893 resultados para Technique fiduciaire
The mathematical formulation of empirically developed formulas Jirr the calculation of the resonant frequency of a thick-substrate (h s 0.08151 A,,) microstrip antenna has been analyzed. With the use qt' tunnel-based artificial neural networks (ANNs), the resonant frequency of antennas with h satisfying the thick-substrate condition are calculated and compared with the existing experimental results and also with the simulation results obtained with the use of an IE3D software package. The artificial neural network results are in very good agreement with the experimental results
Reduction of radar cross -section of dihedral corner reflectors using simulated corrugated surface (SCS) is reported. The technique is found to be more effective in the reduction of RCS or corner reflectors for normal incidence . A typical reduction of 40-50 dB is achieved using this method.
Dual beam mode-matched thermal lens method has been employed to measure the heat diffusion in nanofluid of silver with various volumes of rhodamine 6G, both dispersed in water. The important observation is an indication of temperature dependent diffusivity and that the overall heat diffusion is slower in the chemically prepared Ag sol compared to that of water. The experimental results can be explained assuming that Brownian motion is the main mechanism of heat transfer under the present experimental conditions. Light induced aggregation of the nanoparticles can also result in an anomalous diffusion behavior.
Thermal diffusivity (TD) measurement on commercial K-10 and KSF montmorillonites was carried out by photoacoustic technique. The TD of the montmorillonites after methylene blue adsorption changed with the dye concentration. The repeatedly adsorbed samples showed a lesser TD than the single adsorbed samples. After methylene blue adsorption the acid leached K-10 samples showed well defined changes in TD when compared to the ordered KSF samples.
An open photoacoustic cell operating in the low range of chopping frequency has been employed to evaluate the thermal diffusivity values of intrinsic InP and InP doped with S, Sn and Fe. The experimental set-up is calibrated by the evaluation of thermal diffusivity value of pure Si and GaAs. The present investigation shows that doped samples show a reduced value for thermal diffusivity compared to intrinsic sample. From the analysis of data it is also seen that nature of dopant clearly influences the thermal diffusivity value of semiconductors. The results are explained in terms of phonon assisted heat transfer mechanism in semiconductors
An open photoacoustic cell operating in the low range of chopping frequency has been employed to evaluate the thermal diffusivity values of intrinsic InP and InP doped with S, Sn and Fe. The experimental set-up is calibrated by the evaluation of thermal diffusivity value of pure Si and GaAs. The present investigation shows that doped samples show a reduced value for thermal diffusivity compared to intrinsic sample. From the analysis of data it is also seen that nature of dopant clearly influences the thermal diffusivity value of semiconductors. The results are explained in terms of phonon assisted heat transfer mechanism in semiconductors
An open photoacoustic cell operating in the low range of chopping frequency has been employed to evaluate the thermal diffusivity values of intrinsic InP and InP doped with S, Sn and Fe. The experimental set-up is calibrated by the evaluation of thermal diffusivity value of pure Si and GaAs. The present investigation shows that doped samples show a reduced value for thermal diffusivity compared to intrinsic sample. From the analysis of data it is also seen that nature of dopant clearly influences the thermal diffusivity value of semiconductors. The results are explained in terms of phonon assisted heat transfer mechanism in semiconductors
Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a simple and inexpensive optical technique that can be used to detect blood volume changes in the microvascular bed of tissues. There has been a resurgence of interest in the technique in recent years, driven by the demand for low cost, simple and portable technology for the primary care and community based clinical settings and the wide availability of low cost and small semiconductor components, and the advancement of computer-based pulse wave analysis techniques. The present research work deals with the design of a PPG sensor for recording the blood volume pulse signals and carry out selected cardiovascular studies based on these signals. The interaction of light with tissue, early and recent history of PPG, instrumentation, measurement protocol and pulse wave analysis are also discussed in this study. The effect of aging, mild cold exposure, and variation in the body posture on the PPG signal have been experimentally studied.
The measurement of global precipitation is of great importance in climate modeling since the release of latent heat associated with tropical convection is one of the pricipal driving mechanisms of atmospheric circulation.Knowledge of the larger-scale precipitation field also has important potential applications in the generation of initial conditions for numerical weather prediction models Knowledge of the relationship between rainfall intensity and kinetic energy, and its variations in time and space is important for erosion prediction. Vegetation on earth also greatly depends on the total amount of rainfall as well as the drop size distribution (DSD) in rainfall.While methods using visible,infrared, and microwave radiometer data have been shown to yield useful estimates of precipitation, validation of these products for the open ocean has been hampered by the limited amount of surface rainfall measurements available for accurate assessement, especially for the tropical oceans.Surface rain fall measurements(often called the ground truth)are carried out by rain gauges working on various principles like weighing type,tipping bucket,capacitive type and so on.The acoustic technique is yet another promising method of rain parameter measurement that has many advantages. The basic principle of acoustic method is that the droplets falling in water produce underwater sound with distinct features, using which the rainfall parameters can be computed. The acoustic technique can also be used for developing a low cost and accurate device for automatic measurement of rainfall rate and kinetic energy of rain.especially suitable for telemetry applications. This technique can also be utilized to develop a low cost Disdrometer that finds application in rainfall analysis as well as in calibration of nozzles and sprinklers. This thesis is divided into the following 7 chapters, which describes the methodology adopted, the results obtained and the conclusions arrived at.
Vegetation Mapping and Analysis of Eravikulam National Park of Kerala Using Remote Sensing Technique
The photoacoustic investigations carried out on different photonic materials are presented in this thesis. Photonic materials selected for the investigation are tape cast ceramics, muItilayer dielectric coatings, organic dye doped PVA films and PMMA matrix doped with dye mixtures. The studies are performed by the measurement of photoacoustic signal generated as a result of modulated cw laser irradiation of samples. The gas-microphone scheme is employed for the detection of photoacoustic signal. The different measurements reported here reveal the adaptability and utility of the PA technique for the characterization of photonic materials.Ceramics find applications in the field of microelectronics industry. Tape cast ceramics are the building blocks of many electronic components and certain ceramic tapes are used as thermal barriers. The thermal parameters of these tapes will not be the same as that of thin films of the same materials. Parameters are influenced by the presence of foreign bodies in the matrix and the sample preparation technique. Measurements are done on ceramic tapes of Zirconia, Zirconia-Alumina combination, barium titanate, barium tin titanate, silicon carbide, lead zirconate titanateil'Z'T) and lead magnesium niobate titanate(PMNPT). Various configurations viz. heat reflection geometry and heat transmission geometry of the photoacoustic technique have been used for the evaluation of different thermal parameters of the sample. Heat reflection geometry of the PA cell has been used for the evaluation of thermal effusivity and heat transmission geometry has been made use of in the evaluation of thermal diffusivity. From the thermal diffusivity and thermal effusivity values, thermal conductivity is also calculated. The calculated values are nearly the same as the values reported for pure materials. This shows the feasibility of photoacoustic technique for the thermal characterization of ceramic tapes.Organic dyes find applications as holographic recording medium and as active media for laser operations. Knowledge of the photochemical stability of the material is essential if it has to be used tor any of these applications. Mixing one dye with another can change the properties of the resulting system. Through careful mixing of the dyes in appropriate proportions and incorporating them in polymer matrices, media of required stability can be prepared. Investigations are carried out on Rhodamine 6GRhodamine B mixture doped PMMA samples. Addition of RhB in small amounts is found to stabilize Rh6G against photodegradation and addition of Rh6G into RhB increases the photosensitivity of the latter. The PA technique has been successfully employed for the monitoring of dye mixture doped PMMA sample. The same technique has been used for the monitoring of photodegradation ofa laser dye, cresyl violet doped polyvinyl alcohol also.Another important application of photoacoustic technique is in nondestructive evaluation of layered samples. Depth profiling capability of PA technique has been used for the non-destructive testing of multilayer dielectric films, which are highly reflecting in the wavelength range selected for investigations. Eventhough calculation of thickness of the film is not possible, number of layers present in the system can be found out using PA technique. The phase plot has clear step like discontinuities, the number of which coincides with the number of layers present in the multilayer stack. This shows the sensitivity of PA signal phase to boundaries in a layered structure. This aspect of PA signal can be utilized in non-destructive depth profiling of reflecting samples and for the identification of defects in layered structures.
The subject of Photonics is concerned with the generation,control and utilization of photons for performing a variety of tasks.It came to existence as a consequence of the harmonious fusion of optical methods with electronic technology.Wide spread use of laser based methods in electronics is slowly replacing elecrtons with photons in the field of Communication,Control and Computing .Therefore,there is a need to promote the R & D activities in the area of Photonics and to generate well trained manpower in laser related fields.Development and characterization of photonic materials is an important subject of research in the field of Photonics.Optical and thermal characterization of photonic materials using thermal lens technique is a PhD thesis in the field of Photonics in which the author describes how thermal lens effect can be used to characterize themal and optical properties of photonic materials.Plausibility of thermal lens based logic gates is also presented in this thesis.