916 resultados para Sugarcane, Electrodialysis, Organic Acid, Solvent Extraction, Ion-exchange
In this study, the adsorption characteristics of two series of oxygen and nitrogen functionalized activated carbons were investigated. These series were a low nitrogen content(similar to 1 wt % daf) carbon series derived from coconut shell and a high nitrogen content (similar to 8 wt % daf) carbon series derived from polyacrylonitrile. In both series, the oxygen contents were varied over the range similar to 2-22 wt % daf. The porous structures of the functionalized activated carbons were characterized using N-2 (77 K) and CO2 (273 K) adsorption. Only minor changes in the porous structure were observed in both series. This allowed the effect of changes in functional group concentrations on metal ion adsorption to be studied without major influences due to differences in porous structure characteristics. The surface group characteristics were examined by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, acid/base titrations, and measurement of the point of zero charge (pH(PZC)). The adsorption of aqueous metal ion species, M2+(aq), on acidic oxygen functional group sites mainly involves an ion exchange mechanism. The ratios of protons displaced to the amount of M2+(aq) metal species adsorbed have a linear relationship for the carbons with pH(PZC) <= 4.15. Hydrolysis of metal species in solution may affect the adsorption of metal ion species and displacement of protons. In the case of basic carbons, both protons and metal ions are adsorbed on the carbons. The complex nature of competitive adsorption between the proton and metal ion species and the amphoteric character of carbon surfaces are discussed in relation to the mechanism of adsorption.
Competitive adsorption is the usual situation in real applications, and it is of critical importance in determining the overall performance of an adsorbent. In this study, the competitive adsorption characteristics of all the combinations of binary mixtures of aqueous metal ion species Ca2+(aq), Cd2+(aq), Pb2+(aq), and Hg2+(aq) on a functionalized activated carbon were investigated. The porous structure of the functionalized active carbon was characterized using N-2 (77 K) and CO2 (273 K) adsorption. The surface group characteristics were examined by temperature-programmed desorption, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, acid/base titrations, and measurement of the point of zero charge (pH(PZC)). The adsorption of aqueous metal ion species M2+(aq), on acidic oxygen functional group sites mainly involves an ion exchange mechanism. The ratios of protons displaced to the amount of M2+(aq) metal species adsorbed have a linear relationship for both single-ion and binary mixtures of these species. Hydrolysis of metal species in solution may affect the adsorption, and this is the case for adsorption of Hg2+(aq) and Pb2+(aq). Competitive adsorption decreases the amounts of individual metal ions adsorbed, but the maximum amounts adsorbed still follow the order Hg2+(aq) > Pb2+(aq) > Cd2+(aq) > Ca2+(aq) obtained for single metal ion adsorption. The adsorption isotherms for single metal ion species were used to develop a model for competitive adsorption in binary mixtures, involving exchange of ions in solution with surface proton sites and adsorbed metal ions, with the species having different accessibilities to the porous structure. The model was validated against the experimental data.
Zeolites exchanged with transition metal cations Co2+, Mn2+, Zn2+ and Cu2+ are capable of storing and delivering a large quantity of nitric oxide in a range of 1.2-2.7 mmolg(-1). The metal ion exchange impacts the pore volumes of zeolite FAU more significantly than LTA. The storage of NO mainly involves coordination of NO to metal cation sites. By exposing zeolites to a moisture atmosphere, the stored nitric oxide can be released. The NO release takes more than 2 hours for the NO concentration decreasing below similar to 5ppb in outlet gas. Its release rate can be controlled by tailoring zeolite frameworks and optimising release conditions.
A cysteine proteinase released in vitro by Fasciola hepatica was purified to homogeneity by Sephacryl S-200 gel filtration chromatography followed by QAE-Sephadex chromatography. The purified enzyme resolves as a single band with an apparent molecular size of 27 kDa on reducing SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; however, under non-reducing conditions it migrates as multiple bands, each with enzymatic activity, in the apparent molecular size range 60-90 kDa. The sequence of the first 20 N-terminal amino acids of the enzyme shows considerable homology with cathepsin L-like proteinases. Immunolocalisation studies revealed that the cathepsin L-like proteinase is concentrated within vesicles in the gut epithelial cells of liver fluke.
Major ampullate silk fibers of orb web-weaving spiders have impressive mechanical properties due to the fact that the underlying proteins partially fold into helical/amorphous structures, yielding relatively elastic matrices that are toughened by anisotropic nanoparticulate inclusions (formed from stacks of beta-sheets of the same proteins). In vivo the transition from soluble protein to solid fibers involves a combination of chemical and mechanical stimuli (such as ion exchange, extraction of water and shear forces). Here we elucidate the effects of such stimuli on the in vitro aggregation of engineered and recombinantly produced major ampullate silk-like proteins (focusing on structure-function relationships with respect to their primary structures), and discuss their relevance to the storage and assembly of spider silk proteins in vivo. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A procedure was developed to extract polyols and trehalose (protectants against stress) from fungal conidia. Conidia were sonicated (120 s) and immersed in a boiling water bath (5.5 min) to optimize extraction of polyols and trehalose, respectively. A rapid method was developed to separate and detect low-molecular-weight polyols and trehalose using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). An ion exchange column designed for standard carbohydrate analysis was used in preference to one designed for sugar alcohol separation. This resulted in rapid elution (less than 5 min), without sacrificing peak resolution. The use of a pulsed electrochemical detector (gold electrode) resulted in limits of reliable quantification as low as 1.6 μg ml-1 for polyols and 2.8 μg ml-1 for trehalose. This is very sensitive and rapid method by which these protectants can be analysed. It avoids polyol derivatization that characterizes analysis by gas chromatography and the long run times (up to 45 min) that typify HPLC analysis using sugar alcohol columns.
The synthesis and characterization of 2-dodecylcyclobutanone is described. Solvent extraction techniques for the isolation of this compound from irradiated minced chicken meat and its detection by selected ion monitoring are outlined. The compound was not detected in either raw or cooked nonirradiated minced chicken meat by the methods used, but its presence was confirmed in the irradiated samples. 2-Dodecyclobutanone was detectable for 20 days postirradiation. The dose (4.7 kGy) of irradiation applied was below the recommended upper limit for food (10 kGy), and this compound may have potential as a marker for irradiated chicken meat and for other foods containing lipid.
O interesse crescente das membranas inorgânicas deve-se à potencial aplicação em novas áreas de investigação e da indústria, e em alternativa a operações mais convencionais. Em particular, as membranas de titanossilicatos oferecem vantagens importantes sobre as de zeólitos, pois podem ser sintetizadas sem agentes estruturantes orgânicos, para evitar a calcinação subsequente usualmente responsável por defeitos irreversíveis, exibem novas possibilidades de substituição isomórfica da matriz, permitindo um ajuste mais fino das propriedades catalíticas e de adsorção, e são capazes de separar misturas com base em diferenças de afinidade e tamanho molecular (efeito de peneiro). Os objectivos principais deste trabalho foram: i) a caracterização dinâmica de membranas do tipo zeolítico sintetizadas no Laboratório Associado CICECO, realizando-se experiências de permeação com gases puros e misturas; ii) o desenvolvimento e validação de novos modelos para a transferência de massa multicomponente através de membranas porosas pela abordagem de Maxwell-Stefan, tendo em conta os mecanismos específicos encontrados, particularmente a contribuição por difusão superficial; e iii) a modelação dos pontos experimentais medidos, bem como dados compilados da literatura. De forma a realizar os ensaios de permeação, desenhou-se, montou-se e testou-se uma instalação experimental. Para gases puros, os objectivos principais foram a medição de permeâncias a temperatura constante, por variação da pressão transmembranar r ( ΔP ), e de permeâncias a temperatura programada, conduzidas a ΔP constante. Seguidamente, calcularam-se as selectividades ideais. Em relação a misturas, a determinação de selectividades reais requer as fracções molares no permeado e no retido. Na globalidade, estudaram-se três suportes diferentes (aço inoxidável e α − alumina) e dezanove membranas de AM-3, ETS-10, ZSM-5 e zeólito 4A, utilizando-se H2, He, N2, CO2, e O2. A primeira avaliação exploratória da qualidade das membranas foi feita permeando azoto à temperatura ambiente. Assim, permeâncias superiores a 10−6 mol/m2s.Pa evidenciavam defeitos grosseiros, levando-nos a efectuar cristalizações adicionais sobre as primeiras camadas. Este procedimento foi implementado com oito membranas. Um trabalho experimental mais detalhado foi conduzido com cinco membranas. Membranas com curvas permeância-temperatura ( Π −T ) decrescentes indicam tipicamente transporte viscoso e de Knudsen, i.e. meso e macrodefeitos. Por exemplo, a membrana nº 3 de AM-3 exibiu este comportamento com H2, He, N2 e CO2 puros. A contribuição de Knudsen foi confirmada pela relação linear encontrada entre as permeâncias e o inverso da raiz quadrada da massa molar. O mecanismo viscoso foi também identificado, pois as permeâncias eram inversamente proporcionais à viscosidade do gás ou, atendendo a equações do tipo de Chapman-Enskog, directamente proporcionais a 2 0.5 k d M (onde k d é o diâmetro cinético e M a massa molar). Um comportamento de permeação distinto observou-se com a membrana nº 5 de AM-3. As permeâncias registadas a temperatura programada eram aproximadamente constantes para o N2, CO2 e O2, enquanto com o H2 cresciam significativamente. Conjuntamente elas evidenciam a ocorrência de macro, meso e microdefeitos intercristalinos. O transporte gasoso activado através dos microporos compensa o impacto diminuidor dos meso e macroporos. Ao contrário do N2, CO2 e O2, o pequeno diâmetro do hidrogénio torna-lhe possível permear através dos microporos intracristalinos, o que lhe adiciona um mecanismo de transferência responsável por esse crescimento. No que respeita à difusão superficial, o sistema CO2/ZSM-5 pode ser tomado como um exemplo paradigmático. Uma vez que este zeólito adsorve o CO2, as permeâncias diminuem com o crescimento de ΔP , em virtude de as concentrações no sólido aumentarem de forma não linear e tenderem para a saturação. Os resultados contrastantes obtidos com azoto realçam ainda mais o mecanismo superficial, pois o N2 não é adsorvido e as permeâncias medidas são constantes. Globalmente, as selectividades ideais calculadas ( α* ) variam de cerca de 1 a 4.2. Este parâmetro foi também utilizado para discriminar as melhores membranas, uma vez que baixos valores de α* denotam o escoamento viscoso não-selectivo típico de macrodefeitos. Por exemplo, o H2/CO2 na membrana nº 3 de AM-3 apresentou α* = 3.6 − 4.2 para 40–120ºC, enquanto que na membrana nº 5 de AM-3 originou α* = 2.6 − 3.1. Estes resultados corroboraram as observações anteriores, segundo as quais a membrana nº 5 era melhor do que a nº 3. Alguns ensaios foram realizados com membranas saturadas com água para aumentar a selectividade: as medições mostraram claramente uma melhoria inicial seguida de uma redução consistente de α* com o aumento da temperatura, devido à remoção das moléculas de água responsáveis pela obstrução de alguns poros. Em relação às selectividades reais de misturas contendo hidrogénio, devem ser realizadas mais experiências e a quantificação do hidrogénio deve ser melhorada. No que concerne à modelação, novos factores termodinâmicos de Maxwell- Stefan foram derivados para as isotérmicas mono e multicomponente de Nitta, Langmuir-Freundlich e Toth, tendo sido testadas com dados de equilíbrio e de permeação da literatura. (É importante realçar que só estão publicadas equações para Langmuir e Dual-Site Langmuir de componentes puros e misturas). O procedimento de validação adoptado foi exigente: i) as isotérmicas multicomponente foram previstas a partir das de gás puro; ii) os parâmetros de difusão dos componentes puros foram ajustados a dados de permeação de cada gás; iii) depois, as difusividades cruzadas de Maxwell- Stefan foram estimadas pela relação de Vignes; finalmente, v) as novas equações foram testadas usando-se estes parâmetros, tendo sido capazes de estimar com sucesso fluxos binários. Paralelamente ao enfoque principal do trabalho, derivou-se um novo modelo para permuta iónica em materiais microporosos baseado nas equações de Maxwell-Stefan. Este foi validado com dados experimentais de remoção de Hg2+ e Cd2+ de soluções aquosas usando ETS-4. A sua capacidade preditiva foi também avaliada, sendo possível concluir que se comporta muito bem. Com efeito, conseguiram-se boas previsões com parâmetros optimizados a partir de conjuntos de dados independentes. Este comportamento pode ser atribuído aos princípios físicos sólidos da teoria de Maxwell-Stefan.
The capability of molecular mechanics for modeling the wide distribution of bond angles and bond lengths characteristic of coordination complexes was investigatecl. This was the preliminary step for future modeling of solvent extraction. Several tin-phosphine oxide COrnI)le:){es were selected as the test groUl) for t.he d,esired range of geometry they eX!libi ted as \-vell as the ligands they cOD.tained r Wllich were c\f interest in connection with solvation. A variety of adjustments were made to Allinger's M:M2 force·-field ill order to inl.prove its performance in the treatment of these systems. A set of u,nique force constants was introduced for' those terms representing the metal ligand bond lengths, bond angles, and, torsion angles. These were significantly smaller than trad.itionallY used. with organic compounds. The ~1orse poteIlt.ial energ'Y function was incorporated for the M-X l')ond lE~ngths and the cosine harmonic potential erlerg-y function was invoked for the MOP bond angle. These functions were found to accomodate the wide distribution of observed values better than the traditional harmonic approximations~ Crystal packing influences on the MOP angle were explored thr"ollgh ttle inclusion of the isolated molecule withil1 a shell cc)ntaini11g tl1e nearest neigl1'bors duri.rlg energy rninimization experiments~ This was found to further improve the fit of the MOP angle.
Part I - Fluorinated Compounds A method has been developed for the extraction, concentration, and determination of two unique fluorinated compounds from the sediments of Lake Ontario. These compounds originated from a common industrial landfill, and have been carried to Lake Ontario by the Niagara River. Sediment samples from the Mississauga basin of Lake Ontario have been evaluated for these compounds and a depositional trend was established. The sediments were extracted by accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) and then underwent clean-up, fractionation, solvent exchange, and were concentrated by reduction under nitrogen gas. The concentrated extracts were analyzed by gas chromatography - electron capture negative ionization - mass spectrometry. The depositional profile determined here is reflective of the operation of the landfill and shows that these compounds are still found at concentrations well above background levels. These increased levels have been attributed to physical disturbances of previously deposited contaminated sediments, and probable continued leaching from the dumpsite. Part II - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry is the most common method for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from various matrices. Mass discrimination of high-boiling compounds in gas chromatographic methods is well known. The use of high-boiling injection solvents shows substantial increase in the response of late-eluting peaks. These solvents have an increased efficiently in the transfer of solutes from the injector to the analytical column. The effect of I-butanol, I-pentanol, cyclopentanol, I-hexanol, toluene and n-octane, as injection solvents, was studied. Higher-boiling solvents yield increased response for all PAHs. I -Hexanol is the best solvent, in terms of P AH response, but in this solvent P AHs were more susceptible to chromatographic problems such as peak splitting and tailing. Toluene was found to be the most forgiving solvent in terms of peak symmetry and response. It offered the smallest discrepancies in response, and symmetry over a wide range of initial column temperatures.
Beaucoup d'efforts dans le domaine des matériaux polymères sont déployés pour développer de nouveaux matériaux fonctionnels pour des applications spécifiques, souvent très sophistiquées, en employant des méthodes simplifiées de synthèse et de préparation. Cette thèse porte sur les polymères photosensibles – i.e. des matériaux fonctionnels qui répondent de diverses manières à la lumière – qui sont préparés à l'aide de la chimie supramoléculaire – i.e. une méthode de préparation qui repose sur l'auto-assemblage spontané de motifs moléculaires plus simples via des interactions non covalentes pour former le matériau final désiré. Deux types de matériaux photosensibles ont été ciblés, à savoir les élastomères thermoplastiques à base de copolymères à blocs (TPE) et les complexes d'homopolymères photosensibles. Les TPEs sont des matériaux bien connus, et même commercialisés, qui sont généralement composés d’un copolymère tribloc, avec un bloc central très flexible et des blocs terminaux rigides qui présentent une séparation de phase menant à des domaines durs isolés, composés des blocs terminaux rigides, dans une matrice molle formée du bloc central flexible, et ils ont l'avantage d'être recyclable. Pour la première fois, au meilleur de notre connaissance, nous avons préparé ces matériaux avec des propriétés photosensibles, basé sur la complexation supramoléculaire entre un copolymère tribloc simple parent et une petite molécule possédant une fonctionnalité photosensible via un groupe azobenzène. Plus précisément, il s’agit de la complexation ionique entre la forme quaternisée d'un copolymère à blocs, le poly(méthacrylate de diméthylaminoéthyle)-poly(acrylate de n-butyle)-poly(méthacrylate de diméthylaminoéthyle) (PDM-PnBA-PDM), synthétisé par polymérisation radicalaire par transfert d’atomes (ATRP), et l'orange de méthyle (MO), un composé azo disponible commercialement comportant un groupement SO3 -. Le PnBA possède une température de transition vitreuse en dessous de la température ambiante (-46 °C) et les blocs terminaux de PDM complexés avec le MO ont une température de transition vitreuse élevée (140-180 °C, en fonction de la masse molaire). Des tests simples d'élasticité montrent que les copolymères à blocs complexés avec des fractions massiques allant de 20 à 30% présentent un caractère élastomère. Des mesures d’AFM et de TEM (microscopie à force atomique et électronique à ii transmission) de films préparés à l’aide de la méthode de la tournette, montrent une corrélation entre le caractère élastomère et les morphologies où les blocs rigides forment une phase minoritaire dispersée (domaines sphériques ou cylindriques courts). Une phase dure continue (morphologie inversée) est observée pour une fraction massique en blocs rigides d'environ 37%, ce qui est beaucoup plus faible que celle observée pour les copolymères à blocs neutres, dû aux interactions ioniques. La réversibilité de la photoisomérisation a été démontrée pour ces matériaux, à la fois en solution et sous forme de film. La synthèse du copolymère à blocs PDM-PnBA-PDM a ensuite été optimisée en utilisant la technique d'échange d'halogène en ATRP, ainsi qu’en apportant d'autres modifications à la recette de polymérisation. Des produits monodisperses ont été obtenus à la fois pour la macroamorceur et le copolymère à blocs. À partir d'un seul copolymère à blocs parent, une série de copolymères à blocs partiellement/complètement quaternisés et complexés ont été préparés. Des tests préliminaires de traction sur les copolymères à blocs complexés avec le MO ont montré que leur élasticité est corrélée avec la fraction massique du bloc dur, qui peut être ajustée par le degré de quaternisation et de complexation. Finalement, une série de complexes d'homopolymères auto-assemblés à partir du PDM et de trois dérivés azobenzènes portant des groupes (OH, COOH et SO3) capables d'interactions directionnelles avec le groupement amino du PDM ont été préparés, où les dérivés azo sont associés avec le PDM, respectivement, via des interactions hydrogène, des liaisons ioniques combinées à une liaison hydrogène à travers un transfert de proton (acidebase), et des interactions purement ioniques. L'influence de la teneur en azo et du type de liaison sur la facilité d’inscription des réseaux de diffraction (SRG) a été étudiée. L’efficacité de diffraction des SRGs et la profondeur des réseaux inscrits à partir de films préparés à la méthode de la tournette montrent que la liaison ionique et une teneur élevée en azo conduit à une formation plus efficace des SRGs.
The objective of the present work is to improve the textural and structural properties of zeolite-Y through ion exchange with rare earth metals. We meant to obtain a comparative evaluation of the physicochemical properties and catalytic activity of rare earth modified H-Y, Na-Y, K-Y, and Mg-Y zeolites. Friedel-Crafts alkylations of benzene with higher 1- olefins such as 1-octene, 1-decene, and 1dodecene for the synthesis of linear alkylbenzene (LAB) have been selected for the present study. An attempt has also been directed towards the correlation of the enhancement in 2-phenylalkane formation to the improvement in the textural and structural properties upon rare earth modification for the zeolite-Y. The present method for LAB synthesis stands as an effective Green alternative for the existing hydrofluoric acid technology
Engyodontium album isolated from marine sediment produced protease, which was active at pH 11. Process parameters influencing the production of alkaline protease by marine E. album was optimized. Particle size of <425 mm, 60% initial moisture content and incubation at 25 8C for 120 h were optimal for protease production under solid state fermentation (SSF) using wheat bran. The organism has two optimal pH (5 and 10) for maximal enzyme production. Sucrose as carbon source, ammonium hydrogen carbonate as additional inorganic nitrogen source and amino acid leucine enhanced enzyme production during SSF. The protease was purified and partially characterized. A 16-fold purified enzyme was obtained after ammonium sulphate precipitation and ion-exchange chromatography. Molecular weight of the purified enzyme protein was recorded approximately 38 kDa by SDS-PAGE. The enzyme showed maximum activity at pH 11 and 60 8C. Activity at high temperature and high alkaline pH suggests suitability of the enzyme for its application in detergent industry
Magnetic nanocomposites containing iron oxide particles embedded in a polymer matrix have been synthesized using the method of ion exchange. They have been characterized by using low temperature and room temperature magnetic measurements and Mo¨ ssbauer spectroscopy. The iron content in these samples has also been determined. The results have been analysed and explained. The physical and chemical properties of these nanocomposite materials are different from those of the bulk. Some of the unique properties of these materials find application in information storage, color imaging, ferrofluids and magnetic refrigeration