993 resultados para Trabalhadores - 1961-1967
A transcript of the Condition of the State of Iowa speech by Governor Loveless delivered at the State Capitol.
During the summer of 1963 the Materials Department noted the three to four ·year old concrete pavement on I-80 in Cass County was showing extensive surface cracking adjacent to joints and cracks. An examination of the pavement and a few cores from the cracked areas was made by the I.S.H.C. Materials Department and later by David Stark of the P.C.A. Additional surveys were conducted on other concrete pavement made with coarse aggregate from similar rock from two different sources. Blue-line cracking was found on some primary pavement and the indications of incipient cracks were seen on I-29 in Pottawattamie County, north of Council Bluffs. A good "D"-crack pattern is now evident. Surveys were then made of the entire Interstate concrete pavement. No other sections of Interstate were "D"-cracking, although some sections showed joint discoloration. None of these pavements, including the discolored sections, contained "D"-crack associated aggregates. At the same time as the Interstate survey additional pavements and sources were checked. Some "D"-cracking was noticed on certain sections of primary pavement 5-10 years old, in the vicinity of Waterloo and Cedar Rapids. The "D"-cracked pavement was from three aggregate sources, the Newton, Otis, and Burton Ave. quarries. Other pavements in this area that were older or from· different· coarse aggregate sources were not "D"-cracked. We believe that all the "D"-cracking is related, although dedolomitization is probably involved in the intermediate dolomite rocks.
This report presents the results of a limited investigation of the use of lime as an auxiliary additive for improving the stabilization of soils with cutback asphalts. It is felt that the data obtained presents additional information on the subject of asphalt stabilization
In recent years, various types of organic and inorganic materials have been investigated for use as soil stabilizing agents in the construction of highways and airports. Since the properties and environmental conditions of soils vary so greatly from place to place, a stabilizing agent that is suitable for one type of soil may not be satisfactory for another. As a result, it is often desirable to evaluate several stabilizing agents under varying treatment conditions before deciding on a specific one to be used with a given soil. In addition many research programs have been initiated which investigate the effects of these stabilizing agents upon soils.
HR-116 is concerned with the relationship of carbonate aggregate to aging of highway concrete. The ultimate purpose of the research is to provide the Materials Department with better criteria for selection of carbonate aggregates for use in highway concrete. The research stems from the problem in Iowa which relates durability of highway concrete to use of certain aggregates. Service records of certain highways have shown that concrete deterioration is related to the source of coarse carbonate aggregate. Research on this problem in projects HR-15 and HR-86 helped define three broad areas of the problem in more detail: 1. The problem of evaluation of rocks which pass current specifications but have poor service records 2. The basic problem of how rocks contribute to distress in concrete 3. The problem of how concrete ages or weathers.
The Iowa RCU has developed this selected bibliography of Iowa research in Vocational-Technical Education and related areas. Contract research as well as abstracts of masters theses and doctoral dissertations are included. For the most part, these abstracts have been gleaned from research at the three state universities and Drake University.
At the request of Mr. Arnold E. Levine, of the Levine Company, Centerville, Iowa, the Iowa State Highway Commission was asked to observe the partial fabrication of two stainless steel culvert pipes and later the Commission was asked if they would like to study their durability. These pipes were fabricated April 12, 1967 in Des Moines, Personnel of the Design and Materials Department were at the fabrication, but no Research people were present. The idea for the installation was conceived and a site selected after which the project was turned over to the Research Engineer. The stainless steel pipes presumably contained the new Allegheny Metal, MF-1, whose composition is shown in Appendix A. The primary aim of the stainless steel pipe is to reduce long term costs that are incurred through replacement and upkeep. The MF-1 has a theoretical life of infinity.
La guerra de Laos es probablemente uno de los episodios de la Guerra Fría más desconocidos e ignorados por la historiografía a pesar de las terribles consecuencias que tuvo. El hecho de que frecuentemente se considere como un conflicto periférico y ligado a la Guerra de Vietnam no contribuye tampoco a mejorar esta imagen.
Introduction: As part of the roadside development along the Interstate Highway System, the Iowa State Highway Commission has constructed eight pair of rest area facilities. Furthermore, two pair are presently under construction with an additional two pair proposed for letting in 1967. An additional nine and one-half pairs of rest areas are in the planning phase, a grand total of 45 rest Brea buildings. The facilities existing were planned and designed in a relatively short period of time. The rest area facilities are unusual in terms of water use, water demand rates, and the fact that there are no applicable guidelines from previous installations. Such facilities are a pioneering effort to furnish a service -which the travelling public desires and will use. The acceptance and current use of the existing facilities shows that the rest areas do provide a service the public will use and appreciate. The Iowa State Highway Commission is to be congratulated for this· pioneering effort. However there are problems, as should be expected when design of a new type of facility has no past operating experience to use as a guide. Another factor which enters is that a rest area facility is quite different and rather unrelated to engineering in the highway field of practice. Basically, the problems encountered can be resolved into several areas, namely 1) maintenance problems in equipment due to 2) insufficient capacity of several other elements of the water systems, and 3) no provisions for water quality control. This study and report is supposed to essentially cover the review of the rest areas, either existing and under construction or letting. However, the approach used has been somewhat different. Several basic economically feasible water system schemes have been developed which are· adaptable to the different well capacities and different water qualities encountered. These basic designs are used as a guide in recommending modifications to the existing rest area water systems, anticipating that the basic designs will be used for future facilities. The magnitude of the problems involved is shown by the fact that the projected water use and demand variations of each rest area building is equivalent to the water supply for a community of about 100 people. The problems of proper operation and maintenance of an eventual thirty to forty-five such facilities are gigantic. For successful operation the rest area water systems must have a high degree of standardization and interchangeability of all elements of the water systems, even if it means a limited degree of over-design in some rest area facilities.
The Transportation Facilities Manual provides a system of identifying and coding existing streets and highways and of recording data pertaining to these facilities. This manual is part 1 and together with the other two documents may be used in connection with the preparation of comprehensive and special planning an urban research studies of all kinds. Particular emphasis was placed on the updating of collected information so that basic inventories pertaining to the planning process can be kept current without undue effort or cost.
Esitelmä Jyväskylässä 1994
Entre Catalunya i Polònia: Witold Gombrowicz i Gabriel Ferrater: correspondència inèdita (1965-1967)
En el present treball, he intentat respondre la pregunta sobre per què Gabriel Ferrater es va interessar tant per l’obra de Witold Gombrowicz. Segurament, havia conegut la seva literatura en una traducció francesa i més possible encara alemanya, ja que el traductor va estar treballant a Hamburg per l’editorial Rowohlt Verlag com a lector. Devia assabentar-se de l’èxit de les obres de Gombrowicz a França i Alemanya i potser va decidir que era l’hora d’introduir-lo al mercat espanyol. Com comenta Janet Rodney, en el correu electrònic adjunt als apèndixs del treball, potser Ferrater veia algunes semblances entre ell mateix i Gombrowicz. Tots dos tenien problemes per publicar la seva obra sencera als seus països d’origen i, tot i que Gombrowicz ja feia molt de temps que no vivia a Polònia, sempre havia conservat el desig de poder ser publicat, sense censura, al seu país natal. Potser també tots dos escriptors compartien el sentiment d’inferioritat de les seves cultures respecte les de l’Europa Occidental. Tots dos intentaven mostrar en la seva obra literària l’existència d’una realitat potser oculta però tan legítima com les altres, com la “realitat oficial” en la que havien de viure
Collection : Les Collections de l'Insee ; 80, 10