994 resultados para Suspicious lesion
We report a case of viriclans streptococcus brain abscess in a severely immunosuppressed HIV-infected patient with a history of chronic sinusitis. A 39-year-old homosexual man showed mental confusion and worsening of a frontal brain lesion after two weeks with antitoxoplasma therapy. Empiric treatment for central nervous system tuberculosis and pyogenic brain abscess was started. He underwent surgical drainage and the diagnosis of brain abscess due to viriclans streptococci was confirmed. All empiric treatments were stopped and ceftriaxone was used for eight weeks, showing complete clinical and radiological resolution. Although infrequent, viriclans streptococci, a common pyogenic aetiology of brain abscess in immunocompetent patients, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of brain lesions in AIDS patients.
A 59-year-old woman presented with a large mediastinal mass. At thoracotomy, the mass was found tightly adherent to the esophageal wall and right lower lobe of the lung. Histological examination showed a solid tumor composed of closely packed nests of cells with clear and eosinophilic cytoplasm, which were strongly and diffusely positive for S 100 protein but negative for HMB45 and Melan-A. The diagnosis of clear cell sarcoma was supported by demonstrating the presence of an EWS gene rearrangement by fluorescence in situ hybridization. There was no evidence that this lesion represented metastatic disease. To the best of our knowledge, primary mediastinal clear cell sarcoma has not been previously reported in the literature. We present the case and discuss the differential diagnosis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keloids are characterized by benign proliferation of fibroblasts in the setting of an altered cytokine profile, with a high recurrence rate after surgical treatment. Imiquimod is a topically applied immune-response modifier. Recently, auxiliary therapy using imiquimod 5% cream to prevent keloid recurrence after excisional surgery was reported to have had good results. To evaluate the efficacy of topical imiquimod 5% cream applied after surgical excision and primary closure of trunk keloids in the prevention of recurrence. Nine patients with a keloid lesion on the trunk were treated with surgical excision and primary closure. Daily application of imiquimod 5% cream for 8 weeks was initiated the night of surgery. The patients were evaluated 2, 4, 8, 12, and 20 weeks after. Keloid recurrence occurred in eight patients, seven of them 12 weeks after surgery. We lost track of one patient. The results of this study suggest that imiquimod 5% cream is not effective in preventing recurrence of trunk keloids after surgical excision. Although this is a small case series, results strongly discourage other studies using imiquimod 5% cream in the prevention of surgically excised trunk keloids. The authors have indicated no significant interest with commercial supporters.
Impulsivity is a personality trait exhibited by healthy individuals, but excessive impulsivity is associated with some mental disorders. Lesion and functional, neuroimaging Studies indicate that the ventromedial prefrontal region (VMPFC), including the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and medial prefrontal cortex, and the amygdala may modulate impulsivity and aggression. However, no morphometric study has examined the association between VMPFC and impulsivity. We hypothesized that healthy subjects with high impulsivity would have smaller volumes in these brain regions compared with those with low impulsivity. Sixty-two healthy Subjects were Studied (age 35.4 +/- 12.1 years) using a 1.5-T MRI system. The Barratt impulsiveness scale (BIS) was used to assess impulsivity. Images were processed using an optimized voxel-based morphometry (VBM) protocol. We calculated the correlations between BIS scale scores and the gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) volumes of VMPFC and amygdala. GM volumes of the left and right OFC were inversely correlated with the BIS total score (P = 0.04 and 0.02, respectively). Left ACC GM Volumes had a tendency to be inversely correlated with the BIS total score (P = 0.05. Right OFC GM Volumes were inversely correlated with BIS nonplanning impulsivity, and left OFC GM volumes were inversely correlated with motor impulsivity. There were no significant WM volume correlations with impulsivity. The results Of this morphometry Study indicate that small OFC volume relate to high impulsivity and extend the prior finding that the VMPFC is involved in the circuit modulating impulsivity. HUM Brain Mapp 30:1188-1195, 2009. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Autoimmune bullous dermatoses are diseases in which blisters and vesicles are the primary and fundamental types of skin lesion. Their classification is based on the location of the blister; intraepidermal and subepidermal. Patients produce autoantibodies against self-specific structures of the skin detectable by immunofluorescence techniques, immunoblotting and ELISA. Recent advances in molecular and cellular biology have brought to knowledge these self-antigens, against which patients are sensitized, and which are found in epidermis or in the dermo-epidermal junction. These are low incidence, but high morbidity diseases that may be fatal. The aim of this article is to review and describe the progress of four autoimmune vesiculobullous disorders; endemic pemphigus foliaccous (wild fire), pemphigus vulgaris, bullous pemphigoid and dermatitis herpetiformis.
Juvenile xanthogranuloma (JXG) is a non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis (nonLCH). It is a benign and self-healing disorder that generally affects infants and children. Oral lesions in adult patients are rare, although the microscopic findings are similar to those observed in other locations. A 56-year-old white man presented with a chief complaint of a gingival mass that had appeared 6 months before and had grown slowly. An intraoral examination revealed the presence of a solitary, softened gingival mass affecting the mandibular lingual gingiva at the right central incisor area. A biopsy of the lesion showed multiple large macrophages and numerous giant cells of Touton type. The immunohistochemistry positivity for CD68, fascin, factor XIIIa, alpha-antitrypsin and negativity for S-100, beta-actin, CD1a, and desmin confirmed the diagnosis of JXG. The occurrence of adult oral JXG is extremely rare. It is a nonLCH that may present variable clinical and microscopic aspects, which leads to a diversity of clinical misdiagnoses. A precise diagnosis of these lesions requires an accurate evaluation of clinical, microscopic, and immunohistochemical features.
P>Background The evolution and therapeutic outcome of American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) depend upon many factors, including the balance between Th1 and Th2 cytokines to control parasite multiplication and lesion extension. Other cytokines known for their role in inflammatory processes such as interleukin IL-17 or IL-18 as well as factors controlling keratinocyte differentiation and the inflammatory process in the skin, like the Notch system, could also be involved in the disease outcome. Notch receptors are a group of transmembrane proteins that regulate cell fate decisions during development and adulthood in many tissues, including keratinocyte differentiation and T-cell lineage commitment, depending on their activation by specific groups of ligands (Delta-like or Jagged). Objectives To compare the in situ expression of Notch system proteins (receptors, ligands and transcriptional factors) and cytokines possibly involved in the disease outcome (IL-17, IL-18, IL-23 and transforming growth factor-beta) in ATL cutaneous and mucosal lesions, according to the response to therapy with N-methyl glucamine. Methods Cutaneous and mucosal biopsies obtained from patients prior to therapy with N-methyl glucamine were analysed by immunohistochemistry and real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results Notch receptors and Delta-like ligands were found increased in patients with ATL, particularly those with poor response to therapy or with mucosal lesions. Conclusions The increase of Notch receptors and Delta-like ligands in patients with a poor response to treatment suggests that these patients would require a more aggressive therapeutic approach or at least a more thorough and rigorous follow-up.
We report a case of a 17-year-old boy who had a giant congenital blue naevus with multiple satellite pigmented lesions. Later the patient developed melanoma arising in the pre-existing lesion. He also had gynaecomastia and was diagnosed as having aromatase excess syndrome. To our knowledge, the association of these two rare conditions has not been previously reported. Further studies should be performed to investigate this unusual combination, which may have a genetic, endocrine or local cutaneous link leading to its occurrence.
Introduction The perimedullary arteriovenous fistulas are located on the pial surface and are usually supplied by spinal medullary arteries, that is, either by the anterior or posterior spinal arteries, with no intervening nidus between the feeder arteries and the venous drainage. The clinical findings are, more commonly, caused by progressive radiculomedullary ischemic processes secondary to steal vascular mechanism. As the vascular supply to the spinal cord and to the arteriovenous fistulas (AVF) is not shared with one another, the vascular steal phenomenon cannot be implicated in this case`s physiopathology. Most probably, the mass effect caused by the giant venous dilatation was the pathophysiological mechanism involved in this lesion Case report The authors describe the case of a 6-year-old girl with an intradural ventral arteriovenous fistula, with a giant venous dilatation, fed directly by L2 and L3 radiculomedullary arteries at the conus medullaris. There was no arterial supply to the fistula from the anterior or posterior spinal arteries. Selective spinal angiography showed an arteriovenous fistula supplied directly by two radiculomedullary arteries, with a large draining vein caudally. Interposing the arterial and venous vessels was a giant venous aneurysmal dilatation located ventral to the conus medullaris and extending from L3 to T6. The patient was successfully treated by a surgical approach through a laminotomy from L3 to T11. Conclusion The type IV-C spinal arteriovenous malformations or perimedullary AVFs are rare lesions predominately described at the conus medullaris with various types of angio-architecture and controversial treatment.
OBJECTIVE: We studied the angiographic findings in patients with small epidural hematomas and cranial fractures crossing over the trajectory of the middle meningeal artery and its branches. Additionally, the Occurrence of traumatic vascular lesions and their clinical relevance and treatment are discussed. METHODS: A consecutive analysis was performed for 24 patients who harbored small epidural hematomas in middle meningeal artery topography associated with cranial fractures. Computed tomographic scans and plain x-ray studies were used to diagnose linear cranial fractures. Patients with large epidural hematomas or associated traumatic lesions were excluded from the study. Selective ipsilateral external carotid angiograms were obtained, and an endovascular procedure was performed if any vascular injury was evidenced. RESULTS: In all patients with cranial fractures crossing over the middle meningeal artery and its branches, some kind of vascular lesion was seen. Two types of findings were noted: active extravasation of the contrast medium (71%) and pseudoaneurysms (29%). Early filling of diploic vessels was found in 8.3% of fractures concomitantly with active extravasation. Embolization was performed in all patients. No additional enlargement of the epidural hematoma was observed, and the postoperative period was uneventful. CONCLUSION: This study shows that pseudoaneurysms and active extravasation of contrast are common findings in this subset of patients. Although the natural history of these lesions is still poorly understood, additional investigation with ipsilateral external carotid angiography may be recommended, considering the potentially catastrophic consequences of late rupture.
We focused on the effect of mild hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) on the development of atherosclerosis, using apolipoprotein E-deficient (apoE(-/-)) and normal mice. Mice received diets enriched in methionine with low or high levels of folate, B(12) and B(6) (diets B and C, respectively), and diet only with low levels of folate, B(12) and B(6) (diets D), to induce mild HHcy. Normal mice fed on diets B, C and D presented mild HHcy, but they did not develop atherosclerotic lesions after 24 weeks of diet. In addition, increased endoplasmic reticulum stress was present in normal mice fed on diet B, compared to others groups. ApoE(-/-) mice fed on diet B for 20 weeks presented the greatest atherosclerotic lesion area at the aortic sinus than other groups. These results suggest that the methionine may have a toxic effect on endothelium, and the B-vitamins addition on diet may have a protective effect in the long term, despite the increase on homocysteine levels. Mild HHcy accelerated the development of atherosclerosis in apoE(-/-) mice, and supplementation with B-vitamins is important for prevention of vascular disease, principally in the long term. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In order to qualify and quantify nerve fiber lesion following an acute crush injury, a morphologic and morphometric study was carried out in 25 Wistar rats divided into live groups of five animals each according to the crushing load applied, i.e., 500,1000, 5000, 10 000, and 15 000 g. The injury was produced under general anesthesia on a 5 mm-long intermediate segment of the right sciatic nerve for 10 min using a dead-weight machine. The animals were killed with an excessive dose of anesthetics 72 h later and submitted to perfusion with a fixing solution through the abdominal aorta immediately after death. Both the right and left sciatic nerves were removed and prepared for histologic and morphometric examinations: 5 mu m-thick sections stained with 1% Toluidine blue were examined under a light microscope equipped with a video camera linked to a computer loaded with a graphic program (KS 400). The morphometric studies included measuring total number of fibers, fiber density, fiber diameter, myelin fiber area, axon diameter, axon area and G ratio. The results showed that damage to the nerve fibers began to appear as early as with the 500g load and was similar in all groups despite the load applied, increasing with the 10000 and 15000g loads, although the external supporting tissues and small diameter fibers were preserved. The predominant type of lesion produced was axonotmesis. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Sciatic Functional Index (SFI) is a quite useful tool for the evaluation of functional recovery of the sciatic nerve of rats in a number of experimental injuries and treatments. Although it is an objective method, it depends on the examiner`s ability to adequately recognize and mark the previously established footprint key points, which is an entirely subjective step, thus potentially interfering with the calculations according to the mathematical formulae proposed by different authors. Thus, an interpersonal evaluation of the reproducibility of an SFI computer-aided method was carried out here to study data variability. A severe crush injury was produced on a 5 mm-long segment of the right sciatic nerve of 20 Wistar rats (a 5000 g load directly applied for 10 min) and the SH was measured by four different examiners (an experienced one and three newcomers) preoperatively and at weekly intervals from the 1st to the 8th postoperative week. Three measurements were made for each print and the average was calculated and used for statistical analysis. The results showed that interpersonal correlation was high (0.82) in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th weeks, with an unexpected but significant (p < 0.01) drop in the 6th week. There was virtually no interpersonal correlation (correlation index close to 0) on the 1st and 2nd weeks, a period during which the variability between animals and examiners (p =0.24 and 0.32, respectively) was similar, certainly due to a poor definition of the footprints. The authors conclude that the SFI method studied here is only reliable from the 3rd week on after a severe lesion of the sciatic nerve of rats. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A mononuclear phagocyte derived from B1b cells (B1CDP) has been described. As these cells migrate from the peritoneal cavity to non-specific inflammatory lesion sites and are highly phagocytic via Fc and mannose receptors, their microbicidal ability of these cells was investigated using the Coxiella burnetii cell infection model in vitro. In this report, the pattern of infection and C burnetii phase II survival in B1CDP phagosomes was compared with the pattern of infection of peritoneal macrophages from Xid mice (PM phi) and bone marrow derived macrophages (BMM phi). Infection was assessed by determining the large parasitophorous vacuole formation, the relative focus forming units and the quantification of DAPI (4`,6-diamino-2-phenylindole) fluorescence images acquired by confocal microscopy. When compared to macrophages, B1CDP are more permissive to the bacterial infection and less effective to kill them. Further, results suggest that IL-10 secreted by B1 cells are involved in their susceptibility to infection by C burnetti, since B1CDP from IL-10 KO mice are more competent to control C. burnetii infection than cells from wild type mice. These data contribute further to characterize B1CDP as a novel mononuclear phagocyte. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Background. Bilioduodenal (BD) and biliojejunal (BJ) derivation induce enterobiliary reflux and bile stasis. Decompression of the excluded loop of the Roux-en-Y (BJD) was proposed to minimize these effects. The aim of this study was to compare the influence of these three modalities of biliary bypass on hepatic lesion repair in rats with secondary biliary fibrosis. Materials and Methods. Rats with 15 d of biliary obstruction underwent BD, BJ, and BJD drainage and were compared with a group submitted to simulated operation (SO) and biliary obstruction (CBO). The serum values of total and fractional bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and aminotransferases (AST and ALT), as well as hepatobiliointestinal excretion determined with (99m)Tc-Disida, were used for comparison. In addition, we used morphometric analyses to estimate the mass of the hepatocytes, bile ducts, and liver fibrosis. We also counted hepatic stellate cells (SC). Results. For each of the three modalities of biliary drainage, there were significant reductions in bilirubin, AST, ALP, and the number of SCs. The recovery of the estimated mass of all histologic components occurred only after BJ and BJD; in the BD group, the estimated hepatocyte mass was reduced compared with the SO group. The residual hepatic radioactivity of (99m)Tc-Disida was greater in the BJD group than in the SO group. Conclusions. The interposition of the jejunal loop between the biliary tree and the intestine may slow hepatobiliary clearance of radioactivity, even though it provides the resolution of cholestasis and is effective in recovering from hepatic lesions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.