948 resultados para Territorial rights
This policy covers initial placement, adjustment, relocation and replacement of utility facilities in, on, above or below all highway right of way over which the Iowa Department of Transportation exercises control of access. It embodies the basic specifications and standards needed, to insure the safety of the highway user and the integrity of the highway. (1985 revision to 1973 policy.)
In the past two decades, the iconography of victimhood mobilized by child rights advocates has changed significantly. In particular, the child victim of violence has replaced the street child as the dominant icon on the international agenda. Based on data from more than 300 documents produced between 1989 and 2009 and interviews with leading advocates, this article explores the diverging trajectories of iconic child victims. It follows the traces of the successive translations of the idea of âeuro~stolen childhoodâeuro? and locates them against the backdrop of evolutions in the childrenâeuro?s rights field.
This report outlines the strategic plan for Iowa Civil Rights Commission Strategic Plan including, goals and mission.
Annual Report from the Iowa Civil Rights Commission
Agency performancce plan and action plan for the Iowa Civil Rights Commission
The Iowa Department for Human Rights Strategic Plan.
Agency Performance Plan
This paper presents the results of the first phase of archaeological and historical study developed in the Vallès Oriental. It has done a complete study of the archaeological information available from the several documentary sources (bibliography, IPAC, etc.). This has lead to an interpretative update on the forms of occupation and settlement dynamics developed in the study area during the 5th BC to 1st century AD. Preliminary results of the archaeomorphological analysis focused primarily on the road network are also presented. The first results highlight the importance of territorial organization programs of the late 2nd BC and 1st century BC. In this sense, it has been documented a close relationship between the road network and the distribution of rural settlements in late-Republican and Augustan periods. The use of databases in the management of archaeological information, and especially the application of GIS in the analysis and interpretation of data, suggest new interpretive approaches.
En aquest article, s’hi presenta el procés d’elaboració, la metodologia, les reflexions i les conclusions del Llibre Blanc de l’Eurodistricte Català Transfronterer elaborat per la Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT) i la Universitat de Girona (UdG). L’estudi té per objectiu acompanyar la definició i l’emergència d’un projecte de territori transfronterer basat en la realitat d’un àmbit territorial compartit entre el departament dels Pirineus Orientals i les comarques de la província de Girona. El contingut del Llibre Blanc es divideix en tres parts: un diagnòstic transfronterer complet, l’anàlisi dels reptes d’aquest territori i les opcions de governança del territori transfronterer. Després de descriure el context territorial, la metodologia i les conclusions de l’estudi, s’hi fa un breu repàs de quin és l’estat del procés en l’actualitat
The Iowa Department of Human Rights (DHR) is a state agency with a mission to ensure basic rights, freedoms, and opportunities for all by empowering underrepresented Iowans and eliminating economic, social, and cultural barriers. We help individuals attain economic independence by ensuring access to government services and advancing educational achievement and entrepreneurial success consistent with their aspirations.
Individuals with disabilities have civil rights protection similar to that provided to individuals on the basis of race, sex, national origin, and religion. The advent of the Americans with Disabilities Act has improved these protections and brought this issue into the forefront. This book is not intended to be a legal translation of state or federal laws. Its purpose is to assist people with disabilities in understanding their rights. Please consult the Code of Iowa, the appropriate federal laws or an attorney if you need a legal interpretation.
Report on the Iowa Department of Human Rights for the year ended June 30, 2014
Report on the Iowa State Civil Rights Commission for the year ended June 30, 2014
Iowa Department of Natural Resources commitment to improving the management of both the quantity and quality of water resources, a committee was formed to assess the current policies and practices regarding water rights and allocation, and to make recommendations that would assist the state in moving toward a sustainable future. Water allocation concerns have been raised again in the past few years as increases in the demand for water are projected due to ethanol production, geothermal heating-cooling, and potential irrigation expansion.