807 resultados para TRIPLET EMITTER


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Le cas que nous exposons ici est extrait d’un travail de recherche plus vaste ayant pour objet une analyse comparative de plusieurs institutions1 où vivent et se transmettent des savoirs sécuritaires propres à l’escalade. Notre étude met en face à face des institutions clairement identifiées comme didactiques - c’est le cas de l’école au sens large de l’acception - c’est-à-dire des institutions où l’intention de transmettre y est toujours mise en avant, mais aussi d’autres institutions «à la limite» du didactique telles les organismes de loisirs sportifs, ainsi que des institutions a priori non didactiques comme une famille ou un groupe d’amis, où le mode de transmission des savoirs relève majoritairement d’un système d’apprentissage par frayage (Delbos & Jorion, 1990), (Hutchins, 1995). Le sujet est abordé sous l’angle didactique de la gestion des risques (Mangeant, 2008). La recherche repose en partie sur la théorie des situations didactiques (Brousseau, 1998) et notamment la notion de contrat entendu comme une convention implicite, mais aussi pour nous dans notre sujet, comme accord explicite sur les règles de fonctionnement. Elle s’appuie également sur le modèle de l’action enseignante et le triplet des genèses (Sensevy, Mercier & Schubauer- Leoni, 2000) et plus précisément sur le principe de l’action conjointe du professeur et des élèves (Sensevy & Mercier, 2007). Le travail s’attache à démontrer que des phénomènes de contrat, peuvent être à l’origine de failles dans la sécurité, et potentiellement pourvoyeurs de futurs accidents. Ainsi, au-delà du manque de vigilance communément invoqué, il y aurait donc des causes didactiques à l’occurrence des accidents, dont les explications sont parfois à rechercher à l’origine dans la formation des intervenants ou dans le mode de transmission des savoirs


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El virus de l'hepatitis C (VHC) provoca una hepatitis crònica que afecta a més de 170 milions de persones d'arreu del món. És un virus petit que es classifica dins de la família Flaviviridae i és un virus d'RNA de cadena positiva amb un genoma d'aproximadament 9.600 nucleòtids. A l'extrem 5' del genoma viral s'hi troba una regió no codificant (5'NCR) que comprèn els primers 341 nucleòtids i la seva funció està relaciona amb la traducció. Immediatament després hi ha una pauta de lectura oberta ORF que acaba en un únic codó d'aturada i codifica una poliproteïna de 3.010 aminoàcids. A continuació l'extrem 3' no codificant (3'NCR), que malgrat es desconeixen les seves funcions exactes, s'ha demostrat que és essencial per a la replicació vírica. La única poliproteïna generada és processada co- i postraduccionalment mitjançant proteases de l'hoste i víriques, donant lloc a les proteïnes estructurals (Core, E1 i E2-p7) i no estructurals (NS2-NS5B). Igual que la majoria de virus RNA, el VHC es caracteritza per tenir una taxa de mutació elevada. De fet, el genoma del virus no es pot definir com una única seqüència sinó per una població de variants molt relacionades entre sí. A aquesta manera d'organitzar la informació genètica se l'anomena quasiespècie viral i una de les seves implicacions principals és la facilitat amb què sorgeixen resistents al tractament. Els tractaments disponibles són llargs, cars, provoquen efectes secundaris considerables i només es resolen completament el 40% dels casos. Per aquesta raó es busquen altres solucions terapèutiques per combatre el virus entre les quals s'hi inclouen diferents estratègies. Una de les més innovadores i prometedores és la utilització de ribozims dirigits directament contra el genoma del virus. Aquest treball es centra en l'estudi de les noves estratègies terapèutiques basades en ribozims, concretament la ribonucleasa P. La ribonucleasa P és un ribozim que està present en tots els organismes ja que és l'enzim responsable de la maduració dels precursors d'RNA de transferència. El més interessant a nivell terapèutic és que s'ha demostrat que es pot dirigir la seva activitat cap a qualsevol RNA utilitzant una seqüència guia d'RNA que quan hibrida amb l'RNA diana, l'híbrid imita l'estructura secundària del substrat natural. En el cas del VHC, s'han estudiat ribozims dependents de seqüència (ribozims derivats d'RNAs satèl·lits i de viroides de plantes), sempre dirigits contra la regió més conservada del virus per evitar una disminució de l'eficiència del ribozim deguda a la variació de la diana. La ribonucleasa P és una endonucleasa d'activitat molt específica i es diferencia dels altres ribozims naturals en el sistema de reconeixement del substrat, reconeix elements estructurals i no de seqüència. L'objectiu final del treball és tallar in vitro l'RNA del VHC aprofitant la propietat que presenta aquest ribozim de reconèixer elements estructurals i no de seqüència ja que per a un mateix nombre de seqüències, el nombre d'estructures viables que pot adoptar l'RNA genòmic és molt més petit i per tant la variabilitat de la diana disminueix. S'han estudiat dos models d'RNasa P, la RNasa P humana guiada per seqüència guia externa (EGS) i l'RNA M1 de l'RNasa P d'E.coli unit a la seqüència guia per l'extrem 3' (ribozim M1GS). Abans però de dirigir el ribozim, s'han estudiat l'estructura i la variabilitat d'una regió del genoma del virus ja que s'ha descrit que són factors que poden limitar l'eficiència de qualsevol ribozim. Derivat d'aquests estudis s'aporten dades sobre accessibilitat i variabilitat d'una regió interna del genoma del virus de l'hepatitis C, la zona d'unió de la regió E2/NS2 (regió 2658-2869). L'estudi d'accessibilitat revela que la regió 2658-2869 del genoma del virus conté dominis oberts i tancats i que la transició entre uns i altres no és brusca si es compara amb altres regions d'estructura coneguda (regió 5' no codificant). Els resultats dels assajos in vitro amb els dos models de RNasa P mostren que s'ha aconseguit dirigir tant la ribonucleasa P humana com el ribozim M1GS cap a una zona, predeterminada segons l'estudi d'accessibilitat, com a poc estructurada i tallar l'RNA del virus. De l'anàlisi de mutacions, però, es dedueix que la regió estudiada és variable. Tot i dirigir el ribozim cap a la zona més accessible, la variació de la diana podria afectar la interacció amb la seqüència guia i per tant disminuir l'eficiència de tall. Si es proposés una estratègia terapèutica consistiria en un atac simultani de vàries dianes.D'altra banda i derivat d'un resultat inesperat on s'ha observat en els experiments control que l'extracte de RNasa P humana tallava l'RNA viral en absència de seqüències guia externes, s'ha caracteritzat una nova interacció entre l'RNA del VHC i la RNasa P humana. Per a la identificació de l'enzim responsable dels talls s'han aplicat diferents tècniques que es poden dividir en mètodes directes (RNA fingerprinting) i indirectes (immunoprecipitació i inhibicions competitives). Els resultats demostren que la ribonucleasa P humana, i no un altre enzim contaminant de l'extracte purificat, és la responsable dels dos talls específics observats i que es localitzen, un a l'entrada interna al ribosoma (IRES) i molt a prop del codó AUG d'inici de la traducció i l'altre entre la regió codificant estructural i no estructural. La ribonucleasa P és un dels enzims del metabolisme del tRNA que s'utilitza per identificar estructures similars al tRNA en substrats diferents del substrat natural. Així doncs, el fet que la ribonucleasa P reconegui i talli el genoma del VHC en dues posicions determinades suggereix que, a les zones de tall, el virus conté estructures semblants al substrat natural, és a dir estructures tipus tRNA. A més, tot i que el VHC és molt variable, els resultats indiquen que aquestes estructures poden ser importants per el virus, ja que es mantenen en totes les variants naturals analitzades. Creiem que la seva presència podria permetre al genoma interaccionar amb factors cel·lulars que intervenen en la biologia del tRNA,particularment en el cas de l'estructura tipus tRNA que es localitza a l'element IRES. Independentment però de la seva funció, es converteixen en unes noves dianes terapèutiques per a la RNasa P. S'ha de replantejar però l'estratègia inicial ja que la similitud amb el tRNA les fa susceptibles a l'atac de la ribonucleasa P, directament, en absència de seqüències guia externes.


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Aquesta tesi tracta sobre la combinació del control visual i la llum estructurada. El control visual clàssic assumeix que elements visuals poden ser fàcilment extrets de les imatges. Això fa que objectes d'aspecte uniforme o poc texturats no es puguin tenir en compte. En aquesta tesi proposem l'ús de la llum estructurada per dotar d'elements visuals als objectes independentment de la seva aparença. En primer lloc, es presenta un ampli estudi de la llum estructurada, el qual ens permet proposar un nou patró codificat que millora els existents. La resta de la tesi es concentra en el posicionament d'un robot dotat d'una càmara respecte diferents objectes, utilitzant la informació proveïda per la projecció de diferents patrons de llum. Dos configuracions han estat estudiades: quan el projector de llum es troba separat del robot, i quan el projector està embarcat en el robot juntament amb la càmara. Les tècniques proposades en la tesi estan avalades per un ampli estudi analític i validades per resultats experimentals.


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Monomer-sequence information in synthetic copolyimides can be recognised by tweezer-type molecules binding to adjacent triplet-sequences on the polymer chains. In the present paper different tweezer-molecules are found to have different sequence-selectivities, as demonstrated in solution by 1H NMR spectroscopy and in the solid state by single crystal X-ray analyses of tweezer-complexes with linear and macrocyclic oligo-imides. This work provides clear-cut confirmation of polyimide chain-folding and adjacent-tweezer-binding. It also reveals a new and entirely unexpected mechanism for sequence-recognition which, by analogy with a related process in biomolecular information processing, may be termed "frameshift-reading". The ability of one particular tweezer-molecule to detect, with exceptionally high sensitivity, long-range sequence-information in chain-folding aromatic copolyimides, is readily explained by this novel process.


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Ab initio calculations of the energy have been made at approximately 150 points on the two lowest singlet A' potential energy surfaces of the water molecule, 1A' and 1A', covering structures having D∞h, C∞v, C2v and Cs symmetries. The object was to obtain an ab initio surface of uniform accuracy over the whole three-dimensional coordinate space. Molecular orbitals were constructed from a double zeta plus Rydberg basis, and correlation was introduced by single and double excitations from multiconfiguration states which gave the correct dissociation behaviour. A two-valued analytical potential function has been constructed to fit these ab initio energy calculations. The adiabatic energies are given in our analytical function as the eigenvalues of a 2 2 matrix, whose diagonal elements define two diabatic surfaces. The off-diagonal element goes to zero for those configurations corresponding to surface intersections, so that our adiabatic surface exhibits the correct Σ/II conical intersections for linear configurations, and singlet/triplet intersections of the O + H2 dissociation fragments. The agreement between our analytical surface and experiment has been improved by using empirical diatomic potential curves in place of those derived from ab initio calculations.


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Time resolved studies of germylene, GeH2, generated by laser flash photolysis of 3,4-dimethylgermacyclopentene-3, have been carried out to obtain rate constants for its bimolecular reaction with acetylene, C2H2. The reaction was studied in the gas-phase over the pressure range 1-100 Tort, with SF6 as bath gas, at 5 temperatures in the range 297-553 K. The reaction showed a very slight pressure dependence at higher temperatures. The high pressure rate constants (obtained by extrapolation at the three higher temperatures) gave the Arrhenius equation: log(k(infinity)/cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1)) (-10.94 +/- 0.05) + (6.10 +/- 0.36 kJ mol(-1))/RTln10. These Arrhenius parameters are consistent with a fast reaction occurring at approximately 30% of the collision rate at 298 K. Quantum chemical calculations (both DFT and ab initio G2//B3LYP and G2//QCISD) of the GeC2H4 potential energy surface (PES), show that GeH2 + C2H2 react initially to form germirene which can isomerise to vinylgermylene with a relatively low barrier. RRKM modelling, based on a loose association transition state, but assuming vinylgermylene is the end product (used in combination with a weak collisional deactivation model) predicts a strong pressure dependence using the calculated energies, in conflict with the experimental evidence. The detailed GeC2H4 PES shows considerable complexity with ten other accessible stable minima (B3LYP level), the three most stable of which are all germylenes. Routes through this complex surface were examined in detail. The only product combination which appears capable of satisfying the (P-3) + C2H4.C2H4 was confirmed as a product by GC observed lack of a strong pressure dependence is Ge(P-3) + C2H4. C2H4 was confirmed as a product by GC analysis. Although the formation of these products are shown to be possible by singlet-triplet curve crossing during dissociation of 1-germiranylidene (1-germacyclopropylidene), it seems more likely (on thermochernical grounds) that the triplet biradical, (GeCH2CH2.)-Ge-., is the immediate product precursor. Comparisons are made with the reaction of SiH2 with C2H2.


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Time-resolved kinetic studies of the reaction of silylene, SiH2, generated by laser flash photolysis of phenylsilane, have been carried out to obtain rate constants for its bimolecular reaction with O-2. The reaction was studied in the gas phase over the pressure range 1-100 Torr in SF6 bath gas, at five temperatures in the range 297-600 K. The second order rate constants at 10 Torr were fitted to the Arrhenius equation: log(k/cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1)) = (-11.08 +/- 0.04) + (1.57 +/- 0.32 kJ mol(-1))/RT ln10 The decrease in rate constant values with increasing temperature, although systematic is very small. The rate constants showed slight increases in value with pressure at each temperature, but this was scarcely beyond experimental uncertainty. From estimates of Lennard-Jones collision rates, this reaction is occurring at ca. 1 in 20 collisions, almost independent of pressure and temperature. Ab initio calculations at the G3 level backed further by multi-configurational (MC) SCF calculations, augmented by second order perturbation theory (MRMP2), support a mechanism in which the initial adduct, H2SiOO, formed in the triplet state (T), undergoes intersystem crossing to the more stable singlet state (S) prior to further low energy isomerisation processes leading, via a sequence of steps, ultimately to dissociation products of which the lowest energy pair are H2O + SiO. The decomposition of the intermediate cyclo-siladioxirane, via O-O bond fission, plays an important role in the overall process. The bottleneck for the overall process appears to be the T -> S process in H2SiOO. This process has a small spin orbit coupling matrix element, consistent with an estimate of its rate constant of 1 x 10(9) s(-1) obtained with the aid of RRKM theory. This interpretation preserves the idea that, as in its reactions in general, SiH2 initially reacts at the encounter rate with O-2. The low values for the secondary reaction barriers on the potential energy surface account for the lack of an observed pressure dependence. Some comparisons are drawn with the reactions of CH2 + O-2 and SiCl2 + O-2.


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From the reaction of cis-Ru(1,10-phenanthroline)(2)Cl(2 center dot)2H(2)O with 2-picolinic acid in 1:1 molar ratio in degassed methanol-water mixture, [Ru(1,10-phenanthroline)(2)(2-picolinate)]PF6 center dot H2O (1) has been isolated as a red compound by adding excess of NH4PF6. Single crystal X-ray crystallography shows that the metal in 1 has an octahedral N5O coordination sphere. Complex 1 displays (MLCT)-M-1 bands in the 400-500 nm region in acetonitrile. Upon excitation at 435 nm, complex 1 gives rise to a broad emission band at 675 nm in acetonitrile at room temperature with a quantum yield of 0.0022. The energy of the MLCT state in 1 is estimated as 1.99 eV. Since, from cyclic voltammetry, the ground state potential of the Ru(II/III) couple in 1 is found to be 1.01 V vs NHE, the potential of the same couple in the excited state is calculated as -0.98 V vs NHE. The emissive state in 1 seems to be the triplet Ru(II) -> 1, 10-phenanthroline charge transfer state.


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Fulgimides monosubstituted with [M(bpy)(3)](2+) (M = Ru, Os; bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine) chromophore units and with a single bpy group were synthesized and investigated as components of conceivable dinuclear photochromic switches of luminescence. The E-, Z- and closed-ring (C) photoisomer forms of the bpy-bound fulgimide were successfully separated by semi-preparative HPLC. The same procedure failed, however, in the case of the [M(bpy)(3)](2+)-substituted fulgimides. Energy transfer from the excited photochromic unit to the metal-bpy centre competes with the fulgimide cyclization, reducing the photocyclization quantum yields by approximately one order of magnitude compared to the non-complexed fulgimide-bpy ligand (phi(EC) = 0.17, phi(EZ) = 0.071, phi(ZE) = 0.15 at lambda(exc) = 334 nm). The cycloreversion of the fulgimide-bpy ligand is less efficient (phi(CE) = 0.047 at lambda(exc) = 520 nm). The intensity of the (MLCT)-M-3-based luminescence of the metal-bpy chromophore (in MeCN, phi(deaer) = 6.6 x 10(-2) and tau(deaer) = 1.09 mu s for Ru; phi(deaer) = 6.7 x 10(-3) and tau(deaer) = 62 ns for Os) is not affected by the fulgimide photoconversion. These results and supporting spectro-electrochemical data reveal that the lowest triplet excited states of the photochromic fulgimide moiety in all its E-, Z- and closed-ring forms lie above the lowest 3MLCT levels of the attached ruthenium and osmium chromophores. The actual components are therefore unlikely to form a triad acting as functional switch of energy transfer from [Ru(bpy)(3)](2+) to [Os(bpy)(3)](2+) through the photochromic fulgimide bridge.


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Six ruthenium(II) complexes have been prepared using the tridentate ligands 2,6-bis(benzimidazolyl) pyridine and bis(2-benzimidazolyl methyl) amine and having 2,2'-bipyridine, 2,2':6',2 ''-terpyridine, PPh3, MeCN and chloride as coligands. The crystal structures of three of the complexes trans-[Ru(bbpH(2))(PPh3)(2)(CH3CN)I(ClO4)(2) center dot 2H(2)O (2), [Ru(bbpH(2))(bpy)Cl]ClO4 (3) and [Ru(bbpH(2))(terpy)](ClO4)(2) (4) are also reported. The complexes show visible region absorption at 402-517 nm, indicating that it is possible to tune the visible region absorption by varying the ancillary ligand. Luminescence behavior of the complexes has been studied both at RT and at liquid nitrogen temperature (LNT). Luminescence of the complexes is found to be insensitive to the presence of dioxygen. Two of the complexes [Ru(bbpH(2))(bpy)Cl]ClO4 (3) and [Ru(bbpH(2))(terpy]ClO4)(2) (4) show RT emission in the NIR region, having lifetime, quantum yield and radiative constant values suitable for their application as NIR emitter in the solid state devices. The DFT calculations on these two complexes indicate that the metal t(2g) electrons are appreciably delocalized over the ligand backbone. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We discuss the feasibility of wireless terahertz communications links deployed in a metropolitan area and model the large-scale fading of such channels. The model takes into account reception through direct line of sight, ground and wall reflection, as well as diffraction around a corner. The movement of the receiver is modeled by an autonomous dynamic linear system in state space, whereas the geometric relations involved in the attenuation and multipath propagation of the electric field are described by a static nonlinear mapping. A subspace algorithm in conjunction with polynomial regression is used to identify a single-output Wiener model from time-domain measurements of the field intensity when the receiver motion is simulated using a constant angular speed and an exponentially decaying radius. The identification procedure is validated by using the model to perform q-step ahead predictions. The sensitivity of the algorithm to small-scale fading, detector noise, and atmospheric changes are discussed. The performance of the algorithm is tested in the diffraction zone assuming a range of emitter frequencies (2, 38, 60, 100, 140, and 400 GHz). Extensions of the simulation results to situations where a more complicated trajectory describes the motion of the receiver are also implemented, providing information on the performance of the algorithm under a worst case scenario. Finally, a sensitivity analysis to model parameters for the identified Wiener system is proposed.


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Sequence-specific binding is demonstrated between pyrene-based tweezer molecules and soluble, high molar mass copolyimides. The binding involves complementary pi - pi stacking interactions, polymer chain-folding, and hydrogen bonding and is extremely sensitive to the steric environment around the pyromellitimide binding-site. A detailed picture of the intermolecular interactions involved has been obtained through single-crystal X-ray studies of tweezer complexes with model diimides. Ring-current magnetic shielding of polyimide protons by the pyrene '' arms '' of the tweezer molecule induces large complexation shifts of the corresponding H-1 NMR resonances, enabling specific triplet sequences to be identified by their complexation shifts. Extended comonomer sequences (triplets of triplets in which the monomer residues differ only by the presence or absence of a methyl group) can be '' read '' by a mechanism which involves multiple binding of tweezer molecules to adjacent diimide residues within the copolymer chain. The adjacent-binding model for sequence recognition has been validated by two conceptually different sets of tweezer binding experiments. One approach compares sequence-recognition events for copolyimides having either restricted or unrestricted triple-triplet sequences, and the other makes use of copolymers containing both strongly binding and completely nonbinding diimide residues. In all cases the nature and relative proportions of triple-triplet sequences predicted by the adjacent-binding model are fully consistent with the observed H-1 NMR data.


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Photochromic nitrospiropyrans substituted with 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy), [Ru(bpy)(3)](2+), and [Os(bpy)(3)](2+) groups were synthesized, and their photophysical, photochemical, and redox properties investigated. Substitution of the spiropyran with the metal complex moiety results in strongly decreased efficiency of the ring-opening process as a result of energy transfer from the excited spiropyran to the metal center. The lowest excited triplet state of the spiropyran in its open merocyanine form is lower in energy than the excited triplet MLCT level of the [Ru(bpy)(3)](2+) moiety but higher in energy than for [Os(bpy)(3)](2+), resulting in energy transfer from the excited ruthenium center to the spiropyran but inversely in the osmium case. The open merocyanine form reduces and oxidizes electrochemically more easily than the closed nitrospiropyran. Like photoexcitation, electrochemical activation also causes opening of the spiropyran ring by first reducing the closed form and subsequently reoxidizing the corresponding radical anion in two well-resolved anodic steps. Interestingly, the substitution of the spiropyran with a Ru or Os metal center does not affect the efficiency of this electrochemically induced ring-opening process, different from the photochemical path.


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One-electron oxidation of 3,6-diphenyl-1,2-dithiin yields the corresponding radical cation. The product is stable at low temperatures and can be distinguished by a triplet EPR signal. Cyclic voltammetric, UV-vis spectroelectrochemical, and DFT studies were performed to elucidate its molecular structure and electronic properties. Time-dependent DFT calculations reproduce appreciably well the UV-vis spectral changes observed during the oxidation. The results reveal a moderately twisted structure of the 1,2-dithiin heterocycle in the radical cation.


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The lowest absorption band of fac-[Re(Cl)(CO)(3)(5-NO2-phen)] encompasses two close-lying MLCT transitions. The lower one is directed to LUMO, which is heavily localized on the NO2 group. The UV-vis absorption spectrum is well accounted for by TD-DFT (G03/PBEPBE1/CPCM), provided that the solvent, MeCN, is included in the calculations. Near-UV excitation of fac-[Re(Cl)(CO)(3)(5-NO2-phen)] populates a triplet metal to ligand charge-transfer excited state, (MLCT)-M-3, that was characterized by picosecond time-resolved IR spectroscopy. Large positive shifts of the v(CO) bands upon excitation (+70 cm(-1) for the A'(1) band) signify a very large charge separation between the Re(Cl)(CO)3 unit and the 5-NO2-phen ligand. Details of the excited-state character are revealed by TD-DFT calculated changes of electron density distribution. Experimental excited-state v(CO) wavenumbers agree well with those calculated by DFT. The (MLCT)-M-3 state decays with a ca. 10 ps lifetime (in MeCN) into another transient species, that was identified by TRIR and TD-DFT calculations as an intraligand (3)n pi* excited state, whereby the electron density is excited from the NO2 oxygen lone pairs to the pi* system of 5-NO2-phen. This state is short-lived, decaying to the ground state with a similar to 30 ps lifetime. The presence of an n pi* state seems to be the main factor responsible for the lack of emission and the very short lifetimes of 3 MLCT states seen in all d(6)-metal complexes of nitro-polypyridyl ligands. Localization of the excited electron density in the lowest (MLCT)-M-3 states parallels localization of the extra electron in the reduced state that is characterized by a very small negative shift of the v(CO) IR bands (-6 cm(-1) for A'(1)) but a large downward shift of the v(s)(NO2) IR band. The Re-Cl bond is unusually stable toward reduction, whereas the Cl ligand is readily substituted upon oxidation.