899 resultados para Traffic courts.


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This paper presents the first phase of the redevelopment of the Electric Vehicle Scenario Simulator (EVeSSi) tool. A new methodology to generate traffic demand scenarios for the Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) tool for urban traffic simulation is described. This methodology is based on a Portugal census database to generate a synthetic population for a given area under study. A realistic case study of a Portuguese city, Vila Real, is assessed. For this area the road network was created along with a synthetic population and public transport. The traffic results were obtained and an electric buses fleet was evaluated assuming that the actual fleet would be replaced in a near future. The energy requirements to charge the electric fleet overnight were estimated in order to evaluate the impacts that it would cause in the local electricity network.


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This report aims at describing the project developed in the Customer Relationship Management Field Lab, under a partnership established between Nova SBE and the group IMPRESA. The major goal was to elaborate on possible initiatives to increase the traffic on the website of Expresso, which were supported by evidences found through structured interviews and the company’s internal data. As the main findings are the increasing role of mobile devices and social media on the news’ consumption habits. These encourage an integrated improvement of the overall digital offer of Expresso, in a perspective of brand and audience development that should be a goal for the whole company.


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Objective: Nutritional labeling systems are considered a tool to fight obesity since they aim to contribute for more informed food choices as well as assist consumers to make healthier nutrition options and in this manner, contribute to a decrease in the obesity rate. This study intends to analyze the effect of different types of labeling systems on parents’ purchasing decisions for their children on a specific product: breakfast cereals. More precisely, how labels affect parents’ perception of healthiness regarding cereals and if the nutritional information has an effect on intended purchases for their children. Participants and methods: We conducted a study with 135 Portuguese parents of children aged 4 to12 years. Parents answered a questionnaire with one of three hypothetical cereals menus. Menus only differed in their nutritional labeling technique: no labels (control group), reference intake labels or traffic light labels. In addition, we conducted 20 face-to-face interviews to a different group of parents in order to perform a recall task. Findings: This paper provides no evidence to suggest that energy labeling or traffic light labeling systems alone were successful in helping parents making healthy purchases of cereals for their children. Therefore, there is the need to promote supplementary policies to encourage the consumption of healthier food and help fight obesity.


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This article is devoted to the research of channel efficiency for IP-traffic transmission over Digital Power Line Carrier channels. The application of serial WAN connections and header compression as methods to increase channel efficiency is considered. According to the results of the research an effective solution for network traffic transmission in DPLC networks was proposed.


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Le But de Ce Rapport Est de Presenter L'approche Utilisee Par les Auteurs Pour Effectuer des Previsions a Long Terme du Trafic de Conteneurs Outre-Mer, Pour le Port de Montreal. Cette Approche Suppose D'abord L'estimation du Trafic de Conteneurs Par Categories de Marchandise, Par Origine et Destination, au Cours des Annees Recentes. Ensuite, Nous Avons Obtenu des Previsions du Trafic de Conteneurs Pour 1995, En Nous Basant Sur des Anticipations Relatives aux Tendances Generales du Commerce Exterieur Canadien et a la Composition de Ces Echanges, Par Groupes de Marchandises. Nous Avons Egalement du Effectuer des Projections Sur L'evolution Probable des Taux de Conteneurisation, En Tenant Compte des Diverses Marchandises et Egalement des Partenaires Commerciaux Impliques. Nous Avons Aussi Considere L'evolution Possible des Frontieres de la Zone D'influence (\"Hinterland\") du Port de Montreal. L'importance du Trafic Genere Par le Midwest des Etats Unis a Augmente Considerablement au Cours de la Derniere Decennie, a Cause D'un Certain Nombre de Facteurs Institutionnels. Nos Previsions du Trafic de Conteneurs, Pour le Port de Montreal, Dependent Donc,En Grande Partie, de L'eventualite Que le Midwest des Etats Unis Demeure Dans la Zone D'influence du Port de Montreal. Finalement, Nous Presentons Deux Scenarios de Previsions. le Premier de Ces Scenarios Suppose Que la Position Concurrentielle Actuelle du Port de Montreal Demeure Virtuellement Inchangee. le Second Scenario Suppose la Disparition D'une Importante Entreprise de Transport de Conteneurs, Situee a Montreal.


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This paper is an examination of the Supreme Court of Canada's interpretation of federalism since constitutional repatriation in 1982. It argues that the lure of centralist efficiency is overpowering a fundamentally important part of our federal order: regionalism. The author contends that changes made by the Court to certain fundamental concepts of Canadian constitutional law now provide Parliament with greater latitude than before in the exercise of its legislative powers. According to the author, these changes are disturbing because they are structured so as to preclude consideration of the legitimate concerns of regional polities. Furthermore, he argues that the Court has reinforced the central government's power to regulate the economy, including intraprovincial matters affecting trade, by resorting to highly functional tests that emphasize economic efficiency over other criteria. This, he claims, makes it more difficult to invoke legitimate regional interests that would lead to duplication, overlapping and even, in the eyes of some, inefficiency. The author the focuses on the Court's treatment of environmental protection in an attempt to show the tension between the Court's desire to use a functional approach and the need to recognize regional interests. Finally, through an examination of recent case law, he attemps to demonstrate that the Court's dominant perspective remains functional despite its endorsement of a more community-oriented undestanding of federalism in Secession Reference. If the Court chooses to proceed in this manner, it will alienate regional polities and may encourage them to choose more radical means of asserting their differences. Further, the author argues that strict adherence to the functional effectiveness approach will undermine the very values that federalism is meant to promote.


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ACCURATE sensing of vehicle position and attitude is still a very challenging problem in many mobile robot applications. The mobile robot vehicle applications must have some means of estimating where they are and in which direction they are heading. Many existing indoor positioning systems are limited in workspace and robustness because they require clear lines-of-sight or do not provide absolute, driftfree measurements.The research work presented in this dissertation provides a new approach to position and attitude sensing system designed specifically to meet the challenges of operation in a realistic, cluttered indoor environment, such as that of an office building, hospital, industrial or warehouse. This is accomplished by an innovative assembly of infrared LED source that restricts the spreading of the light intensity distribution confined to a sheet of light and is encoded with localization and traffic information. This Digital Infrared Sheet of Light Beacon (DISLiB) developed for mobile robot is a high resolution absolute localization system which is simple, fast, accurate and robust, without much of computational burden or significant processing. Most of the available beacon's performance in corridors and narrow passages are not satisfactory, whereas the performance of DISLiB is very encouraging in such situations. This research overcomes most of the inherent limitations of existing systems.The work further examines the odometric localization errors caused by over count readings of an optical encoder based odometric system in a mobile robot due to wheel-slippage and terrain irregularities. A simple and efficient method is investigated and realized using an FPGA for reducing the errors. The detection and correction is based on redundant encoder measurements. The method suggested relies on the fact that the wheel slippage or terrain irregularities cause more count readings from the encoder than what corresponds to the actual distance travelled by the vehicle.The application of encoded Digital Infrared Sheet of Light Beacon (DISLiB) system can be extended to intelligent control of the public transportation system. The system is capable of receiving traffic status input through a GSM (Global System Mobile) modem. The vehicles have infrared receivers and processors capable of decoding the information, and generating the audio and video messages to assist the driver. The thesis further examines the usefulness of the technique to assist the movement of differently-able (blind) persons in indoor or outdoor premises of his residence.The work addressed in this thesis suggests a new way forward in the development of autonomous robotics and guidance systems. However, this work can be easily extended to many other challenging domains, as well.


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Traffic Management system (TMS) comprises four major sub systems: The Network Database Management system for information to the passengers, Transit Facility Management System for service, planning, and scheduling vehicle and crews, Congestion Management System for traffic forecasting and planning, Safety Management System concerned with safety aspects of passengers and Environment. This work has opened a rather wide frame work of model structures for application on traffic. The facets of these theories are so wide that it seems impossible to present all necessary models in this work. However it could be deduced from the study that the best Traffic Management System is that whichis realistic in all aspects is easy to understand is easy to apply As it is practically difficult to device an ideal fool—proof model, the attempt here has been to make some progress-in that direction.