965 resultados para Take Two Interactive, strategia aziendale, videogiochi,


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Communication skills change with age as a result of sensory deficits, memory loss, and increasing word finding difficulties The Keep on Talking program (L. Hickson, H. Barnett, L. Worrall, & E. Yiu, 1994) was developed to assist older people to develop their own strategies for maintaining communication skills into old age. Two hundred and fifty-two healthy older people were recruited from the community and were assessed on a battery of communication assessments on entry to the study and at 1 year after entry. The experimental group (n = 120) participated in the 5-week group Keep on Talking program run by volunteers A further 130 control subjects were assessed only. The short-term effectiveness of the program was evaluated using a short knowledge based and attitudinal questionnaire and qualitative written feedback. At the I-year follow up, subjects were also asked whether they had taken any action as a result of the project. Results concluded that there was a significant difference between the number of correct questionnaire responses on the knowledge based items and the ratings on the attitudinal items pre- and postprogram questionnaire for the experimental subjects. Qualitative written feedback was positive with many participants remarking on the amount of information that they had acquired. Forty-eight experimental and 69 control subjects (n = 117) were assessed I year later, and there was a significant difference between the groups in terms of the number of subjects who reported having taken action as a result of the program. The Keep on Talking program increased knowledge about communication, produced a positive change in attitude toward the importance of communication, and encouraged participants to take action to maintain their communication skills. Maintaining communication skills may prevent social isolation. This simple 5-hour group program has been effective in empowering participants to maintain. their communication skills as they age.


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The effect of replacing a single codon in the N-terminal of human aryl sulfotransferase (HAST) 1 and 3 with one that is more commonly found in E. coli genes was assessed. The pKK233-2 E. coli expression vector was employed and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to introduce the 5' nucleotide substitution, at the same time maintaining the fidelity of the amino acid sequence. The data indicates that this change had a minimal effect on protein production, subcellular localization or, in the case of HAST3, catalytic activity. In general, the pKK233-2 E. coli vector has been less than optimal for expressing human sulfotransferase cDNAs. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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RT-PCR and direct sequence analyses were used to define mutations in the cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) gene in two unrelated male patients with vitamin B6 nonresponsive homocystinuria. Both patients were compound heterozygotes for CBS alleles containing point mutations. One patient had a maternally derived G-->A transition in the splice-donor site of intron 1, resulting in aberrant splicing of CBS mRNA. The other allele contained a missense mutation resulting in the previously reported E144K mutant CBS protein. The second patient had a maternally derived 4 bp insertion in exon 17, predicted to cause a CBS peptide of altered amino acid sequence. A 494G-->A transition was found in exon 4 of the other allele, predicting a C165Y substitution. Expression of recombinant CBS protein, containing the C165Y mutation, had no detectable catalytic activity. Each mutation was confirmed in genomic DNA. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The stationary lineshape of a two-level atom driven by low-intensity narrow-bandwidth squeezed light is shown to exhibit significant differences in behaviour compared to the lineshape for broadband squeezed light. We find that for narrow-bandwidth squeezed light the lineshape is composed of two Lorentzians whose amplitudes depend on the squeezing correlations. Moreover, one of the Lorentzians has a negative weight which leads to narrowing of the line. These features are absent in the broadband case, where the stationary lineshape is the same as for a thermal field. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Two new species of the genus Lepidapedoides are described from the aulopodid teleost Aulopus purpurissatus from south-western Australia. Both are distinguished from other Lepidapedoides spp. by their pedunculate ventral sucker. Lepidapedoides pistoris n. sp. and L. elongatrium n. sp. are distinguished by the possession of a narrow, elongate form, a long ventral sucker to ovary distance: the vitellarium reaching only to the posterior level of the cirrus-sac, the cirrus-sac length and the deep genital atrium with the metraterm entering distally to its base in L. elongatrium. A key to species of the genus is given. A character matrix is included for the genus. Poorly resolved phylogenetic trees indicate two main lineages in the genus. The two new species described here are resolved as sister taxa. The new combination Lepidapedoides freitasi (Kohn gr Fernandes, 1970) is formed for Acanthocolpoides freitasi.


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The interlayer magnetoresistance of the quasi-two-dimensional metal alpha-(BEDT-TTF)(2)KHg(SCN)(4) is considered. In the temperature range from 0.5 to 10 K and for fields up to 10 T the magnetoresistance has a stronger temperature dependence than the zero-field resistance. Consequently Kohler's rule is not obeyed for any range of temperatures or fields. This means that the magnetoresistance cannot be described in terms of semiclassical transport on a single Fermi surface with a single scattering time. Possible explanations for the violations of Kohler's rule are considered, both within the framework of semiclassical transport theory and involving incoherent interlayer transport. The issues considered are similar to those raised by the magnetotransport of the cuprate superconductors. [S0163-1829(98)13219-8].


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I investigated the genetic relationship between male and female components of the mate recognition system and how this relationship influenced the subsequent evolution of the two traits, in a series of replicate populations of interspecific hybrids. Thirty populations of hybrids between Drosophila serrata and Drosophila birchii were established and maintained for 24 generations. At the fifth generation after hybridization, the mating success of hybrid individuals with the D. serrata parent was determined. The genetic correlation between male and female components of the male recognition system, as a consequence of pleiotropy or tight physical linkage, was found to be significant but low (r = 0.388). This result suggested that pleiotropy may play only a minor role in the evolution of mate recognition in this system. At the twenty-fourth generation after hybridization, the mating success of the hybrids was again determined. The evolution of male and female components was investigated by analyzing the direction of evolution of each hybrid line with respect to its initial position in relation to the genetic regression. Male and female components appeared to converge on a single equilibrium point, rather than evolving along trajectories with slope equal to the genetic regression, toward a line of equilibria.


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Two new genera and four new species of monorchiid digeneans are described from the Great Barrier Reef and Moreton Bay, Queensland. Provitellus turrum n. g., n. sp. from Pseudocaranx dentex and Trachinotus coppingeri is characterised by the presence of vitelline follicles in the forebody, a single testis, a unipartite terminal organ and filamented eggs. Ovipusillus mayu n. g., n. sp. from Gnathanodon speciosus is characterised by the presence of two testes, vitelline follicles overlapping the ventral sucker and a large, complex cirrus-sac that contains a coiled eversible ejaculatory duct joined by the pars prostatica halfway along its length. Paramonorcheides pseudocaranxi n. sp. from Pseudocaranx dentex differs from other species described in this genus in the longer flatter forebody, entire ovary and the well-developed cirrus-sac. Chrisomon gaigai n. sp. from Trachinotus coppingeri and T botla is characterised by the unflattened forebody and transversely oval pharynx. Chrisomon is redefined to include species of Lasiotocus with a vitellarium composed of clusters of tubular acini, creating the following new combinations: C. albulae n. comb. for L. albulae Overstreet, 1969, C. ulua n. comb, for L. ulua Yamaguti, 1970 and C. weke n. comb, for L. weke Yamaguti, 1970. The diagnosis of Lasiotocus is amended accordingly and the new combinations, L. polynemi n. comb. and L. sunderbanensis n. comb., are created for C.polynemi Dutta, Hafeezullah & Manna, 1994 and C. sunderbanensis Dutta, Hafeezullah B Manna, 1994, respectively. Extrapolation of our collection data suggests that there may be as many as 80 species of monorchiids infecting carangid fishes in Australia and 180 species infecting carangids in all oceans of the world. The latter figure greatly exceeds the number of monorchiids described from all host families to date.


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A new two-parameter integrable model with quantum superalgebra U-q[gl(3/1)] symmetry is proposed, which is an eight-state fermions model with correlated single-particle and pair hoppings as well as uncorrelated triple-particle hopping. The model is solved and the Bethe ansatz equations are obtained.


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In a recent paper Meyer and Yeoman [Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 2650 (1997)] have shown that the resonance fluorescence from two atoms placed in a cavity and driven by an incoherent field can produce an interference pattern with a dark center. We study the fluorescence from two coherently driven atoms in free space and show that this system can also produce an interference pattern with a dark center. This happens when the atoms are in nonequivalent positions in the driving: field, i.e., the atoms experience different intensities and phases of the driving field. We discuss the role of the interatomic interactions in this process and find that the interference pattern with a dark center results from the participation of the antisymmetric state in the dynamics of the driven two-atom system.


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We study the behavior of a two-level atom that is driven by a bichromatic field consisting of a strong resonant component and a weaker tunable component. In addition to the splitting of the energy levels (the multiphoton AC Stark effect), we find that the weaker component also shifts the subharmonic resonances, an effect we attribute to a dynamic Stark shift. When the weaker component is tuned to a shifted resonance, no fluorescence occurs at either the frequency of the strong component or the three-photon mixing frequency. Results are obtained with numerical techniques and explained in terms of the dressed-atom model of the system. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America [S0740-3224(98)01508-2] OCIS codes: 270.4180, 270.6620, 270.0270.


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We study the interaction of a two-level atom with two lasers of different frequencies and amplitudes: a strong laser of Rabi frequency 2 Ohm(1) on resonance with the atomic transition, and a weaker laser detuned by subharmonics (2 Ohm(1)/n) of the Rabi frequency of the first. We find that under these conditions the second laser couples the dressed states created by the first in an n-photon process, resulting in doubly dressed states and in a ''multiphoton ac Stark'' effect. We calculate the eigenstates of the doubly dressed atom and their energies, and illustrate the role of this multiphoton ac Stark effect in its fluorescence, absorption, and Autler-Townes spectra. [S1050-2947(98)07607-0].


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We study the resonance fluorescence from two interacting atoms driven by a squeezed vacuum field and show that this system produces an interference pattern with a dark center. We discuss the role of the interatomic interactions in this process and find that the interference pattern results from an unequal population of the symmetric and antisymmetric states of the two-atom system. We also identify intrinsically nonclassical effects versus classical squeezed field effects, (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.