961 resultados para Tiger beetles.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work aimed to evaluate the repellent and deterrent effect of the application of concentrations of neem and chinaberry oil on bean leaves on the leaf beetles Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) and Cerotoma arcuata (Olivier). The concentrations of neem oil tested were 0.625, 1.25, 2.50, 5.00, 10.00 and 20,00 mL, corresponding respectively to 1, 2, 4, 8, 17 and 33 ppm of azadirachtin A and the concentrations of chinaberry oil used were the same used to neem oil, corresponding, however, to 1.875, 3.75, 7.50, 15.00, 30.00 and 60.00 mg mL(-1) of chinaberry extract, respectively. For the free-choice tests, glass containers were used as arenas, whereas for the no-choice tests Petri dishes were used, where in both one insect per treatment was released in the center. Attractiveness was evaluated in predetermined time periods, in addition to the leaf consumption, at the end of the experiment. Neem oil is repellent to D. speciosa and C. arcuata, with more efficient results at the 5.00, 10.00 and 20.00 mL concentrations. All concentrations of neem oil reduce leaf consumption of both insects, except in the no-choice test with D. speciosa, in which only the 10.00 and 20.00 mL concentrations are deterrent. Chinaberry oil provides high repellent activity on both leaf beetle species, and the 10.00 and 20.00 mL concentrations stood out. The 10.00 and 20.00 mL concentrations of chinaberry oil are deterrent to D. speciosa and C. arcuata.


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Seed dispersal effectiveness (SDE) is a conceptual framework that aims at quantifying the contribution of seed dispersal vectors to plant fitness. While it is well recognized that diplochorous dispersal systems, characterized by two successive dispersal steps performed by two different vectors (Phase I=primary seed dispersal and Phase II=secondary seed dispersal) which are common in temperate and tropical regions, little attention has been given to distinguishing the relative contribution of one-phase and two-phase dispersal to overall SDE. This conceptual gap probably results from the lack of a clear methodology to include Phase II dispersal into the calculation of SDE and to quantify its relative contribution. We propose a method to evaluate the relative contribution of one-phase and two-phase dispersal to SDE and determine whether two seed dispersers are better than one. To do so, we used the SDE landscape and an extension of the SDE landscape, the Phase II effect landscape, which measures the direction and magnitude of the Phase II dispersal effect on overall SDE. We used simulated and empirical data from a diplochorous dispersal system in the Peruvian Amazon to illustrate this new approach. Our approach provides the relative contribution of one-phase SDE (SDE1) and two-phase SDE (SDE2) to overall SDE and quantifies how much SDE changes with the addition of Phase II dispersal. Considering that the seed dispersal process is context dependent so that Phase II depends on Phase I, we predict the possible range of variation of SDE according to the variation of the probability of Phase II dispersal. In our specific study system composed of two primate species as primary dispersal vectors and different species of dung beetles as secondary dispersal vectors, the relative contribution of SDE1 and SDE2 to overall SDE varied between plant species. We discuss the context dependency of the Phase II dispersal and the potential applications of our approach. This extension to the conceptual framework of SDE enables quantitative evaluation of the effect of Phase II dispersal on plant fitness and can be easily adapted to other biotic and/or abiotic diplochorous dispersal systems.


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This study aimed to identify in scientific literature the informatics competencies required from the nurses to make decision in management process. Through a scoping review, literature databases were searched to find articles published in Portuguese, English, or Spanish, until July 2013. 188 articles were found, and seven were included in this study, published between 1994 and 2011. The studies were written in English (5; 71%), in USA (5; 71%), using experience reports or literature review designs (5; 71%). The informatics competences were categorized according the Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER). The findings highlight gaps in informatics competence to make decisions in the management process--essentially in information management competence.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The flight periodicity of western balsam bark beetle (Dryocoetes confusus Swaine) in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Utah, was studied during the summer months of 1992, 1993, and 1994. Contents of baited funnel traps were tallied by species up to 3 times weekly. Two main periods of flight activity were observed each year. The first and, generally, largest occurred in early summer soon after flight was initiated for the season. A 2nd period was observed in late summer, generally August. Timing of the 2 periods was influenced by unusually warm or cool weather in each study year. The 1st period had more males than females while the 2nd period had a majority of females. Except during periods of cool or wet weather, western balsam bark beetles were found to be active at least at minimal levels from June through September.


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An updated checklist of the Cerambycidae of Costa Rica is presented. This new version includes 1,071 species and subspecies in 429 genera, 69 tribes, and six subfamilies. Of these, 181 are new country records and 136 species are known only from Costa Rica. In addition, provincial distribution data are provided for each species. The checklist supports a wealth of scientific literature in many other groups of flora and fauna indicating Costa Rica has high species richness of cerambycid beetles. Se presenta una lista actualizada de los Cerambycidae de Costa Rica. Esta nueva versión incluye 1.071 especies y subespecies en 429 géneros, 69 tribus, y seis subfamilias. De estas, 181 son nuevos registros para el país y 136 especies se conocen solamente de Costa Rica. Adicionalmente, para cada especie se incluyen datos sobre su presencia en las diferentes provincias. La lista concuerda con una gran cantidad de literatura científica en muchos otros grupos de flora y fauna que muestran que Costa Rica tiene una alta riqueza de especies.


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Rapid in vitro methods for measuring digestibility may be useful in analysing aqua feeds if the extent and limits of their application are clearly defined. The pH-stat protein digestibility routine with shrimp hepatopancreas enzymes was previously related to apparent protein digestibility with juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei fed diets containing different protein ingredients. The potential of the method to predict culture performance of shrimp fed six commercial feeds (T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 and T8) with 350 g kg(-1) declared crude-protein content was assessed. The consistency of results obtained using hepatopancreas enzyme extracts from either pond or clear water-raised shrimp was further verified in terms of reproducibility and possible diet history effects upon in vitro outputs. Shrimps were previously acclimated and then maintained over 56 days (initial mean weight 3.28 g) on each diet in 500-L tanks at 114 ind m(-2), clear water closed system with continuous renewal and mechanical filtering (50 mu m), with four replicates per treatment. Feeds were offered four times daily (six days a week) delivered in trays at feeding rates ranging from 4.0% to 7.0% of stocked shrimp biomass. Feed was accessible to shrimp 4 h daily for 1-h feeding period after which uneaten feed was recovered. Growth and survival were determined every 14 days from a sample of 16 individuals per tank. Water quality was monitored daily (pH, temperature and salinity) and managed by water back flushing filter cleaning every 7-10 days. Feeds were analysed for crude protein, gross energy, amino acids and pepsin digestibility. In vitro pH-stat degree of protein hydrolysis (DH%) was determined for each feed using hepatopancreas enzyme extracts from experimental (clear water) or pond-raised shrimp. Feeds resulted in significant differences in shrimp performance (P < 0.05) as seen by the differences in growth rates (0.56-0.98 g week(-1)), final weight and feed conversion ratio (FCR). Shrimp performance and in vitro DH% with pond-raised shrimp enzymes showed significant correlation (P < 0.05) for yield (R-2 = 0.72), growth rates (R-2 = 0.72-0.80) and FCR (R-2 = -0.67). Other feed attributes (protein : energy ratio, amino acids, true protein, non-protein nitrogen contents and in vitro pepsin digestibility) showed none or limited correlation with shrimp culture performance. Additional correlations were found between growth rates and methionine (R-2 = 0.73), FCR and histidine (R-2 = -0.60), and DH% and methionine or methionine+cystine feed contents (R-2 = 0.67-0.92). pH-stat assays with shrimp enzymes generated reproducible DH% results with either pond (CV <= 6.5%) or clear water (CV <= 8.5%) hepatopancreas enzyme sources. Moreover, correlations between shrimp growth rates and feed DH% were significant regardless of the enzyme origin (pond or clear water-raised shrimp) and showed consistent R-2 values. Results suggest the feasibility of using standardized hepatopancreas enzyme extracts for in vitro protein digestibility.


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Larvae of Potamophilops cinereus (Blanchard, 1841) from Brazil, Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Grande (Fazenda Intervales, Rio Carmo) are described for the first time and illustrated. The larvae were found associated with adults. The larva of P. cinereus is most similar to larvae of species of the Mexican and Central American genera Disersus Sharp and Hispaniolara Brown, but can be easily distinguished chiefly by the head being not visible when seen from above, due to being concealed by the anterior projection of the pronotum. Comparisons of the three genera are presented. Photographs of the adult habitus of P. cinereus are also furnished. A key to the larvae of the genera of Larainae of Brazil is included.


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Three new species of Triplonychus Candeze, T. cruspinosus sp. nov., T. crassifemoris sp. nov. and T. tibialatus sp. nov., and a new species of Globothorax Fleutiaux, G. latidens sp. nov., from Brazil are described. Illustrations, photographic and SEM images are presented. A review of the diagnostic generic characters and a key to the species of Triplonychus and Globothorax from Brazil are also given.


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Cypermethrin dust was evaluated as a tool for the integrated management of lesser mealwonns (also called the darkling beetle), Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer). This experiment examined the efficacy of the cypermethrin against adult and late instar lesser mealwonns under laboratory conditions. Two bioassay methods were evaluated, using either a petri plate or a covered plastic container simulating poultry house conditions. In the simulated conditions, two different samples were used and cypermethrin was either dusted onto the surface of the container or was directly dusted onto the bottom. The LC50 for adults was 636.6 ppm, however, 929.7 ppm of cypermethrin dust was needed to achieve a 50% mortality rate in late instar larvae 24 h after the administration of the insecticide. A similar trend was observed in the simulated poultry houses when the adult mortality was > 90% while effectiveness in late in. star larvae was decreased, i.e., between 50 and 85%. Significant differences in the toxicity profiles were observed in larvae mortality when cypermethrin it was dusted directly onto the litter surface, compared to the bottom of the container. We have verified that cypermethrin dust is available for use in poultry houses however, toxicity profiles of lesser mealworm may depend on the beetle's stage of development and method of application


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Diseases caused by extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) in wild felids are rarely reported. Although urinary tract infections are infrequently reported in domestic cats, such infections when present are commonly caused by ExPEC. The present work characterized ExPEC strains isolated from 2 adult felines, a snow leopard (Panthera uncia) and a black leopard (Panthera pardus melas), that died from secondary bacteremia associated with urinary tract infections. Isolates from both animals were classified into the B2 phylogenetic group and expressed virulence genotypes that allowed them to cause severe disease. In addition, strains from the black leopard showed multidrug resistance.


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Serracutisoma proximum is a harvestman with alternative male morphs. Large males use sexually dimorphic second legs in fights for the possession of territories on the vegetation, where females oviposit. Small males have short second legs and do not fight but rather sneak into the territories and copulate with egg-guarding females. We investigated the presence of male dimorphism across 10 populations of S. proximum, compared gonadal investment between male morphs, and assessed if the distribution of the sneakers is influenced by harem size. In all populations, there was male dimorphism, indicated by the bimodal distribution of the leg II length/body length. Gonadal investment did not differ between morphs and was not affected by male size, second leg length, and morph relative frequency in the populations. We found 361 territories, 90.0% containing 1 male, 9.7% containing 2 males (dyads), and 0.3% containing 3 males. The probability of encountering dyads increased with the number of females present in the territories. Moreover, the proportion of sneakers in territories containing dyads was higher than would be expected by chance. One possible reason for the ubiquity of alternative morphs in S. proximum could be the high mating opportunities experienced by sneakers in spatially structured populations with a resource defense polygyny system. Additionally, the high frequency of successful invasions by sneakers and hence the high sperm competition risk for both morphs may explain the similarity in gonadal investment between male morphs.