999 resultados para Testes de software
SUMMARY: We present a tool designed for visualization of large-scale genetic and genomic data exemplified by results from genome-wide association studies. This software provides an integrated framework to facilitate the interpretation of SNP association studies in genomic context. Gene annotations can be retrieved from Ensembl, linkage disequilibrium data downloaded from HapMap and custom data imported in BED or WIG format. AssociationViewer integrates functionalities that enable the aggregation or intersection of data tracks. It implements an efficient cache system and allows the display of several, very large-scale genomic datasets. AVAILABILITY: The Java code for AssociationViewer is distributed under the GNU General Public Licence and has been tested on Microsoft Windows XP, MacOSX and GNU/Linux operating systems. It is available from the SourceForge repository. This also includes Java webstart, documentation and example datafiles.
El proyecto que se presenta trata del estudio y desarrollo para la implementación de un sistema de gestión centralizada de software de una red Sanitaria en Clientes Windows. Este proyecto surge de la necesidad, en una empresa concertada dado el crecimiento de la red, de poder administrar los host de una manera más automatizada y más eficiente.
We present a georeferenced photomosaic of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 37°18’N). The photomosaic was generated from digital photographs acquired using the ARGO II seafloor imaging system during the 1996 LUSTRE cruise, which surveyed a ~1 km2 zone and provided a coverage of ~20% of the seafloor. The photomosaic has a pixel resolution of 15 mm and encloses the areas with known active hydrothermal venting. The final mosaic is generated after an optimization that includes the automatic detection of the same benthic features across different images (feature-matching), followed by a global alignment of images based on the vehicle navigation. We also provide software to construct mosaics from large sets of images for which georeferencing information exists (location, attitude, and altitude per image), to visualize them, and to extract data. Georeferencing information can be provided by the raw navigation data (collected during the survey) or result from the optimization obtained from imatge matching. Mosaics based solely on navigation can be readily generated by any user but the optimization and global alignment of the mosaic requires a case-by-case approach for which no universally software is available. The Lucky Strike photomosaics (optimized and navigated-only) are publicly available through the Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS, http://www.marine-geo.org). The mosaic-generating and viewing software is available through the Computer Vision and Robotics Group Web page at the University of Girona (http://eia.udg.es/_rafa/mosaicviewer.html)
En este proyecto se aborda el tema de cómo poder dar seguridad a una red mediante el software libre.
El PFC tracte de la implementació d'un web de serveis informàtics basat en software de codi obert i per tal de emprendre-ho i tirar endavant com a negoci, s'ha dut a terme un estudi de les tecnologies i un pla d'empresa, mirant de treu-re la màxima rendibilitat al web.Els serveis escollits com a model de negoci són bàsicament quatre: el disseny web, el disseny de webs e-commerce o tendes virtuals, la implementació de gestors de recursos d'empresa coneguts com ERP (de l'anglès Enterprise Resources Planning), i la implementació de gestors de relacions amb els clients coneguts com CRM (de l'anglès Customer Relationship Management).El primer capítol es una introducció, el segon capítol tracta de el software lliure, que és, quins models de negoci aporta i els tipus de llicència existents, el tercer capítol es un pla d'empresa on es detalla els serveis que oferirem i com ho gestionarem, el quart capítol tracta de les tecnologies utilitzades i el per que, i finalment unes conclusions.La web, netsolucion.com, que s'ha dissenyat amb Wordpress, implica no tan sols el haver d'estudiar i d'aprendre aquesta plataforma sinó també totes les que s'ofereixen com a serveis, que son:Gestor de Bases de Dades MySQL i PHP per al disseny web, Prestashop per al disseny de tendes virtuals, OpenERP per a la implementació dels gestors de recursos de empresa (ERP's) i els gestors de relacions amb els clients (CRM's).
El proyecto pretende realizar el análisis y diseño para informatizar la actividad de un equipo especializado en las implantaciones de software. Este equipo está dedicado al mantenimiento de las aplicaciones que hacen posible el negocio de telefonía fija de la empresa cliente.
Ante el gran incremento de información en el web, cada vez son más las empresas o instituciones que optan por implementar un sistema de gestión de contenidos, tanto en sus intranets como en la información que presentan a sus clientes o usuarios.
La elección de un programa de gestión de bibliotecas se ve afectada muchas veces por una serie de condiciones sociales, económicas y políticas que hacen que la elección no sea la más adecuada para las necesidades, características y funciones de la biblioteca. El software libre está siendo una de las soluciones más optadas, por sus libertades de copia, modificación y distribución, además de la libertad de licencias y las posibilidades de interoperación con otras aplicaciones. Esta nueva tendencia hacia el software libre en bibliotecas se refleja también en los estudios de biblioteconomía y documentación, en los que desde diferentes asignaturas se aportan conocimientos sobre programas de automatización, de gestión de repositorios, incluso del sistema operativo Linux/GNU, entre otros. Esta combinación entre las necesidades de los centros y la tendencia al uso de software libre, es la que un grupo de profesores de la Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació (Universitat de Barcelona) y estudiantes, miembros del Grup de Treball sobre Programari Lliure per als Professionals de la Informació (Cobdc), han querido aportar a la comunidad profesional, creando un laboratorio virtual para el uso de software libre de aplicación en bibliotecas.
El diseño y planificación de la arquitectura de la información de los distintos componentes de un sitio web pasa necesariamente por una propuesta de prototipado de la estructura arquitectónica de ese entorno informacional. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar y evaluar una serie de herramientas informáticas diseñadas para facilitar la creación de prototipos en el diseño y creación de sitios web.
Podeu consultar la versió en castellà a http://hdl.handle.net/2445/8959
Podeu consultar la versió en català a http://hdl.handle.net/2445/8958
Frequently the choice of a library management program is conditioned by social, economic and/or political factors that result in the selection of a system that is not altogether suitable for the library’s needs, characteristics and functions. Open source software is quickly becoming a preferred solution, owing to the freedom to copy, modify and distribute it and the freedom from contracts, as well as for greater opportunities for interoperability with other applications. These new trends regarding open source software in libraries are also reflected in LIS studies, as evidenced by the different courses addressing automated programs, repositorymanagement, including the Linux/GNU operating system, among others. The combination of the needs of the centres and the new trends for open source software is the focus of a virtual laboratory for the use of open source software for library applications. It was the result of a project, whose aim was to make a useful contribution to the library community, that was carried out by a group of professors of the School of Library and Information Science of the University of Barcelona, together with a group of students, members of a Working Group on Open Source Software for Information Professionals, of the Professional Library Association of Catalonia.
A software for the calculation of unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivity K(theta) is presented for commonly used methods found in the literature, based on field experiments in which a soil profile is submitted to water infiltration followed by internal drainage. The software is available at: dourado@esalq.usp.br.
In many bird populations, individuals display one of several genetically inherited colour morphs. Colour polymorphism can be maintained by several mechanisms one of which being frequency-dependent selection with colour morphs signalling alternative mating strategies. One morph may be dominant and territorial, and another one adopt a sneaky behaviour to gain access to fertile females. We tested this hypothesis in the barn owl Tyto alba in which coloration varies from reddish-brown to white. This trait is heritable and neither sensitive to the environment in which individuals live nor to body condition. In Switzerland, reddish-brown males were observed to feed their brood at a higher rate and to produce more offspring than white males. This observation lead us to hypothesize that white males may equalise fitness by investing more effort in extra-pair copulations. This hypothesis predicts that lighter Coloured males produce more extra-pair young, have larger testes and higher levels of circulating testosterone. However, our results are not consistent with these three predictions. First, paternity analyses of 54 broods with a total of 211 offspring revealed that only one young was not sired by the male that was feeding it. Second, testes size was not correlated with male plumage coloration suggesting that white males are not sexually more active. Finally, in nestlings at the time of feather growth testosterone level was not related to plumage coloration suggesting that this androgen is not required for the expression of this plumage trait. Our study therefore indicates that in the barn owl colour polymorphism plays no role in the probability of producing extra-pair young.
In a microchromosome-carrying laboratory stock of the normally all-female Amazon molly Poecilia formosa triploid individuals were obtained, all of which spontaneously developed into males. A comparison of morphology of the external and internal insemination apparatus and the gonads, sperm ploidy and behaviour, to laboratory-bred F(1) hybrids revealed that the triploid P. formosa males, though producing mostly aneuploid sperm, are partly functional males that differ mainly in sperm maturation and sexual motivation from gonochoristic P. formosa males.