981 resultados para Telangiectasia, Hereditary Hemorrhagic


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This study evaluates the effect of the individual‘s household income on their health at the later stages of working life. A structural equation model is utilised in order to derive a composite and continuous index of the latent health status from qualitative health status indicators. The endogenous relationship between health status and household income status is taken into account by using IV estimators. The findings reveal a significant effect of individual household income on health before and after endogeneity is taken into account and after a host of other factors which is known to influence health, including hereditary factors and the individual‘s locus of control. Importantly, it is also shown that the childhood socioeconomic position of the individual has long lasting effects on health as it appears to play a significant role in determining health during the later stages of working life.


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Proyecto de investigación realizado a partir de una estancia en la University of California, Davis, Estados Unidos, entre octubre y desembre del 2007. Clostridium perfringens (C. perfringens) tipo C causa enteritis necrotizante en humanos y enterotoxemias en animales domésticos. Esta bacteria produce beta toxina (CPB), alfa toxina (CPA) y perfringolisina (PFO) durante la fase logarítimca de crecimiento. En nuestro estudio se evaluó la relación entre CPB y la virulencia del aislamiento CN3685 de Cl. perfringens tipo C en un modelo caprino con inoculación intraduodenal. De manera similar a la infección natural por C. perfringens tipo C, el cultivo vegetativo del tipo salvaje de CN3685 provocó dolor abdominal, diarrea hemorrágica, enteritis necrotizante, colitis, edema pulmonar, hidropericardio y muerte en 2 cabritos, a las 24 horas postinoculación. Por otro lado, mediante tecnología Targe Tron® se prepararon mutantes isogénicos carentes de toxina CPB, los cuales fueron inoculados siguiendo el modelo anteriormente descrito. Los resultados mostraron que estos mutantes carecían de todo tipo de virulencia, ya que no se observaron signos clínicos durante las primeras 24 h postinoculación ni tampoco lesiones macroscópicas ni histopatológicas. Posteriormente se desarrolló un modelo experimental similar a los anteriores, en los que se había repuesto la capacidad de producción de CPB en los mutantes. Los dos animales inoculados con estos mutantes complementarios presentaron signos clínicos y lesiones similares a las observadas en el caso del tipo salvaje. Estos resultados muestran que la toxina CPB es necesaria y suficiente para inducir la enfermedad causada por CN3685. Esto a su vez, demuestra la importancia de este tipo de toxina en la patogénesis de C. perfringems tìpo C.


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PURPOSE: To present the light and electron microscopic findings of a unique corneal dystrophy never before described in a German family carrying the Gly623Asp Mutation of the TGFBI gene with late clinical onset. DESIGN: Experimental study. PARTICIPANTS: Four affected and 6 nonaffected family members. METHODS: Slit-lamp examination, photographic documentation, and isolation of genomic DNA from peripheral blood leucocytes obtained from each family member examined. Exons 3, 4, 5, and 11 to 14 of the TGFBI gene were amplified and sequenced in these family members. Five corneal buttons of 3 affected siblings were excised at the time of penetrating keratoplasty. Light and electron microscopic examination were performed including immunohistochemistry with antibodies against keratoepithelin (KE) 2 and 15. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Clinical and histologic characteristics of corneal opacification in affected patients and presence of coding region changes in the TGFBI gene. RESULTS: The specimens showed destructive changes in Bowman's layer and the adjacent stroma. Patchy Congo red-positive amyloid deposits were found within the epithelium in 1 cornea, in Bowman's layer and in the anterior stroma of all specimens also showing KE2, but not KE15, immunostaining. Electron microscopy revealed deposits mainly located in the anterior stroma and Bowman's layer and in small amounts in the basal area of some epithelial cells. The destroyed areas were strongly Alcian blue-positive, the Masson Trichrome stain proved mainly negative for the deposits. All affected but none of the unaffected family members had a heterozygous missense mutation in exon 14 of the TGFBI gene (G-->A transition at nucleotide 1915) replacing glycin by aspartic acid amino acid (Gly623Asp) at position 623 of the KE protein. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast with the patient carrying the Gly623Asp mutation of the TGFBI gene described by Afshari et al, our cases presented with Salzmann's nodular degeneration-like clinical features and their specimens contained KE2-positive amyloid. The reason for this now "meeting the expectation histologic phenotype" is unclear. The histologic findings emphasize that this is a unique corneal dystrophy, which shares no clinical characteristics with Reis-Bücklers' dystrophy and should be treated as a distinct entity. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): The authors have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed in this article.


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SUMMARY Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic mechanism of transcriptional regulation that ensures restriction of expression of a subset of mammalian genes to a single parental allele. The best studied example of imprinted gene regulation is the Igf2/H19 locus, which is also the most commonly altered by loss of imprinting (LOT) in cancer. LOT is associated with numerous hereditary diseases and several childhood, and adult cancers. Differential expression of reciprocal H19 and 1gf2 alleles in somatic cells depends on the methylation status of the imprinting control region (ICR) which regulates binding of CTCF, an ubiquitously expressed 11-zinc finger protein that binds specifically to non-methylated maternal ICR and thereby attenuates expression of Igf2, while it does not bind to methylated paternal ICR, which enables Igf2 expression. Initial ICR methylation occurs during gametogenesis by an as yet unknown mechanism. The accepted hypothesis is that the event of differential maternal and paternal DNA methylation depends on germ-line specific proteins. Our Laboratory identified a novel 11-zinc-finger protein CTCF-T (also known as CTCFL and BORIS) that is uniquely expressed in the male germ-line and is highly homologous within its zinc-finger region with CTCF. The amino-acid sequences flanking the zinc-finger regions of CTCF and CTCF-T have widely diverged, suggesting that though they could bind to the same DNA targets (ICRs) they are likely to have different functions. Interestingly, expression of CTCF-T and CTCF is mutually exclusive; CTCF-T-positive (CTCF-negative) cells occur in the stage of spermatogenesis that coincides with epigenetic reprogramming, including de novo DNA methylation. In our study we demonstrate the role that CTCF-T plays in genomic imprinting. Here we show that CTCF-T binds in vivo to the ICRs of Igf2/H19 and Dlk/Gt12 imprinted genes. In addition, we identified two novel proteins interacting with CTCF-T: a protein arginine methyltransferase PRMT7 and an arginine-rich histone H2A variant that we named trH2A. These interactions were confirmed and show that the two proteins interact with the amino-teiminal region of CTCF-T. Additionally, we show interaction of the amino- terminal region of CTCF-T with histones H1, H2A and H3. These results suggest that CTCF-T is a sequence-specific DNA (ICR) binding protein that associates with histones and recruits PRMT7. Interestingly, PRMT7 has a histone-methyltransferase activity. It has been shown that histone methylation can mark chromatin regions thereby directing DNA-methylation; thus, our hypothesis is that the CTCF-T protein-scaffold directs PRMT7 to methylate histone(s) assembled on ICRs, which marks chromatin for the recruitment of the de novo DNA methyltransferases to methylate DNA. To test this hypothesis, we developed an in vivo DNA-methylation assay using Xenopus laevis' oocytes, where H19 ICR and different expression cDNAs, including CTCF-T, PRMT7 and the de novo DNA methyltransferases (Dnmt3a, Dnmt3b and Dnmt3L) are microinjected into the nucleus. The methylation status of CpGs within the H19 ICR was analysed 48 or 72 hours after injection. Here we demonstrate that CpGs in the ICR are methylated in the presence of both CTCF-T and PRMT7, while control oocytes injected only with ICR did not show any methylation. Additionally, we showed for the first time that Dnmt3L is crucial for the establishment of the imprinting marks on H19 ICR. Moreover, we confirmed that Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b activities are complementary. Our data indicate that all three Dnmt3s are important for efficient de novo DNA methylation. In conclusion, we propose a mechanism for the establishment of de novo imprinting marks during spermatogenesis: the CTCF-T/PRMT7 protein complex directs histone methylation leading to sequence-specific de novo DNA methylation of H19 ICR. RESUME L'empreinte génomique parentale est un mécanisme épigénétique de régulation transcriptionelle qui se traduit par une expression différentielle des deux allèles de certains gènes, en fonction de leur origine parentale. L'exemple le mieux caractérisé de gènes soumis à l'empreinte génomique parentale est le locus Igf2/H19, qui est aussi le plus fréquemment altéré par relaxation d'empreinte (en anglais: loss of imprinting, LOI) dans les cancers. Cette relaxation d'empreinte est aussi associée à de nombreuses maladies héréditaires, ainsi qu'à de nombreux cancers chez l'enfant et l'adulte. Dans les cellules somatiques, les différences d'expression des allèles réciproques H19 et Ig12 est sous le contrôle d'une région ICR (Imprinting Control Region). La méthylation de cette région ICR régule l'ancrage de la protéine à douze doigts de zinc CTCF, qui se lie spécifiquement à l'ICR maternel non-méthylé, atténuant ainsi l'expression de Igf2, alors qu'elle ne s'ancre pas à l'ICR paternel méthyle. Le mécanisme qui accompagne la méthylation initiale de la région ICR durant la gamétogenèse n'a toujours pas été élucidé. L'hypothèse actuelle propose que la différence de méthylation entre l'ADN maternel et paternel résulte de l'expression de protéines propres aux zones germinales. Notre laboratoire a récemment identifié une nouvelle protéine à douze doigts de zinc, CTCF-T (aussi dénommée CTCFL et BORRIS), qui est exprimée uniquement dans les cellules germinales mâles, dont la partie à douze doigts de zinc est fortement homologue à la protéine CTCF. La séquence d'acides aminés de part et d'autre de cette région est quant à elle très divergente, ce qui implique que CTCF-T se lie sans doute au même ADN cible que CTCF, mais possède des fonctions différentes. De plus, l'expression de CTCF-T et de CTCF s'oppose mutuellement; l'expression de la protéine CTCF-T (cellules CTCF-T positives, CTCF negatives) qui a lieu pendant la spermatogenèse coïncide avec la reprogrammation épigénétique, notamment la méthylation de novo de l'ADN. La présente étude démontre le rôle essentiel joué par la protéine CTCF-T dans l'acquisition de l'empreinte génomique parentale. Nous montrons ici que CTCF-T s'associe in vivo avec les régions ICR des loci Igf2/H19 et Dlk/Gt12. Nous avons également identifié deux nouvelles protéines qui interagissent avec CTCF-T : une protéine arginine méthyl transférase PRMT7, et un variant de l'histone H2A, riche en arginine, que nous avons dénommé trH2A. Ces interactions ont été analysées plus en détail, et confinnent que ces deux protéines s'associent avec la région N-terminale de CTCF-T. Aussi, nous présentons une interaction de la région N-terminale de CTCF-T avec les histones H1, H2, et H3. Ces résultats suggèrent que CTCF-T est une protéine qui se lie spécifiquement aux régions ICR, qui s'associe avec différents histones et qui recrute PRMT7. PRMT7 possède une activité méthyl-tansférase envers les histones. Il a été montré que la méthylation des histones marque certains endroits de la chromatine, dirigeant ainsi la méthylation de l'ADN. Notre hypothèse est donc la suivante : la protéine CTCF-T sert de base qui dirige la méthylation des histones par PRMT7 dans les régions ICR, ce qui contribue à marquer la chromatine pour le recrutement de nouvelles méthyl transférases pour méthyler l'ADN. Afin de valider cette hypothèse, nous avons développé un système de méthylation de l'ADN in vivo, dans des oeufs de Xenopus laevis, dans le noyau desquels nous avons mico-injecté la région ICR du locus H19, ainsi que différents vecteurs d'expression pour CTCF-T, PRMT7, et les de novo méthyl transférases (Dnmt3a, Dnmt3b et Dnmt3L). Les CpGs méthyles de la région ICR du locus H19 ont été analysé 48 et 72 heures après l'injection. Cette technique nous a permis de démontrer que les CpGs de la région ICR sont méthyles en présence de CTCF-T et de PRMT7, tandis que les contrôles injectés seulement avec la région ICR ne présentent aucun signe de méthylation. De plus, nous démontrons pour la première fois que la protéine méthyl transférase Dnmt3L est déterminant pour l'établissement de l'empreinte génomique parentale au niveau de la région ICR du locus H19. Aussi, nous confirmons que les activités méthyl transférases de Dnmt3a et Dnmt3b sont complémentaires. Nos données indiquent que les trois protéines Dnmt3 sont impliquées dans la méthylation de l'ADN. En conclusion, nous proposons un mécanisme responsable de la mise en place de nouvelles empreintes génomiques pendant la spermatogenèse : le complexe protéique CTCF-T/PRMT7 dirige la méthylation des histones aboutissant à la méthylation de novo de l'ADN au locus H19.


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During the 1981 dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS) Cuban epidemic, bronchial asthma (BA) was frequently found as a personal or family antecedent in dengue hemorragic fever patients. Considering that antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) plays an important role in the etiopathogenic mechanism of DHF/DSS, we decide to study the Dengue 2 virus (D2V) capability of replication in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) from asthmatic patients and healthy persons. In 90% of asthmatic patients and 53.8% of control group it was obtained PBL with a significant D2V enhancing activity (X² p < 0.01). Power enhancement was higher in asthmatic group. This is the first in vitro study relating BA and the dengue 2 virus immuno enhancement. The results obtained support the role of BA as a risk factor for DHF/DSS as already described on epidemiological data.


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BACKGROUND: Retinitis pigmentosa and other hereditary retinal degenerations (HRD) are rare genetic diseases leading to progressive blindness. Recessive HRD are caused by mutations in more than 100 different genes. Laws of population genetics predict that, on a purely theoretical ground, such a high number of genes should translate into an extremely elevated frequency of unaffected carriers of mutations. In this study we estimate the proportion of these individuals within the general population, via the analyses of data from whole-genome sequencing. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We screened complete and high-quality genome sequences from 46 control individuals from various world populations for HRD mutations, using bioinformatic tools developed in-house. All mutations detected in silico were validated by Sanger sequencing. We identified clear-cut, null recessive HRD mutations in 10 out of the 46 unaffected individuals analyzed (∼22%). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Based on our data, approximately one in 4-5 individuals from the general population may be a carrier of null mutations that are responsible for HRD. This would be the highest mutation carrier frequency so far measured for a class of Mendelian disorders, especially considering that missenses and other forms of pathogenic changes were not included in our assessment. Among other things, our results indicate that the risk for a consanguineous couple of generating a child with a blinding disease is particularly high, compared to other genetic conditions.


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This paper is written in the context of our changing preception of the immunological system as a system with possible biological roles exceding the prevailung view of a system concerned principally with the defense against external pathogens. The view discussed here relates the immunological system inextricably to the metabolism of iron, the circulation of the blood and the resolution of the evolutionary paradox created by oxygen and iron. Indirect evidence for this inextricable relationship between the two systems can be derived from the discrepancy between the theoretical quasi-impossibility of the existence of an iron deficiency state in the adult and the reality of the WHO numbers of people in the world with iron deficiency anemia. With mounting evidence that TNF, IL-1, and T lymphocyte cytokines affect hemopoieisis and iron metabolism it is possible that the reported discrepancy is a reflection of that inextricable interdependence between the two systems in the face of infection. Further direct evidence for a relationship between T cell subset numbers and iron metabolism is presented from the results of a study of T cell populations in patients with hereditary hemochromatosis. The recent finding of a correlation between low CD8+ lymphocite numbers, liver demage associated with HCVpositivity and severity of iron overload in B-thalassemia major patients (umpublished data of RW Grandy; P. Giardina, M. Hilgartner) concludes this review.


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This review highlights recent advances in hepatology, including new insights into the clinical penetrance of hereditary hemochromatosis, the development of non-immunosuppressive cyclosporin A analogs for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C, thrombopoietin receptor agonists for thrombocytopenia in cirrhosis, the development of vasopressin V2 receptor antagonists (vaptans) for the management of ascites and hyponatremia in portal hypertension, the description of chronic hepatitis E in immunosuppressed patients, and the development of sorafenib as the first molecularly targeted therapy with a demonstrated benefit in the treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. These new developments will be summarized and discussed critically, with a particular emphasis on their potential implications for current and future clinical practice.


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Hemorrhagic fevers caused by arenaviruses are among the most devastating emerging human diseases. Considering the number of individuals affected, the current lack of a licensed vaccine, and the limited therapeutic options, arenaviruses are arguably among the most neglected tropical pathogens and the development of efficacious anti-arenaviral drugs is of high priority. Over the past years significant efforts have been undertaken to identify novel potent inhibitors of arenavirus infection. High throughput screening of small molecule libraries employing pseudotype platforms led to the discovery of several potent and broadly active inhibitors of arenavirus cell entry that are effective against the major hemorrhagic arenaviruses. Mechanistic studies revealed that these novel entry inhibitors block arenavirus membrane fusion and provided novel insights into the unusual mechanism of this process. The success of these approaches highlights the power of small molecule screens in antiviral drug discovery and establishes arenavirus membrane fusion as a robust drug target. These broad screenings have been complemented by strategies targeting cellular factors involved in productive arenavirus infection. Approaches targeting the cellular protease implicated in maturation of the fusion-active viral envelope glycoprotein identified the proteolytic processing of the arenavirus glycoprotein precursor as a novel and promising target for anti-arenaviral strategies.


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Cryptic exons or pseudoexons are typically activated by point mutations that create GT or AG dinucleotides of new 5' or 3' splice sites in introns, often in repetitive elements. Here we describe two cases of tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency caused by mutations improving the branch point sequence and polypyrimidine tracts of repeat-containing pseudoexons in the PTS gene. In the first case, we demonstrate a novel pathway of antisense Alu exonization, resulting from an intronic deletion that removed the poly(T)-tail of antisense AluSq. The deletion brought a favorable branch point sequence within proximity of the pseudoexon 3' splice site and removed an upstream AG dinucleotide required for the 3' splice site repression on normal alleles. New Alu exons can thus arise in the absence of poly(T)-tails that facilitated inclusion of most transposed elements in mRNAs by serving as polypyrimidine tracts, highlighting extraordinary flexibility of Alu repeats in shaping intron-exon structure. In the other case, a PTS pseudoexon was activated by an A>T substitution 9 nt upstream of its 3' splice site in a LINE-2 sequence, providing the first example of a disease-causing exonization of the most ancient interspersed repeat. These observations expand the spectrum of mutational mechanisms that introduce repetitive sequences in mature transcripts and illustrate the importance of intronic mutations in alternative splicing and phenotypic variability of hereditary disorders.


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Résumé Identification, localisation et activation des cellules souches hématopoiétiques dormantes in vivo Les cellules souches somatiques sont présentes dans la majorité des tissus régénératifs comme la peau, l'épithélium intestinal et le système hématopoiétique. A partir d'une seule cellule, elles ont les capacités de produire d'autres cellules souches du même type (auto-renouvellement) et d'engendrer un ensemble défini de cellules progénitrices différenciées qui vont maintenir ou réparer leur tissu hôte. Les cellules souches adultes les mieux caractérisées sont les cellules souches hématopoiétiques (HSC), localisées dans la moelle osseuse. Un des buts de mon travail de doctorat était de caractériser plus en profondeur la localisation des HSCs endogènes in vivo. Pour ce faire, la technique "label retaining assay", se basant sur la division peu fréquentes et sur la dormance des cellules souches, a été utilisée. Après un marquage des souris avec du BrdU (analogue à l'ADN) suivi d'une longue période sans BrdU, les cellules ayant incorporés le marquage ("label retaining cells" LCRs) ont pu être identifiées dans la moelle osseuse. Ces cellules LCRs étaient enrichies 300 fois en cellules de phenotype HSC et, en utilisant de la cytofluorométrie, il a pu être montré qu'environ 15% de toutes les HSCs d'une souris restent dormantes durant plusieures semaines. Ces HSCs dormantes à long terme ne sont probablement pas impliquées dans la maintenance de 'hématopoièse. Par contre, on assiste à l'activation rapide de ces HSCs dormantes lors d'une blessure, comme une ablation myéloide. Elles re-entrent alors en cycle cellulaire et sont essentielles pour une génération rapide des cellules progénitrices et matures qui vont remplacer les cellules perdues. De plus, la détection des LCRs, combinée avec l'utilisation du marqueur de HSCs c-kit, peut être utilisée pour la localisation des HSCs dormantes présentes dans la paroi endostéale de la cavité osseuse. De manière surprenante, les LCRs c-kit+ ont surtout étés trouvées isolées en cellule unique, suggérant que le micro-environement spécifique entourant et maintenant les HSCs, appelé niche, pourrait être très réduit et abriter une seule HSC par niche. Rôles complexes du gène supresseur de tumeur Pten dans le système hématopoiétique La phosphatase PTEN disparaît dans certains cancers héréditaires ou sporadiques humains, comme les gliomes, les cancers de l'utérus ou du sein. Pten inhibe la voie de signalisation de la PI3-kinase et joue un rôle clé dans l'apoptose, la croissance, la prolifération et la migration cellulaire. Notre but était d'étudier le rôle de Pten dans les HSC normale et durant la formation de leucémies. Pour ce faire, nous avons généré un modèle murin dans lequel le gène Pten peut être supprimé dans les cellules hématopoiétiques, incluant les HSCs. Ceci a été possible en croissant l'allèle conditionnelle ptenflox soit avec le transgène MxCre inductible par l'interféron α soit avec le transgène Scl-CreERt inductible par le tamoxifen. Ceci permet la conversion de l'allèle ptenflox en l'allèle nul PtenΔ dans les HSCs et les autres types cellulaires hématopoiétiques. Les souris mutantes Pten développent une splénomégalie massive causée par une expansion dramatiques de toutes les cellules myéloides. De manière interessante, alors que le nombre de HSCs dans la moelle osseuse diminue progressivement, le nombre des HSCs dans la rate augmente de manière proportionnelle. Etrangement, les analyses de cycle cellulaire ont montrés que Pten n'avait que peu ou pas d'effet sur la dormance des HSCs ou sur leur autorenouvellement. En revanche, une augmentation massive du niveau de la cytokine de mobilisation G-CSF a été détéctée dans le serum sanguin, suggérant que la suppression de Pten stimulerait la mobilisation et la migration des HSC de la moelle osseuse vers la rate. Finallement, la transplantation de moelle osseuse délétée en Pten dans des souris immuno-déficientes montre que Pten fonctionnerait comme un suppresseur de tumeur dans le système hématopoiétique car son absence entraîne la formation rapide de leucémies lymphocytaires. Summary Identification, localization and activation of dormant hematopoietic stun cells in vivo Somatic stem cells are present in most self-renewing tissues including the skin, the intestinal epithelium and the hematopoietic system. On a single cell basis they have the capacity to produce more stem cells of the same phenotype (self-renewal) and to give rise to a defined set of mature differentiated progeny, responsible for the maintenance or repair of the host tissue. The best characterized adult stem cell is the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) located in the bone marrow. One goal of my thesis work was to further characterize the location of endogenous HSCs in vivo. To do this, a technique called "label retaining assay» was used which takes advantage of the fact that stem cells (including HSCs) divide very infrequently and can be dormant for months. After labeling mice with the DNA analogue BrdU followed by a long BrdU free "chase", BrdU "label retaining cells" (CRCs) could be identified in the bone marrow. These CRCs were 300-fold enriched for phenotypic HSCs and by using flow cytometry analysis it could be shown that about 15% of all HSCs in the mouse are dormant for many weeks. Our results suggest that these long-term dormant HSCs are unlikely to be involved in homeostatic maintenance. However they are rapidly activated and reenter the cell cycle in response to injury signals such as myeloid ablation. In addition, detection of LRCs in combination with the HSC marker c-Kit could be used to locate engrafted dormant HSCs close to the endosteal lining of the bone marrow cavities. Most surprisingly, c-Kit+LRCs were found predominantly as single cells suggesting that the specific stem cell maintaining microenvironment, called niche, has limited space and may house only single HSCs. Complex roles of the tumor suppressor gene Pten in the hematopoietic system. The phosphatase PTEN is lost in hereditary and sporadic forms of human cancers, including gliomas, endometrial and breast cancers. Pten inhibits the PI3-kina.se pathway and plays a key role in apoptosis, cell growth, proliferation and migration. Our aim was to study the role of Pten in normal HSCs and during leukemia formation. To do this, we generated a mouse model in which the Pten gene can be deleted in hematopoietic cells including HSCs. This was achieved by crossing the conditional ptenflox allele with either the interferona inducible MxCre or the tamoxifen inducible Scl-CreERT transgene. This allowed the conversion of the ptenflox allele into a pterr' null allele in HSCs and other hematopoietic cell types. As a result Pten mutant mice developed massive splenomegaly due to a dramatic expansion of all myeloid cells. Interestingly, while the number of bone marrow HSCs progressively decreased, the number of HSCs in the spleen increased to a similar extent. Unexpectedly, extensive cell cycle analysis showed that Pten had little or no effect on HSC dormancy or HSC self-renewal. Instead, dramatically increased levels of the mobilizing cytokine G-CSF were detected in the blood serum suggesting that loss-of Pten stimulates mobilization and migration of HSC from the BM to the spleen. Finally, transplantation of Pten deficient BM cells into immuno-compromised mice showed that Pten can function as a tumor suppressor in the hematopoietic system and that its absence leads to the rapid formation of T cell leukemia.


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The lectin from Dioclea grandiflora (Mart.) that selectively binds glucose and mannose, when subcutaneously injected in mouse induces an inflammatory cutaneous reaction whose histological analysis reveals an hemorrhagic ulceration with exudative reaction accompanied by an influx of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and giant cells. The presence of lymphocytes and plasma cells in the lesion was insignificant. In order to characterize the in vivo action of inflammatory factors generated by this lesion, distinct lines of mice were used: high and low antibody responder mice; the genetically selected mice to the acute phase of inflammatory reaction; lines of mice deficient in C5, a protein of the complement system. It is shown that the lectin of D. grandiflora acts as an inflammatory agent probably promoting exocytosis and release of mediators.


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Recently, a strong correlation between high concentration of tumor necrosis factor (TNFalpha) in blood and severity of dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome has been reported from Asia and the Pacific. We wished to determine if a similar relationship could be found in dengue patients in the Americas where adult patients with severe syndromes have been observed more frequently than in Asia where severe cases have been observed mostly among children. The concentrations of interleukin-1 (IL-1beta) in hospistalized adult groups were significantly lower than that in outpatient adults. In contrast, the levels of interleukin 6 (IL-6) were significantly higher in hospistalized adults and children than in the corresponding outpatients. Levels of TNFalpha were higher in hospistalized children than in outpatient children or hospistalized adults. There was no significant difference in the levels of these three cytokines among hospitalized patients with or without hemorrhagic manifestations. Thus, an elevated IL-6 level was positively associated with severity of dengue infection in both children and adults, but IL-1beta level was negatively associated with severity in adults.


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INTRODUCTION: Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) imaging is an MRI perfusion technique that uses a diffusion-weighted sequence with multiple b values and a bi-compartmental signal model to measure the so-called pseudo-diffusion of blood caused by its passage through the microvascular network. The goal of the current study was to assess the feasibility of IVIM perfusion fraction imaging in patients with acute stroke. METHODS: Images were collected in 17 patients with acute stroke. Exclusion criteria were onset of symptoms to imaging >5 days, hemorrhagic transformation, infratentorial lesions, small lesions <0.5 cm in minimal diameter and hemodynamic instability. IVIM imaging was performed at 3 T, using a standard spin-echo Stejskal-Tanner pulsed gradients diffusion-weighted sequence, using 16 b values from 0 to 900 s/mm(2). Image quality was assessed by two radiologists, and quantitative analysis was performed in regions of interest placed in the stroke area, defined by thresholding the apparent diffusion coefficient maps, as well as in the contralateral region. RESULTS: IVIM perfusion fraction maps showed an area of decreased perfusion fraction f in the region of decreased apparent diffusion coefficient. Quantitative analysis showed a statistically significant decrease in both IVIM perfusion fraction f (0.026 ± 0.019 vs. 0.056 ± 0.025, p = 2.2 · 10(-6)) and diffusion coefficient D compared with the contralateral side (3.9 ± 0.79 · 10(-4) vs. 7.5 ± 0.86 · 10(-4) mm(2)/s, p = 1.3 · 10(-20)). CONCLUSION: IVIM perfusion fraction imaging is feasible in acute stroke. IVIM perfusion fraction is significantly reduced in the visible infarct. Further studies should evaluate the potential for IVIM to predict clinical outcome and treatment response.


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Bietti crystalline corneoretinal dystrophy (BCD) is an autosomal recessive retinal degeneration characterized by multiple glistening intraretinal dots scattered over the fundus, degeneration of the retina, and sclerosis of the choroidal vessels, ultimately resulting in progressive night blindness and constriction of the visual field. Although BCD has been associated with abnormalities in fatty-acid metabolism and absence of fatty-acid binding by two cytosolic proteins, the genetic basis of BCD is unknown. We report linkage of the BCD locus to D4S426 (maximum LOD score [Z(max)] 4.81; recombination fraction [straight theta] 0), D4S2688 (Zmax=3.97; straight theta=0), and D4S2299 (Zmax=5.31; straight theta=0), on chromosome 4q35-4qtel. Multipoint analysis confirmed linkage to the region telomeric of D4S1652 with a Z(max) of 5.3 located 4 cM telomeric of marker D4S2930.