698 resultados para Thaliana
Wie alle Eukaryoten besitzen auch höhere Pflanzen ein mikrotubuläres Cytoskelett. Einige Funktionen dieses Cytoskeletts sind relativ stark konserviert, andere dagegen scheinen sehr pflanzenspezifisch zu sein. Dies betrifft insbesondere charakteristische mikrotubuläre Netzwerke, die bei der Neubildung und der Verstärkung der Zellwände wichtige Rollen übernehmen. Wie der Aufbau dieser Netzwerke kontrolliert wird, ist bisher relativ unklar. Typische Mikrotubuli organisierende Zentren (MTOC), insbesondere Centrosomen oder Spindelpolkörper, sind bei höheren Pflanzen nicht beobachtet worden. Von pilzlichen und tierischen Organismen weiß man, dass gamma-Tubulin (gTUB) mit seinen assoziierten Proteinen in den MTOC bei der Nukleation von Mikrotubuli eine Schlüsselfunktion hat. Dieses Mitglied der Tubulin-Superfamilie wird aber auch in Pflanzen gefunden, dessen genaue Funktion bisher unbekannt ist. Zu Beginn der Arbeit wurden mittels in silico Berechnungen Strukturmodelle des pflanzlichen gTUBs aus Nicotiana tabacum erarbeitet, da die Struktur, die zu einem Verständnis der pflanzlichen Wachstumsregulation beitragen könnte, bisher unbekannt ist. Auf Grundlage der bioinformatischen Daten konnte für weitere Studien eine notwendige gTUB-Deletionsmutante entwickelt werden. Für Röntgendiffraktionsstudien und gTUB-Interaktionspartneranalysen war die Verfügbarkeit verhältnismäßig großer Proteinmengen notwendig. Die Expression der gTUB-Volllängensequenz in gelöster und aktiver Form stellte einen immanent wichtigen Zwischenschritt dar. Das Escherichia coli T7/lacO-Expressionssystem lieferte, trotz vielversprechender Erfolge in der Vergangenheit, kein gelöstes rekombinantes gTUB. So wurden zwar verhältnismäßig hohe Expressionsraten erzielt, aber das rekombinante gTUB lag quantitativ als Inclusion bodies vor. Eine Variationen der Expressionsparameter sowie umfangreiche Versuche mittels verschiedenster Konstrukte sowie potentiell die Löslichkeit erhöhenden Tags gTUB in gelöster Form in E. coli zu exprimieren blieben erfolglos. Eine Denaturierung der Inclusion bodies und Rückfaltung wurde aufgrund der wohl bei der Tubulinfaltung notwendigen komplexeren Chaperone sowie thermodynamischer Überlegungen ausgeschlossen. Die höher evolvierte Chaperonausstattung war ein Hauptgrund für die Verwendung der eukaryotischen Hefe-Expressionssysteme K. lactis und des S. cerevisiae-Stammes FGY217 zur gTUB-Expression. So konnten nach der Selektion nur transgene Hefe-Zellen dokumentiert werden, die die gTUB-Expressionskassette nachweislich an der vorgesehenen Zielposition in ihrem Genom integrierten, aber keine dokumentierbare Expression zeigten. Die wahrscheinlichste Begründung hierfür ist, dass ein erhöhter intrazellulärer gTUB-Titer mit dem Zellwachstum und der Zellteilung dieser eukaryotischen Organismen interferierte und durch Rückkopplungen die rekombinante gTUB-CDS aus N. tabacum ausgeschaltet wurde. Der Versuch einer transienten gTUB-Überexpression in differenzierten Blattgeweben höherer Pflanzen war eine logische Konsequenz aus den vorherigen Ergebnissen und lieferte, wenn auch nicht die für eine Proteinkristallisation notwendigen Mengen, gelöstes gTUB. Bestrebungen einer stabilen Transfektion von A. thaliana oder BY-2-Zellkulturen mit einer gTUB-CDS lieferten keine transgenen Organismen, was starke Interferenzen der rekombinanten gTUB-CDS in den Zellen vermuten lies. Transfektionsversuche mit nur GFP tragenden Konstrukten ergaben hingegen eine hohe Anzahl an transgenen Organismen, die auch verhältnismäßig starke Expressionsraten zeigten. Die erzielten Proteinmengen bei der transienten gTUB-Überexpression in N. benthamiana Blattgeweben, in Co-Expression mit dem Posttransriptional Gene Silencing-Suppressorprotein p19, waren für einen Pull-Down sowie eine massenspektroskopische Analyse der Interaktionspartner ausreichend und ergaben Befunde. Eine abschließende Auswertung des erarbeiteten massenspektroskopischen Datensatzes wird jedoch erst dann möglich sein, wenn das Tabak-Proteom vollständig sequenziert ist. Die Erweiterung der bestehenden pflanzlichen Vergleichsdatenbanken um das bisher bekannte Tabak-Proteom vervielfachte die Anzahl der in dieser Studie identifizierten gTUB-Interaktionspartner. Interaktionen mit dem TCP1-Chaperon untermauern die Hypothese der zur Faltung pflanzlichen gTUBs notwendigen Chaperone. Beobachtete gTUB-Degradationsmuster in Verbindung mit Interaktionen des 26S-Proteasoms deuten auf eine Gegenregulationen bei erhöhtem gTUB-Titer auf Proteinebene hin. Da Blattgewebe selbst nur noch über eine sehr geringe und inhomogene Teilungsaktivität verfügen ist diese Regulation hoch spannend. Auch konnte durch Co-Expression des PTGS-Suppressorproteins p19 gezeigt werden, dass bei der gTUB-Expression eine Regulation auf RNA-Ebene erfolgt.
In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), the blue light photoreceptor phototropins (phot1 and phot2) fine-tune the photosynthetic status of the plant by controlling several important adaptive processes in response to environmental light variations. These processes include stem and petiole phototropism (leaf positioning), leaf flattening, stomatal opening, and chloroplast movements. The PHYTOCHROME KINASE SUBSTRATE (PKS) protein family comprises four members in Arabidopsis (PKS1-PKS4). PKS1 is a novel phot1 signaling element during phototropism, as it interacts with phot1 and the important signaling element NONPHOTOTROPIC HYPOCOTYL3 (NPH3) and is required for normal phot1-mediated phototropism. In this study, we have analyzed more globally the role of three PKS members (PKS1, PKS2, and PKS4). Systematic analysis of mutants reveals that PKS2 (and to a lesser extent PKS1) act in the same subset of phototropin-controlled responses as NPH3, namely leaf flattening and positioning. PKS1, PKS2, and NPH3 coimmunoprecipitate with both phot1-green fluorescent protein and phot2-green fluorescent protein in leaf extracts. Genetic experiments position PKS2 within phot1 and phot2 pathways controlling leaf positioning and leaf flattening, respectively. NPH3 can act in both phot1 and phot2 pathways, and synergistic interactions observed between pks2 and nph3 mutants suggest complementary roles of PKS2 and NPH3 during phototropin signaling. Finally, several observations further suggest that PKS2 may regulate leaf flattening and positioning by controlling auxin homeostasis. Together with previous findings, our results indicate that the PKS proteins represent an important family of phototropin signaling proteins.
P>Outcrossing Arabidopsis species that diverged from their inbreeding relative Arabidopsis thaliana 5 million yr ago and display a biogeographical pattern of interspecific sympatry vs intraspecific allopatry provides an ideal model for studying impacts of gene introgression and polyploidization on species diversification. Flow cytometry analyses detected ploidy polymorphisms of 2x and 4x in Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. kamchatica of Taiwan. Genomic divergence between species/subspecies was estimated based on 98 randomly chosen nuclear genes. Multilocus analyses revealed a mosaic genome in diploid A. l. kamchatica composed of Arabidopsis halleri-like and A. lyrata-like alleles. Coalescent analyses suggest that the segregation of ancestral polymorphisms alone cannot explain the high inconsistency between gene trees across loci, and that gene introgression via diploid A. l. kamchatica likely distorts the molecular phylogenies of Arabidopsis species. However, not all genes migrated across species freely. Gene ontology analyses suggested that some nonmigrating genes were constrained by natural selection. High levels of estimated ancestral polymorphisms between A. halleri and A. lyrata suggest that gene flow between these species has not completely ceased since their initial isolation. Polymorphism data of extant populations also imply recent gene flow between the species. Our study reveals that interspecific gene flow affects the genome evolution in Arabidopsis.
Background: ;Rates of molecular evolution vary widely among species. While significant deviations from molecular clock have been found in many taxa, effects of life histories on molecular evolution are not fully understood. In plants, annual/perennial life history traits have long been suspected to influence the evolutionary rates at the molecular level. To date, however, the number of genes investigated on this subject is limited and the conclusions are mixed. To evaluate the possible heterogeneity in evolutionary rates between annual and perennial plants at the genomic level, we investigated 85 nuclear housekeeping genes, 10 non-housekeeping families, and 34 chloroplast;genes using the genomic data from model plants including Arabidopsis thaliana and Medicago truncatula for annuals and grape (Vitis vinifera) and popular (Populus trichocarpa) for perennials.;Results: ;According to the cross-comparisons among the four species, 74-82% of the nuclear genes and 71-97% of the chloroplast genes suggested higher rates of molecular evolution in the two annuals than those in the two perennials. The significant heterogeneity in evolutionary rate between annuals and perennials was consistently found both in nonsynonymous sites and synonymous sites. While a linear correlation of evolutionary rates in orthologous genes between species was observed in nonsynonymous sites, the correlation was weak or invisible in synonymous sites. This tendency was clearer in nuclear genes than in chloroplast genes, in which the overall;evolutionary rate was small. The slope of the regression line was consistently lower than unity, further confirming the higher evolutionary rate in annuals at the genomic level.;Conclusions: ;The higher evolutionary rate in annuals than in perennials appears to be a universal phenomenon both in nuclear and chloroplast genomes in the four dicot model plants we investigated. Therefore, such heterogeneity in evolutionary rate should result from factors that have genome-wide influence, most likely those associated with annual/perennial life history. Although we acknowledge current limitations of this kind of study, mainly due to a small sample size available and a distant taxonomic relationship of the model organisms, our results indicate that the genome-wide survey is a promising approach toward further understanding of the;mechanism determining the molecular evolutionary rate at the genomic level.
In a majority of species, leaf development is thought to proceed in a bilaterally symmetric fashion without systematic asymmetries. This is despite the left and right sides of an initiating primordium occupying niches that differ in their distance from sinks and sources of auxin. Here, we revisit an existing model of auxin transport sufficient to recreate spiral phyllotactic patterns and find previously overlooked asymmetries between auxin distribution and the centers of leaf primordia. We show that it is the direction of the phyllotactic spiral that determines the side of the leaf these asymmetries fall on. We empirically confirm the presence of an asymmetric auxin response using a DR5 reporter and observe morphological asymmetries in young leaf primordia. Notably, these morphological asymmetries persist in mature leaves, and we observe left-right asymmetries in the superficially bilaterally symmetric leaves of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and Arabidopsis thaliana that are consistent with modeled predictions. We further demonstrate that auxin application to a single side of a leaf primordium is sufficient to recapitulate the asymmetries we observe. Our results provide a framework to study a previously overlooked developmental axis and provide insights into the developmental constraints imposed upon leaf morphology by auxin-dependent phyllotactic patterning.
Phyllotaxis, the regular arrangement of leaves and flowers around the stem, is a key feature of plant architecture. Current models propose that the spatiotemporal regulation of organ initiation is controlled by a positive feedback loop between the plant hormone auxin and its efflux carrier PIN-FORMED1 (PIN1). Consequently, pin1 mutants give rise to naked inflorescence stalks with few or no flowers, indicating that PIN1 plays a crucial role in organ initiation. However, pin1 mutants do produce leaves. In order to understand the regulatory mechanisms controlling leaf initiation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) rosettes, we have characterized the vegetative pin1 phenotype in detail. We show that although the timing of leaf initiation in vegetative pin1 mutants is variable and divergence angles clearly deviate from the canonical 137° value, leaves are not positioned at random during early developmental stages. Our data further indicate that other PIN proteins are unlikely to explain the persistence of leaf initiation and positioning during pin1 vegetative development. Thus, phyllotaxis appears to be more complex than suggested by current mechanistic models.
Upon the incidence of DNA stress, the ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) and Rad3-related (ATR) signaling kinases activate a transient cell cycle arrest that allows cells to repair DNA before proceeding into mitosis. Although the ATM-ATR pathway is highly conserved over species, the mechanisms by which plant cells stop their cell cycle in response to the loss of genome integrity are unclear. We demonstrate that the cell cycle regulatory WEE1 kinase gene of Arabidopsis thaliana is transcriptionally activated upon the cessation of DNA replication or DNA damage in an ATR- or ATM-dependent manner, respectively. In accordance with a role for WEE1 in DNA stress signaling, WEE1-deficient plants showed no obvious cell division or endoreduplication phenotype when grown under nonstress conditions but were hypersensitive to agents that impair DNA replication. Induced WEE1 expression inhibited plant growth by arresting dividing cells in the G2-phase of the cell cycle. We conclude that the plant WEE1 gene is not rate-limiting for cycle progression under normal growth conditions but is a critical target of the ATR-ATM signaling cascades that inhibit the cell cycle upon activation of the DNA integrity checkpoints, coupling mitosis to DNA repair in cells that suffer DNA damage.
Arabidopsis thaliana has emerged as a leading model species in plant genetics and functional genomics including research on the genetic causes of heterosis. We applied a triple testcross (TTC) design and a novel biometrical approach to identify and characterize quantitative trait loci (QTL) for heterosis of five biomass-related traits by (i) estimating the number, genomic positions, and genetic effects of heterotic QTL, (ii) characterizing their mode of gene action, and (iii) testing for presence of epistatic effects by a genomewide scan and marker x marker interactions. In total, 234 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of Arabidopsis hybrid C24 x Col-0 were crossed to both parental lines and their F1 and analyzed with 110 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. QTL analyses were conducted using linear transformations Z1, Z2, and Z3 calculated from the adjusted entry means of TTC progenies. With Z1, we detected 12 QTL displaying augmented additive effects. With Z2, we mapped six QTL for augmented dominance effects. A one-dimensional genome scan with Z3 revealed two genomic regions with significantly negative dominance x additive epistatic effects. Two-way analyses of variance between marker pairs revealed nine digenic epistatic interactions: six reflecting dominance x dominance effects with variable sign and three reflecting additive x additive effects with positive sign. We conclude that heterosis for biomass-related traits in Arabidopsis has a polygenic basis with overdominance and/or epistasis being presumably the main types of gene action.
Bidirectional promoters regulate adjacent genes organized in a divergent fashion (head to head orientation). Several Reports pertaining to bidirectional promoters on a genomic scale exists in mammals. This work provides the essential background on theoretical and experimental work to carry out a genomic scale analysis of bidirectional promoters in plants. A computational study was performed to identify putative bidirectional promoters and the over-represented cis-regulatory motifs from three sequenced plant genomes: rice (Oryza sativa), Arabidopsis thaliana, and Populus trichocarpa using the Plant Cis-acting Regulatory DNA Elements (PLACE) and PLANT CARE databases. Over-represented motifs along with their possible function were described with the help of a few conserved representative putative bidirectional promoters from the three model plants. By doing so a foundation was laid for the experimental evaluation of bidirectional promoters in plants. A novel Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transient expression assay (AmTEA) was developed for young plants of different cereal species and the model dicot Arabidopsis thaliana. AmTEA was evaluated using five promoters (six constructs) and two reporter genes, gus and egfp. Efficacy and stability of AmTEA was compared with stable transgenics using the Arabidopsis DEAD-box RNA helicase family gene promoter. AmTEA was primarily developed to overcome the many problems associated with the development of transgenics and expression studies in plants. Finally a possible mechanism for the bidirectional activity of bidirectional promoters was highlighted. Deletion analysis using promoter-reporter gene constructs identified three rice promoters to be bidirectional. Regulatory elements located in the 5’- untranslated regions (UTR) of one of the genes of the divergent gene pair were found to be responsible for their bidirectional ctivity
Heritable variation in plant phenotypes, and thus potential for evolutionary change, can in principle not only be caused by variation in DNA sequence, but also by underlying epigenetic variation. However, the potential scope of such phenotypic effects and their evolutionary significance are largely unexplored. Here, we conducted a glasshouse experiment in which we tested the response of a large number of epigenetic recombinant inbred lines (epiRILs) of Arabidopsis thaliana – lines that are nearly isogenic but highly variable at the level of DNA methylation – to drought and increased nutrient conditions. We found significant heritable variation among epiRILs both in the means of several ecologically important plant traits and in their plasticities to drought and nutrients. Significant selection gradients, that is, fitness correlations, of several mean traits and plasticities suggest that selection could act on this epigenetically based phenotypic variation. Our study provides evidence that variation in DNA methylation can cause substantial heritable variation of ecologically important plant traits, including root allocation, drought tolerance and nutrient plasticity, and that rapid evolution based on epigenetic variation alone should thus be possible.
Biological diversity within species can be an important driver of population and ecosystem functioning. Until now, such within-species diversity effects have been attributed to underlying variation in DNA sequence. However, within-species differences, and thus potentially functional biodiversity, can also be created by epigenetic variation. Here, we show that epigenetic diversity increases the productivity and stability of plant populations. Epigenetically diverse populations of Arabidopsis thaliana produce up to 40% more biomass than epigenetically uniform populations. The positive epigenetic diversity effects are strongest when populations are grown together with competitors and infected with pathogens, and they seem to be partly driven by complementarity among epigenotypes. Our study has two implications: first, we may need to re-evaluate previous within-species diversity studies where some effects could reflect epigenetic diversity; second, we need to incorporate epigenetics into basic ecological research, by quantifying natural epigenetic diversity and testing for its ecological consequences across many different species.
Proline transporters (ProTs) mediate transport of the compatible solutes Pro, glycine betaine, and the stress-induced compound gamma-aminobutyric acid. A new member of this gene family, AtProT3, was isolated from Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), and its properties were compared to AtProT1 and AtProT2. Transient expression of fusions of AtProT and the green fluorescent protein in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) protoplasts revealed that all three AtProTs were localized at the plasma membrane. Expression in a yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) mutant demonstrated that the affinity of all three AtProTs was highest for glycine betaine (K-m = 0.1-0.3 mM), lower for Pro (K-m = 0.4-1 mM), and lowest for gamma-aminobutyric acid (K-m = 4-5 mM). Relative quantification of the mRNA level using real-time PCR and analyses of transgenic plants expressing the beta-glucuronidase (uidA) gene under control of individual AtProT promoters showed that the expression pattern of AtProTs are complementary. AtProT1 expression was found in the phloem or phloem parenchyma cells throughout the whole plant, indicative of a role in long-distance transport of compatible solutes. beta-Glucuronidase activity under the control of the AtProT2 promoter was restricted to the epidermis and the cortex cells in roots, whereas in leaves, staining could be demonstrated only after wounding. In contrast, AtProT3 expression was restricted to the above-ground parts of the plant and could be localized to the epidermal cells in leaves. These results showed that, although intracellular localization, substrate specificity, and affinity are very similar, the transporters fulfill different roles in planta.
For the efficient translocation of organic nitrogen, small peptides of two to three amino acids are posited as an important alternative to amino acids. A new transporter mediating the uptake of di- and tripeptides was isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana by heterologous complementation of a peptide transport-deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant. AtPTR1 mediated growth of S. cerevisiae cells on different di- and tripeptides and caused sensitivity to the phytotoxin phaseolotoxin. The spectrum of substrates recognized by AtPTR1 was determined in Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with AtPTR1 cRNA under voltage clamp conditions. AtPTR1 not only recognized a broad spectrum of di- and tripeptides, but also substrates lacking a peptide bond. However, amino acids, omega-amino fatty acids or peptides with more than three amino acid residues did not interact with AtPTR1. At pH 5.5 AtPTR1 had an apparent lower affinity (K-0.5 = 416 mum) for Ala-Asp compared with Ala-Ala (K-0.5 = 54 mum) and Ala-Lys (K-0.5 = 112 mum). Transient expression of AtPTR1/GFP fusion proteins in tobacco protoplasts showed that AtPTR1 is localized at the plasma membrane. In addition, transgenic plants expressing the beta-glucuronidase (uidA) gene under control of the AtPTR1 promoter demonstrated expression in the vascular tissue throughout the plant, indicative of a role in long-distance transport of di- and tripeptides.
When comparing the transporters of three completely sequenced eukaryotic genomes - Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Arabidopsis thaliana and Homo sapiens - transporter types can be distinguished according to phylogeny, substrate spectrum, transport mechanism and cell specificity. The known amino acid transporters belong to five different superfamilies. Two preferentially Na+-coupled transporter superfamilies are not represented in them yeast and Arabidopsis genomes, whereas the other three groups, which often function as H+-coupled systems, have members in all investigated genomes. Additional superfamilies exist for organellar transport, including mitochondrial and plastidic carriers. When used in combination with phylogenetic analyses, functional comparison might aid our prediction of physiological functions for related but uncharacterized open reading frames.
CASPARIAN STRIP MEMBRANE DOMAIN PROTEINS (CASPs) are four-membrane-span proteins that mediate the deposition of Casparian strips in the endodermis by recruiting the lignin polymerization machinery. CASPs show high stability in their membrane domain, which presents all the hallmarks of a membrane scaffold. Here, we characterized the large family of CASP-like (CASPL) proteins. CASPLs were found in all major divisions of land plants as well as in green algae; homologs outside of the plant kingdom were identified as members of the MARVEL protein family. When ectopically expressed in the endodermis, most CASPLs were able to integrate the CASP membrane domain, which suggests that CASPLs share with CASPs the propensity to form transmembrane scaffolds. Extracellular loops are not necessary for generating the scaffold, since CASP1 was still able to localize correctly when either one of the extracellular loops was deleted. The CASP first extracellular loop was found conserved in euphyllophytes but absent in plants lacking Casparian strips, an observation that may contribute to the study of Casparian strip and root evolution. In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), CASPL showed specific expression in a variety of cell types, such as trichomes, abscission zone cells, peripheral root cap cells, and xylem pole pericycle cells.