850 resultados para Text-Based Image Retrieval
A very simple and robust method for ceramics grains quantitative image analysis is presented. Based on the use of optimal imaging conditions for reflective light microscopy of bulk samples, a digital image processing routine was developed for shading correction, noise suppressing and contours enhancement. Image analysis was done for grains selected according to their concavities, evaluated by perimeter ratio shape factor, to avoid consider the effects of breakouts and ghost boundaries due to ceramographic preparation limitations. As an example, the method was applied for two ceramics, to compare grain size and morphology distributions. In this case, most of artefacts introduced by ceramographic preparation could be discarded due to the use of perimeter ratio exclusion range.
In this paper we would like to shed light the problem of efficiency and effectiveness of image classification in large datasets. As the amount of data to be processed and further classified has increased in the last years, there is a need for faster and more precise pattern recognition algorithms in order to perform online and offline training and classification procedures. We deal here with the problem of moist area classification in radar image in a fast manner. Experimental results using Optimum-Path Forest and its training set pruning algorithm also provided and discussed. © 2011 IEEE.
Purpose: This study was performed to compare the inverted digital images and film-based images of dry pig mandibles to measure the periodontal bone defect depth. Materials and Methods: Forty 2-wall bone defects were made in the proximal region of the premolar in the dry pig mandibles. The digital and conventional radiographs were taken using a Schick sensor and Kodak F-speed intraoral film. Image manipulation (inversion) was performed using Adobe Photoshop 7.0 software. Four trained examiners made all of the radiographic measurements in millimeters a total of three times from the cementoenamel junction to the most apical extension of the bone loss with both types of images: inverted digital and film. The measurements were also made in dry mandibles using a periodontal probe and digital caliper. The Student's t-test was used to compare the depth measurements obtained from the two types of images and direct visual measurement in the dry mandibles. A significance level of 0.05 for a 95% confidence interval was used for each comparison. Results: There was a significant difference between depth measurements in the inverted digital images and direct visual measurements (p>|t|=0.0039), with means of 6.29 mm (IC95%:6.04-6.54) and 6.79 mm (IC95%:6.45-7.11), respectively. There was a non-significant difference between the film-based radiographs and direct visual measurements (p>|t|=0.4950), with means of 6.64mm (IC95%:6.40-6.89) and 6.79mm(IC95%:6.45-7.11), respectively. Conclusion: The periodontal bone defect measurements in the inverted digital images were inferior to film-based radiographs, underestimating the amount of bone loss. copy; 2012 by Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology.
Image restoration is a research field that attempts to recover a blurred and noisy image. Since it can be modeled as a linear system, we propose in this paper to use the meta-heuristics optimization algorithm Harmony Search (HS) to find out near-optimal solutions in a Projections Onto Convex Sets-based formulation to solve this problem. The experiments using HS and four of its variants have shown that we can obtain near-optimal and faster restored images than other evolutionary optimization approach. © 2013 IEEE.
This paper reports a research to evaluate the potential and the effects of use of annotated Paraconsistent logic in automatic indexing. This logic attempts to deal with contradictions, concerned with studying and developing inconsistency-tolerant systems of logic. This logic, being flexible and containing logical states that go beyond the dichotomies yes and no, permits to advance the hypothesis that the results of indexing could be better than those obtained by traditional methods. Interactions between different disciplines, as information retrieval, automatic indexing, information visualization, and nonclassical logics were considered in this research. From the methodological point of view, an algorithm for treatment of uncertainty and imprecision, developed under the Paraconsistent logic, was used to modify the values of the weights assigned to indexing terms of the text collections. The tests were performed on an information visualization system named Projection Explorer (PEx), created at Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (ICMC - USP Sao Carlos), with available source code. PEx uses traditional vector space model to represent documents of a collection. The results were evaluated by criteria built in the information visualization system itself, and demonstrated measurable gains in the quality of the displays, confirming the hypothesis that the use of the para-analyser under the conditions of the experiment has the ability to generate more effective clusters of similar documents. This is a point that draws attention, since the constitution of more significant clusters can be used to enhance information indexing and retrieval. It can be argued that the adoption of non-dichotomous (non-exclusive) parameters provides new possibilities to relate similar information.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this letter, a semiautomatic method for road extraction in object space is proposed that combines a stereoscopic pair of low-resolution aerial images with a digital terrain model (DTM) structured as a triangulated irregular network (TIN). First, we formulate an objective function in the object space to allow the modeling of roads in 3-D. In this model, the TIN-based DTM allows the search for the optimal polyline to be restricted along a narrow band that is overlaid upon it. Finally, the optimal polyline for each road is obtained by optimizing the objective function using the dynamic programming optimization algorithm. A few seed points need to be supplied by an operator. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, a set of experiments was designed using two stereoscopic pairs of low-resolution aerial images and a TIN-based DTM with an average resolution of 1 m. The experimental results showed that the proposed method worked properly, even when faced with anomalies along roads, such as obstructions caused by shadows and trees.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper presents an optimum user-steered boundary tracking approach for image segmentation, which simulates the behavior of water flowing through a riverbed. The riverbed approach was devised using the image foresting transform with a never-exploited connectivity function. We analyze its properties in the derived image graphs and discuss its theoretical relation with other popular methods such as live wire and graph cuts. Several experiments show that riverbed can significantly reduce the number of user interactions (anchor points), as compared to live wire for objects with complex shapes. This paper also includes a discussion about how to combine different methods in order to take advantage of their complementary strengths.
This thesis deals with Visual Servoing and its strictly connected disciplines like projective geometry, image processing, robotics and non-linear control. More specifically the work addresses the problem to control a robotic manipulator through one of the largely used Visual Servoing techniques: the Image Based Visual Servoing (IBVS). In Image Based Visual Servoing the robot is driven by on-line performing a feedback control loop that is closed directly in the 2D space of the camera sensor. The work considers the case of a monocular system with the only camera mounted on the robot end effector (eye in hand configuration). Through IBVS the system can be positioned with respect to a 3D fixed target by minimizing the differences between its initial view and its goal view, corresponding respectively to the initial and the goal system configurations: the robot Cartesian Motion is thus generated only by means of visual informations. However, the execution of a positioning control task by IBVS is not straightforward because singularity problems may occur and local minima may be reached where the reached image is very close to the target one but the 3D positioning task is far from being fulfilled: this happens in particular for large camera displacements, when the the initial and the goal target views are noticeably different. To overcame singularity and local minima drawbacks, maintaining the good properties of IBVS robustness with respect to modeling and camera calibration errors, an opportune image path planning can be exploited. This work deals with the problem of generating opportune image plane trajectories for tracked points of the servoing control scheme (a trajectory is made of a path plus a time law). The generated image plane paths must be feasible i.e. they must be compliant with rigid body motion of the camera with respect to the object so as to avoid image jacobian singularities and local minima problems. In addition, the image planned trajectories must generate camera velocity screws which are smooth and within the allowed bounds of the robot. We will show that a scaled 3D motion planning algorithm can be devised in order to generate feasible image plane trajectories. Since the paths in the image are off-line generated it is also possible to tune the planning parameters so as to maintain the target inside the camera field of view even if, in some unfortunate cases, the feature target points would leave the camera images due to 3D robot motions. To test the validity of the proposed approach some both experiments and simulations results have been reported taking also into account the influence of noise in the path planning strategy. The experiments have been realized with a 6DOF anthropomorphic manipulator with a fire-wire camera installed on its end effector: the results demonstrate the good performances and the feasibility of the proposed approach.
During the last few years, several methods have been proposed in order to study and to evaluate characteristic properties of the human skin by using non-invasive approaches. Mostly, these methods cover aspects related to either dermatology, to analyze skin physiology and to evaluate the effectiveness of medical treatments in skin diseases, or dermocosmetics and cosmetic science to evaluate, for example, the effectiveness of anti-aging treatments. To these purposes a routine approach must be followed. Although very accurate and high resolution measurements can be achieved by using conventional methods, such as optical or mechanical profilometry for example, their use is quite limited primarily to the high cost of the instrumentation required, which in turn is usually cumbersome, highlighting some of the limitations for a routine based analysis. This thesis aims to investigate the feasibility of a noninvasive skin characterization system based on the analysis of capacitive images of the skin surface. The system relies on a CMOS portable capacitive device which gives 50 micron/pixel resolution capacitance map of the skin micro-relief. In order to extract characteristic features of the skin topography, image analysis techniques, such as watershed segmentation and wavelet analysis, have been used to detect the main structures of interest: wrinkles and plateau of the typical micro-relief pattern. In order to validate the method, the features extracted from a dataset of skin capacitive images acquired during dermatological examinations of a healthy group of volunteers have been compared with the age of the subjects involved, showing good correlation with the skin ageing effect. Detailed analysis of the output of the capacitive sensor compared with optical profilometry of silicone replica of the same skin area has revealed potentiality and some limitations of this technology. Also, applications to follow-up studies, as needed to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of treatments in a routine manner, are discussed.
La radioterapia guidata da immagini (IGRT), grazie alle ripetute verifiche della posizione del paziente e della localizzazione del volume bersaglio, si è recentemente affermata come nuovo paradigma nella radioterapia, avendo migliorato radicalmente l’accuratezza nella somministrazione di dose a scopo terapeutico. Una promettente tecnica nel campo dell’IGRT è rappresentata dalla tomografia computerizzata a fascio conico (CBCT). La CBCT a kilovoltaggio, consente di fornire un’accurata mappatura tridimensionale dell’anatomia del paziente, in fase di pianificazione del trattamento e a ogni frazione del medisimo. Tuttavia, la dose da imaging attribuibile alle ripetute scansioni è diventata, negli ultimi anni, oggetto di una crescente preoccupazione nel contesto clinico. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è di valutare quantitativamente la dose addizionale somministrata da CBCT a kilovoltaggio, con riferimento a tre tipici protocolli di scansione per Varian OnBoard Imaging Systems (OBI, Palo Alto, California). A questo scopo sono state condotte simulazioni con codici Monte Carlo per il calcolo della dose, utilizzando il pacchetto gCTD, sviluppato sull’architettura della scheda grafica. L’utilizzo della GPU per sistemi server di calcolo ha permesso di raggiungere alte efficienze computazionali, accelerando le simulazioni Monte Carlo fino a raggiungere tempi di calcolo di ~1 min per un caso tipico. Inizialmente sono state condotte misure sperimentali di dose su un fantoccio d’acqua. I parametri necessari per la modellazione della sorgente di raggi X nel codice gCTD sono stati ottenuti attraverso un processo di validazione del codice al fine di accordare i valori di dose simulati in acqua con le misure nel fantoccio. Lo studio si concentra su cinquanta pazienti sottoposti a cicli di radioterapia a intensità modulata (IMRT). Venticinque pazienti con tumore al cervello sono utilizzati per studiare la dose nel protocollo standard-dose head e venticinque pazienti con tumore alla prostata sono selezionati per studiare la dose nei protocolli pelvis e pelvis spotlight. La dose media a ogni organo è calcolata. La dose media al 2% dei voxels con i valori più alti di dose è inoltre computata per ogni organo, al fine di caratterizzare l’omogeneità spaziale della distribuzione.
Craniosynostosis consists of a premature fusion of the sutures in an infant skull, which restricts the skull and brain growth. During the last decades there has been a rapid increase of fundamentally diverse surgical treatment methods. At present, the surgical outcome has been assessed using global variables such as cephalic index, head circumerence and intracranial volume. However, the variables have failed in describing the local deformations and morphological changes, which are proposed to more likely induce neurological disorders.
Purpose Accurate three-dimensional (3D) models of lumbar vertebrae can enable image-based 3D kinematic analysis. The common approach to derive 3D models is by direct segmentation of CT or MRI datasets. However, these have the disadvantages that they are expensive, timeconsuming and/or induce high-radiation doses to the patient. In this study, we present a technique to automatically reconstruct a scaled 3D lumbar vertebral model from a single two-dimensional (2D) lateral fluoroscopic image. Methods Our technique is based on a hybrid 2D/3D deformable registration strategy combining a landmark-to-ray registration with a statistical shape model-based 2D/3D reconstruction scheme. Fig. 1 shows different stages of the reconstruction process. Four cadaveric lumbar spine segments (total twelve lumbar vertebrae) were used to validate the technique. To evaluate the reconstruction accuracy, the surface models reconstructed from the lateral fluoroscopic images were compared to the associated ground truth data derived from a 3D CT-scan reconstruction technique. For each case, a surface-based matching was first used to recover the scale and the rigid transformation between the reconstructed surface model Results Our technique could successfully reconstruct 3D surface models of all twelve vertebrae. After recovering the scale and the rigid transformation between the reconstructed surface models and the ground truth models, the average error of the 2D/3D surface model reconstruction over the twelve lumbar vertebrae was found to be 1.0 mm. The errors of reconstructing surface models of all twelve vertebrae are shown in Fig. 2. It was found that the mean errors of the reconstructed surface models in comparison to their associated ground truths after iterative scaled rigid registrations ranged from 0.7 mm to 1.3 mm and the rootmean squared (RMS) errors ranged from 1.0 mm to 1.7 mm. The average mean reconstruction error was found to be 1.0 mm. Conclusion An accurate, scaled 3D reconstruction of the lumbar vertebra can be obtained from a single lateral fluoroscopic image using a statistical shape model based 2D/3D reconstruction technique. Future work will focus on applying the reconstructed model for 3D kinematic analysis of lumbar vertebrae, an extension of our previously-reported imagebased kinematic analysis. The developed method also has potential applications in surgical planning and navigation.