899 resultados para Supply Chain Management


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This paper is concerned with strategic optimization of a typical industrial chemical supply chain, which involves a material purchase and transportation network, several manufacturing plants with on-site material and product inventories, a product transportation network and several regional markets. In order to address large uncertainties in customer demands at the different regional markets, a novel robust scenario formulation, which has been developed by the authors recently, is tailored and applied for the strategic optimization. Case study results show that the robust scenario formulation works well for this real industrial supply chain system, and it outperforms the deterministic formulation and the classical scenario-based stochastic programming formulation by generating better expected economic performance and solutions that are guaranteed to be feasible for all uncertainty realizations. The robust scenario problem exhibits a decomposable structure that can be taken advantage of by Benders decomposition for efficient solution, so the application of Benders decomposition to the solution of the strategic optimization is also discussed. The case study results show that Benders decomposition can reduce the solution time by almost an order of magnitude when the number of scenarios in the problem is large.


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The objective of this paper is to conceptualize Supply Chain Resilience (SCRes) and identify which supply chain capabilities can support the containment of disruptions and how these capabilities affect SCRes. Through a systematic and structured review of literature, this paper provides insights into the conceptualization and research methodological background of the SCM field. A total of one hundred and thirty four carefully selected refereed journal articles were systematically analyzed leading to the introduction of a novel definition for SCRes, which the authors view as the as “the ability to proactively plan and design the Supply Chain network for anticipating unexpected disruptive (negative) events, respond adaptively to disruptions while maintaining control over structure and function and transcending to a post-event robust state of operations, if possible, more favorable than the one prior to the event, thus gaining competitive advantage”. Finally, a critical examination of existing conceptual frameworks for understanding the relationships between the SCRes concept and its identified formative elements, is taking place.


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Major food adulteration and contamination events occur with alarming regularity and are known to be episodic, with the question being not if but when another large-scale food safety/integrity incident will occur. Indeed, the challenges of maintaining food security are now internationally recognised. The ever increasing scale and complexity of food supply networks can lead to them becoming significantly more vulnerable to fraud and contamination, and potentially dysfunctional. This can make the task of deciding which analytical methods are more suitable to collect and analyse (bio)chemical data within complex food supply chains, at targeted points of vulnerability, that much more challenging. It is evident that those working within and associated with the food industry are seeking rapid, user-friendly methods to detect food fraud and contamination, and rapid/high-throughput screening methods for the analysis of food in general. In addition to being robust and reproducible, these methods should be portable and ideally handheld and/or remote sensor devices, that can be taken to or be positioned on/at-line at points of vulnerability along complex food supply networks and require a minimum amount of background training to acquire information rich data rapidly (ergo point-and-shoot). Here we briefly discuss a range of spectrometry and spectroscopy based approaches, many of which are commercially available, as well as other methods currently under development. We discuss a future perspective of how this range of detection methods in the growing sensor portfolio, along with developments in computational and information sciences such as predictive computing and the Internet of Things, will together form systems- and technology-based approaches that significantly reduce the areas of vulnerability to food crime within food supply chains. As food fraud is a problem of systems and therefore requires systems level solutions and thinking.


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Leafy greens are essential part of a healthy diet. Because of their health benefits, production and consumption of leafy greens has increased considerably in the U.S. in the last few decades. However, leafy greens are also associated with a large number of foodborne disease outbreaks in the last few years. The overall goal of this dissertation was to use the current knowledge of predictive models and available data to understand the growth, survival, and death of enteric pathogens in leafy greens at pre- and post-harvest levels. Temperature plays a major role in the growth and death of bacteria in foods. A growth-death model was developed for Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes in leafy greens for varying temperature conditions typically encountered during supply chain. The developed growth-death models were validated using experimental dynamic time-temperature profiles available in the literature. Furthermore, these growth-death models for Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes and a similar model for E. coli O157:H7 were used to predict the growth of these pathogens in leafy greens during transportation without temperature control. Refrigeration of leafy greens meets the purposes of increasing their shelf-life and mitigating the bacterial growth, but at the same time, storage of foods at lower temperature increases the storage cost. Nonlinear programming was used to optimize the storage temperature of leafy greens during supply chain while minimizing the storage cost and maintaining the desired levels of sensory quality and microbial safety. Most of the outbreaks associated with consumption of leafy greens contaminated with E. coli O157:H7 have occurred during July-November in the U.S. A dynamic system model consisting of subsystems and inputs (soil, irrigation, cattle, wildlife, and rainfall) simulating a farm in a major leafy greens producing area in California was developed. The model was simulated incorporating the events of planting, irrigation, harvesting, ground preparation for the new crop, contamination of soil and plants, and survival of E. coli O157:H7. The predictions of this system model are in agreement with the seasonality of outbreaks. This dissertation utilized the growth, survival, and death models of enteric pathogens in leafy greens during production and supply chain.


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Feed production, swine and slaughterhouses were already reported as occupational environments with high fungal contamination. This condition can ultimately lead to the development of several health conditions. This study aimed to characterize the occupational exposure to fungal burden in three different settings: swine feed unit, swine units and slaughterhouse.


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This report mainly deals with the interactive effect of different in-stock probabilities used by every individual in a supply chain. Based on a simulation for 10,000 weeks, the effects of varying in-stock probabilities are observed. Based on these observations, an individual in a supply chain can take counter measures in order to avoid stock out chances hence maintaining profits.


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Mediante el acercamiento que se hizo al área corporativa de BCD TRAVEL COLOMBIA y considerando el importante crecimiento actual del Sector Turismo y más precisamente de los viajes con motivo corporativo en el país, surge la necesidad del presente trabajo. Al hacer un análisis interno en la organización y de su entorno, se evidenció que la compañía tiene carencia en procesos y establecimiento de nuevas estrategias que le permitan identificar y potencializar oportunidades en su mercado objetivo y en torno a sus clientes y proveedores, lo cual, puede amenazar y comprometer la estabilidad y prestigio de empresa y así mismo su perdurabilidad. Se elaborará un propuesta de mejora en torno a el área de mercadeo y de logística con el fin de estructurar herramientas que le permitan a la compañía tener un horizonte definido, conocer su posición estratégica en el mercado actual, a donde quiere llegar y que debe hacer para lograr los objetivos establecidos en su unidad de negocio corporativa, la cual representa el mayor porcentaje de ingresos para la compañía. . Se espera que los planes de mejora y estrategias establecidas generen servicios de valor agregado e impacten positivamente a lo largo de la cadena de suministro logrando mayor rentabilidad, competitividad y seguimiento de todos los procesos de esta unidad de negocio.


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The central aim of this dissertation is to introduce innovative methods, models, and tools to enhance the overall performance of supply chains responsible for handling perishable products. This concept of improved performance encompasses several critical dimensions, including enhanced efficiency in supply chain operations, product quality, safety, sustainability, waste generation minimization, and compliance with norms and regulations. The research is structured around three specific research questions that provide a solid foundation for delving into and narrowing down the array of potential solutions. These questions primarily concern enhancing the overall performance of distribution networks for perishable products and optimizing the package hierarchy, extending to unconventional packaging solutions. To address these research questions effectively, a well-defined research framework guides the approach. However, the dissertation adheres to an overarching methodological approach that comprises three fundamental aspects. The first aspect centers on the necessity of systematic data sampling and categorization, including identifying critical points within food supply chains. The data collected in this context must then be organized within a customized data structure designed to feed both cyber-physical and digital twins to quantify and analyze supply chain failures with a preventive perspective.


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La richiesta dei consumatori di prodotti sostenibili, le lotte per il cambiamento climatico e l'importanza che viene data alla sostenibilità dal mondo finanziario hanno fatto sì che la politica intraprendesse iniziative sulle tematiche sostenibili e di conseguenza le imprese hanno adottato azioni in linea con i criteri ESG. Anche se per le aziende intraprendere un percorso sostenibile non sia economicamente conveniente e per raggiungere determinati obiettivi servono sforzi e tempi lunghi, sono consapevoli dei benefici nel medio-lungo termine a livello economico, di reputazione e vantaggio competitivo. Queste iniziative però si concentrano prevalentemente sul primo anello della supply chain e le società che operano in un mercato globale fanno difficoltà a rispettare le differenti norme giuridiche non compatibili negli Stati in cui è presente la propria value chain. Per risolvere questi problemi la della Commissione Europea il 23/02/2022 ha proposto la direttiva sulla Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence, che impone l’obbligo per le imprese di implementare un processo di due diligence in tutta la value chain per prevenire effetti negativi e potenziali sui diritti umani e sull’ambiente. L’obiettivo dell'elaborato è di analizzare la direttiva di due diligence per comprendere quanto le aziende di oggi siano pronte al monitoraggio di un’intera catena del valore. Il caso studio scelto per lo scopo è quello dell’azienda Fincantieri S.p.A. la quale ha intrapreso da qualche anno un percorso di sostenibilità. Attraverso il confronto fra le azioni in atto dell'azienda e la direttiva, dalla trattazione emerge che la sfida più grande che Fincantieri dovrà affrontare sarà la condivisione delle pratiche già in atto nei livelli più profondi della supply chain. L’approvazione della direttiva, incentivando anche indirettamente le aziende ad operare in ottica di sostenibilità, aiuterà a perseguire l'obiettivo di due diligence in un percorso di crescita e miglioramento con i fornitori


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«La salute degli ecosistemi da cui dipendiamo, noi e tutte le altre specie, si sta aggravando più rapidamente che mai; stiamo compromettendo le stesse basi delle economie, della sussistenza, della sicurezza alimentare, della salute e della qualità della vita in tutto il mondo». Così il chimico R. Watson commentava un diffuso rapporto del 2019 delle Nazioni Unite sulla sconvolgente perdita di flora e fauna a livello globale. In questi anni sono stati infiniti gli appelli che citano l’astratto concetto delle «generazioni a venire», eppure, non tutte le aziende stanno agendo come dovrebbero. I rifiuti prodotti sono ancora molti, soprattutto quelli plastici da packaging. Alcune ideologie snelle, come il Lean Thinking, esistono da decenni e sono strettamente legate a quella che oggi chiamiamo Green Manufacturing. Entrambe propongono diversi strumenti per far fronte alla produzione di massa e agli sprechi: questi verranno trattati nella prima parte, e successivamente saranno impiegati, con il supporto del software «openLCA», per verificare il percorso dell’azienda protagonista dell’analisi, ovvero Lush Cosmetics. L’attenzione all’impatto ambientale che i propri prodotti possono provocare lungo l’intero ciclo di vita ha modellato la gestione interna di ciascun processo e, spontaneamente, si riflette sugli attori dell’intera supply chain: così, il comportamento di uno può ugualmente modificare, in questo caso positivamente, il lavoro di molti. Il seguente elaborato pone l’attenzione sulle problematiche migliorabili, proponendo diverse soluzioni alternative rispetto alla gestione attuale, seppur migliore di altre realtà. Infine, si vuole stimolare il consumatore verso una maggior consapevolezza delle conseguenze delle sue azioni, in fase di acquisto prima ed al momento dello smaltimento poi. I provvedimenti normativi, nazionali ed europei, possono funzionare solo se sostenuti da un consumo responsabile e dalla diffusione di una chiara ed efficace educazione ambientale.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the level of logistics information systems (LIS) adoption in manufacturing companies is influenced by organizational profile variables, such as the company`s size, the nature of its operations and their subsectors. Design/methodology/approach - A review of the mainstream literature on US was carried out to identify the factors influencing the adoption of such information systems and also some research gaps. The empirical study`s strategy is based on a survey research in Brazilian manufacturing firms from the capital goods industry. Data collected were analyzed through Kruskall-Wallis and Mann Whitney`s non-parametric tests. Findings - The analysis indicates that characteristics such as the size of companies and the nature of their operations influence the levels of LIS adoption, whilst comparisons regarding the subsectors appeared to be of little influence. Originality/value - This is the first known study to examine the influence of organizational profiles such as size, nature of operations and subsector on the level of US adoption in manufacturing companies. Moreover, it is unique in portraying the Brazilian scenario on this topic and addressing the adoption of seven types of LIS in a single study.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to provide a framework for radio frequency identification (RFID) technology adoption considering company size and five dimensions of analysis: RFID applications, expected benefits business drivers or motivations barriers and inhibitors, and organizational factors. Design/methodology/approach - A framework for RFID adoption derived from literature and the practical experience on the subject is developed. This framework provides a conceptual basis for analyzing a survey conducted with 114 companies in Brazil. Findings - Many companies have been developing RFID initiatives in order to identify potential applications and map benefits associated with their implementation. The survey highlights the importance business drivers in the RFID implementation stage, and that companies implement RFID focusing on a few specific applications. However, there is a weak association between expected benefits and business challenges with the current level of RFID technology adoption in Brazil. Research limitations/implications - The paper is not exhaustive, since RFID adoption in Brazil is at early stages during the survey timeline. Originality/value - The main contribution of the paper is that it yields a framework for analyzing RFID technology adoption. The authors use this framework to analyze RFID adoption in Brazil, which proved to be a useful one for identifying key issues for technology adoption. The paper is useful to any researchers or practitioners who are focused on technology adoption, in particular, RFID technology.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to verify if Brazilian companies are adopting environmental requirements in the supplier selection process. Further, this paper intends to analyze whether there is a relation between the level of environmental management maturity and the inclusion of environmental criteria in the companies` selection of suppliers. Design/methodology/approach - A review of mainstream literature on environmental management, traditional criteria in the supplier selection process and the incorporation of environmental requirements in this context. The empirical study`s strategy is based on five Brazilian case studies with industrial companies. Face-to-face interviews and informal conversations are to be held, explanations made by e-mail with representatives from the purchasing, environmental management, logistics and other areas, and observation and the collection of company documents are also employed. Findings - Based on the cases, it is concluded that companies still use traditional criteria to select suppliers, such as quality and cost, and do not adopt environmental requirements in the supplier selection process in a uniform manner. Evidence found shows that the level of environmental management maturity influences the depth with which companies adopt environmental criteria when selecting suppliers. Thus, a company with more advanced environmental management adopts more formal procedures for selecting environmentally appropriate suppliers than others. Originality/value - This is the first known study to verify if Brazilian companies are adopting environmental requirements in the supplier selection process.


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This article aims to analyse the introduction of environmental issues in the context of the production function, which has been referred to as the organisational area to lead corporate environmental management. With that purpose, the theoretical references for corporate environmental management and the necessary alterations in production function have been organised to include environmental aspects, especially in terms of product and process development, quality management, and logistics. Considering that this research field still lacks empirical evidence for Brazilian companies, four case studies were conducted using companies located in the country. The environmental management maturity level of those companies tends to follow the rate with which the environmental issue is introduced in production sub-areas, especially in the product development process. However, in most cases we found that the companies had difficulties in structuring the insertion of the environmental dimension in logistics. The final notes point out the distance observed between what is recommended by international literature and the reality of Brazilian companies in the challenge of making the production function environmentally friendly.


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O artigo descreve as conquistas realizadas na logística do varejo farmacêutico nacional nos últimos anos. As farmácias organizaram-se em redes; melhoraram seu aspecto visual; muitas operam 24 horas; usam fórmulas sofisticadas, teoricamente corretas, na gestão de estoques; dispõem de softwares avançados; operam depósitos racionalizados, por vezes automatizados; as entregas às lojas são diárias; o código de barras facilita o controle dos produtos. Subsistem problemas que impedem a obtenção de autêntico just in time e de falta-zero: dificuldade de prever a demanda; limitação da capacidade dos bancos de dados para registrar dados relativos a 5.000 apresentações em 100 lojas; entrosamento precário entre os setores de vendas e compras na empresa; freqüência e rapidez ainda insuficientes de reposição dos produtos no depósito e nas lojas; existência de numerosos medicamentos de baixo giro. Recomendações são apresentadas para a remoção desses entraves e o advento do sonhado Supply Chain Management.