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In many real world prediction problems the output is a structured object like a sequence or a tree or a graph. Such problems range from natural language processing to compu- tational biology or computer vision and have been tackled using algorithms, referred to as structured output learning algorithms. We consider the problem of structured classifi- cation. In the last few years, large margin classifiers like sup-port vector machines (SVMs) have shown much promise for structured output learning. The related optimization prob -lem is a convex quadratic program (QP) with a large num-ber of constraints, which makes the problem intractable for large data sets. This paper proposes a fast sequential dual method (SDM) for structural SVMs. The method makes re-peated passes over the training set and optimizes the dual variables associated with one example at a time. The use of additional heuristics makes the proposed method more efficient. We present an extensive empirical evaluation of the proposed method on several sequence learning problems.Our experiments on large data sets demonstrate that the proposed method is an order of magnitude faster than state of the art methods like cutting-plane method and stochastic gradient descent method (SGD). Further, SDM reaches steady state generalization performance faster than the SGD method. The proposed SDM is thus a useful alternative for large scale structured output learning.


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Training for receive antenna selection (AS) differs from that for conventional multiple antenna systems because of the limited hardware usage inherent in AS. We analyze and optimize the performance of a novel energy-efficient training method tailored for receive AS. In it, the transmitter sends not only pilots that enable the selection process, but also an extra pilot that leads to accurate channel estimates for the selected antenna that actually receives data. For time-varying channels, we propose a novel antenna selection rule and prove that it minimizes the symbol error probability (SEP). We also derive closed-form expressions for the SEP of MPSK, and show that the considered training method is significantly more energy-efficient than the conventional AS training method.


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We have benchmarked the maximum obtainable recognition accuracy on five publicly available standard word image data sets using semi-automated segmentation and a commercial OCR. These images have been cropped from camera captured scene images, born digital images (BDI) and street view images. Using the Matlab based tool developed by us, we have annotated at the pixel level more than 3600 word images from the five data sets. The word images binarized by the tool, as well as by our own midline analysis and propagation of segmentation (MAPS) algorithm are recognized using the trial version of Nuance Omnipage OCR and these two results are compared with the best reported in the literature. The benchmark word recognition rates obtained on ICDAR 2003, Sign evaluation, Street view, Born-digital and ICDAR 2011 data sets are 83.9%, 89.3%, 79.6%, 88.5% and 86.7%, respectively. The results obtained from MAPS binarized word images without the use of any lexicon are 64.5% and 71.7% for ICDAR 2003 and 2011 respectively, and these values are higher than the best reported values in the literature of 61.1% and 41.2%, respectively. MAPS results of 82.8% for BDI 2011 dataset matches the performance of the state of the art method based on power law transform.


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We consider the problem of extracting a signature representation of similar entities employing covariance descriptors. Covariance descriptors can efficiently represent objects and are robust to scale and pose changes. We posit that covariance descriptors corresponding to similar objects share a common geometrical structure which can be extracted through joint diagonalization. We term this diagonalizing matrix as the Covariance Profile (CP). CP can be used to measure the distance of a novel object to an object set through the diagonality measure. We demonstrate how CP can be employed on images as well as for videos, for applications such as face recognition and object-track clustering.


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Fast and efficient channel estimation is key to achieving high data rate performance in mobile and vehicular communication systems, where the channel is fast time-varying. To this end, this work proposes and optimizes channel-dependent training schemes for reciprocal Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channels with beamforming (BF) at the transmitter and receiver. First, assuming that Channel State Information (CSI) is available at the receiver, a channel-dependent Reverse Channel Training (RCT) signal is proposed that enables efficient estimation of the BF vector at the transmitter with a minimum training duration of only one symbol. In contrast, conventional orthogonal training requires a minimum training duration equal to the number of receive antennas. A tight approximation to the capacity lower bound on the system is derived, which is used as a performance metric to optimize the parameters of the RCT. Next, assuming that CSI is available at the transmitter, a channel-dependent forward-link training signal is proposed and its power and duration are optimized with respect to an approximate capacity lower bound. Monte Carlo simulations illustrate the significant performance improvement offered by the proposed channel-dependent training schemes over the existing channel-agnostic orthogonal training schemes.


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Single receive antenna selection (AS) is a popular method for obtaining diversity benefits without the additional costs of multiple radio receiver chains. Since only one antenna receives at any time, the transmitter sends a pilot multiple times to enable the receiver to estimate the channel gains of its N antennas to the transmitter and select an antenna. In time-varying channels, the channel estimates of different antennas are outdated to different extents. We analyze the symbol error probability (SEP) in time-varying channels of the N-pilot and (N+1)-pilot AS training schemes. In the former, the transmitter sends one pilot for each receive antenna. In the latter, the transmitter sends one additional pilot that helps sample the channel fading process of the selected antenna twice. We present several new results about the SEP, optimal energy allocation across pilots and data, and optimal selection rule in time-varying channels for the two schemes. We show that due to the unique nature of AS, the (N+1)-pilot scheme, despite its longer training duration, is much more energy-efficient than the conventional N-pilot scheme. An extension to a practical scenario where all data symbols of a packet are received by the same antenna is also investigated.


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Transmit antenna selection (AS) has been adopted in contemporary wideband wireless standards such as Long Term Evolution (LTE). We analyze a comprehensive new model for AS that captures several key features about its operation in wideband orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) systems. These include the use of channel-aware frequency-domain scheduling (FDS) in conjunction with AS, the hardware constraint that a user must transmit using the same antenna over all its assigned subcarriers, and the scheduling constraint that the subcarriers assigned to a user must be contiguous. The model also captures the novel dual pilot training scheme that is used in LTE, in which a coarse system bandwidth-wide sounding reference signal is used to acquire relatively noisy channel state information (CSI) for AS and FDS, and a dense narrow-band demodulation reference signal is used to acquire accurate CSI for data demodulation. We analyze the symbol error probability when AS is done in conjunction with the channel-unaware, but fair, round-robin scheduling and with channel-aware greedy FDS. Our results quantify how effective joint AS-FDS is in dispersive environments, the interactions between the above features, and the ability of the user to lower SRS power with minimal performance degradation.


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This paper proposes a sparse modeling approach to solve ordinal regression problems using Gaussian processes (GP). Designing a sparse GP model is important from training time and inference time viewpoints. We first propose a variant of the Gaussian process ordinal regression (GPOR) approach, leave-one-out GPOR (LOO-GPOR). It performs model selection using the leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO-CV) technique. We then provide an approach to design a sparse model for GPOR. The sparse GPOR model reduces computational time and storage requirements. Further, it provides faster inference. We compare the proposed approaches with the state-of-the-art GPOR approach on some benchmark data sets. Experimental results show that the proposed approaches are competitive.


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This paper considers the design of a power-controlled reverse channel training (RCT) scheme for spatial multiplexing (SM)-based data transmission along the dominant modes of the channel in a time-division duplex (TDD) multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) system, when channel knowledge is available at the receiver. A channel-dependent power-controlled RCT scheme is proposed, using which the transmitter estimates the beamforming (BF) vectors required for the forward-link SM data transmission. Tight approximate expressions for 1) the mean square error (MSE) in the estimate of the BF vectors, and 2) a capacity lower bound (CLB) for an SM system, are derived and used to optimize the parameters of the training sequence. Moreover, an extension of the channel-dependent training scheme and the data rate analysis to a multiuser scenario with M user terminals is presented. For the single-mode BF system, a closed-form expression for an upper bound on the average sum data rate is derived, which is shown to scale as ((L-c - L-B,L- tau)/L-c) log logM asymptotically in M, where L-c and L-B,L- tau are the channel coherence time and training duration, respectively. The significant performance gain offered by the proposed training sequence over the conventional constant-power orthogonal RCT sequence is demonstrated using Monte Carlo simulations.


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Given a point set P and a class C of geometric objects, G(C)(P) is a geometric graph with vertex set P such that any two vertices p and q are adjacent if and only if there is some C is an element of C containing both p and q but no other points from P. We study G(del)(P) graphs where del is the class of downward equilateral triangles (i.e., equilateral triangles with one of their sides parallel to the x-axis and the corner opposite to this side below that side). For point sets in general position, these graphs have been shown to be equivalent to half-Theta(6) graphs and TD-Delaunay graphs. The main result in our paper is that for point sets P in general position, G(del)(P) always contains a matching of size at least vertical bar P vertical bar-1/3] and this bound is tight. We also give some structural properties of G(star)(P) graphs, where is the class which contains both upward and downward equilateral triangles. We show that for point sets in general position, the block cut point graph of G(star)(P) is simply a path. Through the equivalence of G(star)(P) graphs with Theta(6) graphs, we also derive that any Theta(6) graph can have at most 5n-11 edges, for point sets in general position. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study, we applied the integration methodology developed in the companion paper by Aires (2014) by using real satellite observations over the Mississippi Basin. The methodology provides basin-scale estimates of the four water budget components (precipitation P, evapotranspiration E, water storage change Delta S, and runoff R) in a two-step process: the Simple Weighting (SW) integration and a Postprocessing Filtering (PF) that imposes the water budget closure. A comparison with in situ observations of P and E demonstrated that PF improved the estimation of both components. A Closure Correction Model (CCM) has been derived from the integrated product (SW+PF) that allows to correct each observation data set independently, unlike the SW+PF method which requires simultaneous estimates of the four components. The CCM allows to standardize the various data sets for each component and highly decrease the budget residual (P - E - Delta S - R). As a direct application, the CCM was combined with the water budget equation to reconstruct missing values in any component. Results of a Monte Carlo experiment with synthetic gaps demonstrated the good performances of the method, except for the runoff data that has a variability of the same order of magnitude as the budget residual. Similarly, we proposed a reconstruction of Delta S between 1990 and 2002 where no Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment data are available. Unlike most of the studies dealing with the water budget closure at the basin scale, only satellite observations and in situ runoff measurements are used. Consequently, the integrated data sets are model independent and can be used for model calibration or validation.


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A recent approach for the construction of constant dimension subspace codes, designed for error correction in random networks, is to consider the codes as orbits of suitable subgroups of the general linear group. In particular, a cyclic orbit code is the orbit of a cyclic subgroup. Hence a possible method to construct large cyclic orbit codes with a given minimum subspace distance is to select a subspace such that the orbit of the Singer subgroup satisfies the distance constraint. In this paper we propose a method where some basic properties of difference sets are employed to select such a subspace, thereby providing a systematic way of constructing cyclic orbit codes with specified parameters. We also present an explicit example of such a construction.


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Facial emotions are the most expressive way to display emotions. Many algorithms have been proposed which employ a particular set of people (usually a database) to both train and test their model. This paper focuses on the challenging task of database independent emotion recognition, which is a generalized case of subject-independent emotion recognition. The emotion recognition system employed in this work is a Meta-Cognitive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (McFIS). McFIS has two components, a neuro-fuzzy inference system, which is the cognitive component and a self-regulatory learning mechanism, which is the meta-cognitive component. The meta-cognitive component, monitors the knowledge in the neuro-fuzzy inference system and decides on what-to-learn, when-to-learn and how-to-learn the training samples, efficiently. For each sample, the McFIS decides whether to delete the sample without being learnt, use it to add/prune or update the network parameter or reserve it for future use. This helps the network avoid over-training and as a result improve its generalization performance over untrained databases. In this study, we extract pixel based emotion features from well-known (Japanese Female Facial Expression) JAFFE and (Taiwanese Female Expression Image) TFEID database. Two sets of experiment are conducted. First, we study the individual performance of both databases on McFIS based on 5-fold cross validation study. Next, in order to study the generalization performance, McFIS trained on JAFFE database is tested on TFEID and vice-versa. The performance The performance comparison in both experiments against SVNI classifier gives promising results.


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This paper considers the problem of receive antenna selection (AS) in a multiple-antenna communication system having a single radio-frequency (RF) chain. The AS decisions are based on noisy channel estimates obtained using known pilot symbols embedded in the data packets. The goal here is to minimize the average packet error rate (PER) by exploiting the known temporal correlation of the channel. As the underlying channels are only partially observed using the pilot symbols, the problem of AS for PER minimization is cast into a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) framework. Under mild assumptions, the optimality of a myopic policy is established for the two-state channel case. Moreover, two heuristic AS schemes are proposed based on a weighted combination of the estimated channel states on the different antennas. These schemes utilize the continuous valued received pilot symbols to make the AS decisions, and are shown to offer performance comparable to the POMDP approach, which requires one to quantize the channel and observations to a finite set of states. The performance improvement offered by the POMDP solution and the proposed heuristic solutions relative to existing AS training-based approaches is illustrated using Monte Carlo simulations.


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Glioblastomas (GBM) are largely incurable as they diffusely infiltrate adjacent brain tissues and are difficult to diagnose at early stages. Biomarkers derived from serum, which can be obtained by minimally invasive procedures, may help in early diagnosis, prognosis and treatment monitoring. To develop a serum cytokine signature, we profiled 48 cytokines in sera derived from normal healthy individuals (n = 26) and different grades of glioma patients (n = 194). We divided the normal and grade IV glioma/GBM serum samples randomly into equal sized training and test sets. In the training set, the Prediction Analysis for Microarrays (PAM) identified a panel of 18 cytokines that could discriminate GBM sera fromnormal sera with maximum accuracy (95.40%) and minimum error (4.60%). The 18-cytokine signature obtained in the training set discriminated GBM sera from normal sera in the test set as well (accuracy 96.55%; error 3.45%). Interestingly, the 18-cytokine signature also differentiated grade II/Diffuse Astrocytoma (DA) and grade III/Anaplastic Astrocytoma (AA) sera from normal sera very efficiently (DA vs. normal-accuracy 96.00%, error 4.00%; AA vs. normal-accuracy 95.83%, error 4.17%). Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway analysis using 18 cytokines resulted in the enrichment of two pathways, cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction and JAK-STAT pathways with high significance. Thus our study identified an 18-cytokine signature for distinguishing glioma sera fromnormal healthy individual sera and also demonstrated the importance of their differential abundance in glioma biology.