national level. The Europeanization of repertoires is mainly determined by institutional factors and by the actors' power, whereas the public arena plays an equally important role for all types of actors, in all countries and at both the national and the EU level.


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The importance of age and feeding on the performance of Cephalonomia stephanoderis (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), a parasitoid of the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) was investigated in the laboratory. Groups of female parasitoids were subject to the following treatments: a group fed during one, five and ten days after emergence of adults with coffee borer larvae; another group fed only with honey solution during five days after emergence; and as a control, a third group was kept without food for five days. At the end of each treatment, survivorship, parasitoid activity (walking and flying capacity in an arena), search capacity for finding coffee borer-infested berries, host feeding and oviposition (on immature hosts), were assessed. Unfed females showed a significant decrease in survivorship compared to individuals that were fed. The type of meal (insects or honey) did not significantly influence parasitoid activity, search and oviposition capacities. Females fed with honey solution significantly consumed less immature coffee borers. Younger females (one day old) walked and flew out of the arena significantly faster than older ones (5 and 10 days old). Implications of these results are discussed on the performance of C. stephanoderis as a biological control agent of the coffee berry borer.


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Presenta los resultados del estudio sedimentológico realizado el 06 de setiembre de 1999 en la bahía de Chancay. Describe el sedimento del fondo encontrado conformado principalmente por arena y limo; la zona litoral de la bahía se caracteriza por tener sedimentos arenosos, a excepción de la zona norte de la bahía, donde se obtuvo arcilla limosa; en la zona central se localizaron los sedimentos más finos conformados por arena limosa y limo arenoso.


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Los resultados del rastreo acústico en el crucero BIC Olaya 0305-06, de Huarmey a Puerto Pizarro, mostraron a la anchoveta adulta en altas concentraciones de Punta Falsa a Salaverry entre 5 y 50 mn, sus larvas y juveniles se localizaron de Salaverry a Punta Guañape, de 3 a 55 m de profundidad. La múnida se distribuyó de Huarmey a Pimentel entre 5 a 55 mn. La vinciguerria se ubicó de Huarmey a Caleta La Cruz de 10 a 80 mn. La pota tuvo una distribución dispersa de Costa Baja de Arena a Caleta La Cruz de 5 a 45 mn. La distribución geográfica de la merluza se presentó dispersa entre las isóbatas de 20 a 300 brazas, registrándose mayormente frente a Punta Guañape (25 mn), Malabrigo (58 mn) y Punta Chérrepe (40 mn). La red de arrastre pelágica tuvo un buen comportamiento frente a los cardúmenes detectados con niveles de significancia altos que se obtuvieron con la relación de sus parámetros.


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Se describe la geomorfología del relieve de la paleolaguna de Otuma y se evalúa la preservación de sus registros calcáreos y su potencialidad para la reconstrucción paleoceanográfica y paleoecológica. Un pequeño acantilado marino y una plataforma de abrasión de suave pendiente con predominancia de arena y grava, sugieren un fondo submareal somero de 3,5 m de profundidad a 80 m de distancia de la orilla. La distribución de los registros calcáreos in situ, sobre el fondo de la paleolaguna sugiere un patrón de zonación ecológica. La abundancia de Argopecten purpuratus en los conchales demuestra su dominancia y la presencia de un antiguo y muy productivo banco natural de concha de abanico con una estructura de tallas 40 -140 mm. La preservación de las conchas permitió el análisis de sus anillos o líneas de crecimiento y la reconstruccion de sus ritmos y patrones de crecimiento que son valiosos para la reconstrucción de la variabilidad ambiental.


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Durante El Niño 1997, se estudiaron los sedimentos marinos superficiales de la bahía del Callao (11°50’S a 12°06’S), en 68 estaciones de muestreo situadas al interior de la bahía, incluyendo Ventanilla. Se situaron 35 estaciones complementarias entre las desembocaduras de los ríos Rímac y Chillón donde se concentran las descargas de desechos industriales, urbanos y de actividad portuaria. Se realizaron tres transectos, frente a: playa Ventanilla, al colector Comas y a Chucuito-La Punta. Frente a la playa Márquez se encuentra textura areno arcillosa y hacia el norte predomina el fango; frente a Oquendo las texturas son fango y arena arcillosa. Sedimentos de grano fino, con textura limo arcillosa y arcillo limosa existen en el fondo marino de zonas más profundas y alejadas de la costa; pero también están cerca de la costa, al sur y suroeste de la zona de operaciones portuarias, frente a Chucuito y La Punta. Texturas de arena se registraron al norte del río Chillón (La Pampilla y Ventanilla), en los alrededores del banco Camotal y frente a La Punta. En las áreas más profundas y abrigadas de la bahía, los sedimentos con granulometría muy fina presentan valores negativos de asimetría, característicos de ambientes de sedimentación. En sectores donde existen sedimentos de grano más grueso ocurren procesos de transporte (tipo y forma de ondulaciones) y erosión, apreciables en imágenes del fondo, y en el análisis de parámetros estadísticos. Los altos contenidos de materia orgánica se encuentran asociados a sedimentos de grano fino en ambientes de sedimentación principalmente, está condicionado por la tasa de aporte y origen (antrópico, marino o continental) y por las condiciones de escaso oxígeno que favorecen su preservación. Los más bajos contenidos orgánicos frente a la zona costera de Ventanilla, están asociadas a sedimentos con predominancia de fracciones de arena y origen terrígeno y mayor oxigenación.


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En junio del 2002 se realizó el estudio de bancos naturales entre Punta Herradura-Playa Chica (11°15’17,6”S a 11°11’10,7”S) dentro de una franja costera de 1mn. Se encontraron aguas costeras frías (ACF), con salinidad entre 35,1 y 34,8 ups y TSM entre 14,8 °C y 15,4 °C; substratos mayormente de arena fina compacta, fondos algosos y duros de roca volcánica. Entre 3,5 y 22 m de profundidad, la fauna bentónica estuvo compuesta por crustáceos: Platyxanthus orbignyi, Romaleon polyodon, Hepatus chiliensis y Pleuroncodes monodon; moluscos: Loligo gahi y Octopus mimus; peces: Odontesthes regia regia y equinodermos.


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En la zona central de la bahía de Sechura afloran principalmente Aguas Costeras Frías. En superficie y en condiciones normales la temperatura fluctúa de 15 a 24 °C, salinidad de 34,8 a 35,3 ups, oxígeno disuelto de 2 a 5,5 mL/L. La capa subsuperficial con valores menores a los de superficie, varían ante eventos El Niño y en menor escala en La Niña. Los sedimentos superficiales predominantes cerca a la costa son textura arenosa con bajo contenido orgánico que se extiende a mayor profundidad hacia el norte de Punta Aguja; textura areno limosa adyacentes a los de arena, ocupan gran extensión de la bahía, asociados con altos contenidos de materia orgánica, pequeñas extensiones de arena arcillosa y limo arenoso frente a la Bocana, Bayovar y Punta Tric Trac. Contenidos de carbonato más altos (70%) de origen biogénico frente a San Pablo, asociados a texturas de arena y arena limosa.


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Age-related cognitive impairments were studied in rats kept in semi-enriched conditions during their whole life, and tested during ontogeny and adult life in various classical spatial tasks. In addition, the effect of intrahippocampal grafts of fetal septal-diagonal band tissue, rich in cholinergic neurons, was studied in some of these subjects. The rats received bilateral cell suspensions when aged 23-24 months. Starting 4 weeks after grafting, they were trained during 5 weeks in an 8-arm maze made of connected plexiglass tunnels. No age-related impairment was detected during the first eight trials, when the maze shape was that of a classical radial maze in which the rats had already been trained when young. The older rats were impaired when the task was made more difficult by rendering two arms parallel to each other. They developed an important neglect of one of the parallel tunnels resulting in a high amount of errors before completion of the task. In addition, the old rats developed a systematic response pattern of visits to adjacent arms in a sequence, which was not observed in the younger subjects. None of these behaviours were observed in the old rats with a septal transplant. Sixteen weeks after grafting, another experiment was conducted in a homing hole board task. Rats were allowed to escape from a large circular arena through one hole out of many, and to reach home via a flexible tube under the table. The escape hole was at a fixed position according to distant room cues, and olfactory cues were made irrelevant by rotating the table between the trials. An additional cue was placed on the escape position. No age-related difference in escape was observed during training. During a probe trial with no hole connected and no proximal cue present, the old untreated rats were less clearly focussed on the training sector than were either the younger or the grafted old subjects. Taken together, these experiments indicate that enriched housing conditions and spatial training during adult life do not protect against all age-related deterioration in spatial ability. However, it might be that the considerable improvement observed in the grafted subjects results from an interaction between the graft treatment and the housing conditions.


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Entre mayo y junio 2010, se desarrolló la evaluación poblacional de la macroalga Chondracanthus chamissoi “yuyo” de las praderas en las bahías de Pisco y Paracas. Las biomasas medias fluctuaron entre 2,2 y 67,0 g.m-2, con promedio de 43,6 g.m-2. Se estimó una biomasa total de 211,96 toneladas (±56,8%); de los cuales 179,74 t correspondieron a Atenas; 30,1 t a Puerto Nuevo y 2,1 t a Playa Lobería. El sustrato de fijación estuvo compuesto, principalmente, por piedras, conchuela y arena media. En las praderas de Atenas ocupó la mayor parte del área evaluada, en las praderas de Puerto Nuevo y Playa Lobería se encontraron reducidas, respecto al 2007. Se encontró ejemplares entre 1 y 25 cm de longitud. El peso total individual varió de 0,1 a 94,6 g. Se registró biodiversidad asociada conformada por moluscos. Las condiciones oceanográficas se registraron normales, lo que permite suponer que la disminución poblacional respondería a las actividades de extracción.


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Durante el 2010, se capturó 55 ejemplares de tortuga verde Chelonia mydas en La Aguada (13°51’S y 76°15’W) al sureste de la bahía de Paracas; el número promedio de tortugas capturadas por kilómetro de red tendida fue 3,08±2,5; el tamaño promedio de la LCC fue 60,3±10,5cm; el 78% de los ejemplares presentaron el patrón 5c, 4d, 4i y 11d, 11i, para los escudos centrales, costales y marginales, respectivamente. La TSM donde se capturaron varió entre 15,2 y 20,9 °C, la mayor ocurrencia de tortugas se registró de 18,5 a 20 °C. Los epibiontes más representativos fueron Platylepas hexastylos (56,8%), Conchoderma virgatum (26,9%) y Chelonibia testudinaria (13,3%); la ocurrencia de los ítems alimenticios: Clorophyta (78%), Rhodophyta (30%), Cnidaria (43%), Crustacea (43%), Polichaeta (17%), Mollusca (17%), arena (26%) y plástico (17%); el 72% de las tortugas presentaron cobertura algal, de las cuales el 65% fue el alga verde Enteromorpha sp.


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The aim of this work was to determine whether the filters used in microirrigation systems can remove potentially emitter-clogging particles. The particle size and volume distributions of different effluents and their filtrates were established, and the efficiency of the removal of these particles and total suspended solids by screen, disc and sand filters determined. In most of the effluents and filtrates, the number of particles with a diameter > 20 μm was minimal. By analysing the particle volume distribution it was found that particles larger than the disc and screen filter pores appeared in the filtrates. However, the sand filter was able to retain particles larger than the pore size. The filtration efficiency depended more on the type of effluent than on the filter. It was also found that the particle size distribution followed a potential law. Analysis of the β exponents showed that the filters did not significantly modify the particle size distribution of the effluents